Can't decide?

I found love while travelling

I stayed at the rooftop awhile and started thinking about everything. From the first day I came into the Super Junior dorms, Donghae was the first person I knew apart from Henry, the first guy I called oppa. He brought me to try the crazy rollercoaster and held my hand through it all, not afraid to wear a hairband in public even though he is an idol, and most importantly, he went through all the hard times with me.
He was the first person to come to me when I got my heart broken, stayed there with me through everything, helped me to get through the heartbreaking times, made those times a little easier, lend me a shoulder to cry on, always there for me, he's my guardian angel.
I mentally scolded myself for being so insensitive and not noticing the things he did for me.

I then thought, should I give him a chance? He did so many things for me, doesn't he deserve even one chance? I didn't want to break his heart, but I didn't want him to lead him on when currently my feelings for him is just a dongsaeng-oppa relationship. I felt like I should be honest with him.

My cellphone rang all of a sudden and I got startled a little. Manager oppa called and asked me to get back to the dressing room. I was still deep in thoughts, but dragged myself back to the dressing room.

When I got back to the dressing room, only Henry and Zhoumi was inside.
"MOCHIIIIIII" I said and plopped on the seat next to him
"Yeah?" He asked
I scanned the room and Zhoumi seemed to have left the room. I decided it was time to tell Henry what was happening since there was only two of us inside.
"Promise me you won't freak out." I warned him
His attention turned towards me and he looked shocked
"What happened?!" He asked worriedly
"Uh... Donghae oppa confessed to me." I said slowly
"WHAT?! HE WHAT?!" He shouted
"SHHHH!! He confessed to me, okay? He asked me to give him a chance!" I explained
"Okay... So he confessed to you even though he knew you liked Eunhyuk hyung? I thought he didn't like you anymore!" He said
"Anymore? You mean you knew he liked me?" I asked curiously
"It was so obvious!" He said
"Ugh... okay fine. What do I do now?" I asked
He pondered over for a moment and said "Do you like him?"
"Hmm... in a brotherly way, yes. In a lover's way... I'm not sure." I said
"You wanna give him a chance?" He asked
"It would be bad not to give him a chance after all the things he have done for me. He treats me really well and he asked me to give myself a chance to love him." I said
"And you want to?" He asked
"I DON'T KNOW, THAT'S WHY!" I said exasperatedly
"Maybe you should try it out?" He asked
"But I don't want to break his heart if in the end we are going to break up." I said
"Then don't agree first." He said
"But I can't let him wait forever!" I said
"Then agree." He said
"I feel like I'm using him to get over Hyukjae oppa." I said honestly
"I don't know. I'm not a love expert. Sorry princess, I can't help you this time." He said and drifted off to sleep.

I sighed and looked at Henry. He didn't help at all.
Just then, the boys streamed into the room and I caught Eunhyuk's eye. He smiled at me and ran to sit in the space beside me.
"How was the performance?" I asked
"Great. We won No.1!!!" He asked
"Really? Congratulations!" I said while hugging him
Donghae seemed to notice our close contact and glared straight at Eunhyuk. I noticed it and quickly separated myself from him.

"Great job guys, we are aiming for a triple crown yea?!" Leeteuk suddenly shouted across the room
"YEAHHHHH!!" The whole of Super Junior shouted and gathered for a hug. I stayed at the sofa and smiled at the scene before me.
Eunhyuk pulled me up and got me into the circle. I looked at him curiously while the other boys just smiled.
"You are a part of us now! There's no reason for you to not join our celebration!" Eunhyuk said happily
"Yeah! You're not only a manager, you are our sister." Leeteuk said and patted my head
I was closed to tears and just chuckled. "Thank you oppas. Congratulations on your win!" I said and we all gathered for a group hug
"DINNER TONIGHT! I'LL TREAT!" Manager oppa said loudly
"YAYYYYYYYYYY!" Everybody in the room cheered upon hearing his words

They changed out of their stage outfits while I headed to the van to wait for them. Eunhyuk was first to come in to the van and he settled on a seat beside me.
"Congrats and thanks oppa." I said
"Thank me for?" He asked
"For including me and not leaving me out in anything!" I said
"Why thank me for that? You should be included!" He said while I chuckled
We headed for dinner and I successfully avoided Donghae as he went to the other van because the van I was sitting in was full. I wasn't avoiding him on purpose, I just needed some time to think.

Author's Note: Here's another update! I've read through the comments and thank you so much for the suggestions! I haven't decided who ____ is gonna end up with, so keep the comments and subscribes coming in! School's pretty busy so I would update occassionally but continue commenting and subscribing okay? ^^ THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!!! :D


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Chapter 53: Awwww!!!! This was such a beautiful story
Well done :-)
Chapter 53: HUGE WELL DONE this story was really good you should be really proud. I love this fanfic. Thanks for finishing xx
I loved this fic author-nim~! Thanks for writing & finishing it! ^~^
Chapter 53: Finally, Lee Hyukjae you confessed your feeling n made her happy^^ Like Henry n Donghae said if u hurt her again she can go to them but to me will b the other way round,I'll come n hunt u down,hehehe ^^ make her happy^^
Chapter 50: Finally, your back^^ Is Hyukjae preapring something special??? I'm so curios now^^
Chapter 49: update soon.. saranghae payting!!
bebeb_myeolchi #7
The new subscriber here :)
Really love this ff alot.. So curious !!! hoping this girl (ME:red) will be with Hyukjae <3 :D
Update soon please !!! ^^
btw, nice to meet u :))
Chapter 49: What's in that bag ?
Chapter 49: Oh I'm back to reading and commenting! I still like this story :3 Hyukjae, you so dense, don't even know your own feelings tsk tsk.
Something gonna happen at Jeju? ouo
Chapter 49: I'm not tired of your story^^ I'm curious what is Hyukjae hiding in the beg???