Our Secret Love {One-shot} {Request}


Keeping your relationship secret from your parents? Friends? Co-workers? It's pretty hard, right? 

Now try hiding it from the world.

That's right. Every. Last. Human. Being. (And their camera)

When you have to keep up a secret love, it is the little things that end up meaning the most.

Like when he walks you home.


It's finished~

I ended up rewriting it, like, ten times because I kept getting stuck and having to change the plot XD  I really hope you like it!


((For anyone else reading this, this one-shot is my side of a trade with cupcakecrushes :) ))


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cupcakecrushes #1
I love it! Secret lovers~ That's what we are~ I don't know the rest of this song, but it's ok anyway~nlol Thank bunches