Ricky's Boredom Lead To...

Thing's Can Go From Bad To Worse, But Then What?




The rest of the school day went on like usual: Going to class, ignoring glares, and just being by myself in general. Hey, I'm not trying to sound sulky but its really the truth...and I still sorta smell like a chicken coop...

Immersed in my thoughts I heard the final bell sound and began packing up my things, neatly placing them into my bag. Standing up my eyes passed over the window to see a group of three girls laughing happily making their way out the school gates, a slight smile crossed my lips as I exited the class room with my bag slung over my shoulder.

Not bothering to go to my locker since I already had everything I needed I walked directly out the doors and made my way to the soccer field, like usual, to look for the guys. But when you got there instead of seeing the 6 boys bickering and yelling, I saw a different group of 6 quietly resting on the bleachers.

With curiosity out weighing my caution I stepped forward slowly glancing at them as I passed by.

“Hey! Isn't that...” hearing their whispers I picked up my pace heading for the sidewalk.

“NOOOOOOOONNNNAAAA~” Not stopping my speed walk I glanced back to see Ricky galloping after me with a bright smile. Seeing the sunshine and joy on his face I stopped, sighing before turning to him with a small smile.

“Annyeong Ricky-sshi.” I awkwardly greeted not really used to his presence since I don't know him well.

“Annyeong! Were you on your way home?” He asked still with a smiled on his face.

“Neh, are you not going to go home?” I asked looking slightly passed him at the other boys watching us converse.

“Not yet, the Hyungs are all being geezers and just sitting on the bench like stones. They wont even get me anything to eat!” He pouted cutely and my smile widened slightly.

“Awww, that's too bad. Well I better be going now, see you la-” As I was about to leave I felt a sudden pressure on my arm.

“No! Please save me!!! I'm so BORED!!!” He squished my arm tighter and squished his eyes tightly shut.

Aigoo...how is this kid only one year younger than me.

“Arasso, I'll stay...But! Only for a few minutes I have to home soon.” He nodded like the child he was and lead me to the bleachers.

Nearing the other boys I gulped slightly as I noticed C.A.P sitting off to the side with his ear buds in.

“Yo!” Niel waved to me and moved his bag over so I could sit.

“Sup? Have you been working on your offensive strategies?” I snickered remembering our gym class together.

“Yeah, I realized my best chance at making a basket was if I didn't play with you and your boney elbows.” He nudged my arm and I scowled.

“We'll see about that in gym class.” I nudged him back.

“You two seem awfully friendly.” L.Joe nodded to me and Niel with a bit of a raised brow.

“Yeah...and Niel hyung's going to have to face the consequences later~” Changjo and Rickey high-fived giggling like school girls. Giving them a look of confusion I turned back to Niel.

“So what were you guys doing?”

“Like I told you! They aren't doing ANYTHING!” Ricky threw his arms up in defeat as C.A.P slapped his head.

“Yah! You're just angry because there's no food, fatty.”

Remembering I had an extra muffin in my lunch I held it out to him, “Here!”

Looking at the treat with wide eyes he glanced at me for approval before snatching it away.

“Gksjfdhkh Nskajhf...” Swallowing he repeated, “Gomawa Noona!”

I chuckled and caught Changjo looking hungrily at Ricky.

“Don't you guys ever feed them?” I glared at Niel while handing over a lollipop to the other hungry kid.

“Meh, they get their own food at lunch and after that we can't be held responsible for their fast metabolisms.” Niel shrugged and I rolled my eyes at him.

“You know what I'm in the mood for...” C.A.P suddenly spoke making us all turn towards him, “...Pancakes...”

Amidst everyone's confusion I narrowed my eyes at him as a sly smile spread on his face. My eyes widened catching on to what he was saying and the blush crept.


“Um I should get going...I, uh, have work to do at home...” I stood up and the rest did the same.

“Uhm, where are all of you going?”

“We're going to walk you home, so don't try weaseling out of it! No excuses could possibly work!” They all nodded and I groaned.


“Okay, then lets go.” C.A.P stood and began walking in the direction of my house as, I'm not going to lie, my heart swelled...

He remembered where I live? No wait, isn't that supposed to creep me out? Yeah it's creepy...

“Come on lets go before Mr. Follow-the-leader gets lost.” L.Joe began walking after him and the rest of us followed behind.



When we finally reached my house somehow the convinced me that since they walked me home I owed them food. I was about to protest but thought better of it knowing I wouldn't win and opened the door widely as they each slipped passed me. I watched them as they threw me smiles, I smiled back feeling slightly guilty that I had never invited B.A.P into my house but it passed.

“Ahhh, this...is going to be a longer day than I thought.” Carefully steeping in over their shoes I locked the door behind me, mentally preparing myself for what might happen next.


Hi guys! How was the chapter? Please tell me honestly, I don't mind critisism :) In fact it would kind of help me if I knew your opinions^^ So feel free to comment, thank you for reading~ 

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Chapter 20: Zelo's so cute~^-^

Thank you for the update!
LOL I feel so bad for her. I don't know how she'll survive. XD

I like reading the author's notes.
lightninglily #3
I love this story ^^ Good work! Update soon please ~
its about time you updated unnie ;)
sslater #5
Love your story. keep going
YOU BETTER CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
wow your story is really good so far:)
keep up the good work and update faster please^-^