Dokkbokki On My Porch

Thing's Can Go From Bad To Worse, But Then What?



About five sauce spills, 20 oddly shaped rice cakes, three batches of salty sauce, and 15 burnt fingers later we had a pot of dokkbokki. It wasn't going to win us any awards, although if there was one for the most accidents to take place in less than a minute that would be a different thing, but all in all it looked edible.

I sighed tiredly and plopped down onto the sofa with a thud, but in comparison to the ruckus in the kitchen it was as if I wasn't even there. And I was good with that.

My left arm draped over my face in an attempt to ignore the fact that as each second passes by my kitchen was being eaten away like a worm infested apple. It always starts on the inside, but next thing you know windows will be falling off. I laughed absurdly feeling the sanity escape me, or at least the remaining fragments. I was sure there were already bits and pieces missing by now. I pressed my arm further into my face when I felt a jab at my side, and all hell broke loose.

My limbs went flying in the direction of my attacker, C.A.P. He then tumbled backwards over the coffee table colliding with a very frightened Chunji. Chunji and C.A.P bounced of the wall landing, quite painfully might I add, onto the floor arms and legs sprawled out in every which way. But that isn't the best part, oh no, it gets better.

As if right on cue Changjo and Rickey came out of the kitchen hauling the large pot of hot dokkbokki, and you know what happens next? No, really. Just guess. I dare you.

“Ja Jang! The final- WHOA!!” Changjo was the first to lose balance, foot caught on the jumble of tangled appendages. He ultimately dragged Rickey right down with him sending the pot flying.

And no it did not just stain the walls, or the couch, or anything in the room for that matter. Oh, heavens no. Something that simple? Happening to me? God forbid. Rather than just simply falling onto something in the room, the pot decided it had enough of staying in the house. Which is precisely why the seven of us are now scrubbing dokkbokki and sweeping broken glass off of the back porch.


“I hate you all...I hate you...Hate...” Grumbling with a scowl I scrubbed the cursed and mocking red goop that had already absorbed into the stupid wood after the idiots and I stopped panicking...And no I'm not trying to be spiteful, it's a gift.

A shaky voice broke my train of thought, “U-um, S-soyi Noon-na?”

At the sound my jaw tightened and my eyes narrowed. I could feel what was happening and I was prepared. Prepared for the battle to end all.


“But Noona!! We promised to clean it!!”

“And we won't leave a single millimeter unscrubbed!” The two maknaes knelt down before me, eyes bulging and tearing as they spoke with hands clasped desperately below their jutting lips.

I looked away unimpressed, still struggling to get the darn sauce out of the wooden planks.

There was a silence and I felt relieved, but there was something out of place. I mean, these pesky kids wouldn't give up that easily...



The I'm-so-precious-that-I can-weasel-my-way-out-of-anything voice. It was all to familiar, almost the same as how Yumi would have said it.

“Noona~ Did you know, that I love you?” Ricky's voice went up a couple of octaves, coming out childishly. I felt him shift closer to me.

“Oh, no you don't!”

“Let me lub you, Noona!”

I ended up running around the deck and even into the backyard while the aegyo monster chased me around with his obnoxious and irresistible “buing buing's” and “aing's”.



From the railing of the deck the five us watched as our 'secret weapon' chased Soyi around the yard, and from the looks of it I could tell Ricky was going all out.

“Dude, I think you've got a keeper.” Niel slapped my back and chuckled as Soyi had Ricky pinned to the tree with his arm behind his back.

“Yeah Hyung, most girls would have fainted after even the though of having one of us, let alone all six of us, in her house.” Changjo added.

“Should we be impressed or insulted?” Chunji ruffled his hair obviously irritated by Soyi's anti-love for us.

“She sure is something, huh?” A smiled crawled up to my face.

Shin Soyi was unlike any other girl on the face of this earth.

“Too bad it's only a bet.” L.Joe smirked at me and I could tell right away why, making drop my eye contact from his.

“Uncle, uncle!! I tap out! Mercy! For love of all that is good and pure let go!!!” Ricky's screams rang throughout the neighborhood alarming the neighbors as, they too, stood on their porches to get a look at where the noise was coming from.

“Promise to never come into this neighbor hood as long as I live?!”

“I promise! I promise!”

“And that you and you butthole friends will clean my house and fix the window?!”

“I swear! We'll even pay for the damages!” The visual maknae was struggling to speak under the immense pain he was probably in, and more than likely deserved.

“Pinky swear!!” Unexpectedly she held her outstretched pinky over his head for him to see, and of course not being in the position to argue he raised his free arm weakly to link his pinky with hers.

“Good.” She dropped his limp arm to the ground and stood up leaving the spineless and squishy shell of the once egotistic Ricky behind.

We broke into laughter not only from the sight of Soyi having Ricky in a full nelson, but even after all of that she still managed to shamelessly ask for a pinky swear and not even worry about her image!

“Oh my gosh! Did that just- PWUAHAHAHAHA!!!” I couldn't contain it any longer and I was sure that the rest of the guys could agree that that was the most ridiculously manly, and prissy display of strength any of us had seen.

“YOU!” We froze looking up to see Soyi looming over us, hands on hips with a hard look plastered on her reddened face.

“UP!” The four of them scrambled to their feet without any complaints.


I scoffed, “We are not your slaves.” Cockily I walked towards her, leaning down to her eye level.

Her teeth clenched and her eyes hardened, bringing a smirk to my mouth.

She smirked back, catching me off guard.

“Okay then. I guess I'll just be here all alone in the house, with a gaping back door entrance that any old e could climb in through. Oh well.” She shrugged and turned away.

Playing the guilt card? We'll see.

“Thanks for the invitation, I'll be seeing you tonight.” I winked and walked down the porch steps, hearing her scream as she stomped away into the house.

“Hyung, I really think we should just fix her window.”

“Don't worry, I will.” Ricky sighed in relief, still traumatized from Soyi's death grip.



Hello? Anybody still out there? If you are first of all, I'M SO SORRY!!!! I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN WHO KNOWS HOW LONG!!!! AND I'M SORRY IF THIS CHAPTER DOESN'T MAKE UP FOR THAT ;__;

And secondly, I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR STILL STICKING WITH ME THOUGH ALL OF MY LAZINESS! It means a lot to me that you haven't unsubscribed and that you waited patiently for this bum to finally sit down and stop being a butthole ^^"

Please tell me what you think of this chapter, and please continue to wait patiently! As well, my writing might be a bit off for a while because I haven't written in such a long time > . < But please bear with me for now!! 



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Chapter 20: Zelo's so cute~^-^

Thank you for the update!
LOL I feel so bad for her. I don't know how she'll survive. XD

I like reading the author's notes.
lightninglily #3
I love this story ^^ Good work! Update soon please ~
its about time you updated unnie ;)
sslater #5
Love your story. keep going
YOU BETTER CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
wow your story is really good so far:)
keep up the good work and update faster please^-^