C.A.P's Plan: Phase One

Thing's Can Go From Bad To Worse, But Then What?

Soyi/Your P.O.V

After school I went straight home and as usual no one was home, since 'umma and appa' normaly came home late. Which is why I think they wanted an older child. I went over into the kitchen and I noticed a note on the fridge from my 'parents', it said that they would be gone on business for a few weeks. I put the note down on the counter and went up to my room and changed into casual clothing:

 (except the hat and sunglasses because you were inside the house)


After hours of studying and doing homework I was super bored and in a hyper mood *Aish, the blondie has rubbed off on me in the short time I hung out with him* I thought as I put on a jacket and decided to go for a short walk, even though it was already dark. I'm not scared of going out when it's night because at the orphanage Mrs.Jung had taught all of the girls self defence, she always used to say "It is most important for all young girls to know how to beat the snot out of the scum of the world." That memory made me smile to myself while I walked to the park. When I got there I went to the swing set, for some reason I have always loved swinging, I sat down and gently started swaying from side to side.

*The whether has been really nice the past couple of days* I closed my eyes and inhaled the cool, fresh air. I was enjoying the peacful quiet when I heard a couple of bushes rustle behind me, but I didn't mind it. *Probably just a squirel or something.* I thought.

I suddenly heard a few moans and my eyes shot open.*awks...I've heard about being spontaneous, but really a bush?" o.O

I got up from the swing to get away from the couple that was making out behind me, when I heard,

"Soyi..." Some one said in a withered, and painful voice.

I slowly turned back to the bush to see a guy lying on the ground gripping his side, even though it was dark the light from the street light glinted against the blood on the boys head. My tensed muscles softened as I walked closer to help out the wounded boy.

When I got closer I saw that he had a few cuts on his face and probably hurt his ribs pretty badly. I squatted next to him I squinted my eyes in the darkness and then they widened again when I looked closely at the boys face.

"C.A.P! OMO, what happened?!" I asked alarmed as I gently helped him stand and lean against me, he groaned in pain, "Oh, I'm sorry am I hurting you?" I asked trying to adjust him in a more comfortable position, but he was starting to loose his balance and I grabbed him by the waist and led him to my house so I could treat him.

*Ugh, he's so heavy* I was breathing hard after dragging him all the way home, and let me tell you the park isn't necessarily across the street.

I cautiously rested him on the couch and exhaled loudly while rushing to get a first aide kit, when I got back I saw that he had a some what tense look although he was in obvious  pain.

"Don't worry, my parents aren't home. They'll be gone for a few weeks." I said knowing the reason he was tensed.

He relaxed and then groaned in pain again, "Lie down, it'll hurt less that way." He did as told.

I started to bandage the cuts on his face and he winced when I put the ointment on the big cut he had on his forehead. *What a baby!* I thought then furrowed my eye brows together.

"What happened?" I asked worried.

"Just a few older guys from another gang that had a grudge against me." He said like it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

"Pft, no need to act tough you know. If it hurts just say so." I replied.


"Calm down or you'll hurt yourself more!" I said while laughing. He immedtiatly stopped and stared at me.

"Oh, sorry is my laugh weird? Every one tells me that." I said sheepishly.

"No, its just you never laughed freely around me before, and don't worry I think your laugh is nice." He said giving me a smile, and it wasn't even a flirtatious kind of smile...it was kind of, nice?

I snapped out of my daze and cleared my throat, "Well, um, here you can bandage up your ribs, I'll go wait in the kitchen." I said as I handed him the bandages.

"No need it'll only take a second" He said as he...TOOK OF HIS SHIRT?!

*MY EYES!!!* I thought as I turned around to the wall, "YAH! What the hell are you doing?! PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON!!"

"Calm down, it's like you've never seen a guy without their shirt on. Wait...have you?" He said, and I could practically hear him smiling smugly through his voice.

"N-no." I stuttered.

"Really!? Not even your father?" He asked surprised.

"MY FATHER??!! What kind of a sick family do you come from?!" I asked still facing the wall.

"One that goes swimming." He said blankly.

"Oh...well I've never done that either." I said awkwardly playing with my fingers, I stopped when I felt him give me a back hug.

"I could take you some time, you know? You would look great in a bikini" He wispered in my ear, making me blush.

*Really? Even after just being beaten up he still has time to do that? Really? And why am I BLUSHING?!* I thought as I took his hands off and rolled my eyes, but still not turning around.

"HEY! Are you done yet?" I asked impatiently.

"Why? You really want to see my face that badly?" He asked jokingly.

"No, but I the faster your done, the sooner I can kick you out of my house."

"Aww, come on you cant just-Owwww" He suddenly hissed in pain. I turned arournd not caring whether he was wearing his shirt or not.

"Are you hurt that badly?" I asked unconsciencly touching a bandaged wound on his cheek, he grabbed my hand making me stare into his eyes. He looked back into my eyes, we stayed like that for a long time until I pulled my my hand back.

"Um, if you can't walk home you can stay here. If thats okay with your parents..." I said while looking at the ground.

"Ya they won't mind, but I don't have any extra clothes." He said.

"You can borrow some of my dad's clothes, I think they'll fit. What size are you?" I asked.

"Large" He said as I expected, not because I thought he was fat. But because he was really muscular. I shook the thought.

"They might be kind of tight because I think my dad is smaller than you. Come on I'll get the clothes and show you to my parents room." I told him while mounting the first step.

He followed closely behind me up the stairs...a little too close for my likeing. I stepped aside and made him walk in front, I saw him frown and I sighed.

*He better not try anything fishy..." I thought glaring at his back while I climbed the stairs.

C.A.P's P.O.V

I waited for her to get me some pyjama's while sitting on the bed in her parents room. I looked around and noticed there weren't any pictures of them together here either, sure there were pictures of her parents and a few pictures of her but none together. And all the pictures of Soyi looked current.

"Here you go" I looked up and saw her holding out a pair of loose looking shorts and a white beater. She gave me a nevouse laugh.

"Uhhh...sorry he must of taken all his pyjama's with him, so this is all I found." She explained.

"No need to lie, just because you missed me take my shirt off doesn't mean you have to trick me. I don't mind doing it again" I teasingly said while slowly reaching for the end of my shirt, I wasn't really going to I just wanted to see her reaction.

Her eyes widened and she threw the clothes at me before running away, *cute* I smacked my head *What the hell was that? Huh, only one day after the bet started and I'm already falling for her? Wow, when did my reality become a freaking drama?!* I thought, but my heart was sending me a different message. It was beating fast as I remembered her soft hand on my cheek. I ruffled my hair in annoyance, and decided to just change my clothes and go to sleep.

*Next Morning*

I woke up and looked at the clock, 8:30. I got up to go to the bathroom but stopped at the large whole year calender posted on the opposite wall, one day was cirlcled with red marker and it said 'Soyi's B-day'. I took note of the day and saw that she was one month older than me. An evil plan formed in my head.

I exited the bathroom and looked for Soyi's room, when I found it I saw that she was still sleeping. She was rolled over on the side closest to the wall, leaving right side empty *perfect* I crept over to the empty side of the bed, and slowly went under the covers careful not to wake her up. I then wrapped my arms around her and she turned around and snuggled into my chest. I was surprised by her sleeping habit but softened at her sleeping face, I snapped out of it and continued with my plan.

"Noona~ Wake up~" I said softly and sweetly.

She mumbled something into my chest but I didn't hear her.

"Noona~ I said wake up~" Still nothing. I went close to her ear, "You'll be late for school" I wispered.

She shot up like a rocket but was pulled back down because I was still holding her, she looked back at me and her shocked face turned into a deathly glare.

"Let.Go." She said through gritted teeth.

"Why? I want to hug noona! We can stay like this all day since it's Saturday! By the way I like your sleeping habit." I winked at her making her flush red, and she face palmed. But quickly regained her composure.

"I don't have any sleeping habits!! And I am NOT your 'Noona'!! LET GO!!!!!!" She yelled while struggling to get out of bed without any success.

"Yes you do, you hug people in your sleep. Yes you are, your birthday is one moth before mine. And.....No!" I said back to her.

She stopped moving around, "Really, I'm older than you? Okay, then as your noona I command you to let go!" She crossed he arms

"I don't want to! Noona has the best hugs." I said while pulling her closer.

"You're going to reget this~" She sing songed, and jabbed me in my still sore rib.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I let go of her and clutched my side, while she got up and ran away with her hands waving around like a little kid.

I laughed through the pain, *That one moth advantage has done nothing to mature you* I thought. I got up and inhaled sharply as the pain shot through me again. *Time for phase two* 








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Chapter 20: Zelo's so cute~^-^

Thank you for the update!
LOL I feel so bad for her. I don't know how she'll survive. XD

I like reading the author's notes.
lightninglily #3
I love this story ^^ Good work! Update soon please ~
its about time you updated unnie ;)
sslater #5
Love your story. keep going
YOU BETTER CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
wow your story is really good so far:)
keep up the good work and update faster please^-^