A Whole New World

Kallen was at his morning run with the knife he kept as he wanted to make sure that Samantha is killed once and for all... Kallen saw the house as he looked around making sure no one sees as he made his way inside... Kallen entered the same way he did that night when he saw that Samantha was waiting for him already with the knife in place... Kallen said " you know very well that you don't mess with MY family!!" Samantha said " you shouldn't have married me in the first place or none of this might happen and I'm glad you've found Elizabeth go ahead I'm letting you go now since you've killed my children!" Kallen said " but you've injured my grand-daughter Allyane!" Samantha knows that her life is soon going to be taken away...

Kallen lunges forward but Samantha stepped aside and stabs Kallen in the stomach as he stumbled forward holding his wound as blood pour out... Kallen tried to get up but the wound won't let him as he was bleeding heavily... Kallen knows that if Samantha stabs him anywhere he's dead for sure... Samantha was going to end his life when Elizabeth stops her and says " don't you dare!" Elizabeth grabs the knife from Kallen and says " if Kallen can't kill you then I will do it for him!" Samantha lunges to Elizabeth but Elizabeth pierced the knife into her arm as she screams pulling the bloody knife out of her arm as blood poured like a river... Samantha throws her knife and lands on Elizabeth's leg as she screams seeing the knife pierced and blood began to pour...

The twins came and saw their parents lying there with blood all over as Allyane saw a bow and arrow as she says " hey Alliene help me with Samantha while I get the bow and arrow ready!" Alliene nods when EXO appeared seconds after while Suho and Chen got Elizabeth and Kallen out of there... Yunho and Nicole saw their daughters as Nicole saw Alliene with Samantha and runs to help while Yunho sees Allyane having trouble getting the bow and arrow ready as he helps... Allyane said " dad I want to kill her!" Yunho nods as he hands it over to her as Allyane stood sideways with her legs spread out at a distance and held the bow correctly and grabs the arrow and places it on the bow and stretches the band all the way to her right ear and aims at Samantha...

Alliene sees Allyane ready as she says " hey Samantha!" Samantha looks and lunges towards Alliene having her back facing Allyane as she shoots the arrow sending it flying to her as it pierces her back as she winced in pain... Allyane throws the bow away and runs while picking the knife and screams while she jumps on Samantha's back piercing the arrow more deeply and lifts the knife in the air and stabs her in the chest leaving the knife in her as she stumbles to the ground while Allyane falls off of her spinning on the ground when Allyane hit her head on a metal piece and passes out...

Alliene screams " ALLYANE NO!!!!" Nicole saw Allyane as she sees blood pouring as she looks at the metal... the metal had a piece sticking out and pierced through her head while Alliene held her sister crying... Baekhyun saw Allyane and walks over... Baekhyun got on his knees and holds Allyane in his embrace as he tries to wake her up but she won't open her eyes... Nicole said " we might've lost her so that means she's dead!" Baekhyun shakes his head and said " she can't be dead no not now!" Yunho gets up and carried his dead daughter as he let his tears flow...

Kallen and Elizabeth saw them and went to them but stopped when they saw their grand-daughter dead in Yunho's arms as Kallen said " she can't be dead Yunho she's strong and I can sense it!" Yunho said " father in law there's nothing we can't do even if we take her to the hospital they won't do anything!" Baekhyun said " maybe there is!" All looked at Baekhyun... Yunho quickly takes his daughter to the ER... the rest followed when Nicole stopped and asked " hey shouldn't we burn the house down?" All looked at Nicole then to the house as Kallen said " yeah let's do that first!" Baekhyun grabs a tank of gas and goes inside where Samantha's dead body lies and pours it on her first then the whole area...

Nicole was pouring gasoline upstairs and stops when she sees little children dead bodies as she felt bad since her father killed them... Nicole was done and laid a piece of napkin close to the gasoline and takes out her lighter and burns the napkin when the fire reaches the gasoline it was now bigger and now spreading everywhere as Nicole runs out of the house and sees Baekhyun... Kallen saw black smoke coming from the windows and soon the fire took over and burned everything down...

will the doctors save Allyane?

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missestrapbunnie #1
Chapter 1: cant belive no one has commented! this story is so good so far :D