Someday We'll Know

I saw the news right before I slept and I don't want to believe it. When I woke up, apparently it has been confirmed. 


As a WinRina shipper and AU writer, I felt my heart break and it's heavy to continue writing something about them being together. 


I also saw a lot of authors discontinuing or putting their stories on hold and I am doing the same for some like: Someday We'll Know and I Zee You. 


I was going to post another one shot about them but maybe I won't anymore.


I know I haven't been active that much when it comes to updating but news like this affects me as well.


Thank you for all my subscribers and readers.


Till next time.

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Hi everyone! I'm really sorry for not updating for more than a month. I really had plans on finishing this chapter sooner but some things got in the way. I hope you still continue to support my works.


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Burgerking_ #1
Chapter 29: We devastated fr😭 but I really hope that these stories will have endings. But I support your decision, author. We'll wait for you
618 streak #2
Chapter 29: A sad day for au/fics writers and readers indeed. 😔
Coleeee #3
Chapter 28: Wow that's a really long name, yeah I feel like Declan is gonna complain a lot. Ni hindi ata magkakasya sa mga government forms yan 😭 oh and I hope na Winter gets another chance to carry again and successfully carry the baby to term. For Peanut ❤️
774 streak #4
Chapter 28: Welcome back tor!! 🤍
wnddmks_ 742 streak #5
Chapter 28: Welcome back, tor! I-continue ko na pagbabasa ko neto hehehe
Chapter 28: welcome back po na miss ko to 😭😭😭😭
welcome back otornim 😭😭😭💙❄️
71 streak #8
Chapter 20: wadaprik wintot is always at the crime scene deym (may narinig nanaman si sis),,, pero tangina nakakakilabot yung sa chaelisa ha tangina napaisip aq nang malala dun haup
71 streak #9
Chapter 18: i'm so happy for the both of them 🥹 im glad rin na andyan palagi mga mahal nila sa buhay 😺
71 streak #10
Chapter 16: TANGINA WTF??? Umiiyak na yung tao 'tor oh... AUQ NAH DI Q N KAYA 🥹 echoz.. sana gumaling na si rinrin pls beh gumising k na need ka na ng asawa mo !!