He is this type of person?

a dream come true

You kept on asking Myungsoo where he was taking you but he wouldn't respond, he would occassionally just look at you and smirk, you grew tiered of asking and just decided to keep your mouth shut since you thought you were with Myungsoo nothing could go wrong right? Your face was filled with confusion and Myungsoo could see that but he just kept quite the whole time until he dragged you out of the mall and into his car, he sat you at the front seat and lundged towards you, you squeaked and thought "OH NO! He'S GOING IN FOR ANOTHER KISS!" you shut your eyes in shock, Myungsoo just starred you down then swiftly moved his hand to click the belt buckle shut and your eyes popped open, you were both releaved yet disappointed at the same time, not knowing why. He could see your facial expressiona nd just gave you a heart stopping smile, your heart missed a beat and your cheeks started to feel warm, you pushed him aside, he closed the door and walk to the otehr side, as he was just approaching the door you were still fanning your red hot cheeks. He got in the car and started to drive to an unknown destination.

"Myungsoo ah~ Where are you taking me?" you asked curiously.

no response from Myungsoo.

"Will you not talk to me at all during this drive?" you asked getting annoyed.

still no response.

"aigoo~ such a stubborn brat" you whispered to yourself while crossing your arms and looking out the window.

"Who are you calling a stubborn brat?" he asked with an emotionless face.

"oh~ ani." you answered innocently.

"your the brat not me" he said.

"Mwo?" you asked now really annoyed.

"You didnt reply to my texts" he said now with a pout.

"Texts?" you checked your phone then said "You didn't text me at all see~~" You shoved your phone close to him so he could see your inbox that had no Kim Myungsoo messages.

"aigoo~ see this stubborn little brat! i texted you~" he said while stariing at you then on the road then back at you

"Nu uh~" you said childishly

"ah~ nevermind." he replied bitterly.

"He never texted me" you thought with a huff and a puff

"i did text you, you babo! you just never gae me the chance to tell you it was me" he thought to himself.

After that, there was only silence in the car, you two would occassionally would exchange a sigh or two but that was it. Then before you knew it Myngsoo pulled over to a children's orphanage. you were wondering why he had brought you here, you clicked the belt buckle off and opened the car door. The cool breeze hit your flawless skin, you wrapped your arms around your body to keep you warm but before you could do more a jacket was placed on top of your shoulders and a big warm arm was wrapped around your back, when you looked back you saw it was Myungsoo. He gave you a coy smile and led you inside the Orphanage.

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I love it!!!! Keep going!!! ^^
Omo yahhh~ cliff hangerTT update soon^^
Heyy new subby here^^ i saw ur comment on gemslover wall and decided to check this out!hoped i helped!
oobobo #4
Alrighty! :DDD i will try my best to work on my descriptive paragraphs :DDD thank you very much for the constructive criticism :DDDDD
I caught up. Good so far (although you could describe things a bit more, other than that I can't fault it.) Update soon! :D *skips away*
louraine26 #6
Seems like a unusual yet a good plot. Looking forward to the next chapters :D
I've subscribed. I can't promise I will read it tonight though (bit busy) I will read it later on this week. Good luck with it :D
oobobo #8
Thank you :) I will try to do my best! :)) Hope you stay in touch with my fanfic and tell others about it :DDDD kkk~^^ kamsahabnida :))))
What a good story here. Update soon.