The End

I found love while travelling

By the time he finished his speech, I was in tears. I didn’t have to ponder over what to say, I knew my heart was saying yes. He waited nervously for my answer and all the members surrounded us.
“You know, if you need time to think, I could give you…” Eunhyuk whispered as he slowly used his palm and rubbed off my tears.
“Yes.” I cut him off
“What?” He widened his eyes
“I’ll be your girlfriend.” I smiled
He stunned for a moment before wrapping his arms around me and the members exploded into cheers. I was giving the widest grin I ever had and wrapped him back tightly. I felt like the luckiest girl in the entire universe.

“KISS! KISS! KISS!” The members prompted
With a swift of a movement, his lips was on my mine. It felt so perfect, it felt so right. We are a couple now, and he chose me, over Hyoyeon, over anyone else. The thought of it made everything better.

The members all engaged in small talks and congratulated both of us while we both separated for a while to talk to the other members.

“Are you finally happy?” Henry asked
“Yes, I can’t believe this is actually happening. After all the tears and misunderstandings we are finally together.” I confessed.
“Guess this is how fate works, huh?” He chuckled
“I guess so. Mochi, thank you.” I said
“Huh? For what?” He asked curiously
“For letting me stay with you when I arrived in Korea. I owe whatever I have now to you. I don’t think I will be together with Eunhyuk if I hadn’t known him through you. Thank you Mochi.” I said and engulfed him in a hug.  
“Awwww. You know you can always count on me for anything. Remember, if Eunhyuk hyung ever bullies you, come and find me, alright? I will still be your Mochi and you will always be my Princess.” He said and hugged me back as he ruffled my hair.
“Thanks Mochi.” I said again.
“How many times are you going to thank me today? Anyway, I think someone wants to talk to you.” Henry chuckled and signaled Donghae to come over as he was waiting by the side.

“Hi.” Donghae said and flashed a smile as he stood in front of me.
“Hi.” I smiled
“I’m happy for you.” He said sincerely.
“I’m sorry, Donghae oppa.” I bowed down my head
“Why are you saying sorry?” He asked softly
“I’m sorry for breaking your heart and ending up with your best friend, I'm sorry for being such a bad person. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you the way you loved me, I’m sorry I neglected your presence even though you were always there for me and taking care of me all the time, I’m sorry for-“ I said and got cut off by Donghae
“Don’t be sorry for anything. I was the one who loved you, and you aren’t a bad person, because you turned me down and didn’t give me false hopes. I was the one who encouraged Eunhyuk to go for you, so don’t feel sorry, alright? I know you will be happy with him, and  I just want to see you happy.” He said
“Thank you, Donghae oppa. You are honestly the nicest guy I have ever met. I know you will find your happiness one day.” I said
“If Eunhyuk ever ill-treats you, you can always come running back to me?” He joked
“Oppa!” I chuckled
“Alright Alright, just remember I will always be here for you no matter what happens.” Donghae said as he pulled me into a hug.

We stayed for a few moments before we heard a cough.
“Ahem. May I spend some time with my girlfriend now?” Eunhyuk asked as he laid out one hand towards me
“Jealous guy. Be careful of him.” Donghae jokingly warned me
“Yah Lee Donghae!” Eunhyuk punched him in the arm as he walked away

We headed outside and decided to stroll along the nearby beach. He laced his fingers with mine and we walked down the beach. Just him, I, the sand beneath us and the bed of stars above us. There wasn’t a need for a conversation as we briefly took in the moment.

I didn't notice him pulling out a necklace because I was too focused on the night sky above us and thinking how to stop being nervous.
"There you go." He said as he clipped the necklace on to my neck
"This necklace is to remind you that I will always be there for you, through the good and the bad. I will always be protecting you, and I will be your boyfriend, your lover, and your bestest friend. I hope this necklace will always remind you of me." Eunhyuk said before continuing on
"Also, I noticed you looking at the teddy bear today at the museum, so I bought this for you." He pulled out the teddy bear that I saw earlier in the afternoon but I didn't buy it because it was too expensive
"How did you...?" I widened my eyes as I saw the teddy bear
"I always keep a lookout for you and the things you like." He chuckled

“Thank you.” I broke into tears for the second time of the night.
“I should be the one thanking you.” Eunhyuk said and rubbed my tears away
“Why?” I asked curiously
“I always thought I was with the right person, and you came along and made me realize why everything didn’t work out in the first place. I took so long to realize my feelings because I kept denying it and pushing it away. I’m sorry I was such a jerk.” He apologized
“You were.” I joked
He hung his head down and stopped in his tracks. I sensed his sadness and slowly lifted his head up and stared into his charming brown eyes.
“Listen, Lee Hyukjae, from the first time I met you, I felt something that I haven’t felt before. I didn’t mind you liking Hyoyeon unnie, because I know you loved her. However, now, all that doesn’t matter anymore because I know your heart is with me. Don’t be sorry anymore, because we still have so much more things to go through in future.” I said
He gave me a wide smile and kissed the top of my forehead as we continued walking on.

“Aren’t you afraid of how your fans will react?” I asked
“No. I know it ain’t gonna be easy for them, but they will have to deal with it. I am human too, I eventually have to find a girlfriend and get married. Also, I am certain that our love can overcome the obstacles.” He proudly said
“Who said I’m going to get married to you?” I teased
“Because if you don’t I will tickle you.” He warned
“Oh don’t you dare…” I backed away slightly from him
“Oh yes I dare.” He approached me and started tickling me while I laughed loudly and fell onto the sand while he laid on top of me. We stared for a moment at each other before he closed the gaps between us and laid his soft lips on mine. Fireworks exploded in my body and everything felt so right.

“I love you, Mrs. Lee Hyukjae.” He said
“I love you too, Lee Hyukjae.” I said as he laid beside me on the sand while we gazed at the night sky above us.


Author's Note: AND... THIS MARKS THE END OF THE 43 CHAPTERS STORY!! It's been a year since I've wrote my first fanfic and I'm thankful to every single one of you who have been subscribing and commenting on my story, be it positive or negative, new reader or constant reader. I really enjoyed writing this fic thanks to you guys and also, I will be starting on a new fanfic soon! Do continue supporting me and I hope you have enjoyed reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will continue to improve on my stories and come up with better ones in future!



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Chapter 53: Awwww!!!! This was such a beautiful story
Well done :-)
Chapter 53: HUGE WELL DONE this story was really good you should be really proud. I love this fanfic. Thanks for finishing xx
I loved this fic author-nim~! Thanks for writing & finishing it! ^~^
Chapter 53: Finally, Lee Hyukjae you confessed your feeling n made her happy^^ Like Henry n Donghae said if u hurt her again she can go to them but to me will b the other way round,I'll come n hunt u down,hehehe ^^ make her happy^^
Chapter 50: Finally, your back^^ Is Hyukjae preapring something special??? I'm so curios now^^
Chapter 49: update soon.. saranghae payting!!
bebeb_myeolchi #7
The new subscriber here :)
Really love this ff alot.. So curious !!! hoping this girl (ME:red) will be with Hyukjae <3 :D
Update soon please !!! ^^
btw, nice to meet u :))
Chapter 49: What's in that bag ?
Chapter 49: Oh I'm back to reading and commenting! I still like this story :3 Hyukjae, you so dense, don't even know your own feelings tsk tsk.
Something gonna happen at Jeju? ouo
Chapter 49: I'm not tired of your story^^ I'm curious what is Hyukjae hiding in the beg???