Lost in the Pursuit of Squirrels

Jelly Beans

The summer sun beat down on the packed dirt that formed their dining room floor, drying it out to the point where you could instantly evaporate a droplet of water on it. Which Yoogeun and Seo Hyeon had discovered and were now eagerly using as a game. Giggling, Seo Hyeon dipped her finger in the tin cup of water she and Yoogeun were sharing and held her finger over the ground. Slowly the water trickled down and formed a point on the end of her finger, where it dripped to the ground. With a quiet sizzle, the water evaporated into the air.


"Geez, talk about frying an egg on the sidewalk. You could roast a turkey up here!" Yeong Hwa complained, wiping a bead of sweat off her forehead. “Isn’t there an iceberg or something around here?” she sighed, turning in her seat to fix Myung Soo with a pleading stare. Frowning thoughtfully he finished drying off the dishes and tossed the final bowl into the cardboard box they used to tote the dishes up.


“I don’t think there are any icebergs-“ Yeong Hwa let out a dramatic groan and slouched deep into her seat. Chuckling, Myung Soo nudged the box beneath one of the tables they had set up and walked over to sit beside Yeong Hwa. Pulling over one of the camping chairs, a maroon colored one that had unfortunately had both cup holders reduced to barely a few strings, Flopping down, Myung Soo waited for Yeong Hwa to finish pouting.


Still groaning, Yeong Hwa covered her face in her hands and let out a fake sob. "My face is melting off for goodness sakes!"


"Oh no! What are you going to do for a new disguise?!" Myung Soo gasped sarcastically, covering his mouth with his hands and widening his eyes. Slowly Yeong Hwa parted her fingers and peered out suspiciously at Myung Soo. Doing his best to not laugh, Myung Soo leaned forward while keeping his hands over his mouth so that Yeong Hwa couldn't see the smile growing on his face. "You know... about you being a demon in disguise and all," he whispered conspiratorially.


"Idiot!" Yeong Hwa snapped, though her voice betrayed her as she let out a quick little laugh. Eager to claim his spot at the top of their petty pyramid, Myung Soo sat back in his seat with a broad, satisfied grin on his face. Rolling her eyes, Yeong Hwa sat forward and lightly smacked his knee.


"Eunnie. That's not nice manners!" Seo Hyeon suddenly cried out, her eyes narrowing in Yeong Hwa's directions. Taken off guard by being scolded by a five year old, Yeong Hwa sat back slightly and glanced over at Myung Soo for help. "You shouldn't call Oppa an idiot! He's very smart!" Seo Hyeon continued scolding, shaking her finger slightly at Yeong Hwa. Covering his mouth, Myung Soo snorted quietly.


"Um... s-sorry," Yeong Hwa mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck- which was drenched in sweat- awkwardly. Satisfied, Seo Hyeon firmly nodded once before going back to playing with her brother. "So... anyway! What you said earlier, it sounded like there was a "but" hidden in there. Maybe a hidden A/C you would like to share with us?" Yeong Hwa asked, turning to Myung Soo and quickly starting up conversation before he could comment on her little exchange with Seo Hyeon.


"Able to bring down someone twice her size, but unable to withstand the onslaught of a five year old. Yeong Hwa really is one strange girl," Myung Soo thought, resting his chin in the palm of his hand and sighing quietly. 


"Myung Soo? Anyone in there?" a hand suddenly began waving in front of Myung Soo's face, jerking him out of his private thoughts. Surprised, he jerked away from the sudden intrusion, throwing himself off balance and sending his camping chair tumbling over backwards. "Myung Soo!" Yeong Hwa exclaimed as she jumped up from her own seat, sending it backwards. Reaching over with lightning speed, she grabbed the arms of Myung Soo's chair just as his arms began wheeling, holding him firmly in place.


Gently, she eased the two front legs back onto the ground and made sure they were going to stay there. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you like that," Yeong Hwa apologized, laughing nervously as she looked up at Myung Soo. She hadn't realized how close they were, but now she could see that their noses were just a few centimeters apart. Blushing, something she hoped would be excused by the hot sun, Yeong Hwa quickly placed her own seat back on all four legs and sat down.


Coughing into her fist, Yeong Hwa glanced over at Myung Soo. "So... you were about to tell me about something?" she reminded him, gently easing around the past few minute's events. Nodding, Myung Soo mimicked her cough and gently eased himself back into the camping chair, afraid he might send himself flying again. His heart was still thumping solidly in his chest from the scare of nearly falling, although the treacherous voice in his mind was trying to point out that his heart hadn't started really going until Yeong Hwa had put her face so close to his.


Being so close... it was just like at the mall. What had seemed like a clever way for them to cheat some free food out of the booth had turned into something else entirely, and Myung Soo couldn't help but feel that he was the one to blame. He was the one to suddenly kiss her, after all, and the one who moved and turned it into a real kiss-


"Myung Soo! Are you alright?" Yeong Hwa asked, frowning impatiently at him as she folded her arms over her stomach.


"Y-yeah. Sorry. My brain kind of fries in hot weather," he quickly apologized, avoiding making eye contact with Yeong Hwa. "I could probably sneak in another kiss if I wanted, then blame it on the hot weather... Why, brain? Just... why?" Myung Soo thought, his train of thought scattering like water against a boulder. Which reminded him... "A waterfall. There's a waterfall around here that is like Mother Nature's air conditioner. At least from what I've heard," he explained, quickly getting out the thoughts before they got lost again in his boiling mush of a brain.


"Really?! Then we should go!" Yeong Hwa exclaimed, leaping to her feet and sending her camping chair tumbling backwards. Frowning indignantly, as though the chair had somehow offended her by falling, Yeong Hwa quickly fixed the seat. "Maybe we can cool off your brain before it explodes," she added, winking at Myung Soo before going over to the twins and telling them about the adventure. Both were eager to go somewhere beyond the circumference of the campground and practically floated inside the RV to get their swimming suits.


"They do know how to swim, right?" Yeong Hwa asked, glancing back at Myung Soo as she followed the twins.


"Huh? Oh, yeah. Plus I brought a few inner tubes and such," Myung Soo replied absentmindedly, stretching his arms out over his head.


"Okay!" Yeong Hwa cheered, ing her fist into the air. Rolling his eyes, Myung Soo tipped his hat over his eyes and slouched down in the camping chair. "You aren't getting a swimming suit?" Yeong Hwa asked after a moment's silence, suddenly appearing beside Myung Soo. Shrugging his shoulders, Myung Soo chose to remain unresponsive. "Oh come on! I even brought one, and it's a bikini!"


"You are going to wear a bikini?!" Myung Soo asked incredulously, raising the brim of his hat so he could see if Yeong Hwa was lying. Judging by her face, she either had a really good poker face or she was being dead serious. "You... a bikini?" he repeated weakly, not sure if he should laugh or die.


"Well it has a... thingy, to go over it. Like a white mesh... dress? Mini-dress?" Slowly the conversation began turning into a one-sided thing as Yeong Hwa tried to think of the proper term. "But it is a bikini! A blue one with ruffles on the front!" She proclaimed proudly, resting her fists on her hips and smirking down at Yeong Hwa. It was like she was declaring her womanhood through the swimsuit or something.


"Good job?" Myung Soo chuckled, flashing Yeong Hwa a quick thumbs up.


"So... you really didn't bring a swimsuit?" she asked doggedly, tilting her head to the side and slightly poking out her bottom lip. It was a really cute expression, but Myung Soo couldn't help but think it to be a little creepy coming from a girl rumored to have taken down an entire biker gang on her own. Which, knowing Yeong Hwa now, Myung Soo was finding hard to believe.


"Nah. I'll just wear this," he decided, gesturing to the red t-shirt and shorts he was wearing.


"Well that's boring," Yeong Hwa sighed, turning to head into the RV.


"What, were you looking forward to seeing my abs or something? ert..." Myung Soo teased, twisting around so he could watch Yeong Hwa over his shoulder. She stiffened slightly, but when she turned back towards him her face was entirely at ease.


"The only reason a guy wouldn't wear a proper swim suit is because he doesn't have any abs, my dear L," Yeong Hwa responded, shrugging her shoulders lightly before floating inside the RV.


"I do have abs! I'm just not arrogant enough to show them off for the sake of showing them off! And why are you calling me L all of a sudden?!" Myung Soo called after her as the RV door swung shut. Embarrassed that he had been talking to himself, Myung Soo slouched sullenly in his camping chair and waited for the three to finish getting ready for their hike to the waterfall.


After a few minutes of waiting, and nearly falling asleep in the exhaustingly warm weather, Myung Soo heard the door to the RV swing open again. Turning, he watched as Seo Hyeon, and then Yoogeun, hurried down the steps. You couldn't tell Seo Hyeon had a swimsuit on, since she had thrown a white t-shirt and pink shorts on over top of it, but Yoogeun's swim trunks were visible underneath the green t-shirt he was wearing. Bright red Spiderman swim trunks. Very fashionable.


Behind them, Yeong Hwa came out wearing a similar outfit to Seo Hyeon's, although her shorts were much shorter and showed off her long legs. "So how far is the waterfall? Should we just make a whole day out of it and bring some sleeping bags?" Yeong Hwa asked, doing a little turn and admiring herself. She obviously was feeling good today, and Myung Soo couldn't say he blamed her. She certainly looked good.


"Shut up Myung Soo," he thought, shaking his head slightly.


"No?" Yeong Hwa asked, catching Myung Soo's head movement. "It's almost noon, though. Unless the waterfall is really close, we'll probably need-"


"No, no. That's not what I was thinking about!" Myung Soo quickly interrupted, forming a cross in front of him with his arms. "I think it's a good idea to make a day out of it. We have to be back to the RV pretty early in the morning, though. The RV is due back at the rental by ten."


"Sounds like a plan!" Yeong Hwa agreed, turning sharply around and hurrying back into the RV. Ten minutes later she came striding back out with a picnic basket in one hand and sleeping bags and backpacks in the other. "This should cover everything," she mumbled, holding everything up for Myung Soo's inspection. Glancing over them, he nodded slowly and stood up.


"Are we going now?!" Yoogeun asked, already heading towards the trail Myung Soo had pointed out to them while Yeong Hwa packed. Nodding, Myung Soo slipped his hands into his pockets and followed Yoogeun, with Seo Hyeon skipping along beside him.


"HEY! I'm not your pack mule!" Yeong Hwa yelled, stamping her foot as she stood at the bottom of the RV steps and tried not to drop anything. Glancing over his shoulder, Myung Soo pretended to think about going back to help Yeong Hwa. Slowly he began to continue walking, starting up a flurry of whining, complaining, and the occasional mumbled curse from Yeong Hwa. Chuckling, Myung Soo turned back around and hurried over to help her.


"Come on now, Yeong Hwa. Can't you take a little joke?" he teased, ruffling her hair before taking the sleeping bags and strapping them to his back. Frowning, Yeong Hwa hurried to adjust her hair before handing one of the handles of the picnic basket to Myung Soo. "Now who's the pack mule?" Myung Soo asked, pretending to be offended.


"Aw come on, Mr. Abs. You can handle it," Yeong Hwa teased, poking Myung Soo in the stomach. Blushing, Myung Soo swatted away her hand before accepting the handle. "Now who can't take a joke?" She giggled, following Myung Soo as he quickly strode after the twins, who were already hurrying down the trail.



"Shhh," Myung Soo hushed, placing a finger to his lips. Frowning, Yeong Hwa opened to try speaking again. "Shhh," he repeated, this time placing his whole hand over her mouth. "Let's just enjoy the beautiful scenery and- UGH! What did you do?!" Myung Soo cried out in revoltion as he jerked his hand away from Yeong Hwa's mouth when it suddenly grew moist. Smirking proudly, Yeong Hwa shrugged her shoulders. "Yeong Hwa-"


"I thought you wanted me to be quiet?" She interrupted innocently, batting her eyes up at Myung Soo.


"Tell. Me. Now." Myung Soo ordered, fervently wiping his hand off on his pants.


"Fine, fine. I your hand," Yeong Hwa conceded, reveling in the look of total horror on Myung Soo's face. Gagging, he quickly turned his face away from Yeong Hwa as his whole body shuddered. "Oh come on! It isn't that bad!" she laughed, patting Myung Soo consolingly on the back. Shrugging her off, Myung Soo glanced over his shoulder as he noticed something.


"Where's Yoogeun going?" he asked, pointing towards the trees that surrounded the trail. Disappearing between them was the familiar shape of the adventurous little guy, disappearing into the woods. "Hey! Yoogeun! You have to stay on the trail!" Myung Soo called after him as Yeong Hwa dropped her side of the picnic basket and rushed to follow him. "Yeong Hwa! Don't just run off on your- alright. You go ahead! I got this!" he sighed, giving up as Yeong Hwa disappeared after Yoogeun.


"Where's Yoogeun going?" Seo Hyeon asked, looking up at Myung Soo as she came to a stop beside him.


"I don't know," Myung Soo sighed, shrugging his shoulders.


"Yoogeun!" Seo Hyeon called out, cupping her hands around as she began heading into the woods as well. "Yoogeun! Eunnie! Come baaaack!"


"Seo Hyeon... aish, these kids," Myung Soo grumbled, abandoning the picnic basket on the edge of the trail and hurrying into the woods to help with the search for Yoogeun. He could hear Yeong Hwa crashing around through the brush, but Yoogeun was too small to make very much noise. Of course, he hoped that it was Yeong Hwa making all the noise... Protectively, Myung Soo reached down and took Seo Hyeon's hand tightly in his.


"So we don't get lost," he told her when she looked up questioningly at him. Smiling, Seo Hyeon squeezed Myung Soo's hand and led him through the thickly pressed trees, all the while calling out for her lost brother.


"Yoogeun! Kim Yoogeun, answer me!" Yeong Hwa demanded, cupping her hands around as she sprinted through the woods. "Yoogeun! Where are- crap!" Yeong Hwa exclaimed as her foot suddenly caught on a stray root, sending her flying forward. Clenching her teeth, Yeong Hwa crashed to the ground in a spray of dirt. Beneath her t-shirt, whose whiteness had been sullied by the fall, she could hear a quiet snap of fabric. Blushing, she quickly clutched at her torso to keep the bikini from slipping.


"Pretty cheap material for thirty dollars," she grunted, feeling the heat rising in her face as she slipped her hands underneath the t-shirt to see how bad the damage was. Unfortunately, the bikini's strap had ripped straight down the middle and there wasn't a needle and thread in sight. Groaning, Yeong Hwa tried to think of a quick fix while praising the Gods for letting this happen out in a secluded place like this. If her swim suit had broken at the waterfall... the heat rose faster into Yeong Hwa's cheeks and she quickly tried to focus strictly on fixing the bikini.


Eventually she decided on the simplest of fixes, tying the two frayed ends together in a tight double knot. Praying that it would hold until she could get a proper bra from her bag, which had unfortunately ended up with Myung Soo when they were distributing the various things that needed to be carried, Yeong Hwa stood back up and brushed the dirt from her knees.


"Squirrel! Come back!"


"Yoogeun?" Yeong Hwa exclaimed, her head snapping the direction of the voice. Standing beneath one of the many trees, his head craned back until it looked like his neck might snap, was Yoogeun. Sighing with relief, she sprinted towards him and, as soon as she could, caught him up in a tight hug. Yelping, Yoogeun tried to struggle out of Yeong Hwa's rough grip.


"What are you doing out here?! Why did you leave the trail without telling us?" Yeong Hwa demanded, turning Yoogeun around and holding him by his shoulders. Biting his bottom lip, Yoogeun bowed his head and sniffled as the urge to cry overcame him. "Yoogeun, don't cry. I was just really scared," Yeong Hwa sighed, drawing him into another hug as Yoogeun's sniffling got worse.


"The squirrel," Yoogeun whimpered, unburying his face from Yeong Hwa and pointing up into the tree. Following his finger, Yeong Hwa spotted a small squirrel crouched on one of the many branches of the tree it called home, banging a nut against the wood in order to try and crack it open. "I wanted to make friends..." Yoogeun sighed.


"He is pretty cute," Yeong Hwa admitted, smiling at Yoogeun.


"He's not cute!" Yoogeun replied indignantly, placing his hands on his hips. "He is a manly squirrel!"


"A... manly squirrel?" Yeong Hwa repeated blankly before bursting out in laughter. Frowning, Yoogeun turned away from his teasing babysitter and refocused on his new friend the squirrel. While they were talking the little guy had gotten his nut open and was tossing down the inedible parts. One piece of the shell hit Yoogeun on the forehead, sending a sharp sting of pain through his nerves. Crying out, Yoogeun slapped his hands over the spot and hurried to get away from the tree.


"He's attacking me!" Yoogeun squealed, already beginning to disappear once more.


"Yoogeun!" Yeong Hwa helplessly cried out after him, hurrying to her feet in order to pursue him. Just before she moved, she glared up at the squirrel, who took one look at her before sprinting along the branch and disappearing into a hole. "That's right, bub. You better run. Picking on Yoogeun like that," she muttered, making the "I'm watching you" sign in the direction of the hole before sprinting after Yoogeun.

Yoogeun and Seo Hyeon, the recently reunited twins, huddled together with their backs propped against the bags, watching the rapidly descending sun. Nearby, their older counterparts were crouched around their makeshift firepit, trying to create a spark that would stick. Currently it was Myung Soo's turn, with Yeong Hwa crouched beside him, her arms wrapped around her knees as she shivered slightly in the growing chill. It was hard to imagine that just this afternoon she had been complaining about her face melting away.


"Is it safe to sleep outside? Won't we die of exposure or something?" Yeong Hwa asked, glancing over at the twins with concern. They were bundled up in their sleeping bags, but she was still worried about how comfortable they were.


"Between the sleeping bags and the fire we should be good. I'll just have to make sure it doesn't go out," Myung Soo assured her, his attention focused solely on starting up the fire. Scraping his pocketknife along the side of his flint bar, Myung Soo started up a few bright sparks that momentarily illuminated his and Yeong Hwa's faces before disintegrating into nothing the second they touched the tinder. "That is, if we can even get it to start in the first place," he grunted.


"Want me to take a turn?" Yeong Hwa offered, shifting to a kneeling position and holding her hands out to Myung Soo. Nodding, he handed over the flint and steel to her and watched as she started trying to create a useable spark. "And what do you mean you'll have to make sure it doesn't go out? You're not planning on staying up all night, are you?" Yeong Hwa accused, glancing up at Myung Soo.


Guiltily, he ran his tongue over his lips and tries to think of a good way to lie about it. Obviously Yeong Hwa wouldn't understand the term "chivalry", which probably didn't exist on whatever planet she had come from, so using that as an excuse certainly wouldn't work. "Well..."


"Don't bother," Yeong Hwa interrupted, rolling her eyes as she ferociously struck at the flint. A large spark flipped off the knife and into the tinder, starting a small glow. "Hey! Hey!" Yeong Hwa exclaimed, waving her hands in excitement while trying to point at the tinder at the same time. Nodding, Myung Soo hurried to her side and crouched down beside the spark, gently blowing on it to try and coax it to life.


Hunching forward to watch, Yeong Hwa was mesmerized by the glow of the spark as it danced across Myung Soo's face, sending stark shadows across his features that flickered with the spark's light. When the spark suddenly flared up into a small flame, the shadows were instantly banished and Myung Soo's entire face was lit up in a brilliant red and orange light. The effect was only momentary, though, interrupted when Myung Soo jerked his head away from the flame in order to avoid being burned.


Noticing that the fire had started up, Yoogeun jumped up, sleeping bag and all, and waddled over to join Myung Soo and Yeong Hwa. Smiling, Yeong Hwa crossed her legs and gestured for Yoogeun to sit on them, which he happily did so. "Oh! You're so warm Yoogeun!" Yeong Hwa exclaimed as the chill in her legs was suddenly dispersed by Yoogeun's pent up body heat. "Like my own little sun," she said, wrapping her arms tightly around Yoogeun and giving him a quick squeeze.


"Nooooonaaaaa!" Yoogeun complained through giggles as he squirmed in Yeong Hwa's grip.


"Nope! You belong to me now!" she laughed, falling onto her side as Yoogeun's squirming became stronger. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Yeong Hwa complained as Yoogeun popped out of her grasp and started inching away. Confined to his sleeping bag, he looked like a caterpillar squirming it's way across a branch.


Giggling at the image, Yeong Hwa sat up and made a show of brushing off the few grass blades that had stuck to her arms. "You can use hyung!" Yoogeun suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards Myung Soo, who was thrown entirely off guard by this bold betrayal. 


"Alright," Yeong Hwa agreed, crawling over to Myung Soo and resting her head in his lap before he could even get one word past his lips. "You're pretty warm, too. Plus you've got the fire," she giggled, grinning up at Myung Soo as he began to blush. She wasn't sure why she was so comfortable with this sort of thing, but that didn't really seem important right now. She was having fun, something she had seriously been lacking for a long time, and it felt good. Like she was getting high on some sort of a drug, and all her inhibitions were just leaking away.


"Yeong Hwa..." Myung Soo began complaining, but Yeong Hwa reached up and rested a finger on his lips. "Yeong Hwa," he repeated, disgruntled as he pushed away her finger. Frowning, Yeong Hwa reached up and cupped her hand over his mouth.


"Don't it," she warned, her eyes narrowing with a silent death threat.


"Wouldn't want to," Myung Soo replied, his voice muffled as Yeong Hwa pressed her hand tighter against his mouth. 


"So what are we going to do about food?" Yeong Hwa asked, suddenly realizing that the picnic basket was still abandoned on the edge of the path. "I'm pretty sure foraging random berries would be dangerous, and- oh sorry," Yeong Hwa chuckled, removing her hand from Myung Soo's mouth so that he could participate in what had turned out to be a one sided conversation. "I mean I have some snacky things in my bag, like granola bars and juice boxes, but nothing that would make a meal or anything," she sighed, gesturing over to her bag.


"Then we'll just have a big breakfast tomorrow," Myung Soo reasoned, shrugging his shoulders.


"Alright... hey, Yoogeun! Seo Hyeon! Are you ready for dinner?" Yeong Hwa called over to the two as she suddenly sat up.

"Are you seriously going to stay up all night and keep the fire going?" Yeong Hwa asked as she joined Myung Soo beside the fire after seeing the twins off to sleep. Glancing up, he shrugged his shoulders and poked sullenly at the fire with a stick. "I'll keep you company, then," she sighed, knowing that it would be pointless to argue with Myung Soo over the matter. The guy could be even more stubborn than her sometimes.


"You should get some sleep," Myung Soo protested, pointing in the direction of the sleeping bags with the tip of his stick, which was glowing slightly from the heat of the fire.


"Ditto to you," Yeong Hwa retorted, pursing her lips stubbornly. Frowning, Myung Soo nodded reluctantly and dropped the subject, going back to poking the fire with his stick. Yeong Hwa was pretty sure that wouldn't actually do anything to preserve the fire, but she wasn't about to question "outdoorsman" Myung Soo. He knew a lot more than her, although any idiot with a tent and sleeping bag knew more about camping than she did.


"Want one?" Myung Soo suddenly offered, holding out a box of pepero sticks. "I found them buried at the bottom of your bag," he explained as Yeong Hwa reached in and pulled out one of the smaller sticks.


"We probably shouldn't be eating candy so late at night. Especially you. You'll lose those precious abs of yours," Yeong Hwa teased, biting off one end of the stick and using the broken end to point at Myung Soo's stomach.


"Would you drop the whole ab thing already? You really are starting to sound like a ert," Myung Soo sighed, protectively wrapping one arm around his stomach. Rolling her eyes, Yeong Hwa lay back on the grass and held her pepero stick between her teeth, like the cowboys do with straw. Overhead, the stars sparkled brightly in the sky, like some had sprinkled glitter over a swath of black fabric.


The romantic thing to think would be that her father was watching the same sky as she, wondering if his daughter was doing well. Reality told Yeong Hwa that he was staring up at a bright blue sky though, enjoying an American morning. Yeong Hwa was of course still loyal to her father, as his daughter that was the only thing she could be, but she had begun to wonder if perhaps her faith had been placed in the wrong man. After all, he had fled the country without her knowledge, left her to fend for herself, and never even kept up contact with her. Although after that meeting with Mr. Lee and his human attack dog, Yeong Hwa wondered if her father had been trying to protect her in his own way.


"Why not take me with you, though? My English isn't very bad, and I could protect you from Mr. Lee and that idiot attack dog... maybe," Yeong Hwa thought, remembering how she had looked after that initial beating. Her face had improved a lot since then, with the only change being a faint scar on her cheek from where Pitbull had slugged her. Myung Soo had tried getting her to wear one of the anti-scarring bandages you could buy now, but the twins had insisted she wear Pororo, and Yeong Hwa wasn't so concerned with her beauty that she would turn down a concerned pair of toddlers.


"What are you thinking about?" Myung Soo asked as one of the logs popped and broke in half, sending up a flurry of sparks into the night sky.


"Stuff," Yeong Hwa replied, folding her arms under her head to act as a makeshift pillow.


"Your dad?"


"Among other things," she admitted, rolling onto her side and sighing. "Do you really think he'll come back? My dad, I mean," Yeong Hwa asked, pulling at the grass and creating a small pile of shavings.


"Yeah. Why wouldn't he?"


"I dunno. Hey, can I have another pepero?" she scooped up the pile of grass shavings and sat up, cupping the blades in her hand. Turning to face the fire, she dumped the grass into a corner of the pit and then crawled around to the opposite side, where Myung Soo and the pepero were. "Please, oppa?" she begged, batting her eyelashes at him.


"Don't call me oppa," Myung Soo complained, reaching over and into the box of candies. "Huh, looks like we're down to the last one," he mumbled, pulling out the coveted pepero. Groaning, Yeong Hwa sat back in defeat. "What? You don't want it anymore?" he asked, raising his eyebrows curiously.


"Of course I do, but I've seen you gobbling those things down. You probably want it just as much as me," Yeong Hwa grumbled, wrapping her arms around her knees and resting her chin on them. She had definitely picked up a thing or two from Seo Hyeon when it came to pouting.


"We can split it, then," Myung Soo compromised, but rather than breaking the stick in half he bit down on one end and held it between his teeth. "Come on, then. I can't sit like this all night," Myung Soo said, trying not to laugh at the look on Yeong Hwa's face as she realized what he was getting at. For a moment she agonized over the decision, but eventually came to the conclusion that her pride was not worth as much as candy. Leaning forward, she nervously bit the other end of the stick.


"Geez. Whenever food is involved you turn into a totally different person," Myung Soo mused, his voice muffled as he tried to talk while still holding the pepero stick between his teeth.


"Shut up," Yeong Hwa grumbled, bracing herself for the inevitable embarrassment. Shrugging, Myung Soo began making his way down the pepero stick towards Yeong Hwa. On the other end, Yeong Hwa had tightly shut her eyes and was easing her way along, barely making any progress. As they drew closer, Myung Soo found that he had closed his eyes too and could feel heat creeping up into his face. Finally, when they were just a few centimeters apart, Myung Soo moved to break off his piece of the pepero and avoid having to kiss Yeong Hwa.


Just at that moment, though, a large bug landed on Yeong Hwa's shoulder, startling her so badly that she jerked forward to try and get it off. The distance between them was closed in a matter of seconds and their lips met for a second time. Panicking, Yeong Hwa quickly bit off her piece of the pepero and practically flew backwards, while Myung Soo remained sitting stark still, eyes wide in shock.


A chilly silence descended between the two of them as both teenagers nervously averted their eyes, trying to process what had just occurred. Swallowing hard, Yeong Hwa turned and stared into the crackling fire, the warmth uncomfortable against her already blushing face. "I just... for the second time we've... my head hurts," Yeong Hwa thought, digging her fingers into her temples.


"Sorry," she mumbled after a few minutes. Myung Soo grunted in recognition, never removing his eyes from the fire as he returned to poking at it with his stick. Sighing, Yeong Hwa stood and headed towards the sleeping bags. "Hey, this never happened. Okay?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder as she stood at the edge of the fire's light.


"What never happened?" Myung Soo asked, risking a glance in Yeong Hwa's direction as he smiled weakly. Returning the gesture, Yeong Hwa flashed him a quick thumbs up before hurrying to bed.


"Just what am I going to do about this girl?" Myung Soo thought, his fingers absentmindedly trailing over his lips, which were still slightly sticky for the chocolate. Groaning, he began trying to rub off the chocolate, as well as any remnants of Yeong Hwa. "If things keep going like this... I don't know what I'll do."

"Hey, are you kids alright? Did you get lost?"


Myung Soo's eyes cracked open at the sudden intrusion of an unfamiliar voice, blearily revealing a woman's face peering into his own. Startled, Myung Soo's head jerked up. Smiling, the woman took a step back and turned in the direction of Yeong Hwa and the twins. "He's awake, honey!" she called out, cupping her hand slightly around her cherry red lips.


"Looks like these three are doing fine, too!" a man replied, straightening up after shaking Yeong Hwa awake. Groggily she sat up, rubbing at her eyes and trying to figure out just what was happening. Smacking her lips together, Yeong Hwa could faintly taste chocolate on her lips. From the pepero... and Myung Soo's lips. Blushing, she hurriedly rubbed at her lips to try and get rid of the taste.


"What are you four doing out here? Did you get lost?" the woman asked, gently resting a hand on Myung Soo's shoulder. Embarrassed that he was being treated like a little kid, Myung Soo shrugged off the woman's touch and hurried to his feet.


"Yeah. We were hiking and lost the path," Myung Soo mumbled as the woman covered to hide a smile. At least one of them was amused by the situation. "Erm, you wouldn't happen to know where campground 3 is, would you?" he asked, rubbing at the back of his neck and trying to show a cool guy image in front of this strange woman. Giggling, the woman turned to her husband for the answer to Myung Soo's question.


"You must have gotten lost when it was dark, am I right?" the man asked, trying to keep all hints of amusement out of his voice. "Otherwise, you'd probably have seen that. I assume it's yours?" he continued, pointing to the north, where the RV was barely visible through the trees.


"Well I feel stupid," Yeong Hwa laughed as she gently woke Yoogeun and Seo Hyeon. Nodding in agreement, Myung Soo glanced over at the woman and noticed she was carrying their picnic basket.


"Is this yours too?" the woman asked, catching Myung Soo's look. Nodding sheepishly, he accepted the basket when she offered it to him. "We noticed it on the path and figured someone might have gotten lost," she explained, glancing over at her husband, who nodded in agreement.


"So where are your parents?" the man asked, helping Yeong Hwa to her feet.


"On vacation," Myung Soo promptly responded, walking over to join the twins and Yeong Hwa. "We're taking care of the twins until they get back."


"So you're babysitters?" The woman asked, adjusting the backpack she had over her shoulders.


"Well, she is. I'm their older brother," Myung Soo explained, gesturing to Yeong Hwa as he spoke. Nodding, Yeong Hwa bobbed a quick bow to both the man and woman before taking a step behind Myung Soo. He didn't know why she was being so shy all of a sudden. It wasn't like these two seemed to be angry or anything.


"Well, you make sure to be more careful from now on. I'd hate to hear about anything bad happening to these two cuties," the woman instructed Myung Soo and Yeong Hwa, smiling charmingly at the twins. Seo Hyeon shyly smiled back, but Yoogeun was too embarrassed to do anything of the sort and simply stared at the ground. Giggling, the woman gestured for her husband to join her as she started heading in the opposite direction of the RV. "You're sure you'll be alright?" she called over her shoulder as Myung Soo led the other three towards the RV.


"Yes. Thanks for the directions!" Yeong Hwa said, waving goodbye to the couple before turning sharply around and burying her face in her hands. "I have never been more embarrassed in my life," she complained, leaning against Myung Soo and pretending to cry.


"About this morning, or last night?" Myung Soo asked before he could think twice about it.


"What about last night?" Yeong Hwa asked innocently, though the threat in her voice was distinctly heard as well.


"Nothing. Just a slip of the tongue," Myung Soo sighed, nudging her off of him.


"Good answer."


Author's Note: I know that two kiss scenes so close together is a bit much, but what I originally had planned for this chapters was... awkward, in my opinion, and then I was watching We Got Married and they were doing this kind of a kiss and I absolutely had to write about it!

Myung Soo + Candy + Kiss = Irresistable   Onion Icon


And sorry the update took so long. AFF has been freaking out on me the past few days, as well as my internet being obnoxiously unstable. What normally takes me a few hours to write ended up taking 3 days, and then the chapter wasn't even all that good! I'm almost too embarrassed to publish it... Onion Emoticon

This author's note is kind of all over the place... Of course this is my own little ranting corner, so I'm not all that concerned with whether it makes any sense or not hehe onion head


Also, how does this look? http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa301/Kerenssa/fotoflexer_photo-7.jpg?t=1338859513  I've been trying to start planning out another fanfic (for when this one is finished... that thought kind of depresses me, haha. I love writing Jelly Beans!) and I think I've finally decided on a title. Does it sound good?

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#JellyBeans | Final chapter is up, guys! I'm really sorry about the long wait, and I hope you guys can forgive me.


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user555 #1
Chapter 27: ahhh ive read this a second time round and it is still very entertaining! thanks for an amazing story! :)and have a happy new year!
user555 #2
Chapter 27: WOW THIS IS A REALLY GOOD STORY. i read this from the morning till 12:32am then next day cause the chapters are so long with details and cuteness. you write really well and im surprised why this story doesnt have the attention it deserves :S im so confused cause this is better than most of the stories out there it was so cute and just ahhhhh i read it all in one day cause i didnt want to stop LOL the ending was a bit rushed but thats okay i enjoyed this story alot and it seriously needs more praise anyways THANK YOU FOR A GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Chapter 26: plz update Jelly Beans!
awwww come on Myungsoo HWAITING!!^^
littlelamb86 #6
gosh silly myungsoo....of course she would ask if he was joking, after all he did bully her in the begining..
littlelamb86 #7
gosh myungsoo pls quickly ask her out and yeong hwa pls say yes
omg this clueless
littlelamb86 #9
haha...they really are actually playing house the whole of summer...thank god Myungsoo got his head back on and will contnue to protect her...
@ littlelamb86
Really? I thought yukatas were Korean too... huh! I'll go change that right now :) Thanks for the info! haha