Ricky's Boredom Lead To... (Pt 2)

Thing's Can Go From Bad To Worse, But Then What?


Oh. My. Goodness. Don't they EVER shut up!

Sinking into the sofa I held my head in my hands shutting my eyes, as they roamed around my house blabbering nonstop since they entered.

Noona~ Do you have any snacks?” Ricky hopped on to the couch beside me smiling happily.

In the kitchen...” I grumbled, but trust me if he didn't have that whole 'I'm Noona's best friend' aura I would have socked him in the mouth by now.

Do you have any video game?”


Do you have a computer?”


Do you have anything?”

Narrowing my eyes I turned in Changjo and Chunji's direction, making them raise their hands in surrender.

Seriously though, your house is SOOOO boring!!” Niel exclaimed plopped down on the couch opposite to mine.

Yeah, you're really not a good host.” C.A.P and Ricky emerged from the kitchen with a box of crackers.

And your food is so...healthy. Bleh!” Ricky pretended to gag, but continued eating all the same.

Well it's not like I invited you anyway!” I crossed my arms with a scowl muttering incoherent things.

All heaving a big sigh they all sat on the couches.

The room was silent as I looked at each of them.

Hey, where's L.joe?” I asked noticing he was no longer in the room.

He's on the phone with his girlfriend.” Changjo, who was sitting on my left, replied. Oh. I didn't know he had a girlfriend.

Yeah. For the 10th time today.” Chunji rolled his eyes and the rest began laughing.

Yah! Shut up! I think it's cute. Wouldn't you want your girlfriend to care for you like that?” I glared at them.

Psh, if my girlfriend did that to me I'd brake up with her before I die of suffocation.” Chunji high-fived Niel, “I second that!”

Well none of you have girlfriends, now do you?” I looked at them triumphantly as each of them lowered their heads.

Just then C.A.P pushed Changjo out of the seat next to me, “Actually, now that you mention it...” He gave me a creepy smile and I became rigid under his touch.

Aish, I knew it wasn't possible for him to be in my house and not try something.

Hyung!~ Soyi Noona doesn't like you. She likes me better!” Ricky jumped onto the right of me squishing himself between me and Niel.

You know, this I can agree with.” I nodded approvingly. I mean it wasn't a lie that out of all of them Ricky was the most tolerable. Him, Niel and L.Joe that is.

C.A.P scoffed and retracted his arm from my shoulder, “Whatever, didn't we come here to eat anyway?”

Oh yeah! What should we eat then?” Niel clapped his hands together and every one leaned in.

Why not pizza?” I offered since it would be enough to feed all of us, and I also saw some coupons in the mail.

They all turned to look at me quizzically like pizza was the most astounding thing they've ever heard.

What?” I glanced at each of them waiting for them to explain.

So what you're saying is...You're going to go into that kitchen and make 2 pizza's?” Niel held up 2 fingers and now it was my turn to be dumbfounded.

Wait, wait, wait. Time out!” I held both my hands out at them. “So what you're saying is...You expected me to cook?” They turned to each other and nodded together before looking back at me.

Ignoring my shocked expression they went back to deciding on what I was apparently going to cook.

Defeated I threw my hands up and leaned into the couch.

Hey, what's going on?” L.Joe reentered the room while tucking his phone into his back pocket.

We're trying to decide whether Soyi should cook dokkbokki or kimchi stew.” Changjo explained to him.

Hmmm, I could go for some dokkbokki.” He stated squeezing himself in between Ricky and Chunji.

Okay.” They nodded in agreement then looked at me expectantly.

What?! I am not going to cook for you!” Crossing my arms over my chest I sent a glare at each of them.

Why not!” Chunji whined. =.='' This one. He's is the one I can tolerate the least, hands down.

Because I don't want to!”

Ugh, why don't you have one of those moms that cooks food for her daughters friends?”

By the way, where are your parents?” They all looked to me, “Yeah, they weren't here last time either C.A.P added and I was about ready to curl up and die.

MWOH?! Last time????” They glanced back and forth from me to Mr. Big mouth.

Okay, first of all my parents were on business for a couple of weeks and will most probably be back some time this week. And secondly, it was only because he was half dead and I'm half an idiot.” I explained partially regretting ever letting him into my house the first time, let alone letting all of them in this time.

They paused for a bit before nodding again, “Oh...So this is where you were that one night?” L.Joe asked and C.A.P replied with a slight nod.

The room became silent and I stood up from the sofa, “I better get started on the dokkbokki, who wants to help?”

All 6 boys turned away pretending to be interested in various things around the living room.

Fine, suit yourselves. Niel, Changjo, and Chunji will cut the rice cakes and set the table. While, L.Joe, Ricky and C.A.P help me make the sauce.” They groaned in response but followed me to the kitchen anyway.

You see? This is why you don't make me cook, so no complaints.” I stared at them pointedly as I put on my apron.

Hm, you look better in it than I do.” C.A.P gave me an amused smirk while looking me up and down. My cheeks flared as I turned away from him.

Ahem, everybody wash your hands before touching the food.” Rubbing the nape of my neck awkwardly I ordered them.

Noona, wheres you're washroom?”

Upstairs on the right.” Me and C.A.P answered at the same time.

O...Kayy...Thanks...” Changjo looked at us oddly as we both turned away from each other and headed up stairs with Chunji and Niel while the rest washed their hands in the kitchen sink.


Standing behind the boys as I waited for my turn at the sink I lightly tapped my cheeks in an effort to stay sane.

Pfft..” Hearing laughter behind me I looked over my shoulder to see L.Joe casually 'whistling', as if that wasn't a dead give away.

Looks like quiet boy isn't as nice and innocent as I thought...I'll keep that in mind...

I faced forward again just as it was my turn to wash my hands when there was a sudden crash followed by a loud thud.

We'll clean it up!” C.A.P yelled.

It wasn't my faul-”

I don't. Want. To know.” Wringing my hands out I flicked the excess water off then went to the cabinet to collect ingredients trying to avoid looking at the presumed disaster area.


I leaned forward on the counter with a sigh hearing the loud noise from upstairs.

We're okay!” They called from up stairs making me nod my head in slight relief but silently hoping that the bathroom was still intact.

Like I said before, this is going to be a long day.


Yo! This is your lazy author-nim with another excuse for why the update is late...well my update may be late but, while I wasn't updating I earned my first 5 vlolunteer hours ^_^'' So the time wasn't a complete waste...

Anyways, how is the story going? Are you guys liking it so far? I don't know about you guys but, I sort of feel like I'm dragging it out. It feels like I'm boring you, so I'll try and make it more interesting with various twists and turns and Dragons...Yes, dragons. The most enjoyable of all medeval creatures. Also as I'm writing I keep wanting to add in more details and events, but I can't because that would mean going back to previous chapters and editing them...which I don't want to do...I guess this is the price I pay for not updating regularly before -sigh-

As always, thank you amazing people for subscribing, reading, and continually listening to my lame excuses each week! But I actually promise to be more diligent these next couple of week with updates, because as we all know that 'lovely' time of year is comming around in 3 weeks -_- Plus I'm going to be entering high school this year so I need to focus more, well atleast for the fist couple of weeks...But enough about my boring life, I'M SOOOO SUPPERRR THRILLED ABOUT MY 6 SUBSCRIBERS ON THIS STORY!!! =^_^= THANK YOU! I honestly didn't even expect a single person to subscribe to me since this was my first fanfic! So gamsahahbnida for your love, and I'll be back next week with another chapter!! See ya~ ♥ (I was wondering, how many of you actually read my notes at the end? Because to be honest...I don't often read the authors notes, but then again I usually read completed stories so I don't really see the point. Plus if the author was like me and typed on forever in their notes I wouldn't bother...)

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Chapter 20: Zelo's so cute~^-^

Thank you for the update!
LOL I feel so bad for her. I don't know how she'll survive. XD

I like reading the author's notes.
lightninglily #3
I love this story ^^ Good work! Update soon please ~
its about time you updated unnie ;)
sslater #5
Love your story. keep going
YOU BETTER CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
wow your story is really good so far:)
keep up the good work and update faster please^-^