Chapter 18 Move On


*After that day, Stella couldn’t get Win’s words out of her mind and she couldn’t get over her breakup with Bright. She started to question her heart. 


Stella’s mind: *screams at her pillow* What should I do? 

Why does this have to happen to me?


The next day…


*Stella heads to her locker as usual. Just then Priya approaches her and gives her a hug without saying but with tears in her eyes.


Stella: Priya, what’s wrong?


Priya: Why didn’t you tell me that you and P’Bright broke up?


Stella: I was going to but- I-


Priya: I’m so sorry about what you had to go through.

You don’t deserve a guy like him.


Stella: Thanks, girl. *softly smiles* It means alot.


Priya: So how about we go on a girls night tonight?


Stella: *shakes her head* No thanks. I’ll pass.


Priya: Why not? 

It will get your mind over your breakup and stuff.

It will be fun, come on, P’Stella, please? *puppy eyes*


Stella: I’ll think about it.


Priya: Okay!! 


*Just then Dew and Win approach the girls. Stella panics and quickly excuses herself. She walks away making the boys flustered.


Dew: What’s with her?


Priya: *shrugs* Beats me. 

But I feel so bad for her.

She doesn’t deserve to go through a bad breakup like that.


*Win looks at Stella with a sad look in his eyes.


Win’s mind: Is it because of my confession to her that day?


*Win tried to spend the whole day talking to Stella but she avoids him. He noticed Bright watching her from afar with a sad look in his eyes and in his anger, he approaches Bright and gives him a fair warning.


Win: *grabs Bright’s collar* Do you feel happy now that you broke P’Stella’s heart?

Well, she’s having a hard time because of you.

It’s all your fault! 


Bright: And so what? 

What are you going to do about it?


Win: Looks like it’s my turn to win her heart now.

I’m going to make her the happiest girl in the entire world and soon she’ll forget about you.

You’ll see. 


*Win pushes Bright away from him and slams his shoulder onto Bright’s as he walks away from him. A tear falls down Bright’s face as he feels regretful for what he has done.


Bright’s mind: Maybe it’s for the best if I forget about you.

I hope you can find someone else better than me.

Please be happy for me, P’Stella.




*Stella is talking to Dew and Priya when she spots Win coming this way. She quickly stands up and tries to walk away from him but he calls out to her.


Win: P’Stella, wait!


*Win runs up to her.


Win: What’s with you?

Why are you avoiding me?

You still haven’t answered my confession yet.


*Stella turns to him and yells at him.


Stella: I don’t know, Win, I just don’t know, okay?

Can you give me more time to think about it?

I mean I-


*Before Stella could finish her sentence, Win pulls her closer to him and gives her a passionate kiss on the lips. She gets surprised by his sudden action but soon she melts and kisses him back. Tears fall down her face.


Stella’s mind: Maybe it’s for the best if we move on, Bright.

Forget about me and I’ll forget about you.

I’ll let you go, Bright.

Hope you find a better girl than me.


Win’s mind: I know it’s hard for you to get over him but I promise you that I won’t make you cry.

You deserve what’s best for you.

And I’ll be that person for you.

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