Escape From Hell


“You need to go to University. I’ll handle things while you’re gone,” JiHoon ordered. Yoon Hae raised an eye brow at him as she crossed her arms.

“What difference does it make?” Yoon Hae questioned. It was her revenge, so wouldn’t she want to participate in it as much as she can?

“You can try and find anybody that is willing to help you? According to my investigation, you had plenty of friends. It’ll be easier if you weren’t the only one besides from me, to do the job.”

Yoon Hae took a moment of thought, processing the adult’s words into her mind. She wished he was speaking correctly but he was wrong. Big Bang and Block B weren’t her friends anymore. They didn’t want anything associated with her after they had found out the truth. However, they had spent so much time together and the thought of forgiveness from them was always in her mind. Her thoughts were interrupted when a knocking was heard at the door before a middle-aged lady appeared.

“You have some people who want to see you.”

“Thank you. Please send them in right away,” JiHoon thanked as the lady nodded, opening the door wider and gesturing the figures to come in. As they did, their faces were slowly revealed clearly. The lady left, closing the door shut before proceeding with her daily work. The males’ attentions were caught easily when they noticed the familiar petite figure. The person they were planning to look for with the help of JiHoon in their attempt.

The female felt the corner of her lips tug upwards at the sight of the said males.

“Noona!” the maknae exclaimed before embracing his arms around Yoon Hae. Her heart skipped when she felt her top began to go wet. He was crying. She made the poor maknae cry. She felt depressed when she spoke out the words of, “It’s okay,” while patting his back gently.

“It’s okay, Seungri. It’s okay,” Yoon Hae repeated. The maknae didn’t care about his pride when he embraced the warm figure. He didn’t have the pride to just stand behind his hyungs when really he wanted to hug his caring Noona. Once the two separated, they both realised the smiling faced around them. Even from JiHoon…

Jiyong took a step forward towards Yoon Hae with opened arms, “Mianhae… For not being a good boyfriend, for not understanding you. I just… I want to make things right again, between us…”

Yoon Hae could see the sincerity in his eyes. Those gorgeous eyes that emitted the kind of feeling that could be only seen between him and her. She wanted to forgive him, she truly did. But a part of her told her not to forgive him or anyone too easily because if she did, she may have to face the same consequences again. The female glanced towards JiHoon to receive a firm nod as if to say ‘trust me’, and like anyone would she did. She wasn’t just going to forgive him because she needed help in the case but also, she realised that forgiving was a good thing in life. Although with hesitance, she walked slowly towards Jiyong, wrapping her thin arms around the person she love’s waist.

A gentle smile appeared as she responded to Jiyong’s tightening of the hug.

“Thank you, Yoon Hae-ah. I won’t disappoint you like before,” Jiyong whispered next to the female’s ear and was returned with a slight nod.

“Aigoo~ They’ll have such perfect children,” Daesung joked while Seungri snickered.  Taeyang came between the two couples and patted their backs that were on either side of him, “I’m proud of you guys, regardless of the situation.”

“Speaking of ‘situations’, we want to hear your side of the story,” Seunghyun stated as he leaned his back towards the door.

Yoon Hae nodded before turning to face all of Big Bang, “This is JiHoon. He’s been helping me with the case.”

The boys shook hands with the elder, introducing themselves one by one.

“Make yourselves comfortable because it’s going to be a long story to tell,” Yoon Hae stated. Unexpectedly, Seunghyun’s childish side appeared when he lay down on his stomach JiHoon’s desk , both hands balled up under his face before resting his head on them. Everyone starred at Seunghyun.

“You had to say ‘make yourselves comfortable’ didn’t you,” JiHoon sighed. Big Bang were used to their hyung like that as they held in their laughter… Except for Yoon Hae who was already on the crouching on floor laughing as she held her stomach.



*scratch scratch scratch*

The sharp blade dug into the wall, forming into words after every letter that was carved. Cho Hee continuously carved out in anger. Once the words were formed, she starred at it for a while. It wasn’t supposed to happen. Why were some people not siding with me anymore?

The female hugged her knees, knife still in her right hand before she screamed and threw the weapon away in anger. Messing her hair up with her hands as she fidgeted her fingers, feeling her work of art on the wall she had just made. Incoherent words were mumbled under her breath before she heard a soft knock at her door.

  She slowly got up and staggered towards the door, not bothered to fix her appearance. Tears began to form as Cho Hee turned the knob, revealing a shocked Sooyoung. Sooyoung starred at Cho Hee up and down. She could not help but feel very worried for her friend. Especially with the dark circles under Cho Hee’s eyes as well as it being puffed out as if the female had just cried. Her skin was as white as powder and her lips gave out a pale colour as if death was approaching, not to mention how messy Cho Hee’s hair was.

Without realising, Sooyoung felt a weight drop against her; looking down she saw Cho Hee with eyes closed. Shocked once again, the female tried her best to drag the female back into her room. Once Cho Hee was on the bed, Sooyoung took notice of her surroundings.

The walls were written all over with a marker. The words were so repetitive. Over and over, the same words were stained onto the walls as Sooyoung stood up slowing, shivering in the process. She had to admit it. She was afraid. Who wouldn’t if they were in her position?

But she did not know what to do…

She did not know if she was meant to stay and help Cho Hee or if she was meant to be frightened of the said girl instead. She wanted to run away but she felt responsible for the female. She didn’t want anything unwanted to happen.

Cho Hee began to murmur unconscientiously. Sooyoung frowned and walked closer to the sleeping female before retreating back in pure fright. The female stumbled back, accidentally knocking over a pile of books, waking up the sleeping figure.

“Sooyoung?” Cho Hee whispered, resulting the other to gasp.

“O-Oh, Cho Hee. S-Sorry about knocking over your books… Umm, you collapsed so I brought you back to y-your bed…  I-I should get going, b-be careful!”

Sooyoung quickly shuffled towards the door after piling the books back. Once she closed the door, she could not help but cover with her shivering hands. The female dashed off, afraid as a result of what she heard from Cho Hee previously and the markings on the other’s wall.

On the other hand, Cho Hee starred at the empty space where Sooyoung had been. Her head tilting to one side. It may seem like an innocent action to others but close up, her murderous eyes lurked behind the façade. Her head slowly turned, looking around her room and smiling at every word that contained her.

                                                                                          ‘Park Yoon Hae walks the path towards her death.’


Please excuse any grammatical errors :) 

Take care and stay safe!

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Chapter 20: KYAAAAA! BIGBANG AND BLOCK B FORGAVE HER. I AM SO THRILLED AND RELIEVED AND HAPPY AND YAY :D Kyung is such a good man! <3 I'm pleasantly surprised he got on his knees! And Block B was surprised too! I give Park Kyung a good pat on the back ^_^ thanks for the update!
Chapter 19: Whoa. Kinda confused tbh. Who is Sooyoung? Has she always been in this story? I haven't read this in a while. My memory is bad, sorry xD But whew, glad Jiyong and the rest of Bigbang reconciled with Yoonhae :D Chohee is psycho and just like always I really don't like her~!
Chapter 20: I didn't really expect Kyung to drop on his knees :/ it was a courageous thing to do for a man.
Chapter 20: Wow I was pretty shocked because he dropped on his knees in front of her.. But now block b's on her side hm you'll die soon evil lolol
Chapter 19: Now she has bigbang on her back!! Yeayy!!!
Omg I sense that Cho Hee will do something bad to Sooyoung omgomg this isn't good, I hope she won't do anything harm to sooyoung :((
Chapter 19: Okay so she reunited with Big Bang. Now there's block b.
Chapter 19: FINALLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD Update soonnn!!! This is getting exciting!
Chapter 18: Awwww <3 BIGBANG bromance! I find it really sweet that the other four are so supportive and helpful. Jiyong is one lucky bro ;3 But omg I love Block B more than BIGBANG so my favorite part of this chapter was definitely Block B<3 Their part was more angsty than Bigbang but I love angst so yay :D This is getting better and better! I hope all the boys won't abandon Yoonhae! She deserves them all as friends. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Revenge isn't easy. Revenge is tough. Good luck on revenge, Yoon Hae.