Off to Swim With the Fishies

Jelly Beans

"Eun Sun should have just saved her money and left you in charge of the twins," Yeong Hwa grumbled as she stood side by side with Myung Soo at the kitchen table. The twins in question were busy playing in the living room, leaving their care takers to argue about how best to provide for the twins on this particular outing. "You certainly seem to know a lot about kids."


"More than you," Myung Soo pointed out, grabbing the nearest sippy cup and moving to dump it into the bag they had open on the table. Half a second later Yeong Hwa's hand had snapped out and slapped him on the wrist, forcing him to drop the sippy cup.


"No sippy cups. Straw cups are better for a child's speech development and dental health," Yeong Hwa scolded smugly, glad to have gotten the opportunity to display her childcare knowledge. Glaring at her, Myung Soo nursed his stinging wrist as it began to turn red.


"Why?" He demanded, ing his wrist out in Yeong Hwa's face. Pursing her lips, Yeong Hwa actually took a moment to give the predicament some serious consideration.


"Natural reflex, I guess," she shrugged off, nudging Myung Soo out of the way and continuing to pack the bag. Holding his breath irritably, Myung Soo stepped behind Yeong Hwa and proceeded to throw a silent temper tantrum.


"This woman! I mean- and she- I can't!" ARGH!" Myung Soo thought, pretending to punch Yeong Hwa from behind. After a few minutes of this, Myung Soo covered his face with his hands and took a few deep breaths. "Natural reflex. Natural reflex! What kind of person has their first instinct be to hit someone! She could have just said no sippy cups! She didn't have to hit me!" He thought, peeking out at Yeong Hwa through his fingers.


She didn't seem to care at all that she was going to make his head implode. Instead, Yeong Hwa was continuing to pack things into the bag, carefully going over each item before allowing it inside. Whether this was just to prove that she did know something about kids, or because she actually cared about the twins, Myung Soo didn't know. Frankly, he would be more inclined to believe the former.


"Plus, it's not like you ever leave the house all that much," Yeong Hwa suddenly said, continuing a conversation that Myung Soo could only assume was with herself. "There was that time the morons came by and dyed your hair, but... have you hung out with them at all since then?" Yeong Hwa asked, glancing over her shoulder at Myung Soo. She seemed genuinely curious.


"One minute she's beating on me, the next she acts like nothing happened," Myung Soo thought, forcing himself not to snap that little neck of hers. "What are you talking about?" he asked instead, scratching at his head and moving forward to stand once more beside Yeong Hwa.


"Your mom made it seem like you practically lived with Infinite. Why the sudden change in social life?" Yeong Hwa clarified, pausing in her packing and leaning against the table. "I mean, if you planned on sticking around the house so much then Eun Sun could have just left the twins in your care."


"Do you really hate working here that much?!" Myung Soo demanded, sound a lot more defensive than he had meant. He didn't know why, but he hated how Yeong Hwa was suddenly acting like she didn't want to be here anymore. He had thought they were getting along better, but if she really hated working here this much- "What am I saying?" Myung Soo thought, barely able to keep his horror from reaching his expression. "There's no way I've developed... no. Absolutely no way," he decided, beating down any treacherous thoughts in one swift blow.


"I thought you hated me working here," Yeong Hwa replied suspiciously, leaning in closer to Myung Soo. Panicking, he quickly took a few steps away from Yeong Hwa and pretended to start looking for something on the floor. "But, to answer your question, no. I don't hate it," Yeong Hwa added, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly and going back to packing.


"I shouldn't be so glad to hear that," Myung Soo thought aloud, unsure of how to react to this sudden feeling of relief.


"Hm? You say something, Myung Soo?" Yeong Hwa asked, looking over at him questioningly.


"No! Just talking to myself!" he quickly replied, too quickly. Frowning suspiciously, Yeong Hwa decided to let it go for now and left Myung Soo to search for whatever it was he had dropped. She, on the other hand, focused on going through the entire contents of the bag and making sure that they hadn't forgotten anything. If they got caught away from the house without something, it wasn't like they could just make a quick trip back and grab whatever it was. This adventure was going to be too far away for that.


The rest of the packing was done in silence, with only the slightest of exceptions being when Myung Soo had to go and break up a fight between the twins. That had been pretty loud, but nothing out of the ordinary. Yeong Hwa wished she could claim that the twins were perfect angels twenty-four-seven, but in all honestly they weren't. Of course it was expected, since both of them were just little kids, so Yeong Hwa didn't hold it against them or Eun Sun. You could hardly expect perfection from a four year old.


"You guys ready?" Yeong Hwa asked, marching into the living room with the neon green bag over her shoulder. Myung Soo was sitting on the floor with the twins helping them put together a puzzle. The shapes had been cut to resemble animals, which Yeong Hwa had found surprisingly unique. This uniqueness also made the puzzle slightly more difficult, though, and it seemed as though even Myung Soo was having trouble piecing together the twenty or so puzzle pieces.


Running his tongue over his lips, Myung Soo bent over the half-finished puzzle and attempted to place down the pig-shaped piece. The twins leaned forward as the piece drew closer to the desired spot, and the poor kids nearly burst when Myung Soo suddenly halted a few centimeters away. "Are we sure it goes here?" he thought aloud, a small smile appearing on his face as he teased the twins.


"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Seo Hyeon exclaimed, bounding up and down in anticipation. Across from her, Yoogeun echoed these exclamations and mimicked his sister's movements. Nodding, Myung Soo pressed the puzzle piece into place.


"It fits!" Yoogeun yelled triumphantly, throwing his hands up into the air. On the opposite side, Seo Hyeon had begun applauding Myung Soo's correct placement of the puzzle piece. Rolling her eyes, Yeong Hwa crossed over to where the trio was sitting and mussed Yoogeun's hair.


"Ready to go?" she repeated, smiling down at Yoogeun as he frowned up at her and tried to put his hair back in order.


"We're going to swim with fishies, right?" Seo Hyeon asked dreamily, clasping her hands and batting her eyes at Yeong Hwa. Biting her bottom lip, Yeong Hwa nervously adjusted the bag's strap and tried to think of a suitable response. They were going to see fish - and various other aquatic species - but she didn't know if you could actually get in the tanks and swim. If she told Seo Hyeon no, then the worst that could happen is they would get there and someone would be swimming in the tanks. The best... she throws a temper tantrum.


"It's a no-win situation," Yeong Hwa thought, her eyes finding their way to Myung Soo. Sending silent pleadings, Yeong Hwa tried to get Myung Soo to say something that would help her out of this situation. Shrugging his shoulders, Myung Soo stood up and stretched out his arms. "Thanks," Yeong Hwa thought sarcastically, looking down once again at Seo Hyeon.




"Uh-oh! We'd better hurry or else we'll miss the train!" Myung Soo suddenly exclaimed, looking down at the silver watch on his wrist. Raising her eyebrows, Yeong Hwa glanced over at Myung Soo to see just what the heck he was talking about. His watch had been broken for the past week, a fact Yeong Hwa was extremely aware of because he never shut up about it. So why would he suddenly pretend like it was-


"He's bailing me out,"  Yeong Hwa thought incredulously, her eyes meeting Myung Soo's. Gratefully, she bent slightly at the waist in a small bow before hurrying after Seo Hyeon, who was practically flying to the door. "Seo Hyeon! You need a hat! And sunscreen! And- don't open the door yet! We have to wait for the others..."

"Fishies!" Seo Hyeon squealed in delight, craning her neck back to watch as a school of colorful rainbow fish swam over head. Following her gaze, Yeong Hwa couldn't help but let her jaw drop in amazement. They were standing in a tunnel of water, surrounded by any kind of fish you could imagine. She hadn't known something like this existed on Earth, let alone that she could actually see it in person.


"What that?" Yoogeun inquired, pointing to a purple octopus as it crawled swiftly across the tank's bottom. Looking over Yoogeun's shoulder, Myung Soo pressed his face against the glass in order to get a better look. "It's funny looking," Yoogeun chuckled, puffing out his cheeks and waving his arms in a vaguely octopus-like manner as he followed the creature down the tunnel.


Laughing quietly, Myung Soo tapped Yeong Hwa on the shoulder as he passed while following Yoogeun. "Come on. We don't want to just stand around in the entrance all day," he said, reaching down and gently taking Seo Hyeon's hand.


"This is just the entrance?" Yeong Hwa gasped, unable to keep her amazement off her face. The usually cool and collected rebel girl had suddenly regressed to the twins' level now that she was faced with an amazing experience like this. "You can't be serious... who even came up with this thing?" Yeong Hwa asked as she followed Myung Soo through the remainder of the tunnel.


"Apparently the guy who created it had a dream about this," Myung Soo explained, gesturing vaguely to the main body of the aquarium as they entered. Glancing over at Yeong Hwa, he had to work hard not to laugh at he as she gaped openly at what surrounded them.


The ceiling was barely visible from the ground floor, vaulting up to incredible heights. Overhead, hanging from the ceiling on barely perceptible fishing line, were the preserved carcasses of various ocean giants. Yeong Hwa hadn't even seen that much, though. She was too focused on the walls of the aquarium, which were entirely made of glass. On the other side... the ocean.


Essentially, Aleumdaun Bada Aquarium was a giant system of tunnels, surrounded by aquarium tanks. The main room, which the twins were currently exploring to the fullest, consisted of the main exhibits. Obviously, this is why it was so incredibly complex. Three tunnels branched off from the main annex, each devoted to different portions of marine life. It was honestly impossible to see the entire aquarium all in one day, unless you had no appreciation for beauty and could simply bypass the incredible sights around you.


"You coming?!" Myung Soo called out, waving towards Yeong Hwa as he followed the twins to the nearest wall. Nodding blankly, Yeong Hwa jogged over to join them.


"Shaaaaaarks!" Yoogeun squealed, pressing his face flat against the glass and staring bug eyed at the giant Whale Sharks swimming lazily by. Seo Hyeon, too, was amazed by the tank, although she kept her focus pointedly away from the larger, more intimidating animals.


"They're so... big," Yeong Hwa mumbled, standing beside Myung Soo with her arms folded across her chest. Glancing over at Yeong Hwa, Myung Soo watched as she stared in amazement at the sharks. The dim lighting of the aquarium left the aquarium's tanks as the only light source, creating deep, contrasting shadows and lights on Yeong Hwa's face that shimmered slightly due to the water. If he hadn't known better, Myung Soo would have almost believed that Yeong Hwa was an angel from heaven.


"What?" she asked, glancing over at him once his staring became obvious.


"N-nothing," Myung Soo stammered, quickly riveting his eyes to the glass. He could feel Yeong Hwa still watching him, apparently suspicious of his reasons for having stared for so long. Swallowing hard, Myung Soo forced himself not to look back at her. That would only solidify his guilt.


"What guilt?! Is it wrong to find Yeong Hwa attracti- Yes... yes, it is very wrong," Myung Soo thought, going from defensive to horrified. This was the second time he was finding himself having questionable thoughts about Yeong Hwa. In one day! He must be getting sick, or... or maybe she was driving him crazy! Anything that could explain away these thoughts was a viable solution!


Beside him, Yeong Hwa suddenly gasped and cringed away from the tank as one of the many sharks suddenly materialized from out of a thickly clustered school of fish. Warily watching the creature, Yeong Hwa met its eye as it lazily scanned the crowd that pressed against its tank. Yeong Hwa almost thought that she could see pride in the creature's eyes, as though it knew everyone was admiring it.


"Or fearing it," Yeong Hwa thought, pressing her lips together and nervously pulling at the hem of her shirt.


Glancing over at Yeong Hwa, Myung Soo could see how nervous she was getting. He had to admit, it was a bit disconcerting standing here, knowing that if that glass broke they would all be swallowed up by the water and, possibly, the sharks. Not that Whale Sharks were dangerous. Their diets consisted solely of plankton and shrimp. No humans.


"Not that Yeong Hwa seems to know that," he thought, wondering if he should explain to her. She might take it the wrong way and assume that he was simply trying to sound smart, though. Plus, he would also be insinuating that she, Yeong Hwa Nae, was scared of something. That would be a deadlier combination than any amount of sharks could ever hope to be.


Still, he didn't want to just stand there and let her psyche herself out like this. He had planned this trip in order to make a fun getaway from the house for all of them. That included Yeong Hwa, no matter how much she insisted that Myung Soo needed some alone time with the twins. Come to think of it, Yeong Hwa had been nervous about this trip from the moment he announced it.


"Is she scared of water?" Myung Soo thought, going over the idea in his mind. It could be, considering Yeong Hwa was so tense right now. Of course a lot of people would be nervous around sharks. Even Seo Hyeon, who was a fish out of water, couldn't bring herself to look at the hulking beasts for more than a few minutes. The idea of Yeong Hwa actually being scared of something was fun to entertain nonetheless, though.


"What kind of sharks are these?" Yeong Hwa suddenly asked from beside Myung Soo, pointing to one of the beasts as it brushed against the glass.


"Whale Sharks," Myung Soo replied, inching a little closer to Yeong Hwa. "They mostly eat plankton," he added, trying to put Yeong Hwa's mind at ease. Why was he doing that? Honestly, he had no idea. This was an ideal spot for couples to come, being famous for dating, so maybe he was just being up by the mood.


"Damn it, Myung Soo! You need to have more will power than this!" he scolded himself as his fingers brushed against Yeong Hwa's. She didn't seem to notice, thankfully, and Myung Soo should have just backed off right then and counted his lucky stars. Unfortunately, it seemed like his logical brain wasn't entirely in control.


So, rather than taking the safe route, Myung Soo turned into a dare devil and interlocked his fingers with Yeong Hwa's. Holding her hand tightly, Myung Soo could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for the inevitable wrath of hell. For a few minutes, though, Yeong Hwa didn't seem to notice him. Breathing a little more easily, Myung Soo tried to relax and focus on the fish.


"What. The. Hell." Yeong Hwa thought, her eyes flickering down to where her and Myung Soo's hands were locked together. "You son of a- no... calm down, Yeong Hwa. Just carefully remove your hand," she coaxed, gently trying to tug her hand away. When it became obvious she wouldn't be able to be subtle, Yeong Hwa gave up on that approach. "What is he thinking?! Has he lost his mind?!"


Chewing on her bottom lip, Yeong Hwa could feel her anxiety sky rocketing as she shifted awkwardly. This drew out a reaction from Myung Soo, and for a second she felt hope that he might let go of her hand. Reality is cruel, though, and all he really did was readjust his grip on her hand. He was getting bolder, and that trend would continue the longer she refused to react.


"Why aren't I reacting?" Yeong Hwa thought, glancing over at Myung Soo. He seemed to be enjoying himself just fine, although she could tell he was working hard not to look in her direction. "Come on instinct, why are you failing me now!" Yeong Hwa pleaded, digging her toe into the thick black carpet that covered the aquarium's floor.


"Did Noona get lost?" Yoogeun suddenly asked, his voice entirely innocent as he looked over his shoulder at Myung Soo and Yeong Hwa. Both teenagers startled, but apparently not enough for Myung Soo to let go of her hand. Blinking, Myung Soo tried to think of what would give Yoogeun that sort of idea. "You're holding her hand. Did she get lost?" Yoogeun asked again, pointing to the two interlocked hands.


"Er... yeah. I'm making sure she doesn't run off like a bad girl," Myung Soo replied a little too loudly, drawing a few odd looks from the surrounding people. Around them, giggle and whispered comments started popping up as Yeong Hwa suddenly became the center of attention. Blushing profusely, she ducked her head down and glared daggers at her sneakers.


Myung Soo knew the second the words came out of his mouth that he had screwed up. Squeezing his eyes shut, he could feel his heart sink down into his stomach and dissolve in a puddle of stomach acids and regret. The hole left behind quickly began in all hope he had of Yeong Hwa not beating him up, leaving him with a heavy ball of lead in his chest.


"You son of a-"


"I'm sorry," Myung Soo hissed, trying to defuse the situation before Yeong Hwa could do anything drastic. She wasn't listening, though. Straightening up, she drew her fist back and slugged Myung Soo in the arm - hard. Grunting, Myung Soo quickly let go of her hand and took a few steps away as his muscles screamed out in pain. There were punches, and then there were iron wrecking balls crashing into every nerve of your body. Yeong Hwa had used the latter, her knuckles digging into Myung Soo's muscles and leaving what would end up being a real ugly bruise.


"Save it," she hissed, stalking over to Yoogeun and Seo Hyeon. Nodding, Myung Soo bit down on the inside of his cheek and tried to stop himself from collapsing on the ground. It felt like she had lit his arm on fire!


"Is Oppa okay?" Seo Hyeon asked, her eyebrows knitting together in concern as she watched Myung Soo try and act bravely. Smiling tightly, Yeong Hwa nodded and rested a hand on Seo Hyeon's head.


"He's fine," she assured.


"It looks like you hit him hard," Seo Hyeon persisted, looking up accusingly at Yeong Hwa.


"Nah. It was just a little tap," Yeong Hwa chuckled, gently bumping her knuckles on Seo Hyeon's head as a demonstration. "See?"


"Noona wouldn't hurt Hyung," Yoogeun assured Seo Hyeon, grinning loyally up at Yeong Hwa. The innocence of children was such a beautiful thing.


"Yeah. Of course not," Myung Soo grunted as he came up beside the trio. Smirking, Yeong Hwa clenched her fist and held it up slightly. Even just that little movement made Myung Soo flinch away, and a few of the more attentive people around them stifled their laughter at the little display.


"You guys ready to look at the rest of the aquarium?" Yeong Hwa asked, her voice sickly sweet as she glanced over at Myung Soo.


"Yes! Yes!" the twins exclaimed in unison, reaching out and taking Yeong Hwa's hand. Surprised at their eagerness, Yeong Hwa could barely keep standing as the pair of excited kids pulled her along behind them.


"You marry her just because she got pregnant?" someone suddenly asked, leaning towards Myung Soo with a knowing grin. "I know that's why I married a crazy chick," the man added, jerking his thumb in the direction of a frazzled looking woman who was trying to corral a little boy.


"We're not married," Myung Soo replied, attempting to smile. The instant the words left his lips he could feel the man's demeanor turn icy cold.


"At least I had the decency to marry the woman I decided to get pregnant. You shouldn't try weaseling out of marrying that poor girl after she gave birth to your kids," the man scolded, jabbing a finger into Myung Soo's chest. Clueless as how to respond, Myung Soo could only stand there helplessly as the man waited impatiently for an answer.


"She's not those kids mother-"


"She slept around a bit? Well... I guess that makes a little more sense, but you should still consider helping her raise the kids. Even if they aren't biologically yours, you can still-"


"No, it's not-"


"Leave the poor boy alone and come along," the man's wife suddenly interrupted, tugging on her husband's arm. Nodding, he fixed Myung Soo with one last look before following his wife over to their child.


"What the hell was that?" Myung Soo thought, unsure if what he had experienced was reality or not. After a moment, he shook off the strange encounter and hurried after Yeong Hwa and the twins, who had disappeared down the tunnel labeled Planted Aquarium .

"We had better hurry and leave if we want to make the train back," Yeong Hwa announced- mostly to herself- as she replaced a pair of starfish sunglasses on their display. In order to end their aquatic adventure in the only proper way, Myung Soo and Yeong Hwa had taken the twins to the gift shop.


"Shark," Yoogeun whispered, entirely immersed in the plastic shark teeth he had found. Baring these fake dentures at the mirror. Yoogeun puffed himself up to look as fearsome as possible and let out a low, guttural growl. Or at least as deep of a growl as a high-pitched four year old voice can muster.


Smiling, Yeong Hwa shook her head slowly and patted Yoogeun on the head. "Should be buy those?" she asked, pointing to his new found teeth. Nodding, Yoogeun snapped playfully at her finger. In response, Yeong Hwa let out a fake shriek of fear and pulled her finger away from Yoogeun. "Very scary," she said, winking at Yoogeun as he popped the teeth back out of his mouth and replaced them on their own display section. Instantly a spray of sterilizer came out and washed the shark teeth clean.


Yeong Hwa found that to be incredibly clever, considering how many mouths those teeth must go in every day.


"Yellow or white?" Yoogeun asked, holding up two packages of shark teeth for Yeong Hwa to evaluate.


"Do you want them to glow?" Yeong Hwa asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. When Yoogeun didn't seem to understand, Yeong Hwa bent down to his level and gently took the glow-in-the-dark teeth from Yoogeun's grip. "These teeth glow when it's dark outside," she explained, cupping her hands around the teeth and leaving only a small opening at the top. "Take a look."


Bending over Yeong Hwa's hands, Yoogeun pressed his eye against the opening and looked inside. She could tell it had worked the second Yoogeun looked back up, his eyes sparkling with wonder. "Yes," he whispered, "I want them to glow!"


"Then glow they shall!" Yeong Hwa proclaimed, gesturing for Yoogeun to replace the plain shark teeth. Nodding eagerly, Yoogeun tossed the white shark teeth onto their display and followed Yeong Hwa eagerly to the check out counter. This, too, had impressed Yeong Hwa when they first came in because it was a fish tank. Large columns of water also dotted the store, towering from floor to ceiling and filled with glowing plankton. This aquarium truly aimed to please, turning even their gift shop into an incredible sight.


"I'd like to buy these please," Yeong Hwa announced when they reached the counter. Nodding, the cashier scanned the shark teeth and began the process of purchase while Yoogeun pressed his face against the tank and tapped rhythmically against the glass. "You shouldn't do that. It annoys the fish," Yeong Hwa lightly scolded Yoogeun, rapping him gently on the head with her knuckles.


"Sowwy fish," Yoogeun apologized, rubbing the top of his head. Smiling, Yeong Hwa handed over her money to the cashier and glanced around to see where Myung Soo and Seo Hyeon were.


"Right here," Myung Soo announced from behind Yeong Hwa, tapping her on the shoulder. Jumping slightly, Yeong Hwa turned abruptly around and frowned at Myung Soo. Although she wasn't quite as furious as she had been earlier, she still hadn't entirely forgiven him for having publicly humiliated him. If the story he had told her about his conversation after she left was true, though, Myung Soo had suffered nearly as much as her. For that, Yeong Hwa was willing to be civilized towards him.


"Eunnie! Look!" Seo Hyeon squealed, bouncing up and down as she pointed to a tiara she had on her head. Rather than being decorated with gems, as traditional tiaras were, this one had been patterned in purple and pink shells. "Isn't it pretty?"


"You look like a princess," Yeong Hwa agreed, smiling softly at Seo Hyeon. Grinning from ear to ear, Seo Hyeon squeezed Myung Soo's hand. Faced with so much appreciation from his little sister, Myung Soo couldn't help but allow a pleased smile appear on his face as he stepped forward to pay for Seo Hyeon's crown.


Five minutes later the four were walking out of the aquarium's main doors, with Yeong Hwa and Yoogeun in the lead.


"Oppa?" Seo Hyeon said, tugging on Myung Soo's short's leg as she followed closely behind him.


"Yeah?" Myung Soo asked, gesturing for Yeong Hwa and Yoogeun to stop while he crouched down beside Seo Hyeon. Biting her bottom lip, Seo Hyeon wiggled her shoulders cutely while looking down at the ground. Instantly Yeong Hwa knew that this display of aegyo was because she wanted something.


"Can we pwease get some ice cweam?" Seo Hyeon asked, looking up at Myung Soo through her eye lashes. The effects of her aegyo were instantly seen on Myung Soo's face, and it was easy to tell that he was going to give in to her request. Smiling softly, Yeong Hwa shook her head slightly and crouched down beside Yoogeun.


The little boy had his eyes fixed intently on Seo Hyeon, studying her every move. This definitely wasn't the first time she had gotten her way through deceptive cuteness, of that Yeong Hwa was sure, and she was also positive that Yoogeun wanted to get in on the action. Boys just didn't have the natural aegyo of little girls, though. Chuckling quietly, Yeong Hwa mussed Yoogeun's hair and grinned disarmingly at him.


"You want some too?" she asked, patting him on the head as he tried to brush her hands away. "You gotta speak up if you want ice cream!" Yeong Hwa continued teasing, much to the agitation of Yoogeun.


"Yes! I want ice cream!" Yoogeun growled playfully, swatting away Yeong Hwa's hand.


"Are you sure?" Yeong Hwa giggled, straightening up and looking down at Yoogeun with her hands on her hips. Pouting, Yoogeun looked up at her with his big brown eyes pleadingly. "Okay... I take it back. Little boys have just as much aegyo as little girls," Yeong Hwa thought, feeling her heart thumping loudly as a squeal clawed its way through .


Swallowing down said squeal, Yeong Hwa smiled at Yoogeun and extended her hand to him. Eagerly the little boy took it, knowing that he had won over his Noona. "Kimchi it is!" Yeong Hwa announced, barely able to say it with a straight face.


The look on Yoogeun's face was priceless. The abject horror of missing out on ice cream... it just wasn't possible to describe. Pressing her lips together to keep from laughing, Yeong Hwa covered with her fist and watched as Yoogeun slowly sagged to the ground in defeat.


"Hey, stop teasing Yoogeun and get your over here you stupid babysitter!" Myung Soo called out. Following his voice, Yeong Hwa was surprised to see that Myung Soo had already tracked down an ice cream stand and was purchasing he and Seo Hyeon a pair of chocolate cones. Surprised and annoyed. "Come on!" Myung Soo laughed, beckoning Yeong Hwa with one finger.


"I am not a dog!" Yeong Hwa retorted, her face flushing angrily as she stalked over towards Myung Soo with the intent of killing. "Yoogeun! Don't forget Yoogeun!" a little voice screamed in the back of Yeong Hwa's head, flailing its metaphorical fists in frustration. Slamming on the brakes, Yeong Hwa turned back around and took Yoogeun's hand. By the time she reached Myung Soo, he had a smug smirk on his face as he languished beside the ice cream stand.


"Stupid," she grunted, sticking her tongue out at Myung Soo. Chuckling, Myung Soo waved off her petty insult and turned his attention to other, more interesting things. Namely, the black van that was sitting conspicuously parked alongside the curb a few feet away from where he and Yeong Hwa were standing. It wasn't really anything to be suspicious about, but...


"Instinct?" Myung Soo thought, watching the van warily. All the windows had been out, so it was impossible to see who was inside. "Or paranoia?" He added, turning his back to the van after one last look. It was probably just him being overly suspicious. After all, why would somebody be stalking them?



"Yeong Hwa Nae has been found, sir."


"Good. Approach her now."


"Sir... she has little kids with her. Are you sure-"


"God dammit I don't care about any kids! I want my money!"




"I'm sorry. I lost my temper."


"It's alright, sir."


"... Get her when she's alone. If she doesn't remember where her father is, then make her remember. Do whatever it takes."


"Whatever, sir?"




"... Understood, sir."


Author's Note: When Yeong Hwa gets mad, I get mad. This is why my family has learned to steer clear of me when I'm glaring at my computer screen and pounding furiously on my poor keyboard.  Onion Emoticon SetMSN Onion Emoticons  Forgive me dear family? MSN Onion Icons haha


* You use one finger or your upturned hand to beckon dogs, while a down turned hand is used for beckoning people (in Korean culture). Hence the whole "I'm not a dog!" thing :)

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#JellyBeans | Final chapter is up, guys! I'm really sorry about the long wait, and I hope you guys can forgive me.


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user555 #1
Chapter 27: ahhh ive read this a second time round and it is still very entertaining! thanks for an amazing story! :)and have a happy new year!
user555 #2
Chapter 27: WOW THIS IS A REALLY GOOD STORY. i read this from the morning till 12:32am then next day cause the chapters are so long with details and cuteness. you write really well and im surprised why this story doesnt have the attention it deserves :S im so confused cause this is better than most of the stories out there it was so cute and just ahhhhh i read it all in one day cause i didnt want to stop LOL the ending was a bit rushed but thats okay i enjoyed this story alot and it seriously needs more praise anyways THANK YOU FOR A GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Chapter 26: plz update Jelly Beans!
awwww come on Myungsoo HWAITING!!^^
littlelamb86 #6
gosh silly myungsoo....of course she would ask if he was joking, after all he did bully her in the begining..
littlelamb86 #7
gosh myungsoo pls quickly ask her out and yeong hwa pls say yes
omg this clueless
littlelamb86 #9
haha...they really are actually playing house the whole of summer...thank god Myungsoo got his head back on and will contnue to protect her...
@ littlelamb86
Really? I thought yukatas were Korean too... huh! I'll go change that right now :) Thanks for the info! haha