Chapters Part 2


Did you want more of Jhope and Phoebe? Don't worry! Chapter one of Part 2 is up!!! 

Chapters Part 2


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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: Ohhhh Jhope!! Didn‘t know he could be so confident
Chapter 26: This story was so cute! I loved it so much!
Chapter 2: Awww....only on Chapter 2 atm, but it's a really cute & fluffy beginning so far! Also, love the story cover!! It's simple & easy on the eyes.
Tbh, for this chapter, I was a bit surprised because the texting part kinda reminds me of what I'm doing for one of my stories (similar in the sense of finding love through the help of technology, I think). Though, I suppose it's common nowadays.
Hope you don't mind a bit of unsolicited suggestion, but I think it would be helpful for readers to visualize how Phoebe looks like if you can give a bit of description in the first chapter. I was having a bit of trouble trying to imagine how she looks like. Is she an Asian-American, or a blonde Caucasian, and etc.
Anyways, I look forward to your updates. Meanwhile, I'm glad to have chapters to catch up at the moment as I wait for your future updates! :)