With YOO, IM alive
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"Na..yeon...W-Why does this...I wate thwat That I wuV u." Wait for what??! My eyes widened and I looked towards him and found out he was still sleeping.


Chapter 3

"Huh?" Did I hear that right? Does he love me? As I pinch my cheeks hoping this isn't a dream. It isn't one! I sequel waking Jeongyeon up.

"Oh~Nayeonie~ Why you shoawting" he slurred. His really drunk. I took my phone out and started recording him. Knowing drunk people are the most honest.

"So~Jeongyeon who is the person you loved the most?" I asked.

"Oh! That's Will be Eazy, Nayeon—" I couldn't help but smile at the answer. I'm lucky that I'm recording this.

"—...But S-she...—" He said as tears started building upon his eyes.

"—Betrayed me. Does she not know that house was my only home? Does she not know how long does it take for a single human being to build a house with a small budget. Does she not know that home was the one I wanted for my family in the future. That's the house I wanted for my future wife...Nayeon. I really loved her. But I guess we aren't really for each other. "

"We just became friends an I'm already crushing on her ever since I met her and been loving her on the second day. But when she betrayed me by selling the house I don't know. Id-don't know who to trust except family. But family sometimes betrays you."

"Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for is standing behind the trigger," Jeongyeon added as he went back to sleeping with tears flowing down his eyes.

"I'm S-Sorry," I said before dropping on my knees. "Jeongyeon—I-I'm Sorry-"

All this time I thought I was living a nightmare but his life was total hell.  "Jeongyeon...I-I'm sorry..." I said before going out.


3rd Person's POV

The next morning Jeongyeon woke up with a headache after his hangover.

He can't believe he drank so much soju even though he can only have 1 bottle.

He looked under his table and took the bottles left there. As he went out he saw someone cooking.

It literally smelled like something is burning. He quickly rushed to the kitchen and looked at the pan. Kobe beef turned into a rock...

"What the?!—" he looked at the person cooking it and saw that it was Nayeon. "—Nayeon! Don't cook if you don't know-how. Especially don't use this kind of beef for your cooking!" Jeongyeon scolded Nayeon.

"But...I thought it would taste good." Jeongyeon looked at Nayeon's hands seeing bandages all over it. "If you don't like it then I'll throw i—"

"—I'll eat it," Jeongyeon said as he Grabbed the pan and placed the beef over a plate.

"Jeongyeon!? Jeongyeon you don't have to eat it! It might a stomach ache!" Nayeon argued.

Jeongyeon just ignored all of Nayeon's Warning and

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Author-nim Here. Originally known as Prince_Kyung-wan in wattpad, here to present my first ever fanfic since I joined the fandom.


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