Escape From Hell


Cho Hee and Jiyong were at a secluded area at the University.

“Tell me Cho Hee. Tell me why are you like this?” Jiyong questioned as he took a glance at the document that lay on her lap.

The female was in deep thought, ‘maybe I should tell him… But then… Maybe I’ll use it as an advantage and make him pity me instead…’

“I-I don’t know if I should show this to you… But, I guess I can trust you like I always did,” Cho Hee slowly handed the files to Jiyong.

He didn’t know if he should really accept it but in the end he took it out of her hands and opened the folder, scanning through the information with his eyes. Cho Hee noticed the tight grip he had on the folder suddenly. A small smirk formed on her lips but was then hidden when Jiyong turned to her.

“What is this!?” he exclaimed.

Cho Hee sighed, “She isn’t who we thought she would be…”

Jiyong shook his head in denial as he stood up, “How do I know these aren’t lies! How do I know whether to believe this piece of sh*t! I don’t even know if I should believe you now!”

The female figure stubbornly stood up as well in anger, “You’re not the only one that’s affected because of this! She’s a criminal! She ing killed my cousin! And here you are denying all of this! I thought you of all people, a leader, would trust me! I finally have the guts to tell someone and all you did was point you finger at me as if I’m the one that did wrong!” Giving him the guilt trip was a success when he saw tears formed in her eyes, “You have NO idea what I saw Eun- I mean Yoon Hae did… You should know how it feels to see a family member be killed right in front of your eyes. The pain they suffered before they died! How excruciating their death was!” By this time, she was sobbing out loud, she didn’t care anymore. The conscience inside her erupted when she began to feel regret for her own actions. It was then she realised that it wasn’t crocodile tears that had formed…

It was real tears…

She was actually crying…

She had promised herself that putting her best friend in jail was already enough. She told herself that she did not want to be the bad person, however her words and actions told her otherwise. How stupid she felt but it was already too late. She was doing things out of fright now. The thought of going to jail made her want to protect herself more, even if she had to lie.

Even if she had to betray others. Her pity plan had backfired on her because she no longer had that strong and empowering will to play along with the game.

This vengeful game she begun.

The game that led her confused to her own sanity.

“Cho Hee…”

A soft voice spoke out to her.  She looked up to Jiyong and whispered an apology before running away.

Jiyong stood halted in the same position. His heart froze as he felt a rush of guilt travel up to him, “I really was too harsh on her…” Looking back at the files in his hand, he slipped it under his jacket before walking back to his dorm room.

Collapsing onto his bed, still clutching onto the information.

“Who am I supposed to believe now?” Jiyong whispered, “The friend that’s been there for me and is like a sister to me or my girlfriend… who has been acting suspiciously around me…”

Without a thought, he dialled all the members of Big Bang to discuss the new discovery…


“JiHoon… Hasn’t he been on out tail in the past?” P.O questioned.

“I guess he moved on,” Zico replied.

“Yea, onto EunMi,” Kyung scoffed.

“We’re a gang… Why the heck would he stop tailing us just to follow EunMi? Just one person?” Jaehyo spoke out.

“It’s because there’s more to her than we know it… There’s something we don’t know about her,” Taeil squinted his eyes in thought.

“So what you’re saying is…” U-Kwon said hesitantly.

“EunMi could be more dangerous than us… She’s done way worse than us…” Minhyuk spoke up in discomfort.

Block B sat in silence as they processed the information in their heads…

Not until U-Kwon spoke up in a hurtful tone, “We can’t trust her can we? We can’t be with her not knowing what the reason why JiHoon’s chasing her right?”

Trust. It was something people gained… It was also something that was loss so easily… In just the shortest period of time…

Yoon Hae lost the trust when Cho Hee betrayed her.

Jiyong lost his trust when he re-read the files about his girlfriend, Big Bang as well.

Cho Hee lost the trust in herself.

And now, Block B lost most of the trust they had with Yoon Hae.

“She was just using us all this time.”



Yea, I think I'm rushing things too quickly xD It's just that I don't want too many chapters xP

Oh, And most likely I will be updating on Thursdays since my classes end early (Yipee)

Exams coming up soon but my friend Procrastinate keeps coming over hehe

I want to continue my other fanfic with a friend [collaboration] but we never really got the time to do it, so we will try (?)

I'm still addicted to The Walking Dead xD And I'm reccommending it to so many people (that are okay with blood and gore)


Oh, and I will try my best to make more chapters with Yoon Hae and Jiyong :)

Take care and stay safe!

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Chapter 20: KYAAAAA! BIGBANG AND BLOCK B FORGAVE HER. I AM SO THRILLED AND RELIEVED AND HAPPY AND YAY :D Kyung is such a good man! <3 I'm pleasantly surprised he got on his knees! And Block B was surprised too! I give Park Kyung a good pat on the back ^_^ thanks for the update!
Chapter 19: Whoa. Kinda confused tbh. Who is Sooyoung? Has she always been in this story? I haven't read this in a while. My memory is bad, sorry xD But whew, glad Jiyong and the rest of Bigbang reconciled with Yoonhae :D Chohee is psycho and just like always I really don't like her~!
Chapter 20: I didn't really expect Kyung to drop on his knees :/ it was a courageous thing to do for a man.
Chapter 20: Wow I was pretty shocked because he dropped on his knees in front of her.. But now block b's on her side hm you'll die soon evil lolol
Chapter 19: Now she has bigbang on her back!! Yeayy!!!
Omg I sense that Cho Hee will do something bad to Sooyoung omgomg this isn't good, I hope she won't do anything harm to sooyoung :((
Chapter 19: Okay so she reunited with Big Bang. Now there's block b.
Chapter 19: FINALLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD Update soonnn!!! This is getting exciting!
Chapter 18: Awwww <3 BIGBANG bromance! I find it really sweet that the other four are so supportive and helpful. Jiyong is one lucky bro ;3 But omg I love Block B more than BIGBANG so my favorite part of this chapter was definitely Block B<3 Their part was more angsty than Bigbang but I love angst so yay :D This is getting better and better! I hope all the boys won't abandon Yoonhae! She deserves them all as friends. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Revenge isn't easy. Revenge is tough. Good luck on revenge, Yoon Hae.