Chapter 20


Phoebe was nervously tapping her pen on her notebook as she went over the page she had just edited. It had been three days since she submitted her manuscript. She saw several of the board members reading it on their lunch breaks and she just prayed that they were enjoying it. She was counting down the hours till tomorrow. Hoseok just told her to pack enough clothes for the weekend with no other details. She wondered why he would take her on a weekend getaway before she knew about her book. Phoebe also thought it may be a way to distract her while she waited. 

Paenji was anxiously watching her tapping her pen. "You ok Phoebe?"

"Hmm?" Phoebe stopped tapping her pen and looked over to Paenji. 

"Thank God she finally stopped," Chan grumbled. 

"And he wonders why she won't date him." His editing partner said under her breath. Chan threw her a glare. 

Phoebe turned back to her work. "I"m fine. My mind is just somewhere else at the moment." She tapped her pen on her nose as she thought. "If someone were to tell you to pack enough clothes for a weekend getaway what would you pack." 

"Nothing," Paenji replied without hesitation. Phoebe lazily glared at her. Paenji gave her a big grin as to say that she and Tae wouldn't leave the room. 

"Bold choice Paenji," Mrs. Lee added in as she was walking by, "Make sure you pack at least one formal outfit, a bathing suit, a hiking outfit, and a y something." Phoebe and Paenji giggled at her well thought out suggestions. Mrs. Lee's expression changed, "Oh, wait have you... you know..." 

Paenji leaned in to hear Phoebe's response. While to most in the office, her boyfriend was just some ordinary guy obviously with money but Paenji was dying to know if her friend had finally slept with one of the most famous Idols on Earth. Phoebe's shocked silence triggered Mrs. Lee to backstep a bit to justify her question. 

"I only ask cause maybe if you hadn't this was his way of..." 

"We have," Phoebe interjected before she went into too much detail.

"OOOOO. How was it!" Mrs. Lee asked while clapping her hands. Paenji leaned in to hear the details. 

"I'm not telling you!" Phoebe leaned away with a disgusted look. Her phone vibrated in her lap. She looked down to see Paenji had texted her. 

Paenji: You're gonna tell me later right?" 

Phoebe just glared at her and shook her head. Paenji pouted before returning to her desk. Phoebe heard her stomach growl and realized it was well past lunchtime. She groaned realizing Hoseok would chastise her for not eating. He worried so much about her overworking and forgetting to eat. Probably cause he was guilty of it himself. 'Just four more hours then I can eat,' She thought to herself. She had quite a bit to do tonight to get ready for tomorrow since Hoseok was picking her up at work. 

Just like last week she had barely seen him. They were hard at work on their next album and the many rehearsals and recordings. However, even though he was busy most days, he would make an effort to go by her place and say good night in person. Even though those visits were short they were precious to her. A smile played on her lips as she thought about having the entire weekend with him. 

The rest of the day went about as normal as usual. She hadn't heard from Hoseok and Paenji hadn't heard from Tae either. Both figured that they were tied up with work and probably would be until late. 

"Text me when you get home ok?" Paenji requested as they parted ways. The two had decided to check in with each other after work to make sure they had gotten home safely. 

"You too!" Phoebe wave as she headed to her bus stop. The bus ride was quiet as usual. It wasn't until after she got off at her stop that her phone rang. 

"Hoseok?" She answered, "I didn't think you would be done till late." 

"No, we finished up. Where are you?" 

"Mmm just got off the bus and heading home. Where are you?" She hopped onto the sidewalk smiling at the sound of his voice. 

"Sitting outside your apartment. Figured we could have dinner together." Hoseok was in his car watching out for her eagerly. 

"I have the ingredients for kimchi fried rice." She bit her lip thinking about how that was the first meal she had made him. 

"That sounds perfect," he said as he saw her turn the corner to her street. He put on his mask and got out of his car as her pace quickened. Phoebe practically ran into his arms burying her face into his neck. He held her close for a moment before they headed inside. 

"So, this means you can help me pack? Help pick out my outfits?" She hung her jacket up as Hoseok slid his mask off. 

"No! That would be cheating." Phoebe crossed her arms and pouted at his refusal. She quickly turned with a "humph" and head towards the kitchen to get dinner started. He was close behind her with a smirk on his face. He wanted to surprise her since she had been so stressed waiting on the results of her book. Phoebe got to work prepping the ingredients as Hoseok stood behind her and pinned her against the counter. 

Phoebe smiled trying to continue with her prepping but he was making it hard as he planted light kisses below her ear and went down her neck. 

"You must not be hungry," She commented with a giggle. 

"Oh, I am," he growled in her ear. Phoebe gripped the counter as she felt his hand slide up between her legs. "I just want to destress you first." 

Phoebe became weak at the knees as she held onto the counter to keep her standing. "Hoseok," she moaned. He wrapped his free arm around her waist to help keep her up. She could feel his lips creating a smile on her ear as she neared her peak. Phoebe would have been lying if she said that didn't help relieve some of her stress. Her breathing was beginning to even out before Hoseok let her go. 

"Feel better?" He asked. 

"Yeah." Her answer was a little squeaky. She cleared and turned around. "So, um what did you want for dinner exactly?" 




AN: GUYS we almost there! GASP! I have one small Jimin story coming up and a massive Cyberpunk style series that's in the works! So, you have a lot to look forward to! 

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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: Ohhhh Jhope!! Didn‘t know he could be so confident
Chapter 26: This story was so cute! I loved it so much!
Chapter 2: Awww....only on Chapter 2 atm, but it's a really cute & fluffy beginning so far! Also, love the story cover!! It's simple & easy on the eyes.
Tbh, for this chapter, I was a bit surprised because the texting part kinda reminds me of what I'm doing for one of my stories (similar in the sense of finding love through the help of technology, I think). Though, I suppose it's common nowadays.
Hope you don't mind a bit of unsolicited suggestion, but I think it would be helpful for readers to visualize how Phoebe looks like if you can give a bit of description in the first chapter. I was having a bit of trouble trying to imagine how she looks like. Is she an Asian-American, or a blonde Caucasian, and etc.
Anyways, I look forward to your updates. Meanwhile, I'm glad to have chapters to catch up at the moment as I wait for your future updates! :)