Wall of Bricks VII


In the few days Wonwoo and Mingyu were away, Jun and Minghao, Vernon and Seungkwan have been away too. Joshua and DK decided to take that little trip while Jihoon and Soonyoung were on a hunting spree alone in the forest and they would stay in Mingyu's tree house most of the time.


That being said, Jeonghan and Scoups were basically alone in the house.


"Dino baby~~~"


Jeonghan called with a grin on his face, with everyone else gone, he finally got some time to bond with the kid. Scoups was in his study room working the stock market and Jeonghan got really bored. They had the house all to themselves and decided to take advantage of that for a while but they hated the way Dino was roaming around looking lonely and miserable.


Jeonghan left his Mate in his study room that morning and left to wake the younger up. Maybe get breakfast and go for a walk? He called the boy's name one more time before he opened the door to the younger's the room and was hit by that foggy distressed scent.


Dino was sitting on his bed, eyes wide open, breaths hitching and clutching both sides of his bedsheets tightly. It took him a second before realizing that Jeonghan was standing at his door and another second to process that he was now sitting at the edge of his bed and another one to realize just how worried the Luna looked with his spirit eyes hovering all over his face and finally, tried to answer his questions


"Dino? Are you okay? What's going on?"


Jeonghan asked already scanning the younger's body but nothing seemed to be wrong, he was physically fine but looked like he just saw a ghost


Dino took a deep breath trying to catch his breaths, he swallowed hard and nodded when Jeonghan asked him the same questions again


"Just a nightmare, I'm fine"


He finally replied and Jeonghan soon took him in his arms, a warm fuzzy morning hug was all he needed


"For how long you've been having these?"


Dino breathed into Jeonghan's calming scent. He was done lying and done hiding, he was tired "A while" he said letting his body relax against Jeonghan's


"Oh baby I'm so sorry"

Jeonghan cooed and brought the younger closer for one of his famous beating hugs.

Maybe it was time for them to actually talk about everything? Jeonghan was worried but also glad, it was the perfect timing, no one else was around so he and Scoups can talk things through, things that have been buried for a while.


Dino was doing okay after a while and Jeonghan made sure that he was resting well, Seungcheol joined them a bit later as well when he caught on Jeonghan's emergency scent


"Do you want to tell us what your nightmares are about?"


Seungcheol asked a concerned while Dino was still staring into nothing, Jeonghan by his side holding him gently and brushing his back with a soft pats


"The same as always" Dino replied tiredly and Jeonghan tightened his grip around the younger's hand


"Dino you know that you were too young to remember what happened, what you've been dreaming about can't be all true" Seungcheol tried to explain to him as soft as  possible, as calm as possible


"But if feels so real" Dino sounded so broken, Jeonghan couldn't help feeling so bad for the younger "I know what I am, I could have easily started that fire ... I killed everyone"


"No baby you didn't" Jeonghan refused to let him believe that "There's no way in hell you could have done so much damage at such young age"


"Who knows ... I'm Royal blood remember?"


Dino was indeed a Royal blood wolf.


His family was one of the oldest, purest and rarest bloodlines in the world if not the universe. They kept their bloodline intact and pure for centuries upon centuries.


Or so he was told, Dino didn't remember much.


He was moved from one place to another since he was just a baby ... for his own protection.


Or so he was told ... again


He was the last one, the heir to everything, and yet he had nothing and was hunted down like a dog his entire life.


His blood was considered rare and pure, every thug, every rogue and underground cult wanted him for themselves. Some wanted to warship him others wanted to drink his blood just because it was royal, thinking it will give them superpowers of some imaginary kind.


Dino only knew this much about his past, but didn't remember much more ... he didn't want to know more.


On his last try to escape being captured by a wealthy zillionaire who believed that Dino's blood will give him immortality, Dino suffered too much trauma and injuries that made him bedridden for about four months.


When Seungcheol got that phone call from his father, it was a rather unusual phone call ... his father was worried and desperate, asking for Seungcheol and Jeonghan's help to keep something safe ... someone.


"Keep him safe" that was all what Scoups father said, he swore he could hear his mother crying in the background. It made Seungcheol very uneasy, his mother was crying? And his father sounded a bit helpless ... his parents were never this desperate NEVER


"It's funny how all I can remember is your mother's face instead of mine" Dino said with a little smile "Even in my dreams, she's the face my head use for a mother figure"


Seungcheol chuckled "Just don't use it for anything else"


Even Jeonghan snorted and Dino laughed struggling not let his tears fall down his face.


Seungcheol's Mother's childhood best friend, was Dino's mother.


Two powerful ladies who emarried two powerful men.


And when her friend disappeared, Seungcheol's mother knew that something went terribly wrong, she made it her life mission to find her, only to find her ashes laying on the ground while her baby sleeping tightly in her arms.

Seungcheol's mother took care of Dino and raised him for a while but couldn't keep him  around for too long, the baby was moved from one place to another and finally was sent to nowhere but to her own son to take care of him when Dino almost got slaughtered ... again




Dino was the safest here, the only place where he actually could stay for this long.

He got used to everyone and decided not to leave again, he can't keep running anymore, he's old enough to face whatever was coming his way now, even Scoups asked him to do the same and face his fears instead of running ... he was determined, no more running away


His spirit manifested when he was five years old.


The youngest wolf to ever have a spirit, or so he was told.


Dino was very special wolf with a very rare bloodline.


He was a Luminous


A Luminous is mythical wolf spirit.


Mythical until proven real when Dino was born.


It is said that a Luminous has the spirit of the entire Universe living within.


His galaxy like eyes and fur were almost unreal. They glow and twinkle like the stars in the night sky


His powers are more or less ... unknown,


Some say that he can communicate with the universe, relay messages from the Gods, that he can predict the future, that he can heal the world just by living in it ... his blood will make you immortal, his presence will make you stronger, that he should be worshiped ... and so much more


But he was just a kid


Dino couldn't do all of those things


He wasn't this Semi-God everyone was saying he was.


After the last time he was kidnapped and used as a sacrifice for some crazy rich man thinking Dino could give him immortality, Dino lost so much control over his body and  his inner wolf ... he had so little control to begin with anyways.


He couldn't transform ever since and his Luminous was very shy and too scared. It barely ever wanted to manifest, Dino's inner wolf never felt safe to actually let its true colors shine. Since he joined the Pack, Jeonghan and Seungcheol saw Dino's eyes only once when he first woke up from his injuries and found himself in an unknown place as a from of self protection and it never manifested again.


Dino can't remember much about how it was like when he was a kid, how he controlled it back then and doesn't want to remember either giving the trauma he's been through. He doesn't want to know how strong his Luminous actually is, he doesn't know if he could control it or what does it do in the first place ... he didn't want to know if he was the reason why his mother was turned into ashes ... did he hurt her by mistake? He didn't want to know, he didn't want to unleash a monster



Dino felt safest when he got here.


At first, he refused to even talk to anyone, he's been in a coma for about three weeks and when he woke up, he was agressive and refused to trust anybody.


Jeonghan was really patient with him, treating his wounds and baring with his rebellious attitude for weeks until Dino started to slowly open up and felt safe around them. Joshua soon took him under his wing tutoring him many ways to adapte himself to his new home, Seungcheol tried training him for a while but it didn't work, his Luminous was stubborn and reluctant and they never got him to manifest again after that one day.


Dino was both relieved and sad inside.


Relieved because he had no idea what he will be revealing if his Luminous actually manifested and sad because he couldn't understand the only thing that made him too special, that made all these people come for him, that cost him the life everyone he knew and almost his own.


But at least for now, he was safe.


He breathed out feeling Jeonghan's presence next to him reassuring him and patting his head gently, they were calmly watching a movie and munching on some snacks.


He closed his eyes for a bit leaning into Jeonghan's touch, flashbacks filling his mind and he wasn't sure if they were real or not there but they were enough to give him goosebumps.


Seungcheol stepped out for a while, something about an incoming call in his office and he never gets calls so it must be important.


Dino was about to doze off in the older's arms, Jeonghan was so comfortable and so gentle with him like always that was until Seungcheol came rushing in. His alarmed scent filling the place and making Jeonghan go all shades of worry.






"Mingyu are you sure? Please look around what do—-"




Mingyu was hyperventilating, he sounded frustrated and frantic, Seungcheol went dead silent on the other line not fully processing the whole phone call quite yet


"I'll call the others and meet you in 30 minutes, Mingyu ... MINGYU LISTEN TO ME"


Mingyu's mind was swimming in regret and self loathing, Wonwoo was taken, his heart was ripped out of his chest and he was worried sick


"We will find him okay? I just need you to sit down and think ... think about who could've done this ... Did you meet anyone suspicious? Did you catch any unknown scents ... THINK"


Mingyu shook his head, only his stretched hitching breaths could be heard from the other side of the line, he tried to close his eyes and think ... "We had dinner" Mingyu kept talking to himself "I guess Wonwoo looked twice at the waiter but ... I don't think it was anything important"


"It's a good place to start as any" ... "We are coming, hold your nerves, you're going to need them"


Seungcheol sounded calm, but he really wasn't ... a million questions run through his head, he closed his eyes and his hands turned into firsts. He had to go back rushing to his Mate, he glanced at him and Dino peacefully sitting in the living room cozily watching a movie as they munched over some snacks ... he was about to break the horrible news to them.


"I'm calling Jun and DK"


Dino said a few seconds later, his breaths got stuck in his chest and eyes wide open, Jeonghan's face was all shades of confusion, pain, worry and so much more. He had no idea what to day "I need you with me Angel, I really do" Scoups held Jeonghan's on both arms and felt him shaking a little


"H-how did this happen?"


"I don't know yet, Mingyu is too disoriented and can't tell"


"Did he follow his scent? He should just follow Wonwoo's scent ... he must be around I'm sure" Jeonghan was freaking out but tried to keep his composure


"I'm sure he already did Hannie, he wouldn't call for our help if all he had to do was to follow his scent ... I need you baby okay?" ... "We need to call everyone, ask them to come back"


Jeonghan nodded


"Are we with me?" Seungcheol shook him again, making Jeonghan look up to meet his face, his eyes were suppressing a falling tear but he had to be strong "Yes" he finally answered with a shaking confidence


"We will leave in a few minutes"

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Hello, friend ‧⁺( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ◡ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )⁺‧
I don’t know if you still remember me..
But you give me the link of this story a long time ago. I have been gone so long though, but still. Thank you for sharing the story.

I will read it soon.. d(>_・ )グッ!

Now I just want to say hai to you..
(。>‿‿<。 )
Hope you have a good day my friend
Chapter 47: Ah. I kept waiting on an update and something told me to come check. Glad I did. This was wonderful. I'm so glad that everything turned out well for Wonwoo and Chan. Thanks so much for this.
Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Chapter 42: Won Is taking to it so easy. I think he'll be able to help do much.
Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
Chapter 40: 💔💔💔💔
Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??