My Hero?

Jelly Beans

"Please, Myung Soo."


"Just what happened to you, Yeong Hwa?" Myung Soo thought aloud as he arrived at the front door, sweat dripping from his face. He had run at a dead sprint the entire way here, Yeong Hwa's voice replaying over and over in his mind. It had been hard trying to explain away why he suddenly had to leave, and eventually Myung Soo had simply walked out of the building. Infinite was definitely going to make him pay for that later.


Running a hand through his hair to try and tidy the wind-blown mess, Myung Soo tried the doorknob with the other. Locked. Which was odd, considering Yeong Hwa should be here by now. At least, he had assumed she would be. Maybe she was still on her way?


Frowning, Myung Soo pulled out his house key and unlocked the door. Once that was accomplished he pushed open the door and stepped inside, kicking off his shoes into the corner. "Hello?" He called out, his voice echoing in what appeared to be an empty house. "Yeong Hwa?" he tried again, closing the door behind him and pulling the key out from the lock.


"Kyaaah!" Seo Hyeon screeched from upstairs, followed by a short thump.


"Seo Hyeon?!" Myung Soo exclaimed, rushing up the stairs to check on her. "Seo Hyeon, what happened?" He asked as he reached the top. From the bathroom he could hear Seo Hyeon whimpering. Expecting the worst, Myung Soo hurried into the bathroom.


The bathroom cabinet doors were wide open and their contents spread wildly about the bathroom floor, with Seo Hyeon sitting in the middle of it. Pouting, Seo Hyeon looked up at Myung Soo with tears in her eyes. It seemed like she was unscathed, though. Sighing with relief, Myung Soo knelt down beside Seo Hyeon and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug.


"Seo Hyeon, what happened?" Myung Soo gently repeated, the back of her head as she started crying.


"Band-aids," Seo Hyeon hiccuped in disgruntlement. "Eunnie's hurt," she continued whimpering, her whole body going limp in defeat.


"What?" Myung Soo asked, holding Seo Hyeon at arms length so he could look into her face. "What happened to Yeong Hwa?" he insisted, replaying his conversation with Yeong Hwa through his head. She had insisted she was alright, but Seo Hyeon wasn't the type to lie. Sure she would occasionally, but that was typically just blaming Yoogeun for everything. This wasn't the kind of thing she would lie about.


"Yeong Hwa, on the other hand," Myung Soo thought, his heart sinking into his chest. "Where's Yoogeun?" Myung Soo asked, his voice tense. Hiccuping from having been crying, Seo Hyeon pushed herself onto her feet and tugged at Myung Soo's hand. Nodding, he rose to his own feet and followed Seo Hyeon into his bedroom, where the bathroom light was on. Looked like Yoogeun had been in charge of tearing apart Myung Soo's bathroom.


Poking his head inside the bathroom, and leaving Seo Hyeon standing in his bedroom doorway, Myung Soo spotted Yoogeun going through his drawers. As he searched, Yoogeun caught sight of Myung Soo in the corner of his eye and practically died of a heart attack.


"Sorry!" He yelped, dropping the box of tissues he had discovered.


"Don't worry, Yoogeun. It's alright," Myung Soo assured him, gesturing for Yoogeun to follow him out into the bedroom. Sheepishly, the little boy did so.


Once both the twins were inside and sitting on Myung Soo's bed, he began the interrogation. "What happened at the park today?"


"We played in the sand," Seo Hyeon offered hesitantly.


"What happened to Yeong Hwa?" Myung Soo clarified, trying to keep patient with the two. Even though, to the extent of Myung Soo's knowledge, Yeong Hwa was lying in a gutter somewhere bleeding to death he couldn't take it out on the twins. They were just as scared as him, if not more.


"She fell," Yoogeun piped up, throwing himself face first onto the bed in order to give a visual representation.


"She... fell?" Myung Soo asked, arching one eyebrow in disbelief. Had Yeong Hwa seriously lost it because she scraped up her knees a little? "Did you see her fall?"


"No," Seo Hyeon admitted, drawing circles on the bed spread with her finger. "She was hurt," she added, defending her and Yoogeun's claim that Yeong Hwa had fallen.


"Yeah! Her wip was bweeding and she had a bump!" Yoogeun exclaimed, cupping his hand around an invisible goose egg just behind his ear. At least they weren't so traumatized that Yoogeun couldn't act everything out, as was usual for him. "And her... these!" Yoogeun added, pointing to his wrists.


"Her wrists?" Myung Soo asked, rubbing at his own.


"They were red and scwatched!" Seo Hyeon blurted out, leaning forward. It seemed like the twins were less worried and more fascinated with Yeong Hwa's extensive list of injuries. "So she went home," Seo Hyeon frowned.


"She went home?"


"Yup! But she isn't coming back," Yoogeun pouted, bowing his head in disappointment. "Maybe tomorrow," he sighed, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.


"Do you guys want to go and play with some friends?" Myung Soo suddenly asked, deciding he needed to go and find Yeong Hwa. There was something going on that she wasn't telling either him or the twins, and Myung Soo planned on figuring out just what that was. It was big enough for her to leave the twins, after all. Yeong Hwa would never leave the twins unless it was something really important. Their safety was always foremost in her mind.


So whatever had happened, it must have put the twins in danger.


Myung Soo's mouth went dry at the thought of Seo Hyeon with a bloody lip, or Yoogeun with a goose egg the size of a baseball. For Yeong Hwa to have put either of them at risk for something like that was unforgivable, and Myung Soo planned on making sure she knew that. She couldn't just drag the twins into her fights like this.


"Warrior princess... I bet that's what this whole thing is about. Just another one of her pointless fights," Myung Soo thought, turning entirely against Yeong Hwa in a matter of seconds.


"What about Eunnie?" Seo Hyeon asked, sliding of Myung Soo's bed.


"I'm going to go and get her now," Myung Soo informed Seo Hyeon, pulling out his cell phone. He wasn't about to leave the twins alone like Yeong Hwa had, so after quickly punching in the first number he could remember Myung Soo held his phone to his ear and waited for the other side to pick up.

"Why did it never cross my mind to ask for her address?"  Myung Soo thought as he jogged up the stairs of the fifth rooftop room he had come across. "Because I never cared before," he added guiltily a second later. And it was true. Up until now, he had never cared about Yeong Hwa beyond the fact that she kept him from taking care of the twins on his own and consequently going insane. As long as she showed up every morning, he didn't care about anything else in her life.


"Not that it's all that unusual," he thought defensively, reaching the top step. Glancing around, Myung Soo tried to see if this was actually Yeong Hwa's room. He didn't want anyone thinking he was some sort of a thief or something.


"Yeong Hwa? Yeong Hwa Nae?" He whispered hesitantly, slowly making his way around to the front door. Poking his head around the corner, he could see the door had been left ajar. A good sign that somebody was home. Crossing his fingers, Myung Soo prayed that that "somebody" was Yeong Hwa. "Are you here?" he tried, raising his voice ever so slightly as he poked his head through the doorway.


"Yeong- What the hell?!" Myung Soo gasped as his eyes fell on the limp form that had collapsed just inside the doorway. He felt his stomach drop in a free fall as he recognized the familiar face of Yeong Hwa, partially covered by her hair. It was actually probably a good thing that his stomach had jumped ship. It kept him from being sick.


"Hey, Yeong Hwa!" Myung Soo exclaimed, crouching down beside her and gently shaking her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered slightly, but other than that there was no reaction from her. She was out cold. Biting his bottom lip nervously, Myung Soo tried not to panic as he carefully pulled Yeong Hwa up into a sitting position. She felt like a doll with how light she was.


"Yeah, you're totally fine. Stupid liar," Myung Soo grunted as he wrapped his arms around her. Slowly standing up in order to try and not bump her around too much, Myung Soo carried Yeong Hwa princess style to the only piece of furniture in the room, an ugly green couch that had its stuffing falling out. In most people's homes Myung Soo would have taken it as a sign of poverty, but he couldn't help but think Yeong Hwa had bought this piece of junk on purpose in order to fit her "style".


Rolling his eyes at the thought, and trying not to dwell too much on the fact that Yeong Hwa was out cold from unknown circumstances, Myung Soo gently propped her head up with a few cushions and then covered her with a blanket that had been left abandoned on the floor. With that done, he took an inventory on Yeong Hwa's wounds.


The twins really hadn't been kidding when they were talking about Yeong Hwa's injuries. Her lip had swelled considerably and had an ugly black scab growing on a generous chunk of the skin. A trail of coppery red ran down her chin from the scab, the near perfect path scuffed slightly from where she must have been rubbing at the blood. The skin on the right side of her jaw had been colored an ugly black and blue, with tinges of yellow here and there. It looked like somebody had taken a wrecking ball and smashed it into her face.


The back of her head had an incredibly sized goose egg just behind her ear, which would account for why he had found her passed out cold. It was a miracle that she had managed to make it this far, especially since she had also needed to drop the twins off on her way. Suddenly, Myung Soo didn't blame her quite so much for having left the twins alone at the house. Even if she had been there, she wouldn't have done much good unconscious.


Worst of all, though, was her wrists. Although they weren't nearly as ugly as the rest of her wounds, they showed that this had been no accidental fall. The back of her wrists and hands were scraped up, like somebody had rubbed them against something rough, and had dark red finger-shaped markings. Unless somebody was stupid enough to try and help her back onto her feet with enough force to leave those kinds of marks, this had been no fall. Somebody had pinned her and then proceeded to beat her up.


"Just what happened to you, Yeong Hwa?" Myung Soo whispered, brushing her hair out of her face with the back of his hand. Her skin was covered in sweat. Grimacing, Myung Soo went in search of a cool, wet cloth he could use to clean her up a bit.

Her head hurt. A lot.


Groaning, Yeong Hwa squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to remember the past few minutes of her life. She could recall dropping the twins off and coming home. Then she unlocked the door, took off her shoes, and... greeted the floor with her face. She vaguely recalled managing to catch herself, barely, which would explain why her hands were throbbing in time with her head. And lip. And face. And pretty much every inch of flesh on her body.


"You awake?"


"Yeah," Yeong Hwa sighed, rubbing at her face as she slowly opened her eyes. The light drove harshly into her eyes, making her headache that much worse. , Yeong Hwa tried to roll over to avoid the harsh glare of white light but her body refused to cooperate. "Light..." she groaned, barely managing to lift her hand and gesture vaguely in the direction of her assaulter.


Beside her she could hear somebody moving about, and then the lights were turned off. "Better?" he asked from across the room. She could tell that it was a he because of the voice, which was strangely familiar. She could swear she had heard it somewhere before, and frequently. For some reason, the voice dredged up feeling of annoyance... and guilt. Guilt about having left the twins alone, and about having involved them in danger, and...


"Myung Soo?" Yeong Hwa groaned, realizing that only one person on this planet could tie into these feelings.


"The one and only," he chuckled weakly, sitting beside her on the edge of the couch.




"You're welcome," Myung Soo grunted, dabbing at her forehead with a cloth. Frowning, Yeong Hwa put up a feeble resistance against his assistance by trying to swat his hand away. Rolling his eyes, Myung Soo used one hand to pin her arms against the couch and the other to continue wiping away at the sweat.


"Leggo," Yeong Hwa insisted, her voice slurring slightly as her vision began swimming. Groaning, she squeezed her eyes shut at the sudden and unwelcome feeling of spinning uncontrollably, which was quickly accompanied by a wave of nausea. "Oh man-" her voice was cut off as she began coughing. Curling up into a ball, Yeong Hwa tried to hold down her lunch.


"You want me to get you a bucket or something?" Myung Soo asked, trying to keep down his own disgust. He really didn't want to deal with barf.


"I'm fine," Yeong Hwa whimpered, curling even more tightly and hiding her face from Myung Soo.


"Yeong Hwa, what happened?" Myung Soo asked, the back of her head. She wanted to hit him for doing that, but it was strangely comforting. She supposed that this once, and only this once, she would allow him to touch her like this.


That didn't mean she was going to tell him about what happened. "None of your business."


"Yeong Hwa-"




"Please, you need to tell me-"


"I don't need to tell you anything."


"Yeong Hwa! I just want to-"


"I don't care what you want!"


"Yeong Hwa Nae you will tell me what happened right now! You put Yoogeun and Seo Hyeon in danger, and I want to know why!" Myung Soo exploded, roughly grabbing her shoulders and briefly shaking her. "What the hell happened to you?!" he snapped, quickly pulling his hands back.


Yeong Hwa remained silent for a few seconds, debating on how much to tell Myung Soo. Finally, she resolved to just let him know all of it even if she herself wasn't entirely sure she knew what was going on. One minute she thought her dad was on a lengthy business trip, the next she's found out he's fled the country. "Sorry," she choked out, trying to sit up.


"I just want to help you," Myung Soo sighed, running a hand through his hair as he tried to sort out his feelings. He couldn't stand seeing Yeong Hwa like this! It was like watching a tree that had weathered the elements for centuries suddenly fall apart after being struck by lightening, and then then thrown into a wood chipper.


"My dad left me a little over a year ago. He didn't say anything, just left me a note that said he would be gone for a few months and that I should move here. He didn't tell me why he was leaving, except that it was for a business trip, and he didn't even bother mentioning where he was going. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now... I haven't spoken to him in months. He didn't call, or write, or anything. I had no idea how much longer I would be on my own, so when your mom offered me this job I took it. The money he left me was running out, after all," Yeong Hwa explained, finding it a lot easier to confide in Myung Soo then she had originally thought. As she spoke, Myung Soo remained silent.


"When we were at the park today..." Yeong Hwa's voice trailed off into a hiccup as she tried to not cry. Wordlessly, Myung Soo squeezed her hand. "A man approached me about my father today. He wanted to know where he was. I tried to tell him I didn't know, but he didn't believe me. That's why I got beat up like this," she chuckled, no humor in her voice as she did so. "He said that my dad was in debt, and that he had run out in order to avoid paying back a loan. Apparently the man who gave my dad the money is getting impatient."


"Apparently," Myung Soo agreed quietly, keeping a tight grip on Yeong Hwa's hand.


"They left after getting a call. Apparently a new lead on my dad had come up, so they no longer needed me," Yeong Hwa continued, her voice beginning to choke up. "He was seen in Chicago."


"America?! Your dad fled the country?!" Myung Soo exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock. When Yeong Hwa began crying, he realized that might have been a mistake. "S... sorry," he mumbled, averting his eyes guiltily as Yeong Hwa covered her face in order to try and muffled her crying.


There had been signs that she was living on her own. She was leaving home early every morning and coming back late, yet nobody seemed to worry about her. He had never heard her once mention her mother wanting her at home, or her father questioning where she was going. They never called to check up on her, even. Really, it would take an idiot to not see that there was something going on in Yeong Hwa's life.


"Guess that makes me idiot number one," Myung Soo thought, rubbing at the back of his neck as he tried to think of what to do.


"Why didn't you stay with a relative when you realized your dad wasn't coming back... any time soon," Myung Soo asked, trying to tactfully avoid the implication that her dad had abandoned her.


"It's illegal for someone to neglect their child like this! If I told someone, by dad could be arrested!" Yeong Hwa exclaimed fearfully, her voice choking up slightly as she tried to speak while crying at the same time. "Even if he did abandon me, I don't want to stab him in the back like that!"


"Then what about your mom? I'm sure she wouldn't want your dad arrested just as much as-" Myung Soo froze mid-sentence when he saw the look on Yeong Hwa's face. "I mean..." he tried, unsure of what else to say. Looked like her dad wasn't the only person Yeong Hwa's life was missing.


"It's okay," Yeong Hwa mumbled, rubbing away any stray tears from her eyes. "It's not like I've ever mentioned my mom," she sighed, attempting to sit up. Instantly the room began spinning again, and Yeong Hwa was forced to remain lying down. Groaning, she rubbed at her temples and tried to ignore the queasiness in her stomach.


Biting his lip, Myung Soo refused to take the obvious opportunity and ask about her mom. If Yeong Hwa wasn't going to willingly speak about the woman, then Myung Soo wasn't going to worm it out of her. It was bad enough he had forced her to talk about her dad. Dredging up any more painful memories would just be cruel.


"I can quit, if you want," Yeong Hwa suddenly suggested, looking up at Myung Soo from the corner of her eye.




"I have a pair of thugs on my tail who were willing to crack me over the head with an aluminum baseball bat to try and find my dad! That doesn't make you the least bit concerned?" Yeong Hwa demanded, her voice surprisingly strong considering that she had been through Hell and back today. "Come on Myung Soo. You and I both know that you're not an idiot," she grunted, rolling her eyes. She shortly after regretted even just that slightest bit of movement as her head blossomed into pain all over again.


Knowing that lying to her would only make things worse, Myung Soo settled on silently nodding in agreement. He didn't want her to quit, though. Putting aside the fact that he would be forced to take care of the twins on his own, Myung Soo didn't like the idea of leaving Yeong Hwa to deal with this alone. She was seventeen years old, for crying out loud!


"Not that I'm any different," Myung Soo thought, knowing that they were only a few months apart in age. To be honest, what qualified him to handle this situation that Yeong Hwa didn't have? "Nothing," he admitted, glancing around her room for any sort of inspiration. Not that he expected anything to come from it.


"So? Myung Soo?" Yeong Hwa asked, waving her hand in front of his face. Startled, Myung Soo looked down at her. Her eyes were red and puffy from having been crying, but still she was trying to look strong. She wasn't doing a very good job of it, though. He could easily see that she was scared. Gone was the Warrior Princess. This was just your average princess, sitting in her tower and watching as the dragon slowly came closer to devouring her.


And if she was the princess, that would make him the... "Hero," Myung Soo thought, embarrassed by the notion. Still, that seemed the only logical solution to their situation. He couldn't just leave her, after all.


"No, I don't want you to quit," Myung Soo sighed, much to the surprise of Yeong Hwa. "I want you to stay permanently at my house," he decided, standing up purposefully.


"You what?!" Yeong Hwa spluttered, her eyes widening in a mixture of surprise, annoyance, and admiration.


"You're coming to stay with me, at my house. That way I can keep an eye on you," Myung Soo repeated matter-of-factly, glancing around her room. "So do you want me to pack some clothes or something for you?" he asked, picking up a nearby duffel bag that had been carelessly thrown into a corner.


"What? No!" she protested, managing to prop herself up onto her elbow. "Put that down!" She demanded as Myung Soo ped the duffel bag. Shaking his head, Myung Soo discovered her closet. "Out! Out!" Yeong Hwa snapped frantically as Myung Soo opened the closet door and began randomly pulling out clothing.


"You're coming to stay with me. End of story," Myung Soo insisted, stuffing a few shirts and pairs of shorts into the bag. When he came to her underwear drawer, he closed his eyes and randomly dumped a few things inside. From the couch, he could hear Yeong Hwa blowing a few gaskets as she realized what he had come across. "I'm not looking..." he mumbled defensively, quickly closing the drawer.


"I am not coming with you!" Yeong Hwa snapped, her head throbbing as the room began swimming again. If she ever saw Mr. Lee and that stupid muscle head again she was going to smash in both their heads just so that they could deal with the crap she was. "Myung Soo! Seriously!" she protested as she zipped up the duffel bag and closed her closet door.


"Yeong Hwa! You had your head smashed in by a baseball bat and your face turned into a Picasso painting!" Myung Soo snapped. Yeong Hwa would have been offended that he was the one losing his temper if she hadn't seen how genuinely worried about her he was. Faced with Myung Soo's concern, Yeong Hwa could feel her heart skip a few beats as she came to a loss for words.


"I... you... I'm the Warrior Princess for crying out loud! I can handle myself!" Yeong Hwa insisted with false optimism.


"Even the strongest of warriors will need a hero. Let me be that hero," Myung Soo sighed, determined to bring Yeong Hwa back with him.


"Wha- that doesn't even make any sense," Yeong Hwa muttered, averting her eyes in embarrassment as her cheeks began lighting up in red. "You should stop trying to sound cool," she grunted.


"Oh come on, you don't think that was good?" Myung Soo chuckled, embarrassed about having said something like that.


"It doesn't make any sense," Yeong Hwa insisted as Myung Soo helped her sit up.


"Sure it does. Have you ever seen a movie where it was one of the average soldiers who defeated the enemy? It's always the hero who ends up saving the day!" he laughed, wrapping an arm around Yeong Hwa's shoulders to help support her as she tried to stand. Instantly the room began spinning and her legs gave out from underneath her. Yelping in surprise, Yeong Hwa wrapped her arms around Myung Soo's neck and used him for support as her legs dangled uselessly beneath her.


"I don't think this is going to work," Yeong Hwa sighed as Myung Soo gently sat her back down on the couch. "I guess you'll just have to leave me here," she added in mock disappointment, shrugging her shoulders.


"Come with me or I spread your pictures faster than you can say "Oops"," Myung Soo threatened, determined to get her to come with him one way or another.


"You wouldn't," Yeong Hwa hissed, her eyes narrowing at Myung Soo.


"I would."


"... You would," she sighed, holding her head in her hands. "But it's not like I could go with you even if I wanted to. Every time I try moving I end up getting sick and having to lay back down," Yeong Hwa debated, peeking out at Myung Soo between her fingers. He seemed just as much at a loss as what to do as she was.


Frowning, Myung Soo sat down beside her on the couch and tried to think of a solution to their problem. He supposed he could just wait until her head got better and then take her home, but he didn't like the idea of leaving the twins any longer than he already had. Sure they were in the care of people he knew that he could trust, but he still felt like he was shirking his responsibility as their older brother.


"Get on my back," Myung Soo decided, sliding off the couch and crouching in front of Yeong Hwa.


"You can't be serious," she groaned, covering her face again. "Myung Soo, there's no way you can carry me all the way to your house," she reasoned, refusing to budge off the couch.


"You're not that heavy," Myung Soo assured her, reaching behind him and taking her hand. Tugging her towards him, Myung Soo managed to coax her onto his back.


"How would you know?" Yeong Hwa grunted as she wrapped her arms around Myung Soo.


"I carried you to the couch, didn't I?"


"You what?!" Yeong Hwa squeaked in embarrassment, her face lighting up again. Beneath her, Yeong Hwa could feel Myung Soo laughing quietly. Frowning, she rested her cheek against his back and tried not to think too much about the situation she was stuck in.


"Where's your key?"


"Still in the door... I think," Yeong Hwa mumbled, her eyes fluttering closed as her head started throbbing again.


Glancing at the door, Myung Soo confirmed that this was indeed where her keys were, and that he had been stupid enough to leave her door wide open. No wonder he had felt a draft this whole time. Sighing, he left the room and closed the door tightly behind him. Once it was locked, he removed the key from the lock and slipped it into his pocket. As long as he was holding onto her key, Yeong Hwa wouldn't be able to come back here.


"What about Eun Sun?" Yeong Hwa asked as Myung Soo adjusted her to a more comfortable position.


"What about her?"


"Will she be okay with me living at your place?" Yeong Hwa clarified as Myung Soo started down the stairs.


"We'll worry about that when it happens," Myung Soo determined, unsure of the answer himself. It wasn't like he could call her and ask, either, since the stupid mother had turned her phone off while she was on vacation. A zero-contact policy... just like Yeong Hwa's dad.


Even though Myung Soo knew that he would see his parents again at the end of the summer, he could sympathize with her feelings. Not being able to talk to your own parents was hard. They were supposed to be your support system no matter what. Losing that support system was like being thrown out into a stormy ocean without a life vest. And with rocks ties to your ankles. It was inevitable you would sink, unless someone else came along an buoyed you up.


As much as he hated to admit it, Yeong Hwa had been that buoy for Myung Soo. Now he supposed it was his turn to save her from drowning.


"Myung Soo?"




"You're really warm," Yeong Hwa mumbled, snuggling closer into his back as his steps began to rock her to sleep. "It's nice."


He had thought it was something that could only happen to girls, but it seemed like even a boy's heart could skip a beat. As his heart began pounding loudly in his ears, Myung Soo tried to think of how to respond to Yeong Hwa's statement. His mind was drawing a total blank, though. From on his back, Yeong Hwa lifted her head slightly.


"I'm not heavy, am I?" she asked softly, already sounding half-asleep.


"What makes you say that?"


"Your heart is beating louder."


"N-no. You're not heavy," Myung Soo stuttered, feeling his face warming up. "Really," he mumbled, suddenly feeling like every pair of eyes in the world was currently focused on him. It seemed even God himself was laughing at the situation Myung Soo had found himself in.


"Okay," Yeong Hwa sighed, resting her cheek on Myung Soo's back and closing her eyes. His heart was still loud, but rather than annoying she found it to be oddly comforting. Smiling softly, Yeong Hwa drifted off to sleep.


"Yeong Hwa?" Myung Soo asked after a few minutes of silence. He could feel her breath on the back of his neck, slow and steady. She had probably fallen asleep again. "Yeong Hwa... don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."


Author's Note: embarrassed2 onion head I made someone tear up a little! ... That sounds really weird... But seriously, it's (sort of?) a good thing to hear that my writing is making people feel stuff! Although I would like to apologize for making you cry... beg onion head


On another note, I made a... thingy. I dunno, I think it's pretty so I guess I'll share it

click here pwease


and, AND, AND it only took me, like, one minute to spell check this chapter! Normally I spend ten minutes minimum going over everything, even with the handy dandy spell check button! Onion Icon

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#JellyBeans | Final chapter is up, guys! I'm really sorry about the long wait, and I hope you guys can forgive me.


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user555 #1
Chapter 27: ahhh ive read this a second time round and it is still very entertaining! thanks for an amazing story! :)and have a happy new year!
user555 #2
Chapter 27: WOW THIS IS A REALLY GOOD STORY. i read this from the morning till 12:32am then next day cause the chapters are so long with details and cuteness. you write really well and im surprised why this story doesnt have the attention it deserves :S im so confused cause this is better than most of the stories out there it was so cute and just ahhhhh i read it all in one day cause i didnt want to stop LOL the ending was a bit rushed but thats okay i enjoyed this story alot and it seriously needs more praise anyways THANK YOU FOR A GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Chapter 26: plz update Jelly Beans!
awwww come on Myungsoo HWAITING!!^^
littlelamb86 #6
gosh silly myungsoo....of course she would ask if he was joking, after all he did bully her in the begining..
littlelamb86 #7
gosh myungsoo pls quickly ask her out and yeong hwa pls say yes
omg this clueless
littlelamb86 #9
haha...they really are actually playing house the whole of summer...thank god Myungsoo got his head back on and will contnue to protect her...
@ littlelamb86
Really? I thought yukatas were Korean too... huh! I'll go change that right now :) Thanks for the info! haha