
Beneath That Facade

Sungjong sat by the side of the bunk bed, his legs curled up in a defiant position. He felt so many emotions right now. Anger, rage, hurt. 

Betrayal .

He tried to reason with himself. Myungsoo himself said that it was fanservice and nothing more, Lee Sungjong! Why are you so unreasonable?

Yeah, unreasonable. Huh, his other self scoffed away. If he really cared about my feelings, there was no way he'd even bother doing Myungyeol moments for the fans.

"Do so many people really ship Myungyeol ... ?" He half-muttered dangerously.






Hoya poked Sungyeol.

"Yowww," the Choding snapped. "What is it?"

"Do you think Sungjong's going through our stuff? Like, ransacking through them?" Hoya probed.

"... Why would he?"

"I don't know! You know how he is - when he gets scary, he can do anything!"

"Yeah our maknae's no angel, but neither am I when I'm mad," Sungyeol growled, his tone annoyed. "Now leave me alone."

Gee, everyone's in a bad mood ... Wounded, Hoya went to plug his earphones into the speaker and float away into his musical dreamland.

A few minutes later of stoning, Myungsoo peeked out of the room and stole a glance at the still shut door.

"Yeollie, did he come out?"

A bout of silence.

Myungsoo pouted cutely. "So now you're ignoring me too?"


He went to take a seat next to the sulking Sungyeol. "Please ... Yeollie-ah ... don't ignore meeee ~" 

Sungyeol felt the sides of his mouth curling up slightly but he quickly clamped them straight again.

No, no no no I can't give in that easily!

"You're my bestest friend everrr," Myungsoo continued with aegyo. "Don't be angry, arasso? Arasso ~"

"Okay, okay." Sungyeol couldn't resist any longer. He glanced up at the younger boy with a trace of a small smile on his face. "I'm not angry."

"YAY!" Myungsoo jumped up and down in excitement.

The Kim Myungsoo offstage is really different from the image he portrays onscreen.

"So did Jongie come out of the room?" Myungsoo wanted to know. 

Sungyeol's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's all ... you wanted to ask me? About Lee Sungjong?"

"Yah hyung! Just answer the question!"

That's it.

Frustration eventually boiled over like a volcano. He stood up, heat rising in his cheeks and stared down at the latter. "I don't ing give a about you two, okay? Whether you break up or fall out, it's none of my ing business!"

Disbelief flashed in Myungsoo's eyes as well. "I just wanted to ask -"

"Yeah, well, don't ask!" Sungyeol was yelling now. "Continue swooning and fussing over your beloved 'Jongie', whatever! I'm sick of you, Kim Myungsoo, so don't EVER talk to me from now on!"

The two of them eyed each other, Myungsoo standing up as well.

"You know what? I'm ing sick of your moodswings," he spat back. "I've been here comforting you, but if you don't give a flying , then it's none of my business anymore!"

Myungsoo strided back to his room, slamming the door harshly after him. Hot tears welled up in Sungyeol's eyes yet again.

Lee Sungyeol, you pabo, pabo, pabo ...






Someone was watching them.

Their every word, their every action, their every stare.

And that particular someone ...

... had just finished recording the process.

He plugged the cable of the camera into the laptop, connecting it. A few clicks here and there, and voila. Done.

Video Uploaded.

"Oh, hyungs. You're going to love me for this."





Yeah um hmm.

I know this has happened before.


Anyway, sorry >< Just ... read again psh

(I changed my username by the way, so feel free to be confused :P Kidding.)

I love my new subscribers! /trying not to emo over loss of comments


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And yes, I made the new layout xD

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Guys. /no brain juice left OTL


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Peppermint38 #1
Chapter 26: Hahaha, l like how that comment is actually my nickname but I'm not the one who commented it XD
Drhr13 #2
Chapter 26: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
khasabat #3
Chapter 26: I was happy yeol with myung! Ohñhoho
Jongie jjang!
Re reading this story!!!
MissPanda16 #5
Chapter 26: Puhahaha I laugh so hard at the comment xD How did the name come to you?
This is a really cute ending, even maybe if there was a little bit more of descriptions about how all of this end, it will be better but I like it anyway ;)
Good job, thank you for this story ;D
rositamyungyeol #6
Chapter 26: thanks for update! myungyeol love * - *
yeollichan #7
As always the real thing is myungyeol judt watch the shows concerts and variety programs is too perfect
starflow #8
Chapter 26: oh my...my username is starflow. wtf. mindblown.
Chapter 26: I commented "that" before??? /) //// (\
I don't remember anything OMG...
Chapter 26: glad its myungyeol <3