Still hurts but I'll get through..

I can be loyal


Another school day.. Usually I love going to school but somehow this day I just wasn't in mood to go to school. I wasn't ready to see Khun & Eunjae together,I don't wanna be in pain again. Jinwoon insisted that starting today,he'll be my personal driver. Usually I go to school with Khun but since everything got very awkward between me & him. So,I had to agree with Jinwoon. I already got ready and I walked out of my room. Hyae Sung was in the kitchen, I heard her calling my name.

HYAE SUNG : "_____..!!"

YOU : "Nae..!! I'm coming."

HYAE SUNG : "Here have some cereal."

YOU : "Thanks..!!"

I heard a knock on the door and I stood and opened it. When I opened the door,it was Hye Mi and Jinwoon. Hye Mi hugged me and went to the kitchen. Jinwoon look at me for a while and I gave him a smile. He smiled back and gave me a big & tight hug. I can't even breath bcos of his hug.

YOU : "Oppa..can't breath.."

JINWOON : "Mianhae my little angel."

YOU : "'re just too cute."

HYE MI : " two are just  too cute."

HYAE SUNG : "So,are two together now..?"

Jinwoon was about to answer but I hit his stomach lightly.

YOU : "No. we're not."

JINWOON : "Soon....."

HYE MI : "Good Luck Jinwoon. I knew you cared about her."

HYAE SUNG : "Come on.,we gotta go."

JINWOON : "Let's go girls..!!"

We walked out and got in his car. I sat on the front while Hye Mi and Hyae Sung sat on the back. When we arrived at the parking lot,I saw Khun getting out of the car with Eunjae. Jinwoon must have saw my reaction,he hold my hands which shock me. I look at him,he smiled and said "be brave". I squeeze his hands and smiled back. We got out of the car and Khun and Eunjae were walking towards us.Jinwoon stood next to me and this time I'm the one who hold his hands. Jinwoon was smiling when he realize that I'm the one who hold his hands. 

EUNJAE : "Hi all."

We all replied her and just keep a smile on our faces. Khun look at my hands holding Jinwoon. I tried to avoid any kind of eye contact with him.

KHUN : "So..?? ____..?"

YOU : "Mm..nae."

KHUN : "What's your first class..?"

YOU : "Maths. Why..?"

KHUN : "Oh,.good. I wanna walked you to your class. We got a lot to catching up to do."

YOU : "Oh. It's fine. Jinwoon oppa said he'll walked me to my class since his class is just besides my maths class."

JINWOON : "Yeah. I don't wanna burden you. Plus you should take care of Eunjae first."

EUNJAE : "Yeah baby. Walked me to my class,.okey..?"

KHUN : "But your class is soo far."

EUNJAE : " PRETTY PLEASE..!! I love you....."

KHUN : "Okey. Fine. I love you too."

OUCH..!! A knife just stab me in my heart.

HYAE SUNG : "Let's go."

We walked to our own directions. When I arrive at my class,I thanked Jinwoon and got in my class. My whole classmate looking at me. I sat next to my friend,Hannah.

HANNAH : "Last week,it was Khun now it's Jinwoon. YAHH..!! You're a real player."

YOU : "BWOH..?? No,no,no. It's not like that. Jinwoon is my friend. Plus Khun and me are done."

HANNAH : "I know I heard he's with that arrogant Eunjae."

YOU : "Arrogant..? Why would you said that..?"

HANNAH : "Haven't you heard she's been telling people that you're just fake dating with Khun and he never loved you. He just used you."

YOU : "It's true but I'm the one who want to help him. He didn't used me."

HANNAH : "So,you're really fake dating with Khun..?"

YOU : "Mmm.. It's true..but why did she have to said he never loved me and just used me. That kinda sounds harsh."

HANNAH : "You haven't heard the worst part. She said that there's no way a guy like Khun would go for a girl like you."

YOU : "That ..!! In front of she act all innocent,at my back she stabbing me."

HANNAH : "What are you gonna do..?"

YOU : "Nothing. It's not my business..but if she cross the line again. I'll rip her head off."

HANNAH : "Geez..relax girl. You're scaring me."

YOU : "Sorry,.I've been stress in this couple days."

HANNAH : "Okey. Let's just study."

YOU : "Nae."

As my maths class about to ended, I saw Jinwoon waving at me from the outside. I just laugh and stuck out my tounge. When the class is over,I say my goodbye to my friend and walk out. I walked along with Jinwoon to the cafeteria and sat on our usual table. I was sitting next to Jinwoon and then Khun & Eunjae came,they were hugging. Damn it..!! Why does it still hurt..? I just tried to acted normal and then I saw them kissed. OK..!! KILL ME NOW..!! 

Jinwoon must have seen I'm hurting. As usual he hold my hands and smiled at me.

JINWOON : "Ignore it. It's not worth it."

It's true..!! It is not worth it.

YOU : "You're right,oppa. I will."

I looked at Jinwoon hands holding my hands and smiled. I really am lucky. Jinwoon has been nothing but nice to me. He never make me sad. He always make me happy and always there to comfort me. Then,Jinwoon looked at me.

JINWOON : "Gwenhana..?"

YOU : "HUH..?? Mm.. I'm fine."

JINWOON : "_____-ah..??"

YOU : "Yeah.. What's wrong..?"

JINWOON : "You know I at maths right..?"

YOU : "Yeah but I thought you were improving on it and taking extra class."

JINWOON : "But I still can't do it. So, I was thinking....."

YOU : "What were you thinking..?"

JINWOON : "Since you're good in maths.."

YOU : "Fine. I'll tutor you but on one condition."

JINWOON : "Sure. What..?"

YOU : "You gotta cook for me.. I miss your cooking."

JINWOON : "Deal..!!"

YOU : "Deal."

We shake hands and then Jinwoon kiss me on the cheek which suprised me. I was about to say something and then I was cut by Khun. Of cos..!!! 

KHUN : "YAHH...!! JINWOON..!! You can't do that..!!! It's school."

JINWOON : "Why not..? You kissed Eunjae..but you don't hear me whining and complaining."

YOU : "It's okey Khun. It's not a big deal."

KHUN : "How could you said it fine..?"

YOU : "He's just too cute for me to be mad."

JINWOON : "Aww..gomawo angel."

KHUN : "____. Come here."

Khun grabbed me and force me to come with him. Jinwoon was about to stood up and I looked at him and said it's fine. I wanna get this done. 

KHUN : "What's going on with you and Jinwoon..?"

YOU : "What is it to you..?"

KHUN : "I have the right to know."

YOU : "Excuse me..!! You have the RIGHT to know..? Did you know what have you done to me..? Do you know how miserable I am..? Do know how much pain you cause me..? And now you said you have the right to know..?"

KHUN : "I know I hurt you. I'm sorry."

YOU : "Keep your sorry. I don't need it. Sorry won't make anything better. I gave you a chance and you took advantage of it. So,now you're only my friend. About my personal life is none of your business."

KHUN : "What did you see in him..? He's nothing special."

YOU : "You must be blind. Jinwoon is the most caring,kind and perfect. He always been there for me when you throw me away. When you hurt me,he heal me. He's everything I need now."

KHUN : "That's all..? I'm better."

YOU : "You're better..? WOW..!! Arrogant..! You & Eunjae are perfect for each other. You're both shallow,judge a person immediately and arrogant. Congrats..!! Enjoy your life together. Ples don't include me."

I walked away from him. WOW..!! That felt good. I think I'm done with him. I walked back to the cafeteria and Khun soon followed me. He look upset and I don't give a damn. I said all I wanna said to him. That's all I care. I walked away with Hyae Mi since we have a class together before that Jinwoon told me that he want me to tutor tonight. I just agreed and gave him a hug then go to my next class.


I think it's time she move on.. right..??

Don't you think..? I'm kinda depressed if she stay like that always.. Life goes on...


Tell me what you think about this chapter.. <3


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People been asking for me to write a sequel..but the thing is, I have tried to write a sequel before this but somehow my mind always went blank..So,mianhae.!


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Chapter 42: loved it omg Khunnie oppa rocks
Chapter 30: I want to be lovey-dovey with khun
Chapter 29: I want nichkhun come crawling back
Saemiy #4
Chapter 42: T.T
It didnt end the way i thought and hoped to be.
But im happy for all of them.
Though i never put my self in YOU position. It is really sweet ad unpredictable one, really exciting to read your stories.

Hope you will make more 2AM fanfics^^
Saemiy #5
Chapter 35: Oh my god. This chapter is soooooo exciting. My heart was beating fast while reading.
I'll keep reading till finished
Saemiy #6
Chapter 28: This chapter is very sweet.
Omoooko. I really love the you you describe Jinwoon.
Chapter 42: This story is daebak!!! But i feel sad tho cause its not Jinwoon who she ended up with :-( kekeke
Chapter 21: Finally Jinwoon enter the scene, ive been waiting for him for ages! Lol kidd anw great story author-nim! :D
Acgoo1999 #9
Chapter 42: Love it!! Sequel is needed.. ^^
Chapter 42: I am in love with this story.....<3