Escape From Hell

-classes/lectures have just ended-

Yoon Hae walked out of the University. Her friends weren’t in the same class, most of them were separated. Yoon Hae went up the vending machines, inserted a coin and pressed some buttons. To her consent, instead of one can of Coke, two cans dropped out. Must be my lucky day or something… She shrugged and put the extra can inside her bag.

Just as she went out of the entrance of her colossal University. A loud engine roared but Yoon Hae ignored it and continue to walk back to her apartment since she realised she hadn’t been there for a couple of days or weeks. She wanted to greet the landlord and live in a quiet place for a while.

“EunMi! EunMi!”

Yoon Hae turned around to see Jiyong on a motorcycle.

“Are you going your dorm?” he asked. Yoon Hae shook her head.

“W-Where are you going? I can take you there,” Jiyong insisted.

“I’m going to my apartment and it’s okay you don’t have to.”

“No no, I want to. Come on, it’ll be quick!”

“Alright,” she hesitate with an unsure smile. Jiyong handed her a helmet as she got on behind him.


“No worries,” Jiyong smiled as his heart began to do somersaults.

“Since when did you own a bike like this?” Yoon Hae questioned.

“Ever since I became in a gang,” Jiyong said smoothly. However, this was Yoon Hae’s first time to hear that Jiyong is in a gang.

“BWOH!” [translation: what]

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything bad to you, I’m meeting up with the rest of the gang in a couple of minutes at this local restaurant. Wanna come?”

“U-uhh, I g-guess so,” she said as they took off. Yoon Hae wrapped her arms around Jiyong’s waist without knowing that he was having the time of his life.

Gang? Why is it that I know he’s in a gang now? I’m so stupid, arghh! It probably the reason why he skips lectures frequently.

The motorbike came to a stop in front of a small dukkbokki store. Yoon Hae hopped off of the bike and gave Jiyong the helmet back. Jiyong stood alongside with Yoon Hae, grinning from ear to ear, he gave Yoon Hae a shock when he held onto her hand and dragged her inside.

“What took you so long? Oh hi EunMi,” a voice called out.

Yoon Hae looked up and was surprised to see Big Bang, was slightly opened. Jiyong noticed and chuckled, “Yes, we’re all in the same gang.”

The female was astonished to discover her dorky, childish friends to be in a gang. She couldn’t really imagine them act all gangster-ly, if that was even a word. Big Bang whistled.

“Hyung! Are you and EunMi dating already?” asked Seungri. Yoon Hae blushed when she realised that Jiyong was still holding onto her hand. She attempted to slip them away but Jiyong held on tightly. She looked at him and he gave a sincere smile to her which she couldn’t help but smile back.

Yoon Hae had fun with Big Bang, her behaviour towards them didn’t change at all. Her icy heart had gradually melted but there was still some left still intact to her revenge. But without knowing, she was also beginning to have feelings for Kwon Jiyong. She couldn’t help but feel happy everytime she saw him.

They finished eating their food, everyone left. Jiyong then drove Yoon Hae to her apartment. Just when Yoon Hae was about to go in, she stopped and turned around.

“Jiyong!” she called.

“Yea?” he asked from his motorbike. Yoon Hae rushed to him and opened her bag and reached out an item.

“Here,” she smiled as she held out the can of Coke.

“What’s this?” he questioned.

“A thank you gift,” she beamed. Jiyong smiled and took the can.


Yoon Hae began to spend more time with Jiyong during University ever since that night. Jiyong still skipped some classes but most of the time, he stayed just to be with Yoon Hae. It had been exactly a month when Jiyong finally had the courage to ask Yoon Hae out.

It was break for the two, even though Jiyong was a gangster he still felt nervous. He had already told Big Bang and Cho Hee to give Yoon Hae and him some time alone.

“Where’s everyone else?” Yoon Hae asked.

“I-I-I don’t know, maybe they’re late or something,” Jiyong said as he scratched the back of his neck. Yoon Hae nodded.

It was silent.

“EunMi-ah, do you by any chance… want to be my girlfriend?” Jiyong quietly murmured the last bit.


“N-Never mind!”

Yoon Hae stared at him curiously with a pout. Jiyong saw a vending machine, “Want one?” he asked while pointing to the machine. Yoon Hae smiled.

Jiyong bought 2 cans of Coke and handed one to Yoon Hae. She took it and smiled, “Thank you…and yes.”

“Huh? What do you by ‘yes’?”

“Yes… I want to be your girlfriend,” she smiled.

“Y-You heard?” Jiyong stuttered and received a nod from Yoon Hae. Without a thought, he embraced her into a hug. Yoon Hae happily hugged him bag.

“FINALLY! MY BACK HURTS! –OW!” A voice said.

The new couple released their hug to find the source of where the sound came from.

“I can see you Daesung,” Jiyong commented.

“Damn it! It’s all your fault,” said Cho Hee. One by one, Cho Hee and Big Bang revealed themselves.

“You confessed through a can of Coke? … Who does that?” Seungri joked.

“I’ll take that!” said Daesung as he took the can of Coke from Yoon Hae, “I wonder what would happen if I drank it instead of EunMi?”

“You mean if I drank it,” said Taeyang as he snatched the can away and opened it.

“No! Don’t! It’s only for EunMi!!” Jiyong cried as he snatched back the can and gave it Yoon Hae.

“… Mind sharing that drink with me?” T.O.P asked Yoon Hae, which received a glare from Jiyong.

“Back off everyone! Let EunMi drink,” said Jiyong.

“… How about someone also buys me a drink?” Cho Hee joined in but received a ‘no’ in return and made a =.= face.


Yes, I know; it has been awhile since the last time I've updated...

Sorry :(

Anyways, Block B will be making their first appearance in the next chapter so stay tuned? xD

Take care and stay safe!

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Chapter 20: KYAAAAA! BIGBANG AND BLOCK B FORGAVE HER. I AM SO THRILLED AND RELIEVED AND HAPPY AND YAY :D Kyung is such a good man! <3 I'm pleasantly surprised he got on his knees! And Block B was surprised too! I give Park Kyung a good pat on the back ^_^ thanks for the update!
Chapter 19: Whoa. Kinda confused tbh. Who is Sooyoung? Has she always been in this story? I haven't read this in a while. My memory is bad, sorry xD But whew, glad Jiyong and the rest of Bigbang reconciled with Yoonhae :D Chohee is psycho and just like always I really don't like her~!
Chapter 20: I didn't really expect Kyung to drop on his knees :/ it was a courageous thing to do for a man.
Chapter 20: Wow I was pretty shocked because he dropped on his knees in front of her.. But now block b's on her side hm you'll die soon evil lolol
Chapter 19: Now she has bigbang on her back!! Yeayy!!!
Omg I sense that Cho Hee will do something bad to Sooyoung omgomg this isn't good, I hope she won't do anything harm to sooyoung :((
Chapter 19: Okay so she reunited with Big Bang. Now there's block b.
Chapter 19: FINALLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD Update soonnn!!! This is getting exciting!
Chapter 18: Awwww <3 BIGBANG bromance! I find it really sweet that the other four are so supportive and helpful. Jiyong is one lucky bro ;3 But omg I love Block B more than BIGBANG so my favorite part of this chapter was definitely Block B<3 Their part was more angsty than Bigbang but I love angst so yay :D This is getting better and better! I hope all the boys won't abandon Yoonhae! She deserves them all as friends. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Revenge isn't easy. Revenge is tough. Good luck on revenge, Yoon Hae.