Only a dongsaeng?

I found love while travelling

I decided to call Sulli and Key first, since they were the ones who helped me with the job.
After linking both of them in a conference call, I announced the news.
"Sulli unnie! Kibum oppa!" I said excitedly
"How was it?!" They both asked at the same time
"I got it!" I said happily
"YAYYYYY!!!" Sulli and Key cheered happily
"Thank you so much oppa and unnie! I owe you guys one!" I said
"Treat us to a meal soon." Key said
"Yeah! Anyway who's manager will you be?" Sulli asked
"Super Junior." I said
"Expected." Key said
"Yeah, it's much more convenient for me." I said
"Awww, I thought you will be my manager!" Sulli said
"It's okay, since now I'm Super Junior's manager, we'll meet more often!" I said
"Oh yes! It's much easier to meet now." Sulli said
"Yeah! Okay I won't bother you guys anymore, but let's meet up soon okay?" I said
"SURE!" Key and Sulli said
"Annyeong~" We all said and hung up

The next person I felt like calling was Eunhyuk. I didn't know why, but I wanted to share my happiness with him. However, I reckoned he was with Hyoyeon and I didn't want to disturb their moment.

I called Henry up next.
Henry: "Princess, how was the interview? We are all at home waiting for your news!"
Me:"I got it!"
I heard cheers and screams on the phone and I could tell they were all running around the house.
Henry: "Congrats! We'll talk when you get back then!"
Me:"Okay! Bye!"

Suddenly, I had an idea to prank Donghae.
"Donghae oppa..." I said sadly when he picked up the phone
"____-ah, how was it?" He asked worriedly
"I..." I said and acted like I was crying
"Stay there! I'll be right there!" Donghae said quickly and hung up.
I curled up at the seats in the hallway and waited for him to come. He came within minutes and sat next to me.
"____-ah, it's okay, there are many other jobs that you can interview for as well." He comforted and hugged me
"Oppa..." I said
"Yeah?" He said
"Be prepared to see my face all the time." I said
He gave me a confused look before I said "I GOT THE JOB! I'm Super Junior's manager and oppa I'm sorry to say you're gonna get sick of my face because you're gonna see me all the time."
He stunned and looked at me for a moment and started tickling me before saying "How dare you lie to me! This is your punishment!"
"OPPA!" I shouted and laughed while he didn't stop tickling me and I was resisting. We only stopped when we heard someone cough infront of us.

"Erhem..." Eunhyuk coughed loudly. I looked up and saw Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk standing infront of us.
"Oh? Annyeong Hyukjae oppa and Hyoyeon unnie." I said
"How was your interview?" Eunhyuk asked
"Great! I'm your new manager now!" I said happily
"WHAT?!" Hyoyeon asked me while furrowing her eyebrows, while Eunhyuk smiled widely at me.
"Really? I knew you could do it! Congratulations!" Eunhyuk said while pulling me into a hug. Hyoyeon immediately separated us and tried to pull Eunhyuk away.
There was a moment of awkwardness but Eunhyuk said "We should celebrate for you!"
"Oppa, you promised to eat with me!" Hyoyeon said
"When did I?" Eunhyuk asked doubtfully
"Just now. You said you wanted to bring me to the new restaurant that opened down the street." Hyoyeon said
"But I thought you said you have schedules today?" Eunhyuk said
"I'll ask manger oppa to shift it tomorrow! I want to eat with you!" Hyoyeon said while hugging him and glanced at me
"But-" Eunhyuk said before I cut him off.
"It's okay oppa. We'll celebrate together another time." I said, trying not to look at both of them
"Yeah, ____-ah, I'll celebrate with you! Kaja, let's go back to the dorms to celebrate with the members!" Donghae said while pulling me away
"Okay! Hyukjae oppa, Hyoyeon unnie, enjoy your date." I said and walked away sadly

-Eunhyuk POV-
I was mad, but more of jealous. Why is Donghae always around her? I really wanted to celebrate with her! AISH! Wait, she's just a dongsaeng, just a dongsaeng... right?
-End of POV-

Donghae tried to make conversations with me but I only responded shortly. It still pains me to see them both together and Eunhyuk still couldn't see how I felt for him.
Donghae suddenly pulled me into a hug.
"I thought you might need this." Donghae said
"Thank you." I said gratefully
"I'm your guardian angel, remember?" Donghae said softly
"Oppa you aren't kidding about that?" I asked curiously
"Of course not!" He said while pulling away from the hug.
"Give me your phone." He said
I looked at him curiously but still gave him anyway. He tapped on the screen a couple of times and typed something before handing the phone back to me.
"Eh? Oppa, what did you do?" I eyed him suspiciously.
"You'll see soon!" He said happily and pulled me to his car.
He received a phonecall and excused himself while I entered the car first.

Donghae: "_____-ah, let's go eat first! It's almost lunch! I'll treat you!"
Me: "Jinja?"
Donghae: "Yeah, to congratulate you for getting a job!"
Me: "But aren't the oppas waiting at home?"
Donghae: "I told them about it already, they asked us to eat first before going home."
Me: "Okay then!"
On the way to a nearby restaurant, I rang my parents up and told them about my plans.

"Mum! Dad!" I said when they picked up the phone
"____!" They said into the phone. I reckoned they put it on speaker
"I just wanna tell you all I'll be staying in Seoul or awhile." I said cautiously
"Why?" Mum asked
"Well, I made some friends here, I recently got a job, and I love this place. Don't worry, I will still visit." I said
"Are you happy there?" Dad asked
"Yes. I'm very happy here." I said
"That's all we ask for. Be safe and call back regularly, okay?" Mum said
"Okay. Thanks for understanding Mum and Dad." I said
"Anytime. Have fun there!" They said
"Okay, bye!" I said before hanging up

We arrived at the restaurant and ordered our foods. I was feeling jumpy and excited that I got the job, I didn't even realized people looking at us. Donghae waved while I covered my head in embarrassment.

"Sorry oppa, I feel like I'm embarrassing you." I lowered my head
"Ani! I always feel better when I'm next to you." He said
I smiled at his words and gave him a light hug. "Thanks oppa, I feel happy when I'm with you too." I said

Donghae's heart started racing as he thought "If only you knew how I felt"

We finished eating in about half an hour but Donghae still continued talking on and on so we sat there for another half an hour.
He received a text and said "Okay, we can go now!" and excitedly pull me out of the restaurant after paying the bill.

We reached the dorm quickly and when he opened the door for me, he covered my eyes before we stepped in.
We walked slowly to the dorm as he held my hand and covered my eyes.
"Eh? Oppa?" I said
"You'll see later." He said
When we entered the dorms, I felt the lights turn on and Donghae stop covering my eyes, revealing decorations everywhere and cake on the table.
"Chukahamnida!" The members said when Donghae and I entered the dorms
I was shocked and froze for a moment before regaining my senses and breaking into a smile.
"Kamsahamnida!" I bowed, tears threatening to fall. Donghae was the first to hug me and my tears flowed down uncontrollably. All the members present came over and hugged us, leading to a group hug for a couple of minutes.
I ended up crying and laughing at the same time and Kyuhyun asked "____-ah, are you crying or laughing?!"
"Both. I'm crying because I'm touched and thankful, laughing because it's so funny." I said and wiped away my tears while separating from the hug

"Alright, let's eat the cake first." Siwon said
I got a slice and sat beside Kyuhyun, offering a plate to him.
"He didn't come." He said
"Yeah, I know. He went out with Hyoyeon unnie." I said, acting like I don't care
"I know you mind." He said
"I-I just..." I said before he cut me off
"Jealous." He said shortly
"Yes I'm jealous. I'm always jealous, what's new?" I said
"Confess then." He said casually
"No way." I said
"Scared?" He said
"I don't wanna ruin a perfect relationship." I said
"It's not a perfect relationship." He said
"Whatever it is, I want him to be happy." I said and walked away

"Congrats for the job!" Henry said while hugging me
"Thanks mochi! You sure you are fine with me being your manager?" I asked worriedly
"Of course! You don't know how relieved I am. I don't have to worry about you getting lost." He said
"Awww. Mochi you are like a mom!" I said
"Anyway, did you tell your mum about it?" He asked
"Yeah, they are totally fine with this whole thing." I said
"Great. I'm getting used to life with you so you better not leave suddenly!" Henry warned
'Of course. I love it here too!" I said

I approached the manager and he greeted me with a hug.
"With you here, things would be easier." He said
"I hope I won't be a burden to you!" I said
"Of course not. Let me brief you on some stuffs." He said and led me to the living room.
After an hour of briefing about the boys schedules and what to do, he left me writing down notes in the living room.

I excused myself and went back to my room to sort out the schedules for the boys and I didn't even realize time passed so fast, it was already dinnertime. When I went downstairs, Ryeowook already cooked dinner and some members gathered at the dining table while the rest left for schedules.
We started eating and talking about my job, they told me about the things I should take note and I mentally noted in my head.
After dinner, I helped Ryeowook clear up the dishes and headed back to my room.

Me: "Come in."
Eunhyuk: "Annyeong"
Me: "Oh? Annyeong oppa."
Eunhyuk: "Sorry for missing out on your celebration just now.
Me: "Nah, it's okay. Unnie is a busy person, she don't usually get time off."
Eunhyuk: "Turns out she couldn't change her schedules, so I ended up eating alone."
Me: "What? Why didn't you come home and eat?"
Eunhyuk: "Forget it, I'm used to it."
I was curious at his sentence and asked him about it.

"Oppa, do you love her?" I asked
"I guess?" He said hesitantly
"You guess?" I said
"It seems like my heart is telling me something else." He said frustratedly and put his head in his hands
"Just follow what your heart tells you, okay? I'm sure there's a reason why you take her back even after what she did to you." I said
"You think so?" He said
"I know you love her." I said
"I love you too!" He said
My heart raced for awhile before I said "Not in that manner. You love me as a dongsaeng, you love her as a lover, isn't it?"
He stayed silent and that was enough. I told him I had to go and shower, and thus he left my room.

-Eunhyuk POV-
____-ah, I don't think I only love you as a dongsaeng, but I'm so confused of my feelings right now.
-End of POV-

After he left, I couldn't help but drop tears. After all this while, I was only a dongsaeng. I shouldn't have believed I meant more than that. I gathered my clothes and went to take a hot bath.

After bathing, I headed to Henry's room. It has been a long time since I went to his room to just chat and chill.
Me: *knock*
Henry: "Come in"
I entered and saw Henry wearing his glasses while reading a book. Cute!
Me: "MOCHI!"
Henry: *puts down book* "Princess!"
I sat beside him and clinged onto his arm.
Henry: "Why?"
Me: "Nah, I just felt like I haven't been here for awhile."
Henry: "Glad you know. We haven't spent time together for awhile. You are always going out with the other hyungs!"
Me: "Aww, jealous? You introduced them to me!"
Henry: "Nah, I'm glad you guys are getting along well."

Just then, Donghae entered the room. "Henry, I've got-" He stopped when he saw me and Henry cut him off
"Hyung, seriously?! Don't you knock?" Henry said
"What were you guys doing?" Donghae asked suspiciously
"We were having some catch up time but apparently you just barged in like that." Henry explained
"Oppa, it's okay! Sit here with us!" I said and patted the seat beside me
Donghae jumped onto the bed while Henry groaned. I chuckled at Henry and mouthed "Next time?" while he pouted
"Hyung, why aren't you with Hyukjae hyung?! Aren't you guys best friends?!" Henry said frustratedly
"He's on the phone with his girlfriend whispering sweet nothings do you think I want to listen?!" Donghae said
When I heard what he said, my heart dropped a little while Henry looked at me worriedly. Donghae seemed to realized what he said and looked at me as well.
"I'm fine." I reassured them
"Don't try acting strong infront of us." Henry said and pulled me into a hug
"I'm not. I'm trying to get used to it." I denied
"Sorry about that ____-ah." Donghae said apologetically
"Ani oppa, it's not your fault." I said and smiled at him
They both exchanged worried glances while I changed the subject and luckily, they continued with the subject and we chatted happily. It was getting late and they had schedules tomorrow, I then chased Henry to bed.

"Night mochi!" I said and off the lights after he got into bed.
Donghae walked me back to my room and I was about to enter when he suddenly backhugged me. I smiled and we stayed there for awhile before I went into my room and he turned off the lights for me.

-Donghae's POV-
I wished I could stay like that forever, her in my arms, but I know she doesn't feel the same way for me...
-End of POV-

Author's note: I've reached 1000 views! Thank you so much to everybody who has been supporting me all this while! Some comments that you would like to share or subscribes? :)

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Chapter 53: Awwww!!!! This was such a beautiful story
Well done :-)
Chapter 53: HUGE WELL DONE this story was really good you should be really proud. I love this fanfic. Thanks for finishing xx
I loved this fic author-nim~! Thanks for writing & finishing it! ^~^
Chapter 53: Finally, Lee Hyukjae you confessed your feeling n made her happy^^ Like Henry n Donghae said if u hurt her again she can go to them but to me will b the other way round,I'll come n hunt u down,hehehe ^^ make her happy^^
Chapter 50: Finally, your back^^ Is Hyukjae preapring something special??? I'm so curios now^^
Chapter 49: update soon.. saranghae payting!!
bebeb_myeolchi #7
The new subscriber here :)
Really love this ff alot.. So curious !!! hoping this girl (ME:red) will be with Hyukjae <3 :D
Update soon please !!! ^^
btw, nice to meet u :))
Chapter 49: What's in that bag ?
Chapter 49: Oh I'm back to reading and commenting! I still like this story :3 Hyukjae, you so dense, don't even know your own feelings tsk tsk.
Something gonna happen at Jeju? ouo
Chapter 49: I'm not tired of your story^^ I'm curious what is Hyukjae hiding in the beg???