Ran Away

Beneath That Facade


Clutching a laptop, Sunggyu started banging on every door screaming for everyone to get out, but got ignored as they thought that he was having his moodswings again. A sullen-faced Sungjong stepped out first and eyed his hyung.


"LOOK AT THIS! WHICH BETRAYER UPLOADED THIS VIDEO ONTO THE INTERNET?" The leader raged, shoving the laptop screen into his face. "THAT MOTHERING SON OF A -"

"Calm down, hyung," Sungjong said in a disinterested tone after glancing once at the video shown. "If this really happened, I think that fans should have the right to know, shouldn't they?"

"But - but -" Sunggyu stammered.

Sungjong rolled his eyes and shut the door, locking it again.

"D-did you see what he just did?" Sunggyu was at a loss for words completely, barely even managing to speak. "Is that really our maknae?"

Sungyeol didn't even care anymore. He was in his own world, expression blank.

Did I hurt Myungsoo?

But ... he was in the wrong ...

No, Lee Sungyeol, YOU were in the wrong.

He sat crouched on the ground, not moving. His eyes roamed slowly to Myungsoo and Dongwoo's room. A sharp pain panged his heart, and he finally realised the impact of what he'd just done.

"I'm sick of you, Kim Myungsoo, so don't EVER talk to me from now on!"

Already dry and swollen from his previous tantrums, yet another teardrop fell from his eye.


Sunggyu's loud, howling voice snapped him out of his daze. Sungyeol shifted his gaze to the fuming leader, confused and apprehensive.

"... What is it?"

He threw the laptop at the Choding. "Watch it yourself!"

With a blurry gaze, Sungyeol made out two faces screaming at each other face-to-face.

Me and Myungsoo?

"You know what? I'm ing sick of your moodswings! I've been here comforting you but if you don't give a flying , then it's none of my business anymore!" The speaker sounded with the visual's cruel, cutting words.

They hit Sungyeol again like an arrow, piercing deep through his heart.

The pain ...

I can't take it anymore.

Blinded by his tears, he ran out of the dorm as fast as his legs would take him. 

He never wanted to return.






"What?" Shock flashed in Myungsoo's eyes. "What do you mean by Sungyeol ran away?"

"I told you, he ran out of the dorm when I showed him that video and hasn't been back since!" Sunggyu wailed, not acting like the leader and oldest of Infinite at all.

Myungsoo's brain tuned the next phase of words out. All he could think about was the hurt look Sungyeol had on his face when they had argued.

Something finally clicked in his mind.

All that fanservice ... all those Myungyeol moments onstage ... the overwhelming sadness and concern he'd felt when he'd seen Sungyeol crying ...

They meant something to me.

"Sungyeol meant something to me," Myungsoo half-whispered.

Sungjong finally spoke up, his tone wobbly. "What?"

I love him.

Myungsoo turned for the door, running out onto the street with lightning speed.

And I'm going to bring him back.





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Please comment :( I know you guys have read this before but I used to get 10+ comments and now I only get like ... 2 ... /depressed

Please don't make me lose motivation >.> I really want to complete this story.

Even an "Update soon :)" would be okay ...

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Guys. /no brain juice left OTL


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Peppermint38 #1
Chapter 26: Hahaha, l like how that comment is actually my nickname but I'm not the one who commented it XD
Drhr13 #2
Chapter 26: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
khasabat #3
Chapter 26: I was happy yeol with myung! Ohñhoho
Jongie jjang!
Re reading this story!!!
MissPanda16 #5
Chapter 26: Puhahaha I laugh so hard at the comment xD How did the name come to you?
This is a really cute ending, even maybe if there was a little bit more of descriptions about how all of this end, it will be better but I like it anyway ;)
Good job, thank you for this story ;D
rositamyungyeol #6
Chapter 26: thanks for update! myungyeol love * - *
yeollichan #7
As always the real thing is myungyeol judt watch the shows concerts and variety programs is too perfect
starflow #8
Chapter 26: oh my...my username is starflow. wtf. mindblown.
Chapter 26: I commented "that" before??? /) //// (\
I don't remember anything OMG...
Chapter 26: glad its myungyeol <3