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a dream come true

 "wae?" was all he could mutter out after hearing what you had just said. You stared at him with a blank expression and pulled your hand away from his grip, then said, "I don't want you to bother me again, I don't want to go out with you again, and I especially don't like being told what to do and being pulled away against my will. I was supposed to be spending the day with my umma but you arrived and pulled me away. I don't know why my umma agreed for me to leave her but I certainly didnt want to, so please. Let us make this easier for the both of us. Arasso?" you walked away, turning your back in a dumbfounded Myungsoo, as you were walking away you felt a sudden pang of guilt and pain on the spot where heart was supposed to be but you shoved the thought aside and continued to walk away.


Myungsoo's POV   

"what just happened?" you just stood there in complete shock. "did I do something to offend her?" 


Your POV


"Kim Myungsoo..."




Days passed since the orphaned incident and you haven't spoken to Myungsoo at all. You continue your daily routines with ease and there were the occasional moments where your thoughts would drift off to Myungsoo but you always controlled your self and remembered what you saw. You shook the thought off and just focused on your teachers lectures. 

"alright, after you write your 500 word essay about the impact of "Decisions in Life" story by James Hadwick place it on my desk an yoh may leave." your teacher said as he was pulling his chair out to sit on it with a pen in hand an a pile of quiz papers waiting for him to check.

As you carefully thought of a way to express your understanding of the book, your thoughts drifted off to Myunsoo's face, you shook your body and hit your head. "stop thinking about him Ha Mi ah~" you thought to yourself. "there's no good in believing something real could happen." you heaved a heavy sigh and started to work on your essay.

Meanwhile, Myungsoo was also busy doing his own thing. Rummaging through his bag to find a notebook full of scribbled notes and a black pen to write with, when he finally found the notebook he grabbed hold of it and pulled it out of his brown leather messenger bag, once it was in his hands a piece of paper fell out he picked it up to see what it was, when it flipped over he read the contents and felt a familiar pang of pain in his heart.


-on the paper-

Things I "Kim Myungsoo" wish to do with Lee Ha Mi~^^:

1.Go to the Orphanage with her

2. Watch a movie with her

3. Go to an amusement park with her

4. Hold her hand while she screams out of fear and excitement while riding the amusement park rides

5....6....7... etc.

He crumpled the piece of paper without even finishing what he had written, all he felt was pain and confusion. He did not understand why you had left him so suddenly, without an explanation.


What you guys think? :) hmm.^^ i wish i could get more subscribers and readers xD please help! ^^ promote my fic to your friends i would love your comments xD thanks guys! ^^ love ya :D

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I love it!!!! Keep going!!! ^^
Omo yahhh~ cliff hangerTT update soon^^
Heyy new subby here^^ i saw ur comment on gemslover wall and decided to check this out!hoped i helped!
oobobo #4
Alrighty! :DDD i will try my best to work on my descriptive paragraphs :DDD thank you very much for the constructive criticism :DDDDD
I caught up. Good so far (although you could describe things a bit more, other than that I can't fault it.) Update soon! :D *skips away*
louraine26 #6
Seems like a unusual yet a good plot. Looking forward to the next chapters :D
I've subscribed. I can't promise I will read it tonight though (bit busy) I will read it later on this week. Good luck with it :D
oobobo #8
Thank you :) I will try to do my best! :)) Hope you stay in touch with my fanfic and tell others about it :DDDD kkk~^^ kamsahabnida :))))
What a good story here. Update soon.