That Byeontae

Thing's Can Go From Bad To Worse, But Then What?

Soyi/Your P.O.V

The day C.A.P went to my house was the last time that he talked to me, *What's wrong with him/ Did something happen?* I was half worried half relieved because if he's ignoring me then I get some time to be alone.

I looked over at him, he now sat on the front left side of the class room while I sat at the back left corner. I hadn't realized I was staring at him until a balled up piece of paper brought me back down to earth. I bent down to pick it up and looked around to see who threw it when I met eyes with a girl shooting me lazers, *fangirl* I thought. I looked at the paper and noticed some writing on it, on the inside of the paper there were some unrepeatable words srawled arcoss the page. I paid no attention to it and headed of to my next class, P.E.

"Okay every one, grab a partner and start the basket ball drills!" The gym coach yelled in a gruff voice. *Partners?* I looked around and saw that every one was paired up already, pouting I countinued to search for a partner. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around quickly, to see a tall guy with longish brown hair and...lets say 'full' lips.

"Hey watch where you swing that thing!" He said while rubbing his cheek and pointing to my long ponytal.

"Huh?! Come on, it's just hair. Be a man!" I snapped back momentarily surprising him.

", hyungs got some taste in girls..." He mumbled quietly.

"Eh? Did you say something? Well anyways, your one of C.A.P's friends right?" I said now recognizing him.

"C.A.P? What ever happened to 'Creepy ert'? And yeah, I'm one of his friends, names Niel. Your Soyi right?" He jokingly replied.

"How do you know me? And don't misunderstand, he's still a ert. He's just on hiatus or something..." I sighed, for some reason my mood dropped down a little.

"Oh really? I guess that means I'm gonna be $100 richer soon" He said with a sly smile.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused, *What $100?*

"Ahn, Shin! Quit the chit chat this isn't a singles mixer!!" The coach yelled at us.

I grabbed a ball and we started with some lay-ups, as i assumed, Niel was pretty good because of his height. You weren't bad since you had always loved basket ball, you even had Mrs.Jung put up a hoop at the back of the orphanage. I went for a shot and it went in with a satisfying *swoosh*

"Hm, not bad." He commented with an approving nod.

"You too. How about we work on blocking?" I suggested

He nodded and got into position. I dribbled the ball with my right hand and held out my left in an effort to block him. He swiftly came behind me and hugged me, *ERG! Not him to!!* I thought as I elbowed him in the stomach and made another clean basket. I turned to him lying on the floor in pain, "Swish" I said as I walked away with a grin on my face.

After gym class I went to get changed and when I walked by some of the girls they began wispering and giggling, I gave then a 'WTF' look and they stopped and went on their way. I opened my gym locker to see my uniform shredded into conffetti sized pieces. *THATS IT!!* I had finally snapped, it was one thing to say thing about me but really? My uniform?!*

I spun around to a group of snickering girls I went up to the leader and held he by the collar, "What the freak is your problem?!!" I screamed in her face.

"Ewwww! Get your grubby little troll hand off of me!!!" She smacked my hand away in disgust.

Now I was furious, I grabbed her collar again and stuffed the remains of my clothes down her shirt and stormed out of the change room, leaving her with agape.

*Now what do I do? I probably smell like s---* I thought as I made my way back out to the field, I wasn'r going to the cafeteria wearing my gym clothes.

When I got out there I saw Zelo and his friends playing soccer as ussual, I waved to them glumly "Hey guys" I said kind of sulky.

"Het whats wrong Soyi?" Zelo asked sitting on the bleachers next to me.

"Some bishes distroyed my uniform and now I'm left smelling like a ripe cow." I explained while sniffing my awful smelling shirt.

"Yu can borrow my extra clothes! But their gonna be kind of big" Offered Jongup.

"Really!! Thank you!!!" I said running over and giving him a hug. I let go once I realize what I just did, "Hehe, sorry 'bout that" I said awkwardy.

"No problem." he waved it off, "And here" He said handing me large plain shirt and a baggy pair of sweats.

I ran off to get changed, *I guess this'll have to do...Is there a punishment for not wearing your uniform?* I wondered while looking at myself in the mirror, Jongup was right the clothes were really big on me but they were comfortable. I smiled as I walked to class because lunch was over.


*phew* Finally schools over! I was happy to leave and also because the teacher didn't care about me not having my uniform. It was awkward explaining what happened to my clothes  because that girl was also in my class, but what was mre uncomfortable was that I had to lie to my male teacher that it got ruined because of womanly problems. I face plamed at the memory while walking home.

I had this weird feeling that there was somebody following me, stopping I looked back but there was nothing. I looked forward again with a quizzical expression. Then a pair of hands covered my eyes, instinctively I grabbed the persons hands and flipped them onto the ground and pinned them down.

"o-oops" Said Yongguk like the wind had been knocked out of him.

I exhaled in relief then helped him up, "Don't scare me like that!" 

"Scare you? You obviously didn't see Yongguk hyung's face when you whooped his ." Exclaimed Himchan making me laugh.

"YAH! SHE DID NOT 'WHOOP' MY ANYTHING!!! And anyway she probably had some kind of hardcore training to be able to flip me." He said crossing his arms.

"Actually...I was taught by a women in her 40's..." I said keeping my smile hidden. Yongguk's confident look was wiped of and his arms dropped back to his sides, while the others were also trying very hard to conseal their laughter.

I cleared my throat, "So why were you guys following me in the first place?" I wondered.

"OH YA!!! YOU WANNA COME TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK WITH US?!" They screamed together meking me back up and cover my ears.

"Uhhh...ya sure when?" I asked recovering from the head exploding shout.

"Tomorrow after school, see you then!!" They said running off.

I skipped the rest of the way home anticipating tomorrow, entirely forgetting about that stupid byeontae...okay maybe not completely but you get the picture.

(A/N: Byeontae=ert)

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Chapter 20: Zelo's so cute~^-^

Thank you for the update!
LOL I feel so bad for her. I don't know how she'll survive. XD

I like reading the author's notes.
lightninglily #3
I love this story ^^ Good work! Update soon please ~
its about time you updated unnie ;)
sslater #5
Love your story. keep going
YOU BETTER CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
wow your story is really good so far:)
keep up the good work and update faster please^-^