Love at first sight?

a dream come true

Sitting quietly at your desk you attentively took down notes that were about the certain activities that were going to commence this first week of school. But every now and then you would sneak a peek at that new face across from you, you wondered deeply who he was and where he was from, a familiar voice rang you out of your deep thoughts when you turned around to see who it was you were over joyed to be smiling at your best bud, Kris, he was a childhood friend and you've been inseparable ever since the two if you met at kindergarten. You gave him a wave and patted the seat right next to you, he made his way out of the crowd of people creating a wall between the two of you. When he finally got our of the chaotic scene you gave him a big bear hug an he returned an even greater hug to you. You were so happy to see your best friend after separating ways for the summer.

"how was your summer vacation?" kris asked with a big smile on his face.

"it was great! we went hiking, it was loads of fun" you said smiling

"yours?" you asked innocently

"mine? hmm... lets see, is traveling to Europe and staying there the whole summer good enough to be called cool? ha-ha" he said chuckle grinned

"wow! That's so cool!!!! I bet you had loads of fun " "I did! But I did miss my best bud" he hit your shoulder gently with a grin on his face

You smiled shyly

"ah! Matta! Here, I got this for you" he said happily

"what's this? " you asked while reaching out for the box

"just open it! " he said excitedly

You opened it carefully an saw a beautiful necklace with a star pendant.You smiled excitedly because it was so pretty.

"wah! Yepoeda!! Gomawo :)" you said happily

"here let me put it on you" he took the necklace and put the necklace on you almost hugging style.

You stared at the necklace now dangling on your neck and smiled widely at Kris.

"ah! I'm too good. I swear I am the only one who can make you this happy." Kris said jokingly.

You just smiled at his comment.

Not knowing that Myungsoo was actually looking at the both of you from afar with interest and wondering what relationship the both of you had.

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I love it!!!! Keep going!!! ^^
Omo yahhh~ cliff hangerTT update soon^^
Heyy new subby here^^ i saw ur comment on gemslover wall and decided to check this out!hoped i helped!
oobobo #4
Alrighty! :DDD i will try my best to work on my descriptive paragraphs :DDD thank you very much for the constructive criticism :DDDDD
I caught up. Good so far (although you could describe things a bit more, other than that I can't fault it.) Update soon! :D *skips away*
louraine26 #6
Seems like a unusual yet a good plot. Looking forward to the next chapters :D
I've subscribed. I can't promise I will read it tonight though (bit busy) I will read it later on this week. Good luck with it :D
oobobo #8
Thank you :) I will try to do my best! :)) Hope you stay in touch with my fanfic and tell others about it :DDDD kkk~^^ kamsahabnida :))))
What a good story here. Update soon.