I Don't Need To Know Anyone

Thing's Can Go From Bad To Worse, But Then What?

Soyi/Your P.O.V

"Soyi unnie! Wake up!! It's time for breakfast!!!" I heard a little voice calling me.

"Snooze" I placed my hand on top of what ever it was that was tring to wake me up from my most preciouse sleep.

"Unnie I'm not an alarm clock! Wake up sleepy head!"

"NO!!" I groand as I turned to face the other way.

*UMPH* I felt a weight on my torsso and finally decided to open my eyes. I looked on my stomach to see a wide eyed, adorable little girl who I share a room with.

"Yah! Kim Yumi how do you expect me to get up when your sitting on me? Do I look like a chair? Huh?" I questioned as I began tickling her stomach. She was laughing and rolling all over the place.

"Please! Stop! I'm...Gonna...Burst!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I giggled at her cuteness and lifted her of the bed. I told her I would be down in a minute, then went to take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get dressed. You know the usual.

You wore something like this:


I arrived down stairs and greeted the care taker of the house and went to eat breakfast with the rest of the girls in the orphanage. Yup thats right, the little girl that woke me up this morning was not my little sister, and I don't live with my parents, or go to a normal school. I don't mind though I'm okay with being by myself, but I do miss my family.

They way I ended up here is not that long of a story, but it's a story that I remeber the most. Yet want to forget all the same...

When I was 7 years old there was a robbery at my house, and  the robber was arrmed. We were all asleep when we heard a loud sound from down stairs, my parent went to go check what was going on and told me to stay upstairs. Me being a curious, confused 2nd grader I went down stairs to see my umma being held at gun point...

"UMMA!!!" I ran towards my umma but my appa stopped me, I looked up to see he also had tears in his eyes.

"Please! We'll give you everything we have just don't hurt us! Please!" He started franticaly reasoning with the masked criminal.


"I promise we'll stay quiet and you can just take what ever you want and all of our money!" 

"You're lying" he said dangerously, and he pulled the trigger.



My appa ran to the crumpled body of my mother, "SoYoung...please don't leave us...STAY WITH US!!!" He fell to the ground and began to sob.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!" My appa got up and punched the man in the face with all his might, but that guy was strong and got back up and also shot my appa.

By now I was kneeled on the floor crying hard, and I was becoming weak. I felt a shadow loom over me. As the gun was held to my head the door burst open,

"DROP YOUR WEAPON!! AND GET DOWN WITH YOUR HAND BEHIND YOUR HEAD!!!!" Yelled the police officer that was called when our neighbours heard the gun shots.


After my parents death I went to go live with my aunt, I had lived there for 5 years all ready. One Saturday evening I was lounging around waiting for my aunt to come home from work so we could eat dinner together, when the phone rang,

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Is this Shin Soyi?" Questioned the man on the other end.

"Yes, who may I ask is speaking?" I asked politely to the man.

"I'm very sorry to say, but your aunt has just got in to a car accident and was pesumed dead on the spot" he replied solemnly.

I became weak and fainted on the living room floor. When I came to I was in the hospital.

*What happened* I then remembered the phone call that I had just recieved and began to cry into my hands, all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I followed the arm up to see who was there I saw a kind looking woman wearing a blazer.

"Soyi-sshi, Hello I'm Mrs. Kim. I'm a social worker, I'm sorry about your loss, but now that you don't have a gaurdian you have to go to an orphanage. Don't worry I'll be there for you and the care taker of the house is an old friend of mine, she's very kind." She said in a soft, gentle voice and gave me a small smile which I returned slightly while still crying rivers.


Ever since that day 4 years ago I've been here in the orphanage, its not a bad place like you read about where there is a warden that punishes the children. It's actually quite nice with the garden in the front, and the large inside of the house. There weren't many people that lived here maybe 20 girls (it's an all girls orphanage). There were 6 rooms in the house, two in the basement, the care taker Mrs. Jung's room on the middle floor, and three rooms on the top floor. The one at the end of the hallway was the room that I shared with three other girls, one of the girls being Yumi she's like my personal alarm clock.

Being the oldest girl in the house I helped clean every one up after breakfast, after that all of us just went to do our own things. The younger girls were in the playroom dressing barbies, and the otheres were just talking and playing hand games, while I was sitting in my favourite spot: The window bench seat by the front door to the house

I sat ther and just looked out the window not really thinking about anythin in particular, when I saw a small silver car pull up to the house.

*Who are they? Probably here to adopt one of the younger girls* Thought as I continued to look out the window.


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Chapter 20: Zelo's so cute~^-^

Thank you for the update!
LOL I feel so bad for her. I don't know how she'll survive. XD

I like reading the author's notes.
lightninglily #3
I love this story ^^ Good work! Update soon please ~
its about time you updated unnie ;)
sslater #5
Love your story. keep going
YOU BETTER CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
wow your story is really good so far:)
keep up the good work and update faster please^-^