Mine Oh Mine



‼️‼️‼️ fair warning: I'm not good with y stuff ‼️‼️‼️



Wonwoo felt ... empty

He was calm yet his mind travelled for miles.


What that man said brought more questions than answers and Mingyu held him tightly against his chest, his scent comforting him as Wonwoo continued to stare into the white wall.


They were back home ... but not exactly


They were actually in Mingyu's tree house


Inside the bathtub


Water running smooth over their tired bodies, Wonwoo wanted to dust off the dirt after their trip


But Mingyu knew,


No bath will ever take that imprint off Wonwoo's mind and soul


The younger was calm, calmer than ever, back pressed against Mingyu's bare chest as the Alpha pressed multiple kissed down his shoulder and collarbone.

Wonwoo enjoying them mostly, he closed his eyes for a second enjoying the warmth of Mingyu's body against his skin.


He exhaled and whined when Mingyu shifted him a little in his lap

"Don't move" he whispered, biting his lower lip feeling the electrifying touch of his Mate's hands over his hips "A little bit more please"


Mingyu couldn't resist this vulnerable version of Wonwoo, heck he couldn't resist any version of Wonwoo but this ... this was different, this was intimate, this was too emotional.


Mingyu brushed Wonwoo's cheeks, his breaths against his as he stole a kiss ... a hot and wet kiss


"I can't help it when I'm already inside you bunuy"


Wonwoo exhaled again, his lips slowly "Bunny? That's new" a moan escaped him when Mingyu slipped a hand under the water sliding it across Wonwoo's thighs spreading his legs even more


Wonwoo arched his back, pressing himself further against Mingyu, a whiny breath escaped him again ... and again

And again


Very slow

And very steady


Mingyu gave him time to adjust


Wonwoo spent the last few hours adjusting and he was very well adjusted, very well composed and very well ready for him.

He's been ready forever, waiting forever and this was his reward.


When they got back yesterday, Wonwoo was a bit too calm and it was concerning.

He didn't say a word and ignored Mingyu's pleads to talk to him.


That was exactly what Mingyu was afraid of the entire time.

He figured some alone time would do them good before going home to be questioned by their Alpha leader and Luna.


Mingyu laid Wonwoo down on the humble bed he had in the tree house. Wonwoo's head hit the pillow immediately without protest. His mind was foggy and tired from all the long trip, the information he just received and the ... murder that just took place.


He was relieved

He took Revenge for Jungkook's death and for himself and the agony he lived all those years, and apparently, revenged his mother as well.


He didn't feel guilty ... not at all, no, but he wished he could have gotten more information about his origins, about his mother ... he had her eyes? She had the same spirit? She was made of magic too?


But he knew it was useless now ... all he had were multiple questions


He finally decided to give his attention back to his Mate. Mingyu was worried sick about him, he was talking to him for a long time and Wonwoo's head was too clouded to hear anything



He heaved a deep heavy sigh

Like he was self healed


Turned his head around to spot Mingyu inches away from him


"Come closer" he asked him "And hold me"

Mingyu heaved a sigh, relived that at least Wonwoo was communicating with him again.


In his arms, Wonwoo breathed deeply for a while, taking in Mingyu's scent


It's crazy how Mingyu's presence made him feel safe and calm. Even when Wonwoo was simply a human, but the effect was a million times more now.


Mingyu held him in his lap, a blanket covering both of them, even though Wonwoo didn't feel cold anymore, forces of habit maybe?

His head rested against Mingyu's chest while his fingers playing along his chest


"I feel like he has a double personality" Wonwoo said when Mingyu brought up the time his spirit changed "Like he has two sides but he's definitely the same person"


Mingyu sighed "That's rare if ever possible Won"


Wonwoo shrugged "I don't care, he means no harm, he just wants to protect me ... protect us"


"I know ... I'm sure"


They couldn't really explain it but Wonwoo was unbothered, he slid a hand across Mingyu's cheek and tugged him to lean over "How about a kiss?"


Mingyu smiled gently and placed one on top of Wonwoo's lips


"Another one?"


Mingyu smiled again and gave him what he wanted





... "More" he sighed with a flaming heart and breathless ragged voice


"I want you Gyu"  ... "NOW" ... "Please"


He pleaded and oh how long they've been waiting for this to happen.


Wonwoo on his , Mingyu's shirt flung open while the rest of their clothes scattered all over the floor.


Hot and wet

Very Hot and very Wet


Wonwoo gave into Mingyu's touches, Mingyu's kisses, he gave him everything ... his breaths, his body, his soul ... everything


He twitched and squirmed and screamed his name over and over again


"No don't stop ... don't"


Mingyu loved the mess he made, he leaned over slowly stealing those hot kisses away from Wonwoo feeling him shiver under his touch. He was gentle and loving, too gentle, even Wonwoo didn't know that Mingyu could be this way not right now at least, not when he's been waiting for this for a little over a year now. Not after having suffered a painful rut alone in the forest and got his shoulder dislocated.


Mingyu was gentle with him



Every move, every touch made Wonwoo want more, his fingers tightened around the  sheets, toes curling and back arching in pleasure and warmth.


Mingyu finally stopped when Wonwoo hit that a point of no return and Mingyu soon after. He flopped next to him, panting, both of their breaths echoed through the walls of the wooden place. Wonwoo laughed, giggled even and Mingyu sat on his elbows a little to look at him


"I can feel the bond Gyu, we're Mated ... it's different, it's real" Wonwoo sounded out of this world, his eyes glassy and all breathless, his cheeks warm and flushed but happy and .. satisfied.


Mingyu scooped him up in his arms, bodies pressed against each other ... facing each other, Wonwoo buried his head into Mingyu's chest


"My Mate ... mine" Mingyu said, whispered softly into Wonwoo's ears


"Mine, mine, mine"


Wonwoo giggled "Mine" he repeated after him and felt Mingyu squeeze his back and slide his hands down his back and hips again. Wonwoo whined, he wanted Mingyu all over again, inside him, on top of him, claiming him all over again.


"More, please" he whispered into Mingyu's chest, his Alpha's scent covering him from head to toes but he craved for more, more of everything


Mingyu placed kisses all over his cheeks and jaw "Baby aren't you tired?"


"Of you? ... Never"


It's been a long, hot and beautiful night. Wonwoo ended up falling almost unconscious on top of Mingyu ... did they take it too far? Maybe, but Wonwoo was well  prepared and felt like he was on cloud nine.


Hands tightened around Mingyu's neck when he felt him leave his body. One last move, one last touch, Mingyu's hands on his hips and up his , his face drooling on his shoulder. He lost track of the world around him when he finally, finally had what he wanted.



Mingyu held him tight as they both caught their breaths. Wonwoo falling limb and tired against him while Mingyu breathlessly put both of them down on the bed. Wonwoo whined a bit more until Mingyu brought him in closer covering both of them under the bedsheets.


You can imagine how waking up the next morning was like. Late and exhausting


Mingyu kept checking on him, every inch of him "You're okay right?"


Wonwoo squirmed as the checkup was very thorough and Wonwoo giggled, his hands following Mingyu's fingertips across his body as he inspected him for any injuries he might have caused last night.


Wonwoo was tired but fine

Heck he loved having those love bites all over him, the scratches and the little bruises, he loved every one of them


"I'm okay" he extended his hands for  Mingyu to hold "I want a bath ... I feel icky"

Wonwoo pouted, he's so adorable, cute


"Are you going to be this cute every time?"


Wonwoo's pout was more visible, he titled his head to the side "You don't like it?"


"Are you kidding?" Mingyu reached over to pull Wonwoo in his arms "I love it"


They ended up in the bathtub, Wonwoo's mind drifted away for a bit but was soon brought back to where it belonged, back to Mingyu.


"Do you want to go home now?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo shook his head, sitting across from him Wonwoo had a small towel on his head and Mingyu ruffled it gently drying both of them off. They put on whatever clean clothes they had stuffed in the place and simply laid around for a while


Wonwoo was calm and relaxed laying down next to Mingyu. The Alpha drowning soothing circles over his cheeks


"Baby aren't you hungry?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo looked tired still but nodded "Very"


"We don't have anything here, we should go home ... I'll make you a nice protein full meal and we can rest there okay? Jeonghan and Scoups can question us later, we can just ask them for some privacy"


Wonwoo cracked his eyes open glanced up at Mingyu and nodded.




"Yeah" Wonwoo slowly sat wincing a little but overall was okay, he knew that his new stamina will make him feel better soon


"Are you sure you're okay?"


Wonwoo pouted "I'm sad" he said looking cute, his curly hair getting in the way of that soft gaze


"What? Why?" Mingyus face fell, Wonwoo looked down at his body "My love bites are gone"


Mingyu chuckled "What?" Holding Wonwoo a bit closer


"I liked them and now they're gone"


"Oh baby I can fix that in no time" Mingyu smirked


Wonwoo was a Wolf now !

No more scars or bruises or getting sick for no reason and definitely, no more pain and it made Mingyu a bit more relived and Wonwoo curious how that felt like because he couldn't quite feel it yet


Going home was a bit of an ordeal

Wonwoo wasn't at all ... okay


He was weak, he stopped several times to catch his breaths and Mingyu was worried


"What's going on?" He asked kneeling in front of Wonwoo's pure white wolf, hands in his beautiful smooth fur "Tired?" He asked again and Wonwoo's wolf nuzzled his nose into Mingyu's neck "Yeah? I'm sorry was it me? We took it too far baby I'm so sorry" Mingyu felt guilt creeping into him but Wonwoo's wolf knew that it wasn't Mingyu's doing


"Then what is it?"


He didn't get a reply, Mingyu sighed deeply, eyes worried and a frown all over his face "Okay take your time, Jeonghan will check on you once we're home okay?"


... "Okay"


Mingyu transformed back to wolf form and the two continued their journey even though it wasn't that far. It was not more than 30 minutes away while yesterday's run was at least three hours long and Wonwoo didn't complain once. Mingyu found it very odd and hoped that nothing was too serious, last night was their first, maybe it was that? Or maybe it was the long run to the coastline, maybe it was emotional? Maybe it's about his mother? The dead guy?



They finally made it home and as expected everyone was outside anticipating their return. They caught their scents a while ago and the change was obvious in the air ... they are Mated.


Officially Mated.


Everyone stood by the terrace looking excited, happily smiling in their direction


Wonwoo transformed back but could barely walk on his own. Mingyu quickly swept him off his feet and into his arms, Wonwoo's head fell effortlessly over Mingyu's shoulder and saw him sigh deeply, his eyes fluttering weakly


Mingyu looked down at him worriedly "Baby ... please tell me you're okay"


Wonwoo panted against Mingyu's collarbone "mm tired"


Jeonghan and Scoups who were watching from a distance came running


"Wonwoo?" Jeonghan called the boy's name and Scoups had a puzzled expression on his face "Mingyu what the hell happened?"


"I ... I'm not sure ... I don't know"


Wonwoo glanced over Mingyu's shoulder and extended his hand reaching for Jeonghan. The older took it immediately letting his spirit do its job, he gasped a little reaching to gently brush over Wonwoo's forehead for a bit.

It took him a minute, Jeonghan took a bit more time than usual before he retreated


"Baby you're exhausted and dehydrated" Jeonghan looked up at Mingyu the boy still standing tall with his Mate still in his arms


"How did this happen Mingyu? He's basically powerless"


Mingyu shook his head "Everything's been fine until we were about to leave"


Jeonghan tightened his hand around Wonwoo's "Take him inside, he needs to eat and rest today, dont let him out of bed"


Mingyu nodded and immediately carried Wonwoo inside. It didn't go unnoticed by Scoups the way Jeonghan took more time than usual to diagnose Wonwoo and he tugged on Jeonghan's shirt a look on his face said "Tell me what's wrong?"


Jeonghan looked a bit weary "It's weird, it's like something inside of him is draining him completely out of energy ... his spirit is stronger somehow? I don't know yet"


Scoups bit his lips trying to put two and two together but so far, nothing came to mind.


Mingyu placed Wonwoo gently on their bed, and sat next by his side. Wonwoo was awake but looking weak, he blinked at Mingyu, his eyes pleading for him to stay close.

His fingers still wrapped around the Alpha's shirt tugging him to come closer. Mingyu smiled, there's that pout again, his palm resting on Wonwoo's cheek brushing it gently and eyes too soft for him


"Baby tell me what's wrong?" His question came up as a concerned whisper


"Tired" Wonwoo replied eyes still weakly fluttering against each other


"Was it me?" And Wonwoo shook his head continuously


"No my love I told you already it's Never you"


"Then what is it?"


Wonwoo put a hand on his chest "He's acting weird"


"How weird?"


"Like I'm living and breathing for three people"


Mingyu blinked "Like you're pregnant with twins?"

They both chuckled and Wonwoo hit him lightly with whatever energy he had

"That's the closest it could get I guess"


Mingyu leaned over trying to wipe that pout off Wonwoo's face with a deep possessive kiss "Mm mine" Wonwoo breathed out and let Mingyu place him more comfortably on their bed


"It's good to be home" Wonwoo said looking around and Mingyu smiled at him "Hannie is here" Wonwoo nodded a second before the Luna walked in on them


"Here" Jeonghan had a tray in his hands "It's not much but it will do for now"


Fruits, toast, Jam and yoghurt

Like a small breakfast tray


"Joshua and the others are making you something, just eat this for now"


"Thank you hannie"


"What's wrong with you two?" Jeonghan threw his gaze like daggers especially at Mingyu "You just got Mated you should be more careful"


Wonwoo shook his head putting a piece of an apple in his mouth "This is not his doing Hannie" ... "Trust me I only wish he did more" a smirk on his face that Mingyu went tomato red


Jeonghan frowned "Really?" His eyes went between the two


"Oh yes Hannie he was ... good"


"Owkay I'll be outside" Mingyu retreated to the hallway while Wonwoo was a giggling mess, in front of Jeonghan who looked both puzzled and ... proud?


Once Mingyu was waiting outside, Jeonghan took another look at Wonwoo's exhausted body

"Something is draining you Wonu, I can't pinpoint it"


"Maybe it's this?"


Wonwoo manifested his spirit, almost white light green.

Jeonghan stopped to study it with an awe "It's beautiful Wonu, you're a healer of some kind, but not quite, we'll have to look for more information"


Wonwoo nodded "How about this?"

and he changed it, the darker shade of it appearing and Jeonghan's eyes widened


"What did you just do? HOW DID YOU DO THAT?"


Wonwoo didn't know much too "I guess I have twins" he chuckled a little


Jeonghan was silent not really sure what to say studying Wonwoo's face and body

"Wonu, I don't know what that is, but it's draining you, you have to be careful" ... "I'll tell Seungcheol maybe we can make some calls, someone might tell us where to look"


Wonwoo nodded looking rather sad "I learned something yesterday" ... "about my mother ... she had the same spirit as me"


Jeonghan fronwned "And how did you know that? Who was she?"


"Right before I snapped his neck ... the man who tortured me my entire life"


Jeonghan breathed out "Oh no Wonwoo" he reached over and hugged the boy, a long healing hug but Wonwoo didn't seem to be regretting anything or feeling bad about what happened ... on the contrary, he wished he tortured him even more, snapping his neck with one move wasn't enough, it was never enough ... Wonwoo was merciful if you ask me


Silence took over for a moment, Jeonghan broke the hug to take a look at Wonwoo

"He told you about your mother?"


Wonwoo nodded "He didn't care to even ask about her name, he just killed her because she was different, he took me in for god knows why ... he didn't answer all of my questions"


Jeonghan played along with Wonwoo's hair "Do you think you might be able to remember anything?"


Wonwoo shrugged "I was seven when he took me, for some reason I can't remember anything before him"  ... "But I'm willing to try, any ideas?"


Jeonghan sighed "I might have an idea or two but not now okay? You need your strength back"


"I want to know who am I Hannie, I know I have so many questions for so many things, I just want to know"


"I'm sure you do" still brushing Wonwoo's hair and cheeks softly "You're different Wonwoo, you've always been, I'm not surprised" Jeonghan smiled "We will figure it out, we always do"


Wonwoo smiled, eyes going back to the fruit platter 


"Eat Wonwoo, I'll get you more in a bit"


Wonwoo nodded, thankful and grateful as he asked his Mate to come back inside. Mingyu took a minute, he was talking to Seungcheol in the hallway, telling him the same exact things Wonwoo told Jeonghan


"Will you feed me?" He asked stretching grabby hands towards Mingyu who took him in his arms immediately "Sure"


"And baby? ... my love bites are gone again"


Mingyu laughed stuffing a slice of apple between Wonwoo's lips "I can fix that too"

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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