Unlucky Number 13

Jelly Beans

"You were just complaining about me never leaving the house, and now you're complaining about me doing just that?! Where is your logic, woman?!" Myung Soo exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.




"Sorry. I meant man," Myung Soo corrected sarcastically, staring into the hall mirror and giving his hair a last minute fix up. Beside him, Yeong Hwa expelled a long, irritated breath of air and glared daggers at him. After a month of living together Myung Soo had lost a considerable amount of his fear of Yeong Hwa, though. It was now a trivial matter to avoid her anger issues.


"So when are you coming back?" Yeong Hwa asked, giving in before the argument over her gender could come into full bloom.


"What are you, my mom?" Myung Soo laughed, snatching his keys off the rack and heading for the front door. Rolling her eyes, Yeong Hwa kept close on his heels.


"I'm your babysitter!" she snapped, grabbing the back of Myung Soo's collar and jerking him to a halt. Stumbling backwards, Myung Soo clutched at his neck as the fabric of his shirt stretched over and briefly cut off his air supply. "What happened to you? Ever since that trip to the aquarium you've been acting... off," Yeong Hwa demanded, folding her arms accusingly over her chest.


"What do you mean?" Myung Soo asked guiltily, knowing that she was speaking the truth. He would never admit it, but his pride had been bruised when she so adamantly refused to have anything to do with him at the aquarium. She had nearly eaten him alive just for trying to hold her hand! "Most girls would pass out instead, but not Yeong Hwa. She has to go and make a guy feel like garbage for something as simple as holding hands," Myung Soo thought irritably, rubbing the back of his neck.


"You know full well what I-"


"Hey L! You coming out today or do we have to come and get you?!" Sung Yeol called out from outside. She had forgotten they were here.


Sighing, Myung Soo glanced apologetically at Yeong Hwa before poking his head out the door. "Just give me a-" he stopped mid-sentence as he glanced over his shoulder at Yeong Hwa. Or at least where she had been a second ago. Now he just caught sight of the closet door shutting and Yeong Hwa's purple shirt disappearing inside. "Crazy woman," Myung Soo thought, shaking his head.


"Ready? Good!" Sung Yeol exclaimed from directly in front of Myung Soo. Startled, he jerked his head back outside to see Sung Yeol standing on the doorstep with his hands on his hips and bright grin on his face. No wonder Yeong Hwa had bolted. That had been a close call. "Come on, L!" Sung Yeol said, tugging Myung Soo out the door.


After slowly counting to thirty, Yeong Hwa came out of the closet and surveyed the house. Everything seemed quiet enough. Still, Yeong Hwa did a quick sweep of the place in order to make sure nobody unwelcome was hiding out. When this search turned up nothing, Yeong Hwa was satisfied and moved on to prepping the twins for their trip to the park. It was a simple outing, but Yeong Hwa didn't want to be too extravagant with Eun Sun's money.


"Ready?" Yeong Hwa asked after ten minutes of dressing and brushing of teeth and hair. Seo Hyeon was the first to nod, with a sleepy Yoogeun following suit. He had been out of it all morning, which Yeong Hwa had been worried about until Myung Soo informed her that the poor guy hadn't slept too well last night.


"I should look up some meals that help with sleep," Yeong Hwa thought as she opened the door for the twins. Once everyone was outside- for the second time in Yoogeun's case, since he had to use the toilet- Yeong Hwa locked up the house and nestled the key safely in her short's pocket. With that settled, Yeong Hwa took the twins' hands in her own and led them down the sidewalk towards the local park.


"It's a really good idea, having a park so close to a residential area," Yeong Hwa thought when they arrived at the park, after a quick wrong turn and ten minute journey. Releasing the twins' hands, Yeong Hwa allowed them to run ahead. For a few seconds the two didn't seem to know what to do with themselves, the both of them standing in the center of the park and looking around hesitantly.


Then Seo Hyeon spotted the sand box. Instantly they had collapsed inside and were busily scooping sand into heaps. "Castle! Castle!" Seo Hyeon chanted, pressing the sand into a shape that vaguely resembled a tower. Smiling, Yeong Hwa sat cross legged in the sand with them in order to help with the castle.

"Excuse me, miss?" a man's voice called out. Curiously, Yeong Hwa glanced around to see who was being addressed. "You in the purple shirt?"


"Oh," she thought, glancing down at the tank top she was wearing. Purple. "I'll be right back, alright?" Yeong Hwa told the twins as she stood and brushed sand off her knees. The twins nodded vaguely, only half-listening to her. Yeong Hwa supposed that would have to do.


After glancing around to see who had been calling her, Yeong Hwa spotted a tall, scrawny man in a clean business suit waving her over to him. Smiling pleasantly, Yeong Hwa made her way over to the man at a light jog. When she arrived, the man flashed her a relieved smile and gestured for her to follow him into a nearby alcove of trees.


"Um, sir? Do I know you?" Yeong Hwa asked, firmly planting her feet on the sidewalk. The last thing she planned on doing was wandering off with some strange man, and especially when her line of sight for the twins would be broken. No matter how pretty the park was, she didn't trust leaving the twins alone in it.


"I just have a quick question to ask you," the man insisted, gesturing for Yeong Hwa to follow him. Pursing her lips, Yeong Hwa began walking backwards. "About your father?" the man continued pressing, following Yeong Hwa as she backed away. That wasn't necessary, though. At the mention of her father, Yeong Hwa rushed into the trees and waited with her arms crossed for the man to join her. Smiling, he did so.


"You are Yeong Hwa Nae, right?" he asked, glancing nervously over Yeong Hwa's shoulder. She could feel a nagging suspicion in the pit of her stomach as he did so. Instinct was telling her to run, and her instincts had yet to be wrong. Especially when they were screaming at her like now. Of course there was a first for everything... and she really wanted to know about her dad.


"Yeah," Yeong Hwa replied hesitantly, her eyes flickering around their surroundings. Total isolation, surrounded on all sides by thick foliage. If anything were to happen, nobody would see it. She would be entirely at the mercy of... of what? A stick?


He was skinny enough for a puff of air to blow him over, didn't have a of muscle on him, and to top it all off he was wearing a pair of thick, round glasses that screamed nerd; how could he pose any threat to a young, strong girl like herself?


As Yeong Hwa examined his glasses, she could see his warm, yet nervous, eyes suddenly turn icy cold as they caught sight of someone just over Yeong Hwa's shoulder. This nerd wasn't the dangerous one. The hulking mass of humanoid flesh behind her was.


The baseball bat caught Yeong Hwa on the back of the ear as she tried to duck and avoid her mystery attacker, throwing Yeong Hwa to the ground in a near senseless heap. Groaning, she tried to make her deadened limbs move. Her head hurt, though, and that pain was numbing everything. Even though her brain screamed for her to run as it pulsed adrenaline through her veins faster than any drug, her body refused to cooperate. Everything was fuzzy as the world swam in front of her eyes in a blur of colors. Everything but her hearing.


Heart pounding wildly, Yeong Hwa could hear two pairs of feet surrounding her. One belonged to the "harmless" man who had brought her here in the first place, his shiny business shoes barely visible through the stars floating in Yeong Hwa's vision. The other she assumed belonged to her attacker, who stood behind her and out of sight.


That wasn't the case for long, though.


Strong hands grabbed Yeong Hwa's arms and lifted her effortlessly into the air. Her arms were yanked back behind her shoulders, sending a shock of pain through Yeong Hwa's body. Wincing, she bit down on her lip to keep from crying out as she was slammed against the nearest tree, her wrists pinned overhead by her attacker. A sneering face filled her vision, and it could only be described as that of a human pitbull. Mean and meaner.


"Good afternoon Miss Nae. My name is Mr. Lee, and I am here about your father," the skinny man introduced, appearing over Pitbull's shoulder. No more was the nervous, gentle man Yeong Hwa had assumed him to be. "Of course that is a redundant statement. I already told you my purposes, didn't I?"


"Go to hell," Yeong Hwa slurred, he brain still rattling in side her skull from the initial blow she had received. While Mr. Lee seemed unfazed by her defiance, Pitbull didn't have quite the same sense of humor. Drawing his fist back, he fixed a glare on Yeong Hwa - as well as his aim - and then slammed it viciously into her jaw.


As his knuckled bashed into her face, Yeong Hwa could feel her lip split open and a warm trail of blood begin streaming down her chin. Biting down on the inside of her cheek to keep from making any noise, Yeong Hwa slowly exhaled as she glared at Pitbull through a haze of red.


"Down boy," Mr. Lee snapped as Pitbull prepared his fist for another blow to Yeong Hwa's face. Sounded like she wasn't the only one to notice the remarkable resemblance this man had to dogs. "If you break her then she can't talk, and I'm not not going through all the trouble of a kidnapping in order to question her later."


Yeong Hwa didn't know whether to be grateful for Mr. Lee's interference, or angry with his reasons.


"Still," Mr. Lee continued, narrowing his eyes in Yeong Hwa's direction, "a little respect can go a mighty long way, Miss Nae." It didn't take a genius to hear the threat in that statement. It also didn't take a genius to recognize that he would make good on said threat.


"So what do you want?" Yeong Hwa grunted, struggling to keep her thoughts coherent as the world continued to swim about in her head. Everything kept blurring in and out of focus, reflecting the world in a fun house mirror.


Behind Pitbull the rustle of papers could be heard as Mr. Lee searched for whatever it was he wanted to show Yeong Hwa. "Do you recognize... this man?" Mr. Lee asked, reaching over Pitbull's shoulder - quite the feet considering the hulking man was nearly twice the height of Mr. Lee - and holding a photograph a few inches in front of Yeong Hwa's face.


"Of course I recognize him, you moron," she thought, narrowing her eyes at Mr. Lee over the top of her dad's photo. "No. Never seen him before," she lied.


"Are you sure?" Mr. Lee asked, his honeyed voice hardening.


"One hundred percent. Anything else?" Yeong Hwa asked sweetly, beginning to feel blood settling .


"You can nod yes or no from now on," Mr. Lee sighed, retracting the photo from Yeong Hwa's view. Confused, Yeong Hwa was about to ask him what he meant when she suddenly felt a crushing pain her abdomen. Taking his cue, Pitbull had his fist into Yeong Hwa's gut.


The air burst out of Yeong Hwa's lungs, sending out a spray of blood on to the grass at her feet as she coughed wetly. Doubling over in pain, Yeong Hwa's knees buckled out from under her. Now all that supported her was Pitbull's grip on her wrists, which were still pinned painfully to the tree's trunk. She had taken beatings before, but never had she been brought to her knees.


Yeong Hwa was genuinely frightened, now.


"Do you know where your father is?" Mr. Lee asked once more, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket and scrubbing at a stray fleck of Yeong Hwa's blood that had splattered onto his sleeve.


"N-n-" Yeong Hwa tried, but only managed to cough up another blob of dark red blood. It was hard enough breathing, but now she was supposed to try speaking too?!


"Body language, Miss Nae. Just nod yes or no," Mr. Lee chided, glancing over in her direction. In that second, Yeong Hwa could see that the scared rabbit she had originally met had been devoured by a snake. A sick, sadistic snake who was willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted. Cringing away, Yeong Hwa turned her face away from Mr. Lee's before that snake devoured her, too.


"Miss Nae?" Mr. Lee urged, his voice showing that he knew what she had seen in his eyes. "Do you know where your father is?"


Glaring up at him, or at least at a point an inch or two to the right of his head, Yeong Hwa shook her head as firmly as she possible could. Behind Pitbull, Mr. Lee closed his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose. His orders had been simple: Go in, get the information, and leave. Yet the actual task was proving to be anything but simple.


"I'm an accountant for Pete's sake! I keep the books! This work is for brutes, like the brainless wonder over here," he thought, his eyes flickering in distaste towards his companion. He had insisted he would be able to smooth talk his way through the encounter, but somehow he had still been stuck with this idiot. If the man wasn't knocking heads together then he was drunk, two things Mr. Lee was proud to say he did not participate in. At least until now, that is.


"Perhaps I'll stop by a bar this evening." Turning to Yeong Hwa, Mr. Lee replaced his handkerchief into his pocket and tried to think of a way to break her. She was already on the verge of unconsciousness, bloodied and beaten like a medieval e, and yet she still managed to remain strong. Breaking Yeong Hwa was like beating his head on a brick wall in an attempt to make it crumble. It just didn't happen.


"Where is your father?" he sighed, growing weary of repeating himself so many times. Tapping Pitbull on the shoulder, he motioned for him to tighten his grip on Yeong Hwa. Nodding, the man followed orders and squeezed tighter, pressing her flesh into the bark of the tree. At least that was one good thing about the brute. He followed orders without question, and felt no remorse no matter what he was told to do. Mr. Lee could insist he break Yeong Hwa's neck right there, and the man would do so without a second thought.


As Pitbull's grip on her wrists tightened, Yeong Hwa tried to wrench herself away from him. She might as well have been sitting still for all the good it did her. The man was like a bar of iron, and unless she suddenly turned into Superman there was no way she would be able to bend that grip.


"Miss Nae, your father borrowed a large amount of money from my employer and now has fled in order to avoid repaying the debt he incurred due to careless spending of my employer's generous loan. There is no reason for you to defend a criminal like this man!" Mr. Lee snapped, his patience coming to an end.


Stiffening, Yeong Hwa glared daggers at Mr. Lee. "My father is not that kind of man," she hissed, her eyes narrowing to threatening slits of fury.


It was admirable how loyal she was, despite the extenuating evidence against her father. The man had left her behind to take the brunt of the consequences for him, for crying out loud! How could she not hate him? Admirable... but extremely frustrating. He wasn't going to extract any information from her by brute force, nor was a silver tongue going to pry her apart. Unless mind reading suddenly became a possibility, Mr. Lee didn't know what to do with her.


As he thought of how to proceed, a tense silence rapidly filled the atmosphere. This was punctuated only by the occasional whimpers of pain from Yeong Hwa as Pitbull mercilessly crushed her wrists. She was trying hard not to show any signs of weakness, but with a pounding headache, busted gut, and now slicing pain her wrists it was impossible to remain in total silence.


Clenching her teeth, Yeong Hwa tried to beat the impossibility of her situation. She just needed to wait them out, make them realize that this whole thing was hopeless. Even if she did know where her father was, which she didn't, she obviously wouldn't tell them. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, after all. Although in this case it seemed they were plenty happy with using acid to try and get the job done.


As the silence became more and more unbearable, a sudden distraction on Mr. Lee's part momentarily lifted the heavy shroud of tension. His cell phone had begun to play one of the many generic ring tones as it simultaneously vibrated. Glancing down at the intrusion with distaste, Mr. Lee removed his cell phone from the pocket of his white dress shirt. After a quick check on the caller ID, he flipped open the phone and pressed it to his ear.


"Yes, sir?" he asked, watching Yeong Hwa cautiously from the corner of his eye. It seemed like that initial blow to the head was beginning to wear off. If it was difficult to break her when she was disoriented, it would be impossible to when she had full control once more. From what he had heard, she was strong, too. Pitbull might suddenly find himself in a difficult situation if she suddenly regained that strength. He would have the make the call quick, if he wanted to take full advantage of her disorientation.


"No, we haven't managed to get anything," he sighed. A moment later Mr. Lee had his cellphone a few inches away from his ear, the voice on the other end of the line increasing in volume by the millisecond. Tilting his head away, Mr. Lee listened with only a portion of his attention as a long list of profanities began being used, most involving either Mr. Lee or his mother.


"Typical brutes," Mr. Lee thought, knowing better than to assume that this was his employer. The man Mr. Lee worked for was a dignified sort, who ran a legal business that tended to get a bad rap from its customers. Hardly the type to go off on an employee like this. Especially one who kept track of all his financial records and made sure they truly were "legitimate".


"So... think you could loosen up a little?" Yeong Hwa asked Pitbull, her eyes leaving Mr. Lee as his phone took over the man's attention. Glancing down at Yeong Hwa, Pitbull raised one eyebrow. Nodding emphatically up at her pinned wrists, Yeong Hwa widened her eyes in what she hoped to be a sympathy creating way. Pitbull wasn't the type to be swayed by this sort of thing, though, and he simply shook his head. "I thought as much," Yeong Hwa sighed, trying to move into a more comfortable position.


As the conversation between Mr. Lee and his mysterious caller intensified, Yeong Hwa's eyes began surveying the surrounding area for any weapons. Her main focus ended up being the twins, though. They were still happily building sand castles together, entirely clueless as to Yeong Hwa's situation. "Good. It's better for them not to know," she thought, a small smile of relief appearing on her face. At least they were safe. Regardless of her own health, Yeong Hwa knew that her first priority was to keep the twins safe.


"Yes, sir. Understood, sir," Mr. Lee grunted, wrapping up his conversation. After snapping the phone shut, Mr. Lee turned back towards Yeong Hwa and slipped he cellular device into his pocket, all in one fluid motion. "It seems as though another lead on your father has turned up, Miss Nae. Apparently he was spotted in Chicago," Mr. Lee announced, gesturing for Pitbull to release Yeong Hwa. Instantly the order was followed, sending Yeong Hwa crashing to the ground as Pitbull's support was suddenly withdrawn.


"Chicago? As in America?" she groaned, rubbing at the bright red, hand shaped sores on her wrists.


"Yes," Mr. Lee answered. He knew that he didn't need to tell her anything - nor should he tell her anything - but he also felt that she deserved to know what had happened to her bastard of a father. It wasn't as though she was going to be able to get a plane, fly to Chicago, track down her old man, and warn him of the "shark's" approach. It was inconceivable.


"No wonder he never answers my calls. The time zone differences..." Yeong Hwa stopped herself from taking that train of thought any further. The endless phone calls that had never been answered were hardly the problem here, after all. He had abandoned her. He left her to fend for herself. Just so that he wouldn't have to pay back some stupid loan.


"Let's go," Mr. Lee grunted, gesturing for Pitbull to follow him. Together, the two started walking towards a silver baby limousine that had been parked alongside the curb.


That loan... if it was paid back, then her father could - "How much is the loan?" Yeong Hwa called out desperately, not even needing to finish her thought before she knew what to do. Who cared if her father abandoned her in order to avoid some financial debt. He was still her father, and as his daughter she needed to help him.


Pausing mid-step, Mr. Lee arched one eyebrow and looked back at Yeong Hwa. A small stream of blood was coming from a split bottom lip, and a lump had developed just behind her ear, but she was still as determined as ever. If anything, she had only increased in determination. Looking into her eyes now, he could see a strong fire burning there. A fire that he was sure would attempt to burn him if he didn't help her. Sighing, Mr. Lee removed a business card from a stash he kept in his pocket.


"You figure out how much you have and then give me a call. We'll see what we can do," he told her, tossing the card to Yeong Hwa. It landed with one corner in a muddy puddle.


"Alright," Yeong Hwa agreed, fishing out the business card and rubbing off the mud. Slowly she rose to her feet and turned to leave. "I still think you should go to Hell," she grunted before making a hasty retreat.


Pitbull lurched forward to pursue her, but was stopped by Mr. Lee. "Don't," he ordered, extending his arm in front of Pitbull. Although the man could easily have ignored Mr. Lee, he was too simple to think of arguing. "We need to get going."


"Where to?" Pitbull grunted, unhappy about letting Yeong Hwa get away.


"Airport. I have a flight to catch," Mr. Lee sighed, watching as Yeong Hwa rejoined the twins.


"What happened?" Seo Hyeon gasped, pointing to Yeong Hwa's split lip. Frowning, Yeong Hwa tried to think of a suitable excuse. Of course she couldn't tell the twins about what had happened. The less they knew, the safer they were. At least... she hoped. Glancing over her shoulder, Yeong Hwa watched as the baby limousine pulled away from the curb and disappeared into traffic.


They wouldn't try and get at the twins, would they? Yoogeun and Seo Hyeon had absolutely nothing to do with this!


"Eunnie?" Seo Hyeon asked, tugging on Yeong Hwa's arm.


"I fell," Yeong Hwa grunted, forcing the corners of to upturn into a reassuring smile as she looked down at Seo Hyeon. The skin on her lips pulled tight from attempting to smile, sending a shock of pain through her lips as the damaged portion was agitated. Yeong Hwa didn't even flinch.


"Ready to go home?" She asked, patting Yoogeun on the head in order to catch his attention. Nodding, Yoogeun stood and brushed off the sand that dusted his shorts and legs. Once the twins were completely ready, the three started the short walk back home.


"I have to figure out a way to pay back the debt... I need to be able to think," Yeong Hwa thought, sighing as she tried to block out the twins incessant chattering. "Sorry, boss man. Looks like I'm going to have to cut your party time short," she thought reluctantly, pulling out her phone and flipping it open.


On the third ring, Myung Soo picked up.


"Hello?" he answered, the sounds of karaoke in the background. Rolling her eyes at the lack of talent the boys exhibited, Yeong Hwa took a steadying breath. "Hello?" Myung Soo repeated, already preparing to hang up.


"Where are you?" as if she didn't already know that from the background noise. There was only one nearby karaoke room, and since- to the best of Yeong Hwa's knowledge- none of the seven friends knew how to drive it was obvious they would go to the closest place.




"Are you close to home?" Yeong Hwa persisted, not about to let Myung Soo blow her off. Her heart was still pounding heavily in her chest from that encounter with Mr. Lee and his human battering ram. If they came back again, and the twins were with her... Yeong Hwa could handle a lot of things, but right now she was too frazzled to do much. She needed to make sure the twins were safe, and then all Hell could break loose.


"I just want them to be safe," she thought as Myung Soo continued peppering her with questions. He was being extremely difficult.


"Myung Soo, just get your back to the house! I'm dropping the twins off, and if you aren't there then all Hell will break loose as they destroy the place!" Yeong Hwa hissed into the phone, covering so that the twins couldn't hear her. On the other end, Myung Soo was quiet as he recovered from the shock of having Yeong Hwa lose it like that. Angry he could handle, even raging Hulk smash, but this... she was scared. Real scared.


"What happened, Yeong Hwa? Are the twins okay?" Myung Soo whispered. In the background she could hear the singing come to an abrupt halt, insinuating that Myung Soo had left the room. That meant she had his full attention. "I swear if you let them get hurt, I'll-"


"They're fine. I'm fine. We're all fine! Just please, come get the twins!" Yeong Hwa pleaded, becoming more agitated by the second. She hadn't realized just how scared she was until the whole thing was over, and now she felt on the verge of tears. "Please, Myung Soo."


"... I'll be there in five minutes."


"Thank you," Yeong Hwa whispered, her voice choking up slightly as she hung up the phone. Up ahead, she could see the Kim household coming into view.


"Is Oppa coming?" Seo Hyeon asked, looking up at Yeong Hwa with wide, innocent eyes. Forcing herself to smile once again, Yeong Hwa wiped away the tears that threatened to fall and nodded. "Yay! Yoogeun, Oppa is coming early!" Seo Hyeon cheered, clutching her brother's hand and bouncing up and down. Yoogeun didn't seem to share his sister's sentiments, having come to prefer Yeong Hwa, but he didn't lash out at her for her enthusiasm.


"They're growing up fast," Yeong Hwa thought, remembering when she had first come and Yoogeun would throw a temper tantrum whenever he didn't get his way. That was how they had met, in fact. "A whole summer is just rushing by... it's already the second week of July," she mused, knowing that once the summer was over she would no longer be able to see the twins. There wouldn't be any reason for her to, once their parents were back.


"Second week of July... Friday... huh. Go figure," Yeong Hwa thought, drawing forth a mental calendar and realizing that today was Friday the thirteenth. "Guess that's why I've had such a crummy day," she reasoned, chuckling darkly as they arrived at the front door. Pulling out her house key, Yeong Hwa unlocked the door for the twins.


"I have to go home today, so just wait for Myung Soo to come back, okay?" Yeong Hwa instructed them as the twins rushed inside and began throwing off their shoes. Both kids froze instantly and turned to face Yeong Hwa in shock.


"You're leaving?" Yoogeun moaned, his bottom lip popping out as he pouted. Sighing, Yeong Hwa reached inside and mussed his hair affectionately. "I don't want you to goooooo."


"Is it 'cause you're hurt?" Seo Hyeon asked, motioning to Yeong Hwa's split lip. No sense in glossing over this much at least.


"Yeah. I'm going to go home and put some medicine on it," Yeong Hwa agreed.


"And then you'll come back?" Yoogeun asked hopefully. Frowning, she shook her head. "Why-"


"I'm not coming back today. Maybe... maybe tomorrow," Yeong Hwa sighed, waving goodbye to the twins. Before either of them could complain any further, Yeong Hwa had closed the front door and relocked it. She wasn't sure if the twins could reach the interior lock, but it was at least a good attempt at keeping them safe.


"Sorry," she mumbled, rubbing at her still sore wrists as she hurried to get away from the house before Myung Soo could come back.



Author's Note: So I'm sitting in class today, reading a book, when suddenly a spark of inspiration hits me! So I pull out some paper and start writing. By the end of the day, I have a stack of papers sitting in front of me.

"Did I just write all of chapter 13? Without my notes???" confused onion head

Yup! No worrying about updating this week! relax2 onion head


In Other News:

Onion Emoticon I hope you guys don't mind the sudden serious turn of this fanfic. I promise the cutesy fluffy romantic stuff will be back soon!

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#JellyBeans | Final chapter is up, guys! I'm really sorry about the long wait, and I hope you guys can forgive me.


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user555 #1
Chapter 27: ahhh ive read this a second time round and it is still very entertaining! thanks for an amazing story! :)and have a happy new year!
user555 #2
Chapter 27: WOW THIS IS A REALLY GOOD STORY. i read this from the morning till 12:32am then next day cause the chapters are so long with details and cuteness. you write really well and im surprised why this story doesnt have the attention it deserves :S im so confused cause this is better than most of the stories out there it was so cute and just ahhhhh i read it all in one day cause i didnt want to stop LOL the ending was a bit rushed but thats okay i enjoyed this story alot and it seriously needs more praise anyways THANK YOU FOR A GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Chapter 26: plz update Jelly Beans!
awwww come on Myungsoo HWAITING!!^^
littlelamb86 #6
gosh silly myungsoo....of course she would ask if he was joking, after all he did bully her in the begining..
littlelamb86 #7
gosh myungsoo pls quickly ask her out and yeong hwa pls say yes
omg this clueless
littlelamb86 #9
haha...they really are actually playing house the whole of summer...thank god Myungsoo got his head back on and will contnue to protect her...
@ littlelamb86
Really? I thought yukatas were Korean too... huh! I'll go change that right now :) Thanks for the info! haha