Oppa help me move on...

I can be loyal

Today I'm about to discharged from the hospital,as usual Jinwoon oppa is with me and Hyae Sung plus Hye Mi are here to with me. Jinwoon oppa help me with my bag while Hye Mi carried all my "get well soon" gift. Hyae Sung was 24/7 on my side holding my hands. 

As we got out of the hospital,it soo happen that Khun & Eunjae are coming towards us. Jinwoon look at me and his hands slowly hold mine and he squezee my hands. By that single action,I already knew what he want me to do and this time,he want me to be brave. Just accept the fact that their are together. They came up to me and Eunjae give me a hug.

EUNJAE : "Are you okey...?"

YOU : "Yeah. I'm fine."

KHUN : "Do you need a ride..?"

JINWOON : "No. It's okey. She's coming with me but you can take Hye Mi and Hyae Sung with you."

HYAE SUNG : "If it's okey with you Khun..?"

KHUN : "I don't mind."

HYE MI : "What about these gift,___..?"

YOU : "Let me hold it."

JINWOON : "No,no,no. I'll carry these."

YOU : "Oppa,you're carrying too much stuff already."

JINWOON : "You just got out of the hospital. I don't want to see in it again just after 5 minutes being discharged."

EUNJAE : "Aww..Jinwoon is such a gentleman. You two should be together."

Then Khun started laughing on his own. We looked at him and he immediately stopped.

KHUN : "What..?? The two of them together..? Impossible."

HYE MI : "There's no such thing is impossible in this world."

HYAE SUNG : "Yeah,I mean who knows what could happen. Plus Jinwoon had been soo nice with her. He stayed with her all this time."

EUNJAE : "Yeah..plus they look cute together. Like a perfect couple. Like us baby."

WOW..!! Really in front of me..? Why didn't you just stab me..?

Me & Jinwoon just stay silent. We looked at each other and smile. I don't really wanna get into it.

JINWOON : "Okey. Come on _____,let's go."

YOU : "Nae oppa."

KHUN : "Wait..!! Wait..!! Oppa..? Why do you called him that..?"

JINWOON : "Why is it against the law..?"

KHUN : "Not really but I wanna know why..?"

EUNJAE : "Why you wanna know soo bad,baby..? That's probably their nickname for each other."

YOU : "Nae. We gotta go."

KHUN : "Have you eat yet..?"

Why can't you just let me go..!!!?? Take care of her not me. She's important I'm not.

JINWOON : "We'll go somewhere. Wanna go there..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Yah..? Go where..?"

YOU : "Where oppa..?"

JINWOON : "Our place. Last time,I brought it for you but you didn't eat it."

YOU : "Really..? Yes,I'm hungry oppa."

HYE MI : "Can we come..?"

JINWOON : "No. It's our place."

HYAE SUNG : "YAHH..!! Jinwoon oppa..!! Please Oppa..!!"

Begging Jinwoon to take her. I just stood besides Jinwoon and started laughing.

JINWOON : "Stop calling me oppa..!! Only 1 person can call me oppa."

He look at me and smile. I smiled back and they were all annoyed.

EUNJAE : "Only _____..?"

JINWOON : "Nae. Only her."

I looked at all of them slowly and I could see Khun is uncomfortable with me & Jinwoon sudden affection. But I didn't care,Did he think being around him and Eunjae is easy for me..? I tried to hold back my tears. I tried my damn best not to care about him but it never work. I just keep holding Jinwoon hands. Trying to find comfort from him.

YOU : "Khun,you still haven't brought Hyae Sung her food. You know after you betryal me,Hyae Sung..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Yeah. Now we got a new victim. Khunnie..!! Food..!! You promise me."

KHUN : "Fine. I'll treat you."

HYE MI : "Me too..!!"

EUNJAE : "Me three baby."

KHUN : "ARA..!! Come on. 3 of you. In my car now..!!"

HYAE SUNG : "Why do I feel like you're mad..??" 

Hyae Sung said sarcasticlly at Khun. Khun just rolled his eyes.

KHUN : "Want food or not..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Of cos. I want."

JINWOON : "Bye guys."

KHUN : "Bye ____."

YOU : "Bye."

I guess that "bye" means no more you,Khun. I'll try my best damn to forget us. Moving on is hard but it's the right thing to do. I can't hurt myself for something that wouldn't happen. You belong with Eunjae and she deserve you. We have nothing now. Absolute nothing. Loving you is just too painful Khun. It's like reaching for the stars. Stars are nice when you look from far but getting there is too hard. Just like our situation.

I looked at Jinwoon oppa and smile. He's just too sweet. I didn't know why I haven't noticed him. He's always been my best friend. I just hope he can help me. He is always there when I need a hand,he always been there holding out his hands. I just never took his hands. This time,I'll give this a try. 

Oppa help me move on...!! 

JINWOON : "Let's go."

YOU : "Nae oppa."



Keep those comment and suggestion coming.. <3

I'll try my hardest to use all of yours ideas..


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People been asking for me to write a sequel..but the thing is, I have tried to write a sequel before this but somehow my mind always went blank..So,mianhae.!


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Chapter 42: loved it omg Khunnie oppa rocks
Chapter 30: I want to be lovey-dovey with khun
Chapter 29: I want nichkhun come crawling back
Saemiy #4
Chapter 42: T.T
It didnt end the way i thought and hoped to be.
But im happy for all of them.
Though i never put my self in YOU position. It is really sweet ad unpredictable one, really exciting to read your stories.

Hope you will make more 2AM fanfics^^
Saemiy #5
Chapter 35: Oh my god. This chapter is soooooo exciting. My heart was beating fast while reading.
I'll keep reading till finished
Saemiy #6
Chapter 28: This chapter is very sweet.
Omoooko. I really love the you you describe Jinwoon.
Chapter 42: This story is daebak!!! But i feel sad tho cause its not Jinwoon who she ended up with :-( kekeke
Chapter 21: Finally Jinwoon enter the scene, ive been waiting for him for ages! Lol kidd anw great story author-nim! :D
Acgoo1999 #9
Chapter 42: Love it!! Sequel is needed.. ^^
Chapter 42: I am in love with this story.....<3