
Thing's Can Go From Bad To Worse, But Then What?

C.A.P's P.O.V

"Hey hyung! How's your foot?" Chanjo asked pointing to my hurt foot.

"Eh? Oh, its fine...WAIT!! How do you know my foot hurts?!" I replied after I registered what he said.

Niel pionted over the side of the roof where me and Soyi were before, and the rest of them started to laugh.

"Hey guys, 'Quit it! Thats not funny!'" Chunji imitated me, making them laugh even more.


"YAH, I'M YOUR HYUNG!! SHOW SOME RESPECT!!" I barked at them causing them immediatly stand at attention.

I smiled in triumph, "Thats more like it", I then sat beside L.Joe who seemed to be off in his own world, when I sat down he snapped back to reality.

"Hyung?" He suddenly said. "Do you really like that girl?" He asked turning to face me.

"Why do you ask....?" I asked suspiciously narrowing my eyes at him.

"Don't look ay me like that, you know I have a girlfriend. I was just wondering, 'cause it looks like she's really pissed off when your around. Plus haven't you noticed how she always tries to avoid you? So, are you just doing this to annoy her?" He asked.

"Well obviously!! If I really liked her I wouldn't be here with you right now, would I?. Why do you care if she's annoyed?" I questioned back.

"I don't really care...just wondering" He resumed looking at the scenery.

I got up and walked over to the rest of the guys who were playing kai, bai, bo like little school girls.

I face palmed, *Really? These are the guys that so many girls dream of?* I thought when my mind wondered back to what L.Joe had said.

*Is she really that bothered by me?* My thoughts were interupted by Ricky puting his arm around my shoulder,

"It's okay hyung. I mean you can't get all the girls." He said.

I shrugged his arm off, "Yah, how many times do I have to tell you I can get any girl I want!" I tried not to sound like was whining.

"Psh, I'll take that bet. Face it, you've lost your touch. No longer every girls dream guy." He patted my shoulder.

"$100 bucks each if I can prove you guys wrong!" I said sticking my hand out waiting for a hand shake, while they all looked at me wide eyed.

"Don't you think thats a little much?" Niel asked the same way some one would ask 'Are you feeling okay?'.

"What? Not confident any more, now that you realize that I will win." I said cockily.

They exchanged glances and Chanjo stepped up, "But to make it fair if you loose you have to pay each of us $100" He put his hand out and we shook.



*The Next Day*

I was waiting for Soyi at the school gate, since I know that if I try to find her in the hallway she'll run away.

I was leaning on the gate lazily, when I saw her familiar orange hair I straightened up, "Good morning" I gave her my signature faint worthy smile, but she just stared back at me with big eyes completely unaffected.

"So, where are you headed?" I said trying to break the awkward silence.

"Nowhere." She plainly said and walked away, but before she could get away I grabbed her wrist and twirled her around to face me,

"Yah, what are you doing let go of me!" She yelled.

"I just wanted spent some time with you" I winked at her and she looked away, *Yup, she likes me* I smiled in content that what the guys said wasn't true.

Soyi/Your P.O.V

He winked at me and I turned away trying hard not to barf, *Ugh, I liked it better when he was bugging me* I shivered as I realized he was still holding my wrist.

I yanked my hand away and started on my way to the forest. I looked back and realized he was still folowing me, so I picked up my pace. So did he. I continued to pick up my pace until I was running, no, sprinting for dear life.

When I got to the forest I didn't see him so I assumed had lost him...turns out I was mistaken,

"What took you so long?" He asked smugly as he layed down on the seat of the picnic table.

I looked back at where we had com from and then back at him, *How did he get here so fast, and why didn't I see him pass me?*

"Captain of the track team, and theres a short cut." He stated with his eyes still closed, as if reading my thoughts. (A/N do track tems have captains?)  

"What ever. Just don't bug me." I sat down on the opposite bench and plugged in my iPod. After a while my eyes started to close, but I couldn't rest peacefully because it had this strange feeling that some one was watching me. And sure enough when I opened my eyes again I saw the master creep staring at me.

"You look pretty when you relax" He said staring at me thoughtfully. 

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? Stop it, it creeps me out." I said giving hime a weird look.

He threw his hads up and defeat and got up from the bech while pacing with his hand on his hips.

"So you don't like it when I hit on you, you don't like it when I wink or smile, you don't like it when I'm nice to you..." he counted on his fingers then stopped pacing and looked at me. "What the heck do you want form me?! Hundreds of girls would kill to be alone in the forest with me right now!" he said in out rage.

"Why do you care?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I don't know, and besides what harm could it do if you just tell me?" He gave me pleading eyes.

"Aish, fine! Just stop making that face." I cringed and he returned to normal, "Well, I like some one who is funny, sweet, romantic but not so mushy that I want to throw up, spontaneous at times, has a happy attitude, i don't relly mind the hair or eye colour but I really like brown hair, and light brown eyes. Also, I like the shy type but not the weak kind of like the sodier type with a dorky side..." I began to zone out dreaming of the perfect guy.

*Snap* I blinked a couple of times to see him giving me the 'what the hell' face.

"What?" I asked genuinely confused.

"First of all, your too picky. And second, do you realize you've been giggling like an idiot for the past..." he checked his watch, "...five minutes?"

My face began to flush slightly pink, "I-i was not! And I'm not picky, its just that I'm looking for the right person!" I yelled back defiantly.

"What ever. Well, I gotta go. But I'll see you later in home room." He gave me another vomit inducing wink and walked away.

When I was sure he was gone I gave a sigh of relief. I set my alarm and put my headphones back in, setting my self up for a light nap.

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Chapter 20: Zelo's so cute~^-^

Thank you for the update!
LOL I feel so bad for her. I don't know how she'll survive. XD

I like reading the author's notes.
lightninglily #3
I love this story ^^ Good work! Update soon please ~
its about time you updated unnie ;)
sslater #5
Love your story. keep going
YOU BETTER CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
wow your story is really good so far:)
keep up the good work and update faster please^-^