Sun Shine, and Tough Guy

Thing's Can Go From Bad To Worse, But Then What?

Soyi/Your P.O.V





*Don't you just love alarm clocks...when did I set an alarm clock?*


I slammed my hand over the off button and felt a piece of paper under my hand, 

Dear Soyi, 

We're sorry that we can't be here to take you to school this morning, but we left directions on the back of this note. 

Don't worry about the distance it's quite close by, also your uniform is in your closet. Have a nice day

                                                          From, TaeSung/Umma&JongMin/Appa


I turned the paper over in my hands and just like the note said there were directions. I got up and walked to my closet to get my new school uniform,

(Imagine that it looked like this)


"Hmmm...Not bad..." I mumbled as I walked over to washroom. 

I'm not one of those girls that takes hours in the bathroom since I don't wear make up or anything, to be honest I don't even brush my hair half of the time. After I changed into the uniform I grabbed the note and rushed downstairs because I didn't want to be late.

Downstairs on the table there was a plate of pancakes with strawberries in the shape of a sun.

*Did they do this for me?* I smiled as I quickly ate the pancakes, then picked up the back pack I saw by the door and headed off to find my new school.

The directions said to walk left and keep going straight...and thats about it. I guess it's closer that I thought.

~8 minutes later~

I arrived at the so called T.O.P Acadamy to see rusted gate with many students scattered around the court yard. There was graffiti on almost every wall, but that didn't seem to preturb any of the couples making out against them. I saw heaps of garbage littering the used-to-be gardens, and even used ciggaret buds. I shivered as I walked up to the school entrance with my head down.

The inside of the building was just as bad as the outside, the walls were also covered in random scribbles drawn in sharpie. There were people lining the halways but they acted like I wasn't there as I made my way to the office shuffling my feet quietly.

"Excuse me m'am, I'm new here. May I please have my class schedule?" I asked timidly.

"Yea sure" The lady replied and she roughly shoved a paper into my hands.

"Thank you...for nothing.." I mumbled the last part as I bowed my head. I looked to my schedule...I have math first...great my worst subject, first thing in the morning, on my first day of school.Nice. 

I found my class and as soon as I entered I was hit in the head with a balled up piece of paper.

"This is going to be a long day..." I said quietly to myself, actually I could have said it with my normal volume and no one in the class would have heard.

"Ah, you must be the new student. Please introduce yourself." A short, balled headed, tired looking man told me.

"Annyeonghaseyo, jeoneun Soyi ibnida" No one was even listening to me. 

-_-* what ever I'm not here to make friends, especialy with the likes you* I thought as the teacher directed me to a seat one

*whew* At least I get one break today. That is until a tough looking guy stepped into the class.

I looked around the class hoping there was another empty seat, 'cause frankly he scares me. O.O

He walked passed me *thank god* and around me to the seat beside me. Damn you false hope.

*Dang it* I cursed under my breath.

"It's not like I wanted you to sit beside me either, sun shine" He wispered creepily to me. I whipped my head around to see he wasn't looking at me, and I freely spazzed.

I stopped when I heard chuckling I turned my head back to him *Is this punk laughing at me!?*

I huffed and crossed my arms while my cheeks started to burn up.

I decided to just focus on the bored and listen to the teacher.

C.A.P's P.O.V

I was lazily making my way to...what ever thats not important, I don't listen in class anyway. All I need to do is show up 'cause the teacher are to afraid to fail me.

The class was roudy as ever, * people. Masking my lates since freshmen year* I had a triumphant smirk on my face as I walked in. 

I saw the teacher was already having a mental break down in the corner, sooner than I expected.

There was a cute orange haired girl sitting in the seat next to mine, she was staring at me but not the way all the other girls do. I gave her my signature smile, but still nothing. Hmmm...class just got a little more interesting.

She looked kind of scared, and she was mumbling something too quiet for me to hear, I thought I would by walking around her.

It worked, and she started cursing under her breath. "It's not like I wanted you to sit beside me either, sun shine" I wispered to her in a voice that makes girls fiant, and pretented to be looking out the window. But really I was looking at her reflection waiting to see what she would do.

She turned to look at me then started to throw a cute fit. I laughed at her unexpected childishness making her stop and cross her arms angrily.

When I was sure she wasn't looking at me any more I started to study her face. She was decent looking and she had just the right amount of cheek fat, her legs were crossed and they seemed to go on forever. Snapped my attention back to the window before I could start drooling. *Damn, she's pretty. But not like all the other girls I've been with...she's not even trying and she's making me like her. You better watch out...* I grinned mischievously while plotting my attack, kekeke


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Chapter 20: Zelo's so cute~^-^

Thank you for the update!
LOL I feel so bad for her. I don't know how she'll survive. XD

I like reading the author's notes.
lightninglily #3
I love this story ^^ Good work! Update soon please ~
its about time you updated unnie ;)
sslater #5
Love your story. keep going
YOU BETTER CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
wow your story is really good so far:)
keep up the good work and update faster please^-^