Chapter 14

I can be loyal

When I woke up, I'm already on my bed with Khun sleeping next to me. His hands were on my waist. Why do he always do that..? I looked back and Khun is already awake. He keep looking at me and then said....

KHUN : "Morning Sunshine.."

YOU : "Morning. What time is it..?"

KHUN : "It's 8 am. Don't worry school don't in a few hours."

YOU : "How long  have you been staring at me..?"

KHUN : "About half an hour. Wae..?"

YOU : "You're such a creeper."

KHUN : "You look soo calm when you sleep."

YOU : "What did you expect me to look like..?"

KHUN : "I don't know. Maybe some snore."

YOU : "I snore..?"

KHUN : "No. Not really."

YOU : "Get out. I need to shower."

KHUN : "Can I joined..?"

YOU : "ERT..!! You wanna die..?" *I started hiting him*

KHUN : "I was just kiding..!! Stop hiting me..!!"

YOU : "You do that again,I'll kick your ."

KHUN : "Nae,Mianhee.. Go ahead and take shower. We need to go at my home cos I need to change."

YOU : "Nae,get out now."

Khun got out of my room and I took a shower. Then I changed into a floral print dress,covered myself with a jacket and wore a sneakers.

I got out of my room and Khun was watching tv.

YOU : "Come on. Let's go."

KHUN  : "Wah~~ I like the dress but I love the sneakers."

YOU : "Gomawo."

KHUN : "Come on. I need to change."

YOU : "Nae."

We walked out and drove to his house. I waited for him outside at the living room and he came out SHIRTLESS..!! DAMNIT KHUN..!! WHY DO YOU THAT..??!!!

He walked out of the his room,not wearing any shirts. He just wore his jeans and walked passed me.

KHUN : "I'm gonna go shower. Okey..?"

YOU : "N--ae.,nae."

KHUN : "You okey..?"

Hell no..!! I'm about to have a nosebleed here. Just looking at 6-pack abs make me nervous.

YOU : "Ye--ah.,faster. We don't have much time."

KHUN : "What do you mean we still have an hour..?"

YOU : "We have eaten our breakfast yet. Hurry up..! I'm hungry."

KHUN : "Okey. I'll be fast."

He ran to the bathroom and OH MY GOD,.I was relief.. Thank god,I didn't embarrassed myself. I looked around his house and I notice he hang up a few recent photos. I looked around and say the photo of him and me when we were on the library studying for the mid-term. We were sitting down at the corner and he got bored,and started to take a bunch of photo.

There was when we (Hyae Sung,Hye Mi,Jiwoon,Me and Him) went for a bowling games. I still remember it like it was just yesterday,we were a pair and Hyae Sung,Hye Mi and Jiwoon were on the same team. After ruthless of round,me & Khun won against the three of them. Then at that time I realize our friendship is too important, I love having him around me soo much that I couldn't screw this up by telling him about my feelings. I knew how Khun is,if he doesn't fell comfortable with someone,he'll started to avoid them. If I told him about my feelings towards him.,he'll sure feel uncomfortable with me. I don't want that happen to us. I cared about him too much to screw this up. I WON'T TELL HIM..!! I'm re-asure myself that it's the right thing to do.

KHUN : "You okey..?"

YOU : "Nae."

KHUN : "What are you looking at..?"

YOU : "This. I still remember it."

KHUN : "Yeah. You're my best bowling partner ever. If we joined olympics,we sure will win."

YOU : "It was soo much fun. YAHH..!! Pali..! I'm hungry."

KHUN : "Nae,nae,nae.."

He got out off his room and we head down to the parking lot. We drove to this little bakery place that we always went to. I still remember how we found out about that place. We were walking around the streets looking for a birthday gift fo Hye Mi. I remember that along the streets they sold cute,girly and pink stuff for girls. And they also sold some antique jewerly.


At first our intention was to buy Hye Mi birthday gift but we ended up buying for each other. I saw this necklace that looked like puzzle and had written best friends on it. I brought it,at first I decided to gave it Hyae Sung but Khun want it. So,I gave him the part that said "friends" and I took the part that said "best"

Khun then brought me a charm bracelet. One of the charm that I love the most is when it got  "A dream is a wish your <3 makes" written on it. I love it that until today I'm still wearing it.

Then,I saw this necklace which perfectly suit for the both of us. There's two of them,one of it had writings on it that said "I am your shadow" and the others is "I am your light". Khun & I decided that he'll took "I am your shadow" bcos he's always been behind my back like a shadow supporting me through my hard time. I took the "I am you light" bcos Khun said that everytime he got lost,I'm the light that always direct him to the right paths.

Khun couldn't help himself. He said it's not fair that I brought him 2 jewerly and he want to be even. He saw this key chain fo phones.

KHUN : "This is perfect..!!"

YOU : "Mickey mouse..? I'm not 10 anymore."

KHUN : "But looked... it had "I need you" written on it. AND I DO NEED YOU."

YOU : "Aww.. that's cute..and it's a perfect fit."

KHUN : "Just like us. You're my perfect half. I'm buying this. Arasso..?"

YOU : "Arasso..!!"


YOU : "You still remember..?"

KHUN : "Oh.. of cos. When we went on crazy-shopping-mode."

YOU : "Do you still have the necklace I gave..?"

KHUN : "I'm still wearing it. What about you..?" *He pulled the necklace out*

YOU : "Me..? Well~~,it kinda.."

KHUN : "You lost it. Didn't you..?"

I stay silent and looked at him.

KHUN : "How could you lost it..? That's improtant for me. That's my first gift to you."

YOU : "I was just kiding. See..? I still got it." *I showed him the necklace,I still wear it on my neck.*

KHUN : "The mickey mouse keychain..?"

YOU : "It's here. On my phone. You..?"

KHUN : "I have it on my phone too. Taec always makes fun of me for having a mickey mouse keychain but it's too important for me."

YOU : "That's very sweet of you." *I pinch his cheeks.*

KHUN : "Let's go in. What do you want..? Croissant..?"

YOU : "Nae.. You want blueberry muffin. Right..?"

KHUN : "Nae. Of cos."

He put his arms around me and we walked in. We brought a few extra for the rest but the ahjumma said that the croissant is gonne be done in 15 minutes. So,Khun decided that we should stay and wait for it. We order hot chocolate coco and wait for the croissant. 

KHUN : "We should go here oftten."

YOU : "Yeah. It's cozy here."

KHUN : "One day,I'll bring Eunjae here. This place is perfect for romantic dates."

WHY..?? WHY..?? WHY..?? RELAX ___.. Don't think about it..!!

YOU : "Nae."

AHJUMMA : "The croissant is ready."

YOU : "Let's go. Gomawo ahjumma."

AHJUMMA : "You're welcome. You two should come more often for your dates in here."

YOU : "We're not together ahjumma. He's my chingu. CHINGU."

AHJUMMA : "Ah~~ Mianhee."

KHUN : "Gwenchana ahjumma."

I walked out and we drove to school. The whole trip he keep talking about Eunjae,I just nooded and smile. In my head the word "OUR FRIENDSHIP IS WAY IMPORTANT" keep spinning around my head. We arrive at school,I went on my ways and so did he. The minute we parted way,I sighed a sign of relief. I'm soo done with this whole Eunjae thing. 

When I was on my class,my phone keep buzzing. I looked at my phone and saw Khun texting me,I just ignored him. I didn't really wanna go through this again. During lunch,I'll always wait for him on my locker but this time,I went to the cafeteria on my own. I saw the others on our table and I walk towards them.

HYAE SUNG : "Where's Khun..?"

YOU : "I don''t know. Wae..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Aren't you two always have lunch together..?"

YOU : "Oh,.I don't I'm just too hungry to wait for him."

HYAE SUNG : "Oh. well come. sit down."

Then I saw Khun coming towards us with Taec & Woo. He look upset and I'm soo dead fo not waiting him.

KHUN : "Why have you reply my text..?"

YOU : "I was studying and why are you soo mad..?"

KHUN : "What now..? Your studies is more important than me..? Your boyfriend..?"

WHY IS HE SNAPPING ABOUT..? There's no need for this drama.

YOU : "How am I supposed to tell you that when I'm busy studying..?"

KHUN : "And why didn't you wait for me..? We always go to lunch together. ALWAYS..!!"

HYAE SUNG : "Guys,I think you 2 need to calm down. People are staring."

YOU : "I'm sorry. I know I should have told you."

KHUN : "No,I'm sorry for snapping at you for no reason."

He hugged me and kiss me on the cheek.

KHUN : "Mianhee jagiya."

YOU : "Nae."

We made up and sat down. We spent our time like always. He drove me and Hyae Sung home. And that night,I laid on my bed,thinking to myself how long do I have to suffer..? I shouldn't never agreed at the first time,this is a mistake. Then Hyae Sung came up to me.

HYAE SUNG : "You still thinking about the fight..?"

YOU : "No,it's not about that."

HYAE SUNG : "____,don't screw this up. I know you love Khun and Khun love you too but if you 2 continued fighting,it won't be good for your relationship."

YOU : "Do you think Khun really love me..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Of cos. If he doesn't you two wouldn't be dating right now."

Oh yeah..!! She didn't about my deal with Khun.

YOU : "How could you tell..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Have you seen how he was mad just bcos you didn't reply his text..? How he looked at you,How he looked when he's with you. Honestly,this is the first real,honest and pure relationship that he's been in. You really changed him and I can see by the way you dress,he changed you too."

YOU : "Nae. I won't screw this up too."

HYAE SUNG : "Alright then. Go to sleep."

YOU : "Nae.,gomawo for the advice."

HYAE SUNG : "It's nothing."

She walked out of my room and left me at my room questioning about Khun & Me. Is what Hyae Sung saw was Khun acting or is he for real happy with me..? I just couldn't figure out about all of this. It seems like everynight I spent tine thinking about us. This has gone too much.. I should stop analizing everything. If he like me,he'll tell and he haven't told me anything. So,he's just not that into me.

Thank god today I don't have class today. At least I can have some time to relax and clam myself or so I thought.. I was just done taking shower when I saw my phone buzzing. I looked at my phone and already have 7 message and 5 miscall from KHUN..!!! I read his text.

KHUN : "Morning sweetie."

KHUN : "You don't have class today right..?"

KHUN : "Why aren't you replying my text..?"

KHUN : "Hello..? Are you sleeping..?"

KHUN : "Are you okey..? Are you sick or something..?"

KHUN : "Answer my call,babe..!!"


Then,he called again. This time I answered it.

KHUN : "What the heck..!! Why didn't you answered..?"

YOU : "I was taking a shower and stop yelling at me..!!"

KHUN : "Oh,mianhee.. I didn't knew."

YOU : "Next time make sure what's their reason before you scold them..!!"

KHUN : "Nae..mianhee.. What are you doing today..?"

YOU : "Wae..?"

KHUN : "Wanna go on trip with me..? It's just a 2 days trip."

YOU : "No,.I can't. I'm busy."

Usually I'll agree to any kind of trip but I just couldn't be alone with him. It's too hurtful being with him. I had to lie to him. I don't have any plans at all but I rather laid on my bed that spending time with him.

KHUN : "What..? That's unlike you. You usually love trips."

YOU : "I'm just busy. Sorry I can't."

KHUN : "Okey. I won't force you."

He hung up the phone and I was relieve. Thank god he believe me. I heard a knock on my door and it's Hyae Sung.

HYAE SUNG : "Do you have plans today..? Wanna go out..?"

YOU : "Sure. I'm free for the next 3 days. YAY..!! So,.happy."

HYAE SUNG : "Good. I'll tell you all about it later."

Then Khun called again and I answer the phone and he began screaming..

KHUN : "YOU LIE..!!!"

YOU : "Lie..? About..?"

KHUN : "You said you're busy but you told Hyae Sung you're free for 3 days."

YOU : "HYAE SUNG.........!!! HOW COULD YOU..!! Why did you tell him that I'm free..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Mm..sorry but he said if I told him. He'll treat me food."

YOU : "You betryal me for food..!!"


She ran out of my room and I remember Khun is still on the phone.

KHUN : "So..? You're coming..?"

YOU : "Us. ALONE..?"

KHUN : "Nae..the others have plans."

YOU : "Where..?"

KHUN : "Secret..!!"

YOU : "Can't we wait until everyone are free and then go on trip..?"

KHUN : "No,it can't wait. I already booked everything. I asked them months ago and they said they'll be free but now they cancel at last minute."

YOU : "I don't think I can. I have to study for my quiz."

KHUN : "Ples..!! Just this time. I'll help you with your studies later."

YOU : "But this quiz are really important to me."

KHUN : "I'll help I promise. PLES..!! Just this time.. I beg you..!! PLEASE..!!"

YOU : "Nae. Arasso. I'm in."

KHUN : "Great. Pack your stuff. I'll be there in 2 hours."

YOU : "Nae."

I started packing my stuff unwilingly. He got to my house and carry my bags for me. He started to drive,we talked with each other and this it wasn't awkwad bcos he didn't acted romantic with me. So,I felt more comfrotable this way. We arrive at the house,it was a small house with 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom. We spent the whole day preparing dinner,well he cook,I just choped things. It was fun as always when we both talked seems like there's always more to talked about.

YOU : "You never keep you promise."

KHUN : "Huh..? what are you talking about..?"

YOU : "You remember our first time shopping together..?"

KHUN : "Yeah."

YOU : "You said you would teach me how to cook."

KHUN : "You wanna learn..?"

YOU : "Nae. It's about time I learn how to cook."

KHUN : "Why..? Is there a guy want to cook for..?"

YOU : "I hope."

KHUN : "Come here. You need to chop this. Can you do it..?"

YOU : "I think soo."

KHUN : "Let me help you."

He hold my hands and slowly direct my hands to chop the vegetables. He still holding my hands but this time I chop it own my own. He rested his head on my shoulder..

KHUN : "You're a fast learner."

YOU : "Bcos I have the best teacher."

KHUN : "Of cos you do."

YOU : "There you go again."

KHUN : "What..?"

YOU : "I give a compliment and you need to brag didn't you..?"

KHUN : "hahaha,.you don't like it..?"

YOU : "Is not that I don't like it..but sometimes it's nice to be humble. even just a bit."

KHUN : "Nae.. I'll be more humble."

YOU : "Good."

He let go of me and began tasting his cooks.

KHUN : "____..? Come here."

YOU : "What..?"

KHUN : "Taste it."

YOU : "What is that..? Ketchup..?"

KHUN : "Mmm.. for the spaghetti..? Aaa.."

I tasted his ketchup and it taste good.

YOU : "Mm.. that's good. You can get marry now."

KHUN : "hahaha..really..?"

YOU : "Yeah,you'll make a great annoying husband."

KHUN : "Fine..I'll be your annoying husband."

After we're done cooking,we enjoy our own hard work. It sure is hard work for cos it's the first time I learn to cook.That night we have our dinner together and it feels like I'm on date with him bcos we're alone,talking and laughing like there's no tomorrow. 

Once we're done eating,we had a little fight about who's gonna clean the dishes. 

YOU : "Khun,let me do it."

KHUN : "No.. Let ME do it.."

YOU : "You already clean the dishes before. Now,I'll clean it."

KHUN : "Fine but I'm coming with you."

YOU : "Wae..? What soo interesting about cleaning the dishes..?"

KHUN : "When it's my wife cleaning,then it's interesting."

YOU : "WIFE..?? Did you bump your head on something..?"

KHUN : "Wae..? Can't I..? I'm your annoying husband and you're my can't-cook wife."

YOU : "YAHH..!! I can co---.. Oh.!! Who am I kidding.,fine..!! I'm the can't-cook wife."

KHUN : "You finally admit it."

YOU : "Whatever Khun."

KHUN : "I have 1-- no 2 request."

YOU : "What is it..?"

KHUN : "But first you need to said yes first."

YOU : "I'm not gonna say yes if you didn't tell me about it first."

KHUN : "Say yes first. Don't worry it's not over-the-top request. Say yes..!!"

YOU : "Okey. YES."

KHUN : "You promise..?"

YOU : "Promise."

KHUN : "Pinky promise..?"

YOU : "AISH..!! Nae,.pinky promise."

KHUN : "First,can we have movie night,.tonight..?"

YOU : "Sure."

KHUN : "Second.....ples I BEG YOU call me BABE...!!!!!"

YOU : "Again..? She's not here.. Why act..?"

KHUN : "It's not all about her.. Do you know that..? I just love hearing you called me babe. Just for this trip.. For 2 days only."

YOU : "But---"

KHUN : "You already pinky promise and you've said once that you never broke your promises."

YOU : "Well,this time. It's kinda unfair. You said it wasn't a over-the-top request."

KHUN : "Well,it's not. So,,what do you say..?? Plesss....!!!!!!!!!!!!"

YOU : "Fine. Babe."

KHUN : "OMO..!! That never sounded soo good unless it came out from your mouth."

YOU : "You really enjoying this.. aren't you..?"

KHUN : "Mmm..nae..!! You're done babe..?"

YOU : "Almost. Just one last dishes."

KHUN : "Okey. Done..!!"

YOU : "Nae,babe."

KHUN : "Let's watch some movie."

He lift me up in a bridal style,I wrapped my arms around his neck. This time,I didn't think. I don't care about he & Eunjae. I'm gonna enjoy this while I can. SCREW EVERYTHING..!! He put me down on the couch and we began picking what movie we're gonna watch. 

YOU : "Let's watch Paranormal Activity 3."

KHUN : "Are you crazy..!!?? We're alone here and you wanna watch the scariest movie ever.

YOU : "Are you scared or something..? baby is scared..?"

KHUN : "No..!! I'm not. We're gonna watch Something Borrowed."

YOU : "Something borrowed..? What is it about..?"

KHUN : "It's about this girl who have a crush on a guy that she knew from college but she never told him about her feelings. One day,they ended up on bed together but there's a catch. The guy that she love is engaged to her own best friends."

YOU : " wanna watch that..?"

KHUN : "Nae. Can we ples watch this..?? Pretty ples..!!"

YOU : "Arasso..!! We'll watch that."

We watched the movie and it all reminds me of my situation with Khun & Eunjae but I wasn't gonna let that happened again. I'm gonna enjoy every last minute that we still have while I can. I laid my heads on his shoulder and his arms are on my shoulder. Finally,I wrapped my hands around his waist,hugging me for dear life.

After the movie ended,Khun decided that he wanna watch this movie called "My Lost Valentine". The movie was soo touching it's about a woman who have waited every valentine's on the train station. The reason why she waited is because she's waiting for her husband. Her husband was declared to be MIA ( missing in action ) during the war. The truth came out when a journalist digs up the truth and found out what happen to the women's husband.

I'm not really an emotional person but when I watch this movie. I cried like waterfall,I looked up at Khun is cying also. He looked at me and laugh.

KHUN : "YAHH..!! Babe,.why are you crying..?"

YOU : "The movie was soo touching. She waited for him for years but it turns out he's dead already."

KHUN : "Aww.. don't cry. I don't wanna see my baby sad."

He hold both of my cheek and wipe my tears slowly. 

KHUN : "Don't cry. You're gonna make me cry."

YOU : "I can't help it."

KHUN : "Baby..don't."

He slowly leaned in and kiss me. I didn't know what have gotten into me but I started replying his kiss. 

KHUN : "Now do you feel better,babe..?"

YOU : "Mm.. thanks babe."

KHUN : "Anything for you babe."

I kissed him on the cheek,hugged him just like before and we continued watch the movie. After watching the movie,I felt sleepy already. So,I decided to go sleep.

YOU : "Babe,.I'm gonna go and sleep. Okey..?"

KHUN : "You're sleepy already..?"

YOU : "Mm.. I'm soo tired after traveling and cooking."

KHUN : "Okey. Then,sorry if I make you tired."

YOU : "What are you talking about..? I had soo much fun babe. Don't be sorry. Okey..?"

KHUN : "Jinjja..? You had fun..?"

YOU : "Yes. Soo much. Gomawo babe."

KHUN : "Okey. Go ahead and sleep. Night2."

YOU : "Nae..night2 too."

He kiss me on the lips and hugged me but he whisper something behind me. 

KHUN : "I love you,babe."

I heard it.,I'm 100% sure that's what he said. 

YOU : "I love you too babe."

KHUN : "What..? What did you just said..?"

YOU : "Nothing."

KHUN : "I heard something."

YOU : "I'm sure you heard it. Goodnight babe."

KHUN : "No,I wanna hear it again."

YOU : "If you can make me happy tomorrow. Maybe I'll tell you again."

KHUN : "Goodnight babe. Sweet dream."

YOU : "Night2.. Sweet dream too."

I was on my bed,laying and smiling to myself. I pretty sure I looked like a idiot,smiling to myself but today was the ( D ) most happiest day of my life. I couldn't sleep and I keep replaying the moment when we hugged and when we kissed.  I pretty sure  I was like this on my bed..

I tried to sleep again and then I heard the door open................


After copying all of this..

I realize that I make the LONGEST chapter..!!! ^^'

Thanks MimiMilada...!!! & My Loyal Readers..!!!

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People been asking for me to write a sequel..but the thing is, I have tried to write a sequel before this but somehow my mind always went blank..So,mianhae.!


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Chapter 42: loved it omg Khunnie oppa rocks
Chapter 30: I want to be lovey-dovey with khun
Chapter 29: I want nichkhun come crawling back
Saemiy #4
Chapter 42: T.T
It didnt end the way i thought and hoped to be.
But im happy for all of them.
Though i never put my self in YOU position. It is really sweet ad unpredictable one, really exciting to read your stories.

Hope you will make more 2AM fanfics^^
Saemiy #5
Chapter 35: Oh my god. This chapter is soooooo exciting. My heart was beating fast while reading.
I'll keep reading till finished
Saemiy #6
Chapter 28: This chapter is very sweet.
Omoooko. I really love the you you describe Jinwoon.
Chapter 42: This story is daebak!!! But i feel sad tho cause its not Jinwoon who she ended up with :-( kekeke
Chapter 21: Finally Jinwoon enter the scene, ive been waiting for him for ages! Lol kidd anw great story author-nim! :D
Acgoo1999 #9
Chapter 42: Love it!! Sequel is needed.. ^^
Chapter 42: I am in love with this story.....<3