2 Love Is Unbreakable

Battlefield (2023 Version)
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Bobby took Soomin’s hand into his and held it close to his chest. His thumb drew circles on top of her hands. This client of hers had a way to make her heart feel at ease. It was her responsibility to make sure her client was satisfied, but in return she was the one fulfilled.

“You know, I can really do this again,” Bobby whispered to her ear, making sure his warm breath tickled her.

Soomin giggled and her shoulders squirmed.

“You know where to find me.”

Bobby grinned and kissed her cheek. “I won’t keep you waiting. Go in.”

She pushed through the large glass window and the windchime hung inside Call Me chimed. Just maybe this might lead somewhere. She could finally break free. Not that she caged herself.

“I saw that.” Youngni stood at the front desk counter and witnessed Soomin’s lovey-dovey interactions.

“What did you see?” Soomin hid a smile. Her cheek still flushed at his kiss.

Youngni picked up the iPad. “Kim Bobby. 25 years old. Vocal Trainer at KB Media.”

“He likes you to the sky. You’re probably meeting him soon if he keeps it up,” Myunghwa said. She too scrolled through his profile on the front desk desktop.

“He’s over the sky. Probably to the moon,” Chohee appeared behind Myunghwa in time to see the notification Bobby’s reserved another date.

“Oh…he made another appointment with you!” Myunghwa clicked the notification faster than she ever clocked out from work.

Youngni laid the iPad back to the countertop and bent her body over the counter to see Myunghwa scrolled through Soomin’s packed schedule. Soomin had been in high demand since she joined Call Me. At first, she was only a part timer, juggling between her first year in college and Call Me. It became overwhelming that she decided to drop school. She never regretted the decision of dropping school rather than Call Me. Her schedule proved so. She hadn’t had a dull moment with all her romantic dates. It provided her with all she wanted: to meet new people and to try different adventures. Most of all, she was able to resolve her client’s struggle in a relationship, unlike hers. Yet, she still didn’t understand why hers c

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that the plot seems different and kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^