Escape From Hell


WARNING: Course language mentioned in this chapter.
As time passes by, Yoon Hae had fallen deeper in love with Jiyong, even though she loves him she still denies it due to her tough and stubborn personality. Big Bang had been involved in a situation where it may lead to the unthinkable for them. They’re enemy, Block B had appeared trying to defeat Big Bang and be labelled as the ‘dangerous gang’ however they once again had failed, but this time they would play things the hard way. 
“Omo! It’s Block B! “Someone murmured as Block B walked through the corridors of Seoul University. Students stayed close to the wall and made an aisle for Block B. Some glared at the figures, scoffing at the males’ attitude; respecting and siding with Big Bang while others (particularly the females) swooned over their masculine appearance, sighing in content as they felt that slight tingly feeling of happiness when Block B pass them. Yoon Hae took no notice, busy reading her novel that she was meant to return back to the library a day ago, she tried to finish the chapters when she accidentally felt a strong force against her right shoulder. 
“Sorry,” she said and continued walking towards the library.
The male figure watched her go and disappear around the corner, ‘Strange… Usually girls would faint when they come in contact with us…’
Yoon Hae shut her book and frowned. ‘What kind of ending is that!? …Well that !’ Yoon Hae went into the library and returned the book in anger. She had thought the novel would have a real ending, but it ended with a stupid ‘and they lived happily ever after’ kind of ending. 
Yoon Hae’s thoughts were interrupted with a screech. She tsk-ed in frustration and followed the main source of sound. A crowd was formed that had blocked the aisle causing her to be further annoyed. She pushed herself through the crowd and was soon in the front where she could see everything clearly. 
Big Bang, Cho Hee and several strangers stood within the circle. Jiyong was on the floor wiping his bleeding lip.
“What’s going on?” Yoon Hae asked but she already knew of course. The male strangers had hit Jiyong, probably after some form of disagreement. She took out some tissues and patted it at Jiyong’s lip worriedly. Jiyong felt strong at the small intimate contact and no longer felt much pain. They both stood up and faced the other gang.
“We’re not fighting you guys… at least not here,” Jiyong commented.
“Why? You scared that you’ll put shame on yourself in front of your girlfriend?” Kyung snickered as the rest of Block B joined in.  
“I feel sorry for her; Jiyong must have forced her to date him; I mean who would? Especially with that kind of face; it can just kill anyone,” B-Bomb insulted. 
“Get the out of here!” Jiyong demanded.
“You really think that we’re that pathetic to actually listen to you?” questioned Taeil.
Jiyong’s fist tightened; as he stepped forward T.O.P stopped him and gave a stern stare.
“Don’t cause more trouble, we can’t afford to get expelled,” T.O.P commented. 
“We’re not going to waste any more of our time,” said Taeyang. Jiyong glared at Block B, when he turned around, the very next second a bunch of gasps were heard from the watches, including both gangs. 
Jiyong turned around to see a fist centimetres away from his face. Zico had attempted to punch him but failed as a hand tightly grabbed onto his wrist. 
“What the ?” Zico shouted.
“Haha! Stopped by a girl,” P.O snickered. 
And he was right; the person who had stopped him was Yoon Hae. Her mind repeated B-Bomb’s words, ‘it can just kill anyone…’ The words had triggered her into the person that seeked revenge of Cho Hee. It was now her that was the most angry and frustrated. 
Yoon Hae was back to her fearless state. 
She released the grip, and stalked away from the scene before she halted, “What’s your gang name again?”
“It’s Block B… Wait, why the hell did I answer her?” U-Kwon spoke out while Jaehyo shrugged and was about to reply when Jiyong interrupted him. Yoon Hae smirked, ‘I should thank them later for reminding me what was my purpose of coming here.’
“Come on Cho Hee, let’s go. We shouldn’t get involved…” Yoon Hae said as she tugged on her friend’s sleeve and muttered, “Because we have our own business to deal with.” The girls left.
“Stay out of Seoul University unless you want a permanent tattoo on your face,” Jiyong threated.
Big Bang walked away leaving Block B in frustration… 
Except for one Block B member who was left in curiosity. 
Sorry for not updating regularly, I have a reason… Okay an excuse but really! It’s just all this pressure and stress at school :3 Forgive me please?
So… Which member of Block B did you think it was that bumped into Yoo Hae?
OH! And I have started a new fanfic [don't worry, I'll update this fanfic as well] with Midknight Killer. It's mystery and yea :) Here's the link.
P.S. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.
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Chapter 20: KYAAAAA! BIGBANG AND BLOCK B FORGAVE HER. I AM SO THRILLED AND RELIEVED AND HAPPY AND YAY :D Kyung is such a good man! <3 I'm pleasantly surprised he got on his knees! And Block B was surprised too! I give Park Kyung a good pat on the back ^_^ thanks for the update!
Chapter 19: Whoa. Kinda confused tbh. Who is Sooyoung? Has she always been in this story? I haven't read this in a while. My memory is bad, sorry xD But whew, glad Jiyong and the rest of Bigbang reconciled with Yoonhae :D Chohee is psycho and just like always I really don't like her~!
Chapter 20: I didn't really expect Kyung to drop on his knees :/ it was a courageous thing to do for a man.
Chapter 20: Wow I was pretty shocked because he dropped on his knees in front of her.. But now block b's on her side hm you'll die soon evil lolol
Chapter 19: Now she has bigbang on her back!! Yeayy!!!
Omg I sense that Cho Hee will do something bad to Sooyoung omgomg this isn't good, I hope she won't do anything harm to sooyoung :((
Chapter 19: Okay so she reunited with Big Bang. Now there's block b.
Chapter 19: FINALLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD Update soonnn!!! This is getting exciting!
Chapter 18: Awwww <3 BIGBANG bromance! I find it really sweet that the other four are so supportive and helpful. Jiyong is one lucky bro ;3 But omg I love Block B more than BIGBANG so my favorite part of this chapter was definitely Block B<3 Their part was more angsty than Bigbang but I love angst so yay :D This is getting better and better! I hope all the boys won't abandon Yoonhae! She deserves them all as friends. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Revenge isn't easy. Revenge is tough. Good luck on revenge, Yoon Hae.