Plan In Action

Beneath That Facade

"We're back," the diva maknae said softly, careful to draw attention away from the notebook he was clutching. Woohyun was already chewing on his sixth banana while keeping his eyes on APink's Chorong the whole time.

"Hyung, are you going to finish all of that?"

"Yeah," Woohyun said briefly.

"You better not. Hoya-hyung bought them bananas for ME," Sungjong insisted.

The latter ignored him and continued munching. "Whatever."

Rolling his eyes slightly, Sungjong turned around to give Sungyeol a thumbs-up sign.

The sign which meant ...

Operation in action.






After a while, Myungsoo found that he felt well enough to get up from the bed and walk. As he scanned the room with a blank look, his gaze fell onto the bedside table.


"Who made that?" He half-mused as he picked up the already-cold cup from the table.

What a stupid question.

"Sungyeol ..."

So he does care.






'Hyung, you know this is actually a really stupid idea? -Sungjong'

'Whatever -Sungyeol'


'Get to work. NOW.'


Sungyeol placed his phone back into his pocket, half-smiling as he did so. Even if the plan wasn't one of the best, he wanted to know how Myungsoo really felt and this would ensure it.

He watched as Sungjong slowly entered Myungsoo and Dongwoo's room. Judging from the expression on the latter's face, he was obviously not very happy about all this. Sungyeol could care less for his fancy tempers though - the entire group had already gotten used to it.

"Hey, Yeollie," Woohyun called to him.

Sungyeol turned around. "Yeah?"

He gestured to the empty spot next to him. "Eat bananas with me."

"What the hell."

"Come on," Woohyun insisted. "It won't kill you and you'll be able to get your mind off things for a while!"

The Choding knew he had good intentions and gave a small smile. He sat down next to his groupmate and started peeling a banana.






He looks so tired.

That was the first thing that popped into Sungjong's mind when he walked into the room and saw an asleep Myungsoo lying on the bed. His heart ached and he knew this was partly his fault, but the maknae was still one stubborn guy and there was no way he'd admit it.

Sungjong laid the newly bought book gently on Myungsoo's bedside table and bent over the sleeping figure.

"I love you," he whispered as he exited, eyes never leaving the latter's.

I hope you feel the same too.






I'm currently on hiatus but still updating fics (: Firstly, this is gonna finish soon (yes I know ;__; THANK YOU ALL FOR STAYING BY ME)

I promise to update faster ^^ 

And I've noticed the comments are really going down lately D: Is my writing getting worse and worse? Please do comment T__T


Haha okay.

Bye! (:

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Guys. /no brain juice left OTL


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Peppermint38 #1
Chapter 26: Hahaha, l like how that comment is actually my nickname but I'm not the one who commented it XD
Drhr13 #2
Chapter 26: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
khasabat #3
Chapter 26: I was happy yeol with myung! Ohñhoho
Jongie jjang!
Re reading this story!!!
MissPanda16 #5
Chapter 26: Puhahaha I laugh so hard at the comment xD How did the name come to you?
This is a really cute ending, even maybe if there was a little bit more of descriptions about how all of this end, it will be better but I like it anyway ;)
Good job, thank you for this story ;D
rositamyungyeol #6
Chapter 26: thanks for update! myungyeol love * - *
yeollichan #7
As always the real thing is myungyeol judt watch the shows concerts and variety programs is too perfect
starflow #8
Chapter 26: oh username is starflow. wtf. mindblown.
Chapter 26: I commented "that" before??? /) //// (\
I don't remember anything OMG...
Chapter 26: glad its myungyeol <3