




As soon as I had arrived I opened my parasol to shade myself from such a harsh brilliant afternoon. Lay was perhaps correct. The Silla women must be dying in heat. I watched them scurry around the palace to find shade in any corner they could for an outdoor event. Although they were dressed in beautiful silks and fine layers, they looked absolutely dreadful, carrying around such heavy dresses.


It had been only a minute after the guards announced the arrival of my family to the guests, that my side was occupied than none other than Prince Baekhyun himself. My mother lovingly greeted him and asked him about his future prospects of the wife he wished to seek. Afterall, what other reason was this gathering all about?


“Wife?” He repeated as if the word was foreign to him, glancing at me.


“Surely there is a suitable young woman amongst your guest to fulfill your parents’ wishes,” My mother pointed out as we walked towards the very same Royal Garden where my myth was born. The long grass had been cut short and the space was used to pitch tents and tables and areas where groups were kicking a beautiful decorated jegichagi. Others were flying decorative kites.


Baekhyun pointed to a small booth and whispered quickly, “There’s a fortune teller.”


“No need,” My father butted in, “We had a shaman tell us our dearest Kaira will bring two great changes. One has been fulfilled for our family, and I think it would be cheating if we were told the second.”


Baekhyun raised a brow, “Hm, if not that... Would you want to try your luck at archery?”


My family glanced at the targets and all reacted differently, seeing a tiger’s face painted on the row of three targets.


I crossed my arms, aghast at targets, “Care to explain?”


Baekhyun shrugged, “It wasn’t my idea.”


Lord Kyungsoo cocked his head curiously at the targets, “I suppose it is an honor to be living during the time when modern mythology is created.”


Baekhyun took note of the new face in our group and cleared his throat, “Ah yes… my parents were a bit worried that both of my younger brothers didn’t receive enough attention with some of the guest at the last event. They organize a sort of game to win a bit of private time with them later on.”


Jongdae bowed to his Prince, “Wonderful, I hope I can win the affections of an eligible prince and be carried away into the sunset.”


My mother lightly nudged Jongdae, “You have a task, I expect you to see through it.”


My brother was about to storm away when Lord Kyungsoo announced he shall join my brother, so his task wouldn't be done in such misery.


A second later, after the departure of my brother, my mother and father were greeted by some trusted friends. Seeing them occupied, I had the heightened anticipation to have another piece of precious time with Prince Baekhyun, but we were joined by a guard announcing Baekhyun was needed to start the games.


Prince Baekhyun paused, balling his fist in a slight frustration that he was being pulled away just as I arrived. Still he took a long look at me before he gave into the mere notion that I had shown up once again. He closed his eyes and gave the guard a nodded, signaling for a moment. 

"Always a vision, Kaira," He said, smiling at me. He then pointed out the last minute pinned flower on my short sleeved jacket, "Beautiful tiger lily." And with a wink and a nod, he joined the guard walking away but not before he looked over his shoulder to take one finally look at me.


Wait for me, he mouthed as he was escorted away. My mother and father joined my side again, introducing me to some lesser known people of this Fete. They were servants or untitled cousins of the families invited. Still it was a habit of my mother to seek out those who felt out of place like her.


From the start of the events, It was clear that the one families that was favored to compromise two of their daughters to at least two of our Kingdom’s sons. 

The Jol Family, from Silla.


I was very well aware of the two daughters Duchess Binna and Ara. They had gone to finishing school with me for about two years. The worst two years I had experience there. They both had a knack of trying to out show all the girls there with their fancy belongings and prior schooling. Both sisters claimed they only wanted to experience the boarding school life but it was clear to all eyes that both Duchesses were clumsy and often lacked the grace of a well-spoken person with noble blood running through their veins.


Quite often, they never allowed me any peace at school and it was on of life's greatest relief once they had completed their courses at school.


My parents, their new friends, and I began to make our way towards the seats that were elegantly build for the spectators of the first games. I nearly wanted to turn back and go straight home when I realized that a certain Duchess was sitting right behind my brother and Lord Kyungsoo who had already found themselves a seat. Duchess Binna, the eldest of the sisters, sat behind Lord Kyungsoo fanning herself with an ornate decorative fan.


I gulped and remained composed as we approached my brother greeting them with a head bow. Of course, I did my best to greet Duchess Binna, who I caught looking at me.

“Your Grace,” I pulled a smile from my lips, “It’s an honor to see you once more in such festive circumstances.”


The Duchess Binna was a dainty looking thing that was being swallowed by all the yards of extraordinary fabric she had worn, only to show her wealth and superiority amongst the other royal women that were invited.


“Likewise,” She threw a suspicious look at me through her cat like eyes, “It’s not every day that the infamous Tig-”


I stopped her, “And I assure you, Miss Kaira would suffice. After all, I studied very hard for my humble title.”


She was not pleased at my correction. She huffed and made a point to look away as she heavily fanned herself. Her sister, Ara didn’t seem to care much about the interaction and bowed her head at me. I gave a quick smile back before I made myself comfortable next my parents. Perhaps a good race could take my mind off the strained encounter.


Horns blared, signaling the men who were racing to saddle up. Far down the garden pitch, were a group both men and horses. I turned to my father.


“You should have signed up for this race,” I teased, “It would have been fun watching you race.”


My father roared out in laughter, “Sweet girl, I would break the horses back from the amount of weight I’ve gained.”


He patted his belly, something he was proud of when he started working for the Palace. Now, not so much. He often wrote me letters during my schooling about how much he missed running through the forest and trying to capture small game with his own wit and agility. He said he still had his wits, it’s the agility that needed some help.


“Excuse me,” Jongdae’s voice rang out obnoxiously from behind. I turned around to see him directing his attention to Duchess Binna, “Do you mind taking off your headdress? It’s hard to see from where we’re sitting. Perhaps a seat in the back as to not be a burden to the other spectators?”


Lord Kyungsoo looked a bit amused as the Duchess huffed once more and prompty moved two seats away from him.


“I don’t think that’s proper etiquette, brother,” I whispered over to him, referring to having the Duchess move from her seat. My brother merely shrugged, “If she wants to win the favor of any Prince, perhaps not dressing like peacock would make her more approachable.”


“You speak so confidently about what would be considered approachable to a Prince,” I sighed out. It felt a tad warm now that the afternoon sun had reach its peak.


Jongdae smirk, “And you think I wouldn’t know the preferences of my friends?”


Lord Kyungsoo gave me a polite smile, “Friends do know a lot of each other.”


I blinked, “What would you know of the Princes’ preferences?”


Jongdae let out a dry laugh, “Sister, I don’t want to embarrass you. I suggest you stop asking now before you upset yourself with such information.”


My mother swatted my brother lightly, “Now is not the place you two.”


Lord Kyungsoo leaned towards Jongdae, “Your family is quite fun.”


Jongdae narrowed his eyes at him, “You don’t have to live with them.”


Another horned blared, prepping the riders at the starting line. The spectators began to lower their voice in anticipation of the start of the race. The last horn sounded and the horses were off, their galloping growing and growing in a thunderous rumble as the group of five horses rounded on the track and raced towards the finished line.


The crowd was on their feet and that’s when I noticed the horses had been mounted by the royals themselves. Prince Junmyeon had taken the lead, already celebrating an early win as he neared finish line.


But Prince Baekhyun, determined and pent up with energy, managed to slip by his brother and crossed the finish line in an obvious, but stunning win. I don’t know how even I had jumped up, clapping in celebration at an amazing race. My mother and father pumped their arms in the air, cheering. Out of all the spectators in attendance, I could confidently say my family was the rowdiest. The horses slowly came to a halt near us, and I found myself cheering congratulations for a good race.


A few people surrounded Baekhyun patting him on the back, showering him in praise and attention. Even the Duchess Binna had managed to squeez herself to the front to show her much needed admiration.


All I saw was the most ridiculous display of the art of captivation.


The Duchess Binna held out her hand to have Prince Baekhyun place a kiss on it but before he could even register what she was attempting to do, her other hand that had been carrying the fan slipped through her fingers.


Her tiny body wobbled around and suddenly, her body lurch forward straight into the arms of a surprised Baekhyun, who caught the fainted maiden. He panicked looking around for help and I felt the seeds of jealousy poke out and sprouting within me.


There was a sudden gasp and commotion around the weakened Duchess. 


Jongdae scoffed, “Crazy bit-”


“JONGDAE!” My mother snapped. Lord Kyungsoo roared in laughter, whipping tears for the corners of his eyes.


“I wish all High Society families were like yours,” He chuckled.



The rest of the Fete went on into the late evening. The gossip over the Duchess was that she had been taken to a chamber to have a Royal doctor checking on her delicate state. I honestly didn’t care much about the slight scandal of the day but when I heard that Baekhyun hadn’t left her bedside since she started to rest, I felt an unresolved tension in me that I couldn’t find an outlet for.


I don’t know why I was so concerned over the news that Baekhyun was tending to the Duchess. It’s a possible common courtesy that I didn’t know about, right?


I chewed on my lip, crossing my arms as I watched the end of a wonderful performance of drummers. All of us had just been feed the most delightful feast on some tables set outside for us.


Jongdae mentioned they were called picnics and people in the new country America, often participated in picnics.


My father shrugged as he enjoyed his deliciously cooked meat, “If western people enjoy taking their tables outside to eat, I don’t see the harm. But, it is a little strange, isn’t it?”


Jongdae nudged his new friend Lord Kyungsoo, “Our friend here was telling me last night of the picnics he enjoyed in England with a few beautiful ladies.”


Lord Kyungsoo blushed, “It’s merely a formality to participate in the customs of other countries.”


“With women,” I emphasized causing Lord Kyungsoo to blush, “No need to be embarrassed, If you haven’t noticed our family often makes a mockery of everything. We are immune to the feeling.”


Jongdae nodded, agreeing me.


“My sister would know all about it. She has a mastery of shamelessness,” My brother smirked, “She spent all of her formative years chasing around Prince Junmyeon. Even the Palace servants, pitied her.”


I felt my face drop. My mother stopped me before I could jump over the table to tackle him. Jongdae watched me carefully as I added yet another thing to bottle up inside.


“Clearly Kaira needed another year at finishing school.” He mumbled and that was enough for me. I pressed my lips together and excused myself from the table causing my mother to lightly protest my leave. I needed space to breathe in order to changed my rotten mood.


There was so much that I couldn’t fully process the gossip we were hearing around us and I had no one, absolutely no one to speak to about this. I had no friends to confide in.


Finishing school was such a lonesome time and the only trusted person I knew was Madam Min, who was no use to me now. I kneaded my hands together walking out of the garden, needing something to calm me.


Like tea…


I allowed my feet to lead me to the kitchens. I knew it was probably unbecoming to ask directly from the kitchen, but I didn’t want to request it out in the picnics or whatever.


From the outside, the kitchens didn’t sound as busy as I thought it would be. Perhaps the cooks had a bit of resting time after the chaos of feeding so many just an hour ago. I climbed up the steps and peered in.


I was right. A lot of the cooks were sitting, relaxing, chatting amongst each other as servants came in and out dropping used dishes and trays and rushing out with another tray.


I cleared my throat, “Excuse me.”


A pair of twenty eyes turned to me, peeking my head through the door. They all looked thoroughly confused.


“I apologize if this is forth coming but,” I paused, “Is it possible to have some tea?”


“One tea coming right up!” A servant chimed pushing past me from behind, she had opened the doors to reveal my entire self to the staff. They looked very interested now.


“Is that you Kim Kaira?” One lady shouted, her scratchy throat perfectly matching her rough appearance. Still, the kindness in her eyes welcomed me in as she pointed at me, “This girl used to sneak in with the Third Prince nearly every day to steal treats.”


There was a bit of laughter as the lady turned to me and smiled, “It’s nice to see you back.”


I felt terrible for not recognizing her the same way she recognized me.


“I’m sorry to ask but I believe that the palace had an order of teas from Madam Min’s” I kneaded my hands together, “Is it possible to steal a bit from that?”


The girl who had walked past me was boiling my tea. She stepped into view, revealing herself and I recalled who she was. She was the girl that my brother had been watching all night at the first event.


“The ones in the silk pouches?” She asked, unsure of what to do.


“Yes,” I nodded.


“Those are for guest,” She clarified, and the old cook nearly had a heart attack.


“You stupid girl, Kim Kaira is a guest!” She turned back to me, “I apologize for her ignorance my dear, she is new.”

“I take no offense, really, Chaewon please let me help.” I offered starting for the stove. Chaewon turned bright red, apologizing as she swatted me away from doing any work. She disappeared into the back of the kitchen and returned with two pouches.


Chaewon began to fix an elegant looking tray and gave me an apologetic look, “Would a plain set do? I only have this tea set left and I need to run to tend to the Duchess. If you could wait until me retur, it should take long.”


I blinked nodding slowly, “I would really like to handle my own tea preparation if you don’t mind.”


Chaewon looked taken aback, unsure of what to do. She glanced around looking for answers in their elders but received nothing but curious looks. She still took it upon herald to set the kettle over a fire and lingered around as I took over the tray she had been preparing to start a simple ceremony for myself. She helped pour steaming water into the teapot and I carefully selected the fines leaves to use for my own tea. I gave a quick silent moment of thanks and I took a seat near the stove to wait patiently for my tea leave to soak.


The old cook grumbled, “Is that girl ever going to get up? How many fruits and truffles has she requested?”


Chaewon, taking her attention away from me, picked up another tray filled with treats and sighed, “Plenty, enough for a healthy horse.”


The cook scowled, “And you said the Third Prince is by her side?”


I perked up.


Chaewon let out a dry laugh, “Yes, lovingly by her side, as her family have been spreading. I’ve never seen a man so lovingly trying to escape a few times. One could assume he probably wanted to fetch her things himself just to get out of there.”


She rolled her eyes as she walked around me. I finally brought the teacup to my lips, hiding a smile that started to spread on my face. I know my brother never asked for my opinion but I liked her, Chaewon.


She was quite a funny girl and after a sip and some gossip, I felt ten times better.










An update. ^^ I just wrote out the first draft of chapter thirteen and I want to say, even if it's still a few chapters away, PLEASE look forward to it! I hope it causes a few deaths of happiness. 

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Blehhhbambix #1
Chapter 23: Omg i found this amazing story! Deserve more subscribers and views!! The way both Kaira and Baekhyun fight all odds to be together

And the greed of the king to do such thing to baek :(
Omg i hope he will be okay. And i kidda suspect Kaira is expecting too?
Chapter 23: Omg noooo!! I hope Baek will be okay!

This was such an interesting and fun chapter, everything got revealed. Loved it!

Thank you for the update!
Chapter 23: noooooo!!!! prince beak 😭
Nlnz2016 #4
Chapter 23: Oh no…I hope Baek will be alright. He was very brave in defending and protecting his wife. Thanks for updating.
Chapter 23: Omg that was... So many things happening...
Firstly, It was amazing how Baekhyun defended her, he even said she's his wife, wow
But that final...I hope everything goes well, Kaira and Baekhyun deserve happiness
Chapter 23: The cliffhanger authornim >__<. I hope baek will be alright. So it’s the King??? Omo mind blowing >_< how could he? Poor baek >_<. Aww but baek is so manly with announcing that she’s her wife ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️. Thank you for the update authornim!
Chapter 22: Their relationship is so amazing and adorable.I love how baekhyun is needy and clingy towards her, and him calling "my wife"!!!! ...And by the she is not pregnant??🧐🧐
And thank you for updating so fast!!
Chapter 22: Ahh they're so cute! My favourite married couple haha

Thank you sm for the update!
Nlnz2016 #9
Chapter 22: Very sweet and loving chapter. So no more bad dreams for her once her husband is back?
Chapter 22: they are too cute together 🥺