A Whole New World

Kai has just knocked out one werewolf but he thought that there might be more than one as Kris says " hey look more of them!!!" They all turned and looked as they see a enormous pack of werewolves as Allyane and Alliene figure out how to get out of the house as Alliene looks to her left and sees a room lit up and pats her sister's shoulder and says " sis I've got a way!" Alliene runs to the room and opens the window and climbs out of it as she looks down and sees no one when she jumps down...

Inside the house...

Baekhyun and Suho were trying to keep the werewolves from coming in as Sehun helped Kai get rid of the werewolf that was lying dead on the floor... Kai grabs him from the legs and drags him leaving a trail of blood as Lay looks and says " hey be sure to clean that your leaving a trail for the wolves to sense!" Luhan grabs some towels and a bucket with hot water with soap and clorox as he begins to wipe it down...

Sehun and Kai placed the dead body into the fire chamber as Sehun asks " do you have a lighter?" Kai searches in his pockets and pulls a box of matches and hands it to Sehun... Sehun opens the box and grabs a match and lights it as he throws it in the chamber and soon a fire started burning the body... Sehun closes the box and hands it back to Kai as he says " we better go and see if our hyungs need any help!" Sehun nods as they both left and closed the door...


Alliene made it down without making any noise as she sees a path leading back to where her father and uncle are as she heads there... midway she felt cold and a presence nearby as she was almost to the house where her father and uncle along with her aunt and mom are residing... Alliene reaches the door and knocks hopefully have a response but nothing... she tries again but this time the door unlocks as she turns the knob and opens the door as she turns on the lights and sees a horrifying scene... her mother is slit open with all of her intestines on the ground, her father hung upside down with a slit on his throat and underneath his head was a bucket full of blood which is still filling with every single drop...

Alliene walks to where her uncle and aunt reside... she opens the door and sees the most horrifying scene than her parents... her uncle Yoochun is torn apart limb from limb and her aunt was cut open from the stomach... she closes the door due to the smell of blood when she heard someone come in as she hides under the table behind her upside down father as she grabs her dad and makes him stop as she silently hears...

The person walks in and hums a song while he takes the mother first and unhangs her and places her on the table where Alliene is under as she covers not making a sound while hearing her mother's bones crack with every single chop... the person chops her head and grabs the bone and pulls on it as he took out her skeleton he lays it on the ground and continues to chop her body in little bits of pieces starting with her hand and arm...

Alliene doesn't move for she is frozen by the way that this man was now chopping her parents... Alliene feels heavy kicking as she endures the pain as she pats her stomach which wasn't helping as she was now sweating and tries her best to stay calm but the baby is ruining the moment... the man leaves as it was the perfect time as she sees the door open so she sprints and runs back...

Alliene stops and sees a pack of werewolves as she goes and hides behind a car as she was walking slowly not letting them know and sprints quickly to the window she came out of...

will she tell everyone that their parents are dead?

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missestrapbunnie #1
Chapter 1: cant belive no one has commented! this story is so good so far :D