If he's meant to be mine, he will be

I found love while travelling

I was feeling sleepy and told the oppas goodnight after hugging them. When I went back to my room, I took out my diary and decided to pen down what has been happening all this while since I haven't been writing since I had a "cold war" with Eunhyuk. After finishing writing, I put my pen down and went to sleep with a smile on my face.

-Eunhyuk POV-
I was finally able to sleep well. I missed seeing her smile and being close to her. What was I thinking? I have a girlfriend already! But in any way, I'm just glad we are back to how we used to be.
-End of POV-

When I woke up the next morning, I skipped to the bathroom to washup before skipping happily downstairs as I thought about what happened last night. Having a cold war with Eunhyuk certainly wasn't fun, my mood wasn't good since we had the cold war and I have been grumpy for awhile.
The boys noticed the big grin on my face and Kangin looked at me curiously.
"____-ah, why are you smiling so much?" Kangin said
"Really? I'm smiling this much every morning!" I said
"No, you haven't been smiling much for the past few weeks!" Sungmin interrupted
"Yeah, you looked really glum and grumpy." Shindong added
"Princess why do you look so happy today?" Henry asked
Before I could answer, Eunhyuk walked into the dining room and grinned at me. I grinned back and Siwon caught it.
"He's the answer." Siwon said without looking up from the papers
"Hyukjae? You guys finally cleared things up?" Leeteuk asked
"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered, thinking that only two of us knew what happened
"You guys have been avoiding each other lately, we just didn't mention it because we knew you would solve it yourselves." Leeteuk shrugged
Henry shot a look at me and I managed to mouth to him "I'll tell you later."
"Hehe. Oppa, let's eat!" I said while pulling his hand to the table
"I'm sure they are back to normal again. Oppa and Dongsaengs always fight." Sungmin added
My heart wrenched when I heard "Oppa and Dongsaengs". I reminded myself that I was just a dongsaeng to him, and silently ate my meal, deep in thoughts.

After breakfast, I washed the dishes with Henry and he took the chance to ask me about what happened.
"Princess, what happened back there?" He asked
"Uhm, I cleared things up with him." I said
"You what?! Did you confess?!" He asked with wide eyes
"What? No! I just told him that I was jealous because I'm afraid he wouldn't care about me like before." I said
"Hmm. Okay that's not so obvious." He said
"Of course it's not! I thought about it for such a long time and came up with this because I could use the "oppa you won't care about me anymore after you got a girlfriend" thing to change the subject." I said
"Great job princess. But doesn't this hurt?" He asked
"It does. But I'd rather be this way then not talk to him for weeks or even months. It kills me." I said honestly.
"Aigo, my princess grew up!" He said while patting my head when he was drying the dishes
"I've always been matured!" I pouted

I went back to my room after washing the dishes, and realized that I had miss calls from Key.
"KIBUM OPPA!" I called him back and shouted into the phone when he answered
"Yah ___-ah! Do you have to shout?!" He asked and I could imagine him holding the phone far away from his ear.
"You called me?" I asked while returning to my normal voice
"Yeah, I wanted to ask you if you are free tomorrow to go out with Sulli and I. We won't be having schedules for the next few days so we can catch up!" He said happily
"Sure!" I said excitedly
"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow. I gotta go now." He said
"Okay, see you tomorrow! Bye oppa!" I said
"Bye!" He said before hanging up the phone

After picking up my phone and purse, I decided to head to the cafe to find Jinwoon.
1. to get my milkshake 2. thank him for helping me 3. to get my milkshake xD
"I'm going out!" I said to the boys who were at home
"Where are you going princess?"Henry asked
"I'm going to find my friend, he works at the cafe!" I said
"He?" Donghae asked curiously
"Yeah, his name is Jinwoon. I met him when I bought my milkshake. He's a really nice guy" I said

-Eunhyuk POV-
Who's this Jinwoon guy she's talking about? She seems really happy talking about him, Why do I feel like he's more important than I am?
-End of POV-

"Oppa!" I snaped my fingers infront of Eunhyuk
"Y-yeah?" He stuttered
"Annyeong! See you later!" I hugged him and left him in a daze

I skipped happily to Jinwoon's cafe which was down the street and saw the cafe didn't have many customers.
When I entered, Jinwoon immediately looked up and prepared the milkshake. I sat at the table while waiting for him to finish.
"Thanks oppa!" I said while taking my drink from him
"You seem happy today." He commented
"I'm always happy." I said
"Patched things up?" He asked
"Yup." I nodded my head and smiled wide
"And you are here to treat me to a meal?" He said
"No, I'm here to collect my milkshake, and thank you!" I said
"What?! Don't I deserve a meal?" He asked
"Nope oppa. I can give you a hug though." I said
"Better than nothing." He said while opening his arms
I ran into his arms and hugged him tight while he just chuckled at my action. I kissed his cheek and he blushed immediately.
"Aww, oppa, you are so shy!" I said
"w-what?" He stuttered
"Don't worry, it's because I'm an affectionate person! Don't think too much of it okay!" I reassured him

Jinwoon's heart was racing. He never felt like this before because he only treated ____ as a younger sister. But now she did this, and Jinwoon didn't know why he felt nervous yet happy.

"Oppa, are you fine?" I asked
"Yeah, I am." He said coolly.
We chatted for awhile and about 20 minutes past before he had to get back to work while I bid goodbye to him.

I went back to the dorm and found some members lazing around the house. I suddenly had an urge to cook Beijing Fried Rice.
"Hankyung oppa!" I screamed in the house
"Yah maknae can you quiet down a little?!" Heechul said
'"mehrong oppa~" I said while sticking my tongue at him
"Aish this girl! Why can't I get mad at you?!" Heechul acted angry before breaking into a smile
"Because I'm cute like that!" I showed some aegyo to him while he chuckled and walked away

"___-ah, you called me?" Hankyung suddenly appeared infront of me.
"Yup! Do you have schedules today?" I asked
"Nope, I'm free today." He said
"Great! Oppa, can you teach me how to cook your famous beijing fried rice? I heard the members love it! I want to try it too!" I said excitedly
"Sure! But don't you know how to cook?" He asked
"Hmm, if you realize, I only prepare toast for breakfast and you guys have been eating the same things for dinner for a very long time. I only know how to cook basic dishes and I'm not really good at it too. I want to learn more!" I said
"Okay, we have ingredients in the fridge!" He said

I took a notebook and pen and started noting down everything Hankyung was saying. I quickly jotted down the important notes while Hankyung started cooking the Beijing fried rice.
"Woah, this smells good!" I said while sniffing the aroma of the dish
"Try some!" He said while feeding me
When I tasted it, it was one of the most delicious food I've ever tasted! It was so much better than my cooking and I instantly felt guilty that the members had to eat what I cook for such a long time.
"Oppa it's really good!" I said
"Your turn!" He said
"You sure I can do this?" I asked
"You never know till you try!" He said

I followed the steps which I watched Hankyung do just now and started doing what he did. It was fine till I realized I added too much salt when I tasted it.
"Oh, great, I thought it would turn out well." I said sadly
"It's good for a first time!" He encouraged
I nodded happily and thanked him before he left to exercise. It was only 2pm and I was bored at the dorms, again. I walked over to Eunhyuk who was sitting at the sofa looking at his phone.
"Oppa, are you free now? Do you wanna go out?" I asked him
"Now?" He asked
"Yeah, the members said they will be eating dinner outside today so I don't have to come home to cook." I said
"Sure! I don't have schedules today." He said
"Really? Okay, I'll go change!" I said excitedly
"Oh, wait a minute. I'll pick up a call." He said and excused himself
I was excited to go out with him as we haven't done that for a long time.
"____-ah, do you mind if Hyoyeon comes along?" He asked
"You two are planning to go out?" I asked
"Yeah, but it's okay, you can come along too!" He said

"I can come along? I asked you out first!" I mumbled to myself
Eunhyuk seemed to have heard it and looked at my direction while talking on the phone.
"Forget it, you guys go ahead without me. I don't wanna play gooseberry." I said and left the living room.
I heard Eunhyuk murmuring into the phone, explaining that he was going out with me but I guess Hyoyeon didn't take any of those.

Kyuhyun seemed to have seen everything and approached me.
"___-ah, I'm free today, do you wanna go out?" He asked
"You are?" I said
"Yeah, I'm free for the day." He said
"Sure, oppa! I haven't gone out with you before, let's bond today!" I said happily
"Sure. Go change and we'll meet in 15 minutes." He said while heading to the kitchen

I was about to head upstairs when Eunhyuk approached me.
"___-ah, sorry about that. Hyoyeon insisted to go out today..." He said
"It's okay oppa, I'm going out with Kyuhyun oppa instead." I said and went upstairs, still bothered by the fact that he still chose Hyoyeon over me.

After changing, I went downstairs to see Kyuhyun waiting for me at the dining table. I assured Eunhyuk again that I was fine and we left the house after bidding goodbye to the members.

"Oppa, where do you want to go?" I asked
"Let's walk from here to Konabeans." He said calmly
"WHAT?! That will take almost an hour to two!" I said
"I know, but we have time. By the time we reach there it'll be dinner and we can eat!" He said
"Alright alright, but if I get tired on the way you will have to carry me!" I said
"Deal." He said and we started walking to our destination

While walking there we talked about many things.
"Oppa, are you comfortable with me staying at the dorms?" I asked
"To be honest, at first when I heard that a girl was going to stay with us at the dorms, I was shocked. I always wondered what kind of girl could tolerate 15 boys everyday, I was even more worried because you are Henry's best friend, I didn't think you could speak korean.I  really enjoy you staying here. You brought a lot of laughter and liveliness to this house and the members too. We used to eat our meals separately before you came and wasn't very close without the bonding, but when you came, everything changed for the better. I was glad, and we treat you and love you like a younger sister." He said honestly
After hearing his words, I was closed to tears and hugged him while saying "Thank you oppa, I love you guys too. I hope I'm not a burden."
"You are not a burden, you will never be a burden to us." He said while hugging me
"Thank you so much." I said while tightening the hug

"____-ah, can I ask you something?" He asked
"Sure!" I said
"Do you have anyone you like?" He asked
"Maybe? keke oppa are you interested in me?" I said
"Ani! I just wanna ask, do you like Eunhyuk hyung?" He asked curiously
I stopped in my tracks and thought to myself "Should I trust him?"
"Eh? Ani! H-he has Hyoyeon unnie already, I o-only like him as an oppa!" I stuttered and smiled awkwardly
"Really? I thought you two would make a good couple. Truthfully, I don't like Hyoyeon. When hyung was in a relationship with her, she would always order him around, ask him to buy food for her even though hyung's schedule ends late. Hyung would go and buy food for her and bring it to her dorm, come home and barely has 3 hours of sleep then goes to schedule the next day. She knows hyung hates it when she flirts with other guys but she still does it infront of him. Hyung still loved her nevertheless, I don't understand why." He explained
"Really? Why does Hyukjae oppa still loves her?" I asked
"I don't know either. I really think he would be better off with someone like you. You care for him even more than yourself, I can see that you were really sad when you two stopped talking, and you cheered up instantly when both of you made up. You sure you only like him as an oppa?" He asked
"Oppa, can I trust you?" I asked
"Of course!" He insisted
"To answer your question, yes, I like Eunhyuk oppa. It kills me whenever he talks about Hyoyeon unnie but what can I do? Before I knew about Hyoyeon unnie, I really thought we both had a chance since I thought he liked me. Henry kept telling me about it and I was starting to believe it. I didn't even realize when I started falling for him, only when I saw him and Hyoyeon unnie get together, that triggered me. I felt really heartbroken for the next few days, I even ignored him, but that made it worst. Until yesterday, I decided to patch things up. I'd rather stay close to him as a dongsaeng than distance myself from him." I said honestly
"Even though I always play games, I can tell you like hyung. No girl has ever cared for him that much before, almost everybody could tell that you like him, but nobody said a thing. We really think he likes you too, but he doesn't realize it yet." He said
"If he really likes me he would have chose me over Hyoyeon unnie when I asked him out just now." I pouted
"Don't worry, if it's meant to be, he'll be yours." He said while patting my head
I nodded and started to think. Kyuhyun was right, If he's meant to be mine, he will be.

Author's Note: A little update here! Tell me what you guys think about it? ^^ Thank you for the comments and subscribes! Feeling motivated to update because of that, Thank you! :)

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Chapter 53: Awwww!!!! This was such a beautiful story
Well done :-)
Chapter 53: HUGE WELL DONE this story was really good you should be really proud. I love this fanfic. Thanks for finishing xx
I loved this fic author-nim~! Thanks for writing & finishing it! ^~^
Chapter 53: Finally, Lee Hyukjae you confessed your feeling n made her happy^^ Like Henry n Donghae said if u hurt her again she can go to them but to me will b the other way round,I'll come n hunt u down,hehehe ^^ make her happy^^
Chapter 50: Finally, your back^^ Is Hyukjae preapring something special??? I'm so curios now^^
Chapter 49: update soon.. saranghae payting!!
bebeb_myeolchi #7
The new subscriber here :)
Really love this ff alot.. So curious !!! hoping this girl (ME:red) will be with Hyukjae <3 :D
Update soon please !!! ^^
btw, nice to meet u :))
Chapter 49: What's in that bag ?
Chapter 49: Oh I'm back to reading and commenting! I still like this story :3 Hyukjae, you so dense, don't even know your own feelings tsk tsk.
Something gonna happen at Jeju? ouo
Chapter 49: I'm not tired of your story^^ I'm curious what is Hyukjae hiding in the beg???