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[sends photo with Kwon family]

Jisoo: I win!

Jennie: OMFG

Yoon: Is this photoshopped?

Jisoo: Shut up, Riri

[sends photo with Jung Hyeyoung]

Suhyun: I should have joined you there!

Jisoo: Still not talking to you. Hmp.

Suhyun: It was a last-minute schedule, Dara. I’m sorry…

Jisoo: Whatever

Suhyun: I’m sending you cookies tomorrow

Jisoo: Fine. You’re forgiven

Jiwon: Wait, how did this happen? I was there too!

Jisoo: Funny you asked...HE actually saw our group chat


Yoon: Well, that must be awkward

Jinwoo: What did I miss?

Jinwoo: Holy ing hell…

Jisoo: He just approached our table all of a sudden, and then he apologized for the hug during the awards show, then we took photos, I sent it here, then you guys sent replies, and he read it

Yoon: Why did you do that? Now he’ll think we’re weird

Jennie: I even sent a funny selfie! Why is this my life?

Jisoo: Relax, he actually looked sad when he realized he’s not part of this group chat

Jinwoo: That’s funny

Jisoo: I’m serious

Jisoo: You should have seen his face

Jinwoo: You’re kidding, right? The guy treated us like strangers even during the promotion of the movie. He even scheduled separate interviews from you!

Yoon: #FACTS

Suhyun: Holy hell, what if he wants to be friends with you, Dara?

Jisoo: Then so be it

Jennie: You’re too obvious

Jiwon: Oh! I know this!

Yoon: Just because you have a crush on him…

Jisoo: Excuse me! HAD a crush on him. I don’t feel that way anymore. I’m over it

Jennie: If you say so

Suhyun: Hey, when are you guys free again?

Jinwoo: I was just going to ask you that

Yoon: I need to study basic martial arts for a movie project. Please pray for me

Jinwoo: O, where are you training?

Yoon: I haven’t even started yet. Do you know a good place? It’s really hard to look for a decent trainer

Jennie: At least you have a project

Jisoo: Hey, what did we talk about negative vibes here?

Jennie: Sorry, mom

Suhyun: You’ll get that drama project, Chaerin. I’m sure of it

Jennie: Don’t make me cry, sis

Yoon: We’ll just leave the chat for a while 

Jinwoo: I’m with you there, Ri

Jiwon: Wait for me

Jisoo: Very funny, HA-HA

Jisoo: Wait, I’d like to ask something first

Suhyun: What is it, Ms. Dara Park?

Jisoo: Well, I actually told GD I’ll add him here…

Yoon: Why did you do that?

Jinwoo: You’re such a sweetheart, Dara noona

Jennie: How are we going to talk about your crush on him?

Suhyun: I really think he likes you, Dara unnie

Jisoo: What if we just make a new group chat?

Jisoo: PLEASE...I already promised him

Jinwoo: Fine. Maybe he won’t talk to us anyway

Jisoo: Be nice, Jihoon

Yoon: Be nice, Jihoon. Let me do the dirty work here.

Jisoo: You too, Seungri!

Jiwon: I’d be nice to hi

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Thank you for your kind words and for anticipating this story. I will update within the week, I just need to finish my other Daragon story first. Thanks again!


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Chapter 15: Authornim please comeback 😭
Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #2
Chapter 15: Please don't abandoned this story authornim 🙏❤️🙏
jonangee #3
Chapter 15: Wooooooo. Moooooreee
Chapter 15: Wow, this story is good and very promising. Thank God I stumbled upon this story. A lovely disaster indeed ;) I do hope you still continue this story
Chapter 15: Hello. I'm here again rereading this story. Authornim please do not abandon this story. We will wait for your update. In the meantime, I hope you are doing well and stay safe ❤
This is good. Authornim please do not abandon this story ?
Radish102715 #7
Chapter 15: I love this.. Authornim please update jueseyo..
Unixai21 #8
Chapter 15: Woah.. Please update authornim..
Chapter 15: thank you for the double update ?
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update! I really missed this ❤️