He's back..!!

I can be loyal

It's been days since Jinwoon and I started dating,things have been going better than I could imagine. Today,Jinwoon told me,he couldn't drive me to school cos he have a family thingy to do. So,since Hyae Sung and Hye Mi don't have class today. I'm left all alone to go to school but I didn't mind. Finally I decided to take the bus. I walked to the bus stop and wait for the bus. Getting bored waiting for the bus,I put on my headphones and played some music in my iPod. 

Then I saw Khun's car,I tried to hide my face. I looked down, knowing Khun; I know he's gonna make me came to school with him..but I wasn't ready to face him,even if I am ready,I don't know how to. Everything between us had became more awkward then I could imagine. Unfortunately,he saw me and there's no used in hiding. He stop his car and got off. I was still pretending I didn't saw him. He sat next to me and looked at me,  I turned my head around and look at him. He smiled and pulled one of my headphone.

KHUN : "Found you..."

YOU : "You're looking for me..?"

KHUN : "Yeah.. I know that Hyae Sung,Hye Mi and Jinwoon don't have class.. So,I thought you might be alone.."

YOU : "Oh..it's okey.. I'll just wait for the bus.."

KHUN : "Don't be silly.."

He grab my hands and pulled me to his car..

YOU : "It's fine. I'm sure the bus gonna be here in a few minutes.."

KHUN : "No,it's not. You already miss the bus 30 minutes ago.."

He's right..!! But I don't wanna go to school with him.. It's awkward..! But he wouldn't take "no" as a answer. 

KHUN : "Come on...plesss...just this once..."

Aww.. I miss those words.. How I used to hate it back then.. but now I kinda miss it..  I smiled back and nooded..

KHUN : "I knew you would say yes.. You can't resist my cute face..right..?"

I smacked his head..

YOU : "You never changed a bit.. Always full of yourself.."

KHUN : "You love it.."

YOU : "Such a kid.."

I miss this.. Our conversation.. I just felt like it was yesterday that we're best friends.. 

Suddenly my phone is ringing,I look and it a text from Jinwoon..and immediately that lighten my day up. Ever since we started dating,I always feel like I'm living a fairytale. Jinwoon meant a lot to me,he is the only that can control my emotions. He manage to make me happy,giggle,blush,embarassed and he never let me drop one tears. I was busy texting him that I didn't even realize Khun's looking at me..

KHUN : "Who are you texting..? Why all the sudden you're happy..?"

YOU : "It's Jinwoon."

KHUN : "Are you two dating..?"

YOU : "Yes..he's my boyfriend.."

KHUN : "Are you happy..?"

YOU : "Very much..you have no idea.."

KHUN : "Good then.. I'm happy for you.."

YOU : "Thanks.."



I called Hyae Sung today asking if she needs my ride but she told me that she doesn't have any class today.

HYAE SUNG : "I don't have class today.. I told you that yesterday..so,I'm fine.."

KHUN : "Oh..okey then.. What about ___..?"

HYAE SUNG : "She have class.."

KHUN : "Do she need a ride..?"

HYAE SUNG : "She already left. Why are you asking..?"

KHUN : "Nothing.. Maybe she need my ride. How is she by the way..?"

HYAE SUNG : "She's really happy.. I never saw her happy like this.. Wait..!! Something is fishy here.."

KHUN : "What..? I'm just asking.."

HYAE SUNG : "What do you have planned..? You want her back..?"

KHUN : "N--o..no..no.."

HYAE SUNG : "Such a bad liar.. Look Khun..I'm on your side..so,if you really want her,make it fast before she's completely inlove with Jinwoon.."

KHUN : "You really think soo..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Yeah..I bet she still have even a little feelings left for you.. So,hurry up and get her.."

KHUN : "Thanks cousin..!! You're the best.."

Do I really want her back..? I mean yes,I miss her but what about Eunjae..? I love Eunjae,at least I think soo. She's not really fun to be around. Everytime we hang around,she will always have interest into different things than me. She's different than me but does that meant we can't be together..?? Different peoples can date each other right..? But why did it felt like I'm her assistant when I'm with her but when I'm with ____,I didn't even see other peoples around us. I can only see her.. AISH..!! What the hell is this..?

Then I saw a girl on the bus stop,that's her. I knew it,I knew her clothes. That what she wore when we went to shopping for Hye Mi gift. I looked at my neck and hold the necklace she gave me. I wonder if she still wear it. I stopped the car and sat next to her. She seems like she's avoiding me. Finally she look at me. Those eyes.. How I miss them soo much..?

KHUN : "Come on...plesss...just this once..."

I wonder if this still work on her.. She used to agreed to everything if I was begging for her.. She said yes..!! She still like before.. Havent changed a bit..

KHUN : "I knew you would say yes.. You can't resist my cute face..right..?"

She smacked my head.. Indeed.,she haven't changed. She still like smacking peoples.. I miss it,I know I used to complaint if she smacked me but somehow I kinda miss it too..

YOU : "You never changed a bit.. Always full of yourself.."

KHUN : "You love it.."

YOU : "Such a kid.."

After seeing how happy she is with Jinwoon. I kinda felt jealous a little bit. I wonder if she that happy when she's with me. You know when we were fake dating. I still remember the night on our trip,when I came to her room and she hugged me like I'm her pillow. How much I miss hugging her and the feeling I get when she hugged me. Was she happy when she dated me..? She was perfect,if you asked me. She's a noona when I'm in need, she's a friend when I'm at my worst,she's a girlfriend when I need love. She's my perfect angel.

I was supposed to be happy cos she's happy. Right..? But why do I felt angry to myself..? Why do I want to be in Jinwoon shoe..? Why does it bugs me that he make her happy and not me..? Now I'm wondering about my feelings towards her. I still remember how much my heart aches when I saw her and Jinwoon together. First at the hospital,she was blowing his eyes. Her hands were on his cheek,holding him,not long ago it was me on his position. I was the one that she took care. and then at school. When he got an "A",she wrapped her legs around him. That almost killed me,I can't control myself until I pulled her away from him. It's not that I hate Jinwoon,but I can't stand that he make her happy. I want to be the one who make her happy. WAIT..!! What has gotten in to me..?? Aish..!!

I miss her really much.. Maybe later I'll take her out like the old days. I miss hanging out with her.. I just have to used my aegyo to make her said yes.

KHUN : "____..?"

YOU : "Mmm.. what..?"

KHUN : "Wanna hang later..?"

YOU : "Hang out..? With you..?"

KHUN : "Of cos with me.. Want..?"

YOU : "I don't know.."

KHUN : "Plesssss........."

I used my puppy eyes.. I wonder if this would work..

YOU : "That's not gonna work on me Khun.."

KHUN : "Pretty plesss..........."

What about this then...??

YOU : "Nope.. Ain't working.."

KHUN : "Pretty pretty pretty pretty plessssssssss........................."

I'm sure this would worked.. 

YOU : "FINE..!!"

KHUN : "I know it would work... Thanks babe.."

Oopps..!! I called her babe.. I just hope she didn't heard it..

YOU : "Babe..?? YAHH KHUN..!! You're not my boyfriend.."

Why did it hurt me when she said I'm not her boyfriend..?

KHUN : "Mianhae.. Old habit hard to kill.."

YOU : "Okey.. don't do that again.."

KHUN : "Nae..mianhae.."

I can't call her babe..? It's okey.. At least,I had a date with her.. Let's see if she still have the slightest feelings for me..


P.S Blue word = talking in the phone


Do you want you & khun to be lovey-dovey..?

Or playfull..? Tell me what you want.. <3


Ples subscribe to this story.. now I have 39 subscriber.. Let see if we can have 40 subscriber.. <3

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People been asking for me to write a sequel..but the thing is, I have tried to write a sequel before this but somehow my mind always went blank..So,mianhae.!


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Chapter 42: loved it omg Khunnie oppa rocks
Chapter 30: I want to be lovey-dovey with khun
Chapter 29: I want nichkhun come crawling back
Saemiy #4
Chapter 42: T.T
It didnt end the way i thought and hoped to be.
But im happy for all of them.
Though i never put my self in YOU position. It is really sweet ad unpredictable one, really exciting to read your stories.

Hope you will make more 2AM fanfics^^
Saemiy #5
Chapter 35: Oh my god. This chapter is soooooo exciting. My heart was beating fast while reading.
I'll keep reading till finished
Saemiy #6
Chapter 28: This chapter is very sweet.
Omoooko. I really love the you you describe Jinwoon.
Chapter 42: This story is daebak!!! But i feel sad tho cause its not Jinwoon who she ended up with :-( kekeke
Chapter 21: Finally Jinwoon enter the scene, ive been waiting for him for ages! Lol kidd anw great story author-nim! :D
Acgoo1999 #9
Chapter 42: Love it!! Sequel is needed.. ^^
Chapter 42: I am in love with this story.....<3