Chapter 5

A Tale of Two Brothers

Something about landing in Berlin again filled Dongmyeong with a sense of fear. He had always avoided Berlin when he was a werewolf hunter, knowing that it was a city that was off limits unless someone was really needed. He had known that werewolf hunters do live in the city though, but he never interacted with the others, feeling no need to unless it was really necessary.

Frankly Xion was excited to be back in Berlin, that meant he got to see Jinhyuk again. He knew this wasn't their final destination however, as they were headed to Austria next, where Yohan had decided to have his pack reside in. He was on pretty good terms with the werewolves that controlled Berlin, having worked with the members of Chanwoo's pack before when helping find blood dens. He was feeling pretty good about this, and hoped they could get to the bottom of what was happening soon.

Hwanhee was being the leader of the group like he usually was, though being in Berlin again brought a sense of home. It was odd, because he never lived in Berlin, or Europe in general as he grew up in the states, but he was okay with it. He felt the most at peace here, and knew that the peace was keeping the twins in line. They looked up to him, and Hwanhee was sure that they kept their relaxed postures because he was relaxed here. It didn't mean that he wasn't homesick however, but that was a different matter entirely that he couldn't really explain to the twins until they found their mates and ended up going away for missions.



Jinhyuk looked up when the door chimed, and a grin appeared on his face as he recognized the new faces. "Hey you three!" He said, waving. Hwanhee grinned in return. "Yo," he said. "The usual?" Asked Jinhyuk, knowing that chatting would come later, when Seungwoo stopped by to get them. "Sure," said Hwanhee as he went to pay for the drinks. Xion had already gone to sit down with Dongmyeong at one of the comfortable couches to wait for Seungwoo. Jinhyuk nodded and processed the order before handing back the change and handing the cups over to Dami and Sanha. Hwanhee nodded to Jinhyuk before going to go sit down with the twins, sitting across from them and doing something on his phone.

"Good to see you again," said Jinhwan as he walked over with their drinks. "Hey Jinhwan," said Xion as he nodded. "Hello Jinhwan," said Hwanhee as he nodded. Dongmyeong nodded in greeting, already tired from the journey.

"Who asked for you three?" Asked Jinhwan. "Wooseok," said Hwanhee. "Apparently where they decided to set up was having problems with vampires," he said. "Wooseok contacted me directly to ask for help," he said. "Do you think you'll need any more help?" Asked Jinhwan. "Probably not," said Hwanhee as he looked at the twins. "These two can handle things themselves, this isn't their first international mission," he said. Jinhwan nodded and went back to the counter to get the other orders.

Seungwoo entered the coffee shop a few hours later, and Jinhyuk greeted him. "Hello," said Jinhyuk. "The usual?" He asked. "Sure," said Seungwoo as he went to pay for it. Jinhyuk processed the order and handed back the change, nodding to where Hwanhee and the twins were sitting. "It'll be a few minutes," he said. Seungwoo inclined his head before turning and spotting Hwanhee. He walked over, sitting beside Hwanhee and catching their attention.

"So what are we dealing with?" Asked Hwanhee as he put his phone in his pocket. "A rather large coven of vampires are occupying the nearby town," said Seungwoo. "Now, this wouldn't be a problem if they didn't start any problems with us," he said. "Wooseok is nearly at his wits end trying to keep the others from being too reckless," he said. "The youngest want to fight but he hasn't even started changing yet," he said.

"Stupidity won't do you good," Dongmyeong said suddenly. "He's the youngest but if he gets himself killed because he thinks he can do it without proper training he's stupid," he said. "What does the alpha and his beta think?" He asked. Seungwoo blinked, taken aback by the sudden harsh tone from Dongmyeong before shaking his head. "They don't want anything to do with the vampires," he said.

"So you called us to get rid of the problem?" Asked Xion as he tilted his head to the side. "If possible," said Seungwoo. "None of the pack except for Wooseok has had any vampire hunting training," he said. "I've had my run ins but more due to other reasons," he said.

"How many are there?" Asked Hwanhee. "10," said Seungwoo. "That's a lot of bounties to collect," hummed Dongmyeong as he looked thoughtful. "Always thinking of money eh?" Xion asked with a snort. "I'm too used to working alone, sue me," grumbled Dongmyeong.

"We'll do it," said Hwanhee as he changed the subject. "Not just for the bounties, but to keep the peace," he said. "I think the possibility of a blood den might be included," said Xion as he looked between his brother and Hwanhee. "I think so too," said Dongmyeong. "If there's a coven that large they can't just be drinking from the humans in town, they'd get noticed pretty quickly," he said.

Seungwoo observed the way the twins acted around Hwanhee. There was an obvious leader in Hwanhee, but in terms of experience it seemed that that title belonged to Dongmyeong. Hwanhee seemed to make the final decisions while the twins gave in their input, coming up with a strategy that would work given the situation. Now he knew why Wooseok gave the suggestion for these three. Despite the apparent gap in skill the three worked well together, and that made Seungwoo be more sure of what was to come.

Seungwoo was brought out of his thoughts when Hwanhee waved a hand in front of his face. "Sorry, what?" Asked Seungwoo. "When are we leaving?" Asked Hwanhee. "Ah, whenever you feel the need to leave," said Seungwoo. "They're holding out the best they can but it's best to leave as soon as possible," he added. Hwanhee looked at the twins, an eyebrow raising in question. "We can go now," said Dongmyeong. "The travel will allow me to get some more sleep at least," Xion said with a shake of his head. "It's settled then," said Hwanhee. "We'll go now," he said. "Now it is then," said Seungwoo as he stood.

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Epilogue. And that's all folks~! I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Also, yes. The new fox is Xion!


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