



It had been a wonderful hour of entertainment. As I had feared, the tea was a bit too strong and having two cups of it certainly put me in a better mood than I experienced that week. I stuck around to play a round of cards to the suggestion of Prince Junmyeon. It was something that I was a decent player at much to the horror of my brother who quickly folded after a terrible hand.


The hand that I was delt with wasn’t too bad. It was certainly much better than Baekhyun’s who purposefully held his hands just low enough for me to peek at his cards. We had exchanged looks for a brief moment and a certain unspoken ally was forged.


I pushed on with the game having the players fold, giving up their hands seeing how tenacious and determined I looked. Baekhyun stood strong with his cards, doing a terrible job at hiding his smirk which raised the suspicion of the third final player standing, Prince Sehun.


As playful and determined as the youngest Prince was, he felt an unwavering pressure seeing both of us upping the ante on the betting pool. Baekhyun had placed his favorite jeweled dragon pin and I let my face break for a moment.


I gulped, glancing at Baekhyun's side profile as the brothers and guests all whispered at the tension in the room. I looked at what I had pushed into the betting pool: my silk green hair ribbon and a jade hair pin that Lay had given me.


I cursed the tea for thinking it was a good idea to bet these precious things.


Still, I rather have Baekhyun win my belongings than Prince Sehun.


I let out a long sigh and when it was time, I folded. I revealed my cards and a few of the players had groaned seeing that my hand hadn’t been exactly the best. The Crowned Prince gave me a thumbs up presuming he was impressed with my bold moves.


The game was now on between the Third and the Fifth Prince. I gave a sympathetic shake of the head to the Crowned Prince.


“Baekhyun’s hand must be terribly great if he’s willing to bet his pin,” I loudly whispered. I knew it would reach Prince Sehun’s ears. Prince Sehun’s eyes shifted down to his hand, chewing on his lip nervously.


Prince Junmyeon turned to me, crossing his arms doing his best to give me a look of concern. He leaned in to speak directly to me.


“Miss Kaira,” He softly began, “We all presumed you were close to my brother, but to drop his title and just call him by his name…”


I felt my eyes widened in horror at the mistake that I have made once again.


“Have I been doing this all this time?” I gasped.


Prince Junmyeon rolled his eyes up, “It’s puzzling to understand why I’m not offended with the notion. I, unfortunately, find it endearing.


“Why is that?” I asked, as we both observed the intense stare down of the last two players. Everyone was quietly chatting amongst themselves, placing their own side bets to see who would win and who would fold.


“My brother lights up every time you call upon him,” He pointed out, “Usually I’d find it troublesome if anyone had that kind of power over someone in his position but because it’s you, it’s like witnessing a cub following his instincts. But I must warn you, not everyone will understand.”


I nodded attentively, “I hate to admit it but the Queen has already made her concerns known to us.”


Prince Junmyeon gave me a long look. There was something off about how he glanced away as if he had much more to say but couldn’t possibly bring it up here. At that moment, there was a loud deafening cheer. A few men stood up congratulating the winner as Prince Sehun slumped over the table and groaned.


Prince Baekhyun won with his terrible hand of cards. We exchanged a quick look trying to hide our smiles. I wish I could have stayed longer to congratulate him properly but after a nod from my brother, I excused myself, announcing my departure from their late night celebration.


Much to the protest of the guests, my brother stood up to ease my leave. He agreed it was far too late for his young sister to be in the company of many men and walked me towards the door.


It was a logic that no one argued against besides, they were fixing up the table to start a new game.


Pleased with the lack of push back, Jongdae carried my things to ease the work load. It would have been a charitable gesture if only he was doing it out of the kindness of his heart. The way he would jump at every opportunity to alleviate Chaewon’s work made me smile, especially because he found himself balancing one too many things in his arms.


“Baekhyun,” Sehun drawled, slumping over the table, “Won’t you convince Kaira to stay longer? I will win the next round! I'll prove to her that I’m the best Prince!”


Baekhyun his lips nervously, “There’s no need to prove anything to Kaira.”


I smiled and winked at the distraught Prince, “Because, I already know.”


Sehun pouted as his head rolled up to the ceiling, “Can’t she just stay a little bit longer Baekhyun? Just last night you were saying how close you were too her. Surely-”


“That’s enough Sehun,” Baekhyun cleared his throat, nervously scratching the back of his head


Jongdae looked over his shoulder as we gathered at the door, “Tomorrow Sehun. Perhaps we can have a bit of time to play another round. But for now, I’ll make sure she gets home safe and sound. This is no hour for any woman to be traveling at night.”


“No worries,” Prince Junmyeon announced, “I’ll send a message so a palace carriage will take her safely. Jongdae will you stay for longer? I need to speak to you as friends. It is a matter of importance.”


I bowed my head in gratefulness before I finally headed back to the kitchens. Chaewon yawned loudly and I thanked her for her hand with a laugh. I glanced over at my brother who looked perhaps a bit tipsy to realize that he made an excellent choice of following Chaewon and I out.


Or perhaps it was his worst.


No matter.


Once we reached the kitchens, Chaewon and I quickly placed things away and I turned to my brother expectantly and made an obvious motion over to the girl next to me.


“As you said this is no hour for any woman to find herself walking alone in the night.” I cleared my throat. He stared blankly at me as it seemed that Chaewon already knew what I was referring to.


“Oh Miss Kaira,” She nervously responded, “Oh, there is no need really.”

I waved her off, “Nonsense. My dear brother would love to you to your quarters, isn’t that right Jongdae?”


His eyes widened when the realization finally sunk in. He nervously glanced at me before he looked back at her. A tiny glimmer of hope twinkled in his eyes when I gave him the reassurance he needed.


“You still need to speak to Prince Junmyeon about who knows what,” I blinked, “It would be impractical to wait around for you to join me back home. However, I do recommend that you be back before breakfast. I won’t tell mother.”


“But-” He began.


“You would also have to take our carriage back home anyways,” I explained, “I’m sure our driver is finding himself a good rest in the guest chambers of the palace, as he should. There’s no need to wake him if I’ll be escorted by a palace carriage anyways. Please walk Chaewon to her chambers, it’s the least you could do after the help she gave me today.”


My brother dumbly nodded and clasped his hands behind his back as Chaewon gave us both a curious look. Nevertheless, they both headed out of the kitchens just as I placed the last teacup away. I let out a long sigh, reaching my hands up to my undecorated hair and untwisted my neat braid. It had been awfully tight and its discomfort was reaching an unbearable state. Once the braid unwinded, I felt an instant relief as I wiggled my fingers through my hair and stepped out of the kitchens.


I wobbled down the steps, twisting my hair around into a more comfortable bun. The stillness of the night was irregularly comforting. Perhaps because I was within the walls of the palace and nothing but security surrounded me. Or perhaps it was the happiness coursing thorugh my veins, encouraged by the tea I had consumed. I took an unusually slow path back to the courtyard.


Although it was an unimaginable hour of the night, I felt no need to rush home.


Once I had reached the vicinity of the lush courtyard, I saw the last gate to reach that lead to the royal stables. I just needed to cross the expansive lot to cross over to the moon gate that led to the stables. I already knew it would be a peaceful path to walk filled with thick greenery and a beautiful moon to light my way.


I had been deep within my thoughts still coming down from the buzz of the fermented tea, when my peace was deeply disturbed from the comforting night.


I had barely past a few pillars of the perimeter when a shadow jumped out and grabbed my shoulders.


I jumped out of my skin but managed to stifle a scream from my lungs, clutching my hands to my chest in horror.


As an immediate reaction, my hand raised over my head to smack the Prince out of retaliation, but I stopped myself. I clenched my fist and lowered it, as harming any royal was a punishable offense.


Prince Baekhyun’s infectious chuckle ringed out and I had to press my lips together to hold in a smile. He circled around me in amusement analyzing my every movement from his scare.


“Why would you do that!” I exclaimed, trying my best to sound angry. I really was but the glint of mischief in his eyes made me cave into his charm.


“I did nothing! I simply wanted to catch you before you left,” He exclaimed with a small laugh


“If it’s you,” I blinked haughtily, “There is nothing simple about it.”


“You’re right,” He agreed, stopping his circling in front of me, “I came back to give these belongings to their rightful owner.”


He reached inside his pocket and took out my hair ribbon and hair pins. I gave him a long stare and he took my hand, placing my things in them, curling my fingers closed. He cupped my fist with his two hands with an appreciative smile.


“Thank you,” He bowed his head.


“My Prince,” I began.


Your Prince,” He piped up with a smile, relishing the way it sounded, reminding me of what Prince Junmyeon compared his brother to.


“You won,” I reminded him, “There is no reason for you to return these to me.”


“Aren’t they mine to do with whatever I please?” A brow raised in question. He paused for a moment to let me reply but I had felt a bit touch by the gesture. I had to force myself not to look too smitten.


“I spotted your brother walking a servant back to their quarters. I was under the impression that he would be walking you to the stables,” He pointed out.


“There was a slight chance of plans,” I shrugged, “I foresaw an opportunity.”


Baekhyun didn’t press on what opportunity because he saw his very own. His eyes glowed as he was satisfied with my current situation, “Then let me take it upon myself to make sure you are properly escorted too.”


“There really is no need, Your Highness,” I cocked my head coyly, “I promise you if I could manage a tiger, I could manage anything in the dark.”


“Even me?” He smirked.


“Even a Prince that lurks around in the dark,” I playfully glared, as I lifted my skirt a bit and walked up towards the path to the moon gate. I looked over my shoulder, wondering if he had been following but he had stayed in place.


I paused, confused why he hadn't moved an inch. When I realized the tiny error of my ways, Prince Baekhyun already knew I had not only expected him to come... I wanted him to.


As much as I was aware I was treading dangerous waters with the Prince, I couldn’t help but to stifle a smile as I heard the light footsteps padding behind me when I turned away. He quickly caught up and jumped in my path just as I reached the moon gate.


I tried to steer around him, but he blocked every maneuver of mine. I paused for a moment before letting out a long sigh. I gave up and we faced each other right at the frame of the gate that was lavishly full of ivy and roses alike.



Yes, Your Highness?” I crossed my arms, “Any reason for this playfulness?”


Baekhyun blinked slowly, “I apologize if I feel a little daring after winning.”


“Then perhaps reward yourself with a restful slumber,” I suggested, fiddling with my things in my hands, “I believe you have a lot on your plate tomorrow for your brother’s Honoring.”


“There would be no way I could rest easily tonight,” He confessed, “I wouldn’t be comfortable sleeping knowing you haven’t been properly escorted home.”


“I’m fine,” I insisted. Seeing my stubbornness, Baekhyun pressed his lips in thought, cocking his head to the side.


“Then, I will respect your wishes,” He nodded, “If only you can do me a favor.”


“What is it?”


“Dance with me.” He said, stretching out his hand at me. A long stretch of time past, as we looked into each other eyes. I saw the hope in his and I could only wish that my own eyes didn’t betray me.


“My Prince,” I began.


“That is my only condition.” He interjected.


“Didn’t we agree to be friends?” I reminded him and that’s when the twinkle in his eye returned. Nothing could get past the cunning Prince.


“Well, of course we did.” He nodded in agreement, “But you danced with my brother and he’s just a friend, isn’t he?”


He smiled widely knowing I couldn’t refuse his logic and he wasn’t wrong. How could I argue with him seeing how happy and brave he was? I knew there was probably an arsenal of counter arguments he had ready so what use would it be to go against the Prince when I already knew that he always got his way.


I rolled my eyes playfully and took his hand, “Now, with what music will we dance to? The chirping of the grasshoppers?”


Baekhyun pulled me a lot closer than I had imagined, holding my arm out while he s the other arm around the small of my waist. I felt my lips part in partial shock of his touch. There was something about it this time that sent a tingle up my spine.


I tilted my sights up at him and composed myself, which proved to be difficult. It was the delicate way his eyes analyzed mine that nearly buckled my knees under my weight.


There is nothing to worry about, I thought convincing myself, It’s just one foolish dance. There is no harm done.


“The night guards will surely see us,” I pointed out.


He shrugged nonchalantly, “They see a lot of things.”


“I’m sure they regularly see two people waltzing around,” I huffed, “Dancing without music.”


“There’s music, can’t you hear it?” He cocked his head to the side. Just as I was about to respond, the silence was filled in with a well-known melody that he hummed out roughly with a soft chuckle. He began to sway me gently, easing me into a simple step as I stared up at him. He was enjoying his trance on me. His smile was unbreakable when he could clearly see how he was affecting me.


I was left utterly speechless.


I still didn’t understand how a man would ever affect me in such a way. I blamed and excused this bond with our shared childhood, the void in our growing youth, but there was a slight suspicion that this was more than just an extreme fondness.


Something that couldn’t just remain as friends.


He held me a bit tighter as I slowly melted myself into his form. Perhaps I was still feeling the effects of the tea but I felt my head spinning a bit as I laid the side of my head onto his chest.


There was a buzz of comfort in the hollows of his chest as the melody continued.


“I like this song,” I murmured out, comforted in the fact that I was tucked safely in his arms. I even felt the need to be closer as his gravity began pulling at me again and I knew that my heart was unable to recognize him as a simple friend.


It would be like trying to convince myself that the sky was green.


I even felt a new craving to see his smile be directed at me. It was a simple acknowledgement, but it was everything I needed to know that I was on his mind. We continued to waltz into the heavens, into eternity, and back.


I wasn’t sure how long we were together for but eventually Baekhyun pulled away and offered his arm for me to link to. Our dance had been enough for him to finally walk me down the stort walk to the stables.


Baekhyun was content smiling up into the night sky, mention a few things about the full moon and the stars. It was not sticking to my head as I felt a dying happiness give way to a melancholic feeling pitted in the depths of my heart. I was powerless to look somewhere other than his face. Once we reached the royal stables, there was a parked royal carriage ready to accept me.


Baekhyun had said a few parting words, leaving me still dizzy and confused. Just as he was about to help me up the carriage steps I wheeled around breathless.


“Will you have this?” I blurted out, showing my belongings. The Prince in front of my gave me a perplexing look as I stepped towards him. I lifted myself up on my toes to roughly place my jade pins in his own hair. He let out a small laugh when I took his wrist and tied my ribbon around it.


With an appreciative smile he thanked me, “You are truly one of a kind, Miss Kaira. I will treasure these gifts.”


I gulped, unsure of how to extend our time longer. Baekhyun already seemed resigned to the idea that he was ready to send me off within the next moment. He still was giving his wrist a lasting glance when my impatience got the best of me.


“Will you not kiss me then before we part?” I blurted out. I immediately felt the shamefulness prick at my cheeks when I realized I had no power over my own mouth. I felt myself crumble under his curious eyes. His brows raised at my sudden and brazened admission.


He had not answered at all and it took me a full three seconds before I slipped out a good night. In horror, I wheeled around to help myself up the carriage.


“Did you expect me to?” He called out. I paused my foot that was placed on the carriage step. I looked over my shoulders as my mouth parted but no words came out. Polite as ever, Baekhyun approached me and helped me up into the carriage reminding me that, as friends, it was possibly not the best idea to meddle with the improbable.


I simply nodded as I sat myself down in the darkness of the carriage for a second. He had almost disappeared out of sight when I stuck my head out to call out for him, just before he stepped off the carriage step. 




Upon seeing my face again he paused in mid air for a second, in curiosity.


“Yes, Miss Kaira?” He cocked his head, at the perfect angle. I didn’t know how to put it words as elegantly as he usually did. I wasn’t born with the natural grace of nobility but I was born with the ability to take charge of an opportunity. I took the plunge and pressed my lips against the corner of his soft ones. I grasp tightly to the door frame of the carriage in fear that I would tumble out of my body, my soul leaving it to reach the heavens. My lips lingered for a moment feeling the slight buzz of happiness when I pulled away.


There was a silence that was deafening but filled with an explosion of more than just sparks.


“I apologize,” I managed to say, taking note of his blank face stunned from the simplest of kisses. I suppose it was my time to leave him speechless. “I didn’t mean to be so bold. I just wanted to know what it would be like. Please understand.”


His eyes were rounded out and a flash of something reflected off his eyes. Perhaps I had been too bold and I should have respected the boundaries he was trying to uphold. Ashamed of being so helpless, I repeated my apology.


“I truly am sorry,” I insisted, “I don’t know what came over me.”


He responded wordlessly with another kiss. This time the way his lips captured mine was entirely different than before. I felt blinded by of light in my eyes as his pressure was not at all light. The effects of his dazing kiss lasted a bit longer when he pulled away.


He must have said something to me but I wasn’t able to grasp what it was. I felt my chest rising and falling, trying to grasp on to reality but the only anchor I could see was him. I leaned back down again and had another taste of him. It hadn’t been enough.


And I don’t think it will ever be enough.


His mouth expertly moved against mine and I felt a growing heat radiate through my body when he pulled away one last time. He looked over to the royal driver who quickly turned away, embarrassed to be caught staring.


“Driver, to Saeryo Row,” He announced. I felt a bit down when I realized our time was up once more. That was until Prince Baekhyun took the step up into the carriage as he added to his instructions, “I will be escorting Miss Kaira home.”











Long awaited, I swear this was an easy chapter to write. I suppose TOO easy that the writing gods ended up deleting it just so I would rewrite it, hopefully better than the first draft that I made. 

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Blehhhbambix #1
Chapter 23: Omg i found this amazing story! Deserve more subscribers and views!! The way both Kaira and Baekhyun fight all odds to be together

And the greed of the king to do such thing to baek :(
Omg i hope he will be okay. And i kidda suspect Kaira is expecting too?
Chapter 23: Omg noooo!! I hope Baek will be okay!

This was such an interesting and fun chapter, everything got revealed. Loved it!

Thank you for the update!
Chapter 23: noooooo!!!! prince beak 😭
Nlnz2016 #4
Chapter 23: Oh no…I hope Baek will be alright. He was very brave in defending and protecting his wife. Thanks for updating.
Chapter 23: Omg that was... So many things happening...
Firstly, It was amazing how Baekhyun defended her, he even said she's his wife, wow
But that final...I hope everything goes well, Kaira and Baekhyun deserve happiness
Chapter 23: The cliffhanger authornim >__<. I hope baek will be alright. So it’s the King??? Omo mind blowing >_< how could he? Poor baek >_<. Aww but baek is so manly with announcing that she’s her wife ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️. Thank you for the update authornim!
Chapter 22: Their relationship is so amazing and adorable.I love how baekhyun is needy and clingy towards her, and him calling "my wife"!!!! ...And by the she is not pregnant??🧐🧐
And thank you for updating so fast!!
Chapter 22: Ahh they're so cute! My favourite married couple haha

Thank you sm for the update!
Nlnz2016 #9
Chapter 22: Very sweet and loving chapter. So no more bad dreams for her once her husband is back?
Chapter 22: they are too cute together 🥺