Escape From Hell


Papers were shuffled and were left in a mess on JiHoon’s desk as he gathered the details and drank his coffee which was in one of his hands. He was dedicated into his job. He was dedicated in proving Yoon Hae’s innocence. Mug after mug he drank as hours passed by. The dark sky had already engulfed the town along with the invitation of wondrous stars. JiHoon let out a sigh after the fourth hour of hard work, his back was slouched as if he was about to fall into a deep slumber. However, his sight caught onto something. Something he had forgotten long time ago.

“Sh*t! How could I have missed that!,” the male figure groaned for the reason of his stupidity. He began searching for his mobile which unfortunately was under the mess. Once he had found the familiar object, he dialled Yoon Hae’s number. It was until the third ring that he was greeted with the female’s voice.

“Hello?” Yoon Hae greeted questioningly.

“We’ll be going to you Cho Hee’s house tomorrow. Be prepared,” the adult notified.

“Why though?”

“I think I might have figured something out…”

He was replied with silence and so he continued, “I have my suspicions that Cho Hee’s parents knew from the very beginning that it wasn’t your fault.”

JiHoon heard Yoon Hae sigh on the other end, “Are you sure?”

“Why are you in doubt? Are you not confident that we won’t be able to solve the case?”

“It’s not that. It’s the idea of getting other people involved. I mean… I don’t know…”

JiHoon stood up straight, and in a determined voice, “Right now, our only target is to bring you justice and that is final.”

“Alright… I’ll be at your office tomorrow morning,” Yoon Hae stated before bidding a farewell and hanging up on the phone. Yoon Hae sighed once more, how many people are going to be involved in this?

“What’s wrong?” a male voice said. The female turned to her right to see Jiyong by her side, currently she was living in the home of Big Bang. He showed no hesitation into wrapping his arm around her shoulders as well as using his other hand to lightly tilt Yoon Hae’s head towards his shoulder. With everything that was happening, he had already regretting leaving her once, this time… This time, he would not make the same mistake. He glanced at the petite figure that lay resting on his shoulder, noticing the distant look in her eyes.

“I have a feeling that it’s not just me that will get hurt…”

Jiyong sat up straight, facing Yoon Hae and holding onto her shoulders, “Let’s forget about everything just for today, okay?”

The male stood up and grasp onto the female’s hand, dragging her willingly out the door while the other members left the two to do whatever they wanted. Yoon Hae, although did not resist, she was still hesitant. She did not expect to do such things during times like these. Actually, she didn’t expect anything at all, especially when Big Bang came into the office asking her for forgiveness.

Another unexpected thing happen when she found herself in front of a movie rent store. Jiyong laughed when he saw Yoon Hae’s reaction, “Did you expect me to do something like bring you to see the sunset or something?”

The female scoffed, “This is even better. I guess we both rather watch movies than watch the sunset.”

“And why do you think so?” Jiyong questioned amusingly.

“We’re both impatient,” Yoon Hae laughed,” Besides; I prefer exciting movies instead of romantic ones.” Jiyong nodded in agreement. The two entered the store, scanning around for any movies that would fit their ‘style’. The female eventually ended up moving into the horror section…

“How about this?” she asked rising the DVD cover up for Jiyong to see. He shook his head in response before replying, “ Seunghyun hyung can’t handle it.”

“Are you sure it’s not just him?” she joked.

The male shook his head again before he found an eye-catching film in the ‘Action’ section. Yoon Hae had already come up next to him, looking over the DVD that Jiyong held. They both smiled in unison, knowing it was the right one for them and also for the rest of Big Bang. Yoon Hae waited outside of the store while Jiyong paid for the rent. It was then that the female felt the presence of someone watching her. Her eyes lifted to her surroundings before she caught sight of not one but seven familiar males watching.

“Alright let’s go home now,” Jiyong interrupted when he came out. Yoon Hae snapped out as she nodded in response, walking along with him while side glancing at the males across a street who were behind a glass window of a convenience store.  Jiyong gently brought her body closer to his as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He too saw them and he too knew that they were watching him and Yoon Hae. He gave them no chance for them to approach the person he loves so he rushed Yoon Hae further towards the home of Big Bang without her noticing.



“I can’t believe she can even look like that after all she’s done to us,” Kyung spat once Block B saw Yoon Hae walk out of their vision.

“Chill okay, what she did was in the past,” U-kwon stated.

“That doesn’t mean I’m going to forgive her,” Kyung complained while grabbing the plastic bags filled with instant noodles from the cashier counter. Minhyuk who had been left at the back of the group along with Taeil was still looking at the same place where Yoon Hae had been, while Taeil watched his friend in concern.

“Maybe you should talk to her properly… Remember how you planned to abandon us in the beginning, heck it was all of us who wanted to abandon each other because we wanted what was best whether it was for the others or ourselves. The point is, you had your reasons and Yoon Hae probably had hers as well. We all have our experiences; our past which we hid but in the end, we respected and accepted each other for that…”

Taeil’s words had already caught onto Block B’s attention since the beginning. Even Kyung stopped complaining just to listen to the elder. Zico nodded in agreement while Jaehyo starred at the ground, thinking about their own past. How they all became a group; a gang; a family.

“She’s facing the same phase as we did before but she was unlucky because she didn’t have anyone. I don’t know if this seems bad or not, but Big Bang who we have been hating did better than us. Just this once, I can admit that they may be better than us even. Didn’t you seen Yoon Hae and Jiyong together? It means that they forgave her and are now supporting her… They’re trying to understand her better,” Zico commented.

“I forgive her…” P.O whispered as he sighed. Minhyuk nodded in agreement.

“I ed up,” Minhyuk cursed.

“We all did,” Jaehyo calmly stated.


“What is it P.O?” U-Kwon questioned.

“… Kyung is missing,” at that moment, the males flicked their heads from left to right and back again, searching for the familiar male that was last seen in frustration, also afraid of what he might do.

“Do you think he would do something to Yoon Hae?” U-Kwon asked afraid.

“He wouldn’t…”

“But you know what he’s like when he’s mad,” said Jaehyo.

Minhyuk’s heart beat began to increase and in a matter of seconds, his feet started to move quickly. He didn’t want to see either Yoon Hae or Kyung hurt because he knew that once Yoon Hae was hurt, Kyung would feel great remorse and regret as well as he; himself would feel as if he was being crushed as well. He could hear multiple footsteps behind him, knowing it was his friends who followed him in concern as well. It was only a matter of time when they halted at what they saw in front of them. Shocked to see what was in front of their very own eyes.

Kyung was down on both knees in front of Yoon Hae with Jiyong behind her. It was their first time to see such actions from the latter; however it was Zico who had seen this gesture already. Zico smiled genuinely thinking about the past where it was once him that Kyung was begging on his knees. He remembered the sincerity that was once there in Kyung; how it was so rare to see Kyung so vulnerable. He could feel the true emotions that were once felt emitting from his brother-like best friend.

“Kyung. H-He’s…” Minhyuk stuttered.

“On his knees…”

It was a time when the rest of Block B fell silent. It was really a shock for most of them, including for Yoon Hae and Jiyong.

The female was so surprised to see Kyung drop down and beg on his knees. Even Jiyong, who thought Kyung was about to do something vengeful towards Yoon Hae. The petite figure was stunned when she caught a small glimpse of liquid run down Kyung’s cheeks. Slowly crouching down to Kyung’s level, she raised his shoulders before lifting his head, starring into his eyes that only asked for forgiveness. She could not help but become teary to see such vulnerability in someone she thought was so tough and independent. Seeing him like this made her think about how Seungri had also reacted before as well, it wasn’t like her. Well, it wasn’t like her to hurt anybody before everything had started.

Yoon Hae gave Kyung a gentle smile, pushing him up back into a standing position before hugging him silently. Kyung wrapped his arms around her in response, sniffing and smiling at the same time. Jiyong and Block B, especially Minhyuk watched the two as well as made eye contact with each other, both knowing what the right thing to do was.

To reconcile and to be there for each other.


So, umm. Hi?

Feeling extremely happy today because I finished all my homework as well as come home to see Macca's on the table for me to eat xD

But then, Yesung enlisted in the army today :( I will miss him very much

No edits have been made due to the 'disease' of Laziness~

Take care and stay safe!

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Chapter 20: KYAAAAA! BIGBANG AND BLOCK B FORGAVE HER. I AM SO THRILLED AND RELIEVED AND HAPPY AND YAY :D Kyung is such a good man! <3 I'm pleasantly surprised he got on his knees! And Block B was surprised too! I give Park Kyung a good pat on the back ^_^ thanks for the update!
Chapter 19: Whoa. Kinda confused tbh. Who is Sooyoung? Has she always been in this story? I haven't read this in a while. My memory is bad, sorry xD But whew, glad Jiyong and the rest of Bigbang reconciled with Yoonhae :D Chohee is psycho and just like always I really don't like her~!
Chapter 20: I didn't really expect Kyung to drop on his knees :/ it was a courageous thing to do for a man.
Chapter 20: Wow I was pretty shocked because he dropped on his knees in front of her.. But now block b's on her side hm you'll die soon evil lolol
Chapter 19: Now she has bigbang on her back!! Yeayy!!!
Omg I sense that Cho Hee will do something bad to Sooyoung omgomg this isn't good, I hope she won't do anything harm to sooyoung :((
Chapter 19: Okay so she reunited with Big Bang. Now there's block b.
Chapter 19: FINALLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD Update soonnn!!! This is getting exciting!
Chapter 18: Awwww <3 BIGBANG bromance! I find it really sweet that the other four are so supportive and helpful. Jiyong is one lucky bro ;3 But omg I love Block B more than BIGBANG so my favorite part of this chapter was definitely Block B<3 Their part was more angsty than Bigbang but I love angst so yay :D This is getting better and better! I hope all the boys won't abandon Yoonhae! She deserves them all as friends. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Revenge isn't easy. Revenge is tough. Good luck on revenge, Yoon Hae.