
Beneath That Facade

"Hyung." Woohyun scowled as he entered his shared room with Sunggyu. "Will you please stop being immature and petty just for a while and go talk to Sungyeol?"

"What," Sunggyu replied sulkily. "He has Myungsoo, doesn't he?"

Woohyun looked irritated. "Myungsoo went out because he didn't want to deal with drama. As the leader, you should do something."

"Not until someone steps out to admit that they uploaded the video."

"Oh God, the stupid video. Why do you care? Do you think Inspirits will just lose faith and ditch us for that? Instead of worrying over unnecessary crap, maybe you should just get your OUT of here and act like the oldest for once!" The other had snapped harshly at his hyung, and Sunggyu blinked in shock. 

"But -"

"Fine." Woohyun clenched his teeth and started to stalk out of the room but not before giving the leader a deathly glare. "If you won't do anything, I'll do something."






"I'm going to the toilet," Sungjong piped up and lifted his head from Hoya's shoulder.

There was no reply from Hoya except for peaceful dozing. He breathed in and out quietly, a trace of a smile on his face.

With a slightly suspicious gaze, Sungjong placed the phone in a drawer and tiptoed out of the room, careful not to wake the older boy.

The door closed shut.

Hoya opened his eyes and shot up as he lunged for the drawer and pulled it open.


He felt like waving pompoms and dancing.

No time for victory dances, Lee Howon. Why don't you hurry up and reply to Myungsoo, who might be DYING there.

Flipping open his phone, he raised one eyebrow.

11 messages.

Kim Myungsoo, the cold and silent visual of Infinite, sending 11 messages in one go. Not to mention that they were all really long.

", I am in deep ," Hoya muttered to himself as he scanned through the texts.


'Is Jongie feeling better? -Myungsoo'

'HYUNG! Is Sungjong feeling better? Can I come over? Can you ask him to talk to me if I knock later on?'

'... Hyung?'

'ashgrfaidaxsogoynemrikosdx;hguawfhiedoxa yaegfaDcn fdhngbvdcsxaawsfsdgfhgmwajtvhnmawcf'


'Did something happen?'


'rtnhbsdfvacyeg uasdolph nafsdafxgfkhgfsmod,wa.rjf rpado'


'hgnbwekntcijexhq0jwthvot wjrfnanjksgbvgieughkwefcs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'... I'm coming back.'


Hoya couldn't help but roll his eyes.

I try to help you and I get spammed with gibberish.

With a quick glance at the door, he quickly punched in Myungsoo's number and breathed loudly as the ringing continued.

Ring ring. Ring ring ring.

Less than a minute later, Myungsoo picked the phone.

"HYU -"

Without even being allowed to say a word, the phone was snatched out of Hoya's hands as Sungjong stepped into the room, a deep scowl imprinted on his face.





a_song_4_yoo_rin - ;~; I know ... urgh D8 Well, I'll try not to make things too depressing LOL! xD

soshinfinite - Sorry. xD I thought maybe some people would like a twist HAHAHA, it's not like I would use Yeoljong in the end even if it won xD Um ... no. They don't hate each other :P


1icehoneysam4 - Ahaha, I'm sorry :P I will update as soon as possible! Do comment as well ^__^

PeachCherryProposal - Did I ever tell you that you make me so damned happy with your comments? ; w ; /eats french fries with you/ FYEAH.

_Whisk - I was bored, therefore there ish a poll. OuO I will, thank you love ;)

ChodingYeollieSpirit - Smaaart :D Heheh, it will happen! LOL, I just gave away some of the plot OnO Ehhhhh. /cries

numnums_shinee - Ahaha I hope it never happens in real life xD I want mai Yeollie to be happy LMAO. o3o -biased- Thanks for commenting! ^^

foreverakid - YES YEOLJONG KISSED xD LOL whut. Jongie probably won't be that possessive in real life :P

foreverakid (again) - YES HE IS. ouo;

helloiloveys - YOU ALSO VERY EVIL LA HOR.

helloiloveys (again) - Orkay ... ? Take Jong, I have Yeol -3- READERS PLEASE IGNORE THIS

allypolaris - I am so so so so very proud. :'D /le tears of joy/ I'VE NEVER BEEN SOMEONE'S FAVOURITE AUTHOR BEFORE <3 YOU MEANT IT WHEN YOU SAID IT RIGHT? RIGHT?!!!! LOL xD -grabs ramyun back- YOUR WISH SHALL BE GRANTED <3 /le generous

perfectLESS - Ah. I see ;) Thank you for voting and telling me MUAHAHAHAHA xDD

lollysheep - Namstar is so cute. o3o Oh, and Hoya too! xD

chartreuse - GO AWAY. I WAS BEING BORED xDD Ahaha I love you yeobo <3

PandaKimmy - I never really liked Myungjong either 8D Okay. Sorry to Myungjong people reading this fic .__. Thank you! :)





Okay, first of all, I'm really really sorry if this chapter is very very crappy >w> I didn't proofread it this time. D: Have a huuuuge exam comin' up and I can't afford to fail ... I guess this means less updates till my exams are over? Please don't unsubscribe and stay with me ;A; /holds tight to you all


Just don't unsubscribe. >w> T.T

Comments and constructive criticism are always welcomed :D

SUBSCRIBE + COMMENT = MORE UPATES WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! (this part is kinda ironic given all that I've said earlier ._. pshh)

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Thank you!
Guys. /no brain juice left OTL


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Peppermint38 #1
Chapter 26: Hahaha, l like how that comment is actually my nickname but I'm not the one who commented it XD
Drhr13 #2
Chapter 26: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
khasabat #3
Chapter 26: I was happy yeol with myung! Ohñhoho
Jongie jjang!
Re reading this story!!!
MissPanda16 #5
Chapter 26: Puhahaha I laugh so hard at the comment xD How did the name come to you?
This is a really cute ending, even maybe if there was a little bit more of descriptions about how all of this end, it will be better but I like it anyway ;)
Good job, thank you for this story ;D
rositamyungyeol #6
Chapter 26: thanks for update! myungyeol love * - *
yeollichan #7
As always the real thing is myungyeol judt watch the shows concerts and variety programs is too perfect
starflow #8
Chapter 26: oh my...my username is starflow. wtf. mindblown.
Chapter 26: I commented "that" before??? /) //// (\
I don't remember anything OMG...
Chapter 26: glad its myungyeol <3