Chapter 2

A Tale of Two Brothers

The drive to Boston was filled with silence, Dongmyeong sitting in the passenger seat as Xion just wanted to lay down in the backseat and try to sleep. Dongmyeong was wide awake for most of the journey, letting Xion finally get some sleep.

"What did they say?" Asked Dongmyeong. "There's going to be an investigation into the matter," said Hwanhee. "Why? Xion didn't do it," said Dongmyeong. "We have no proof of that," said Hwanhee. "We weren't there when it happened," he said. "I want to prove that he's innocent too but there's not much we can do," he said. "I just... I just want him to be okay," mumbled Dongmyeong. "I mean, we're twins but he's the younger twin," he said.

"You two are the youngest in the pack," hummed Hwanhee. "But I know where you're coming from," he said. "We can only hope they don't arrest him on the spot when we arrive in Boston," he muttered, gripping onto the steering wheel. "Do the others know yet?" Asked Dongmyeong. "Not everyone," said Hwanhee. "But Xiao had to be informed, in case we end up staying for more than a couple days due to the case," he said.

"From what it looked like it could've been a blood den," said Dongmyeong. "Even though that was my first one, it looked like what I've been told anyway," he said. "That's true," said Hwanhee. "But we won't know for sure until we reach Boston," he said.



When they reached Boston, Hwanhee asked if he could stay at Joshua's pack house since it was late at night when they arrived, and Joshua gave the three a spare room for the night. Xion was wide awake again, huffing as he set up on the floor.

"At least you got a few hours of sleep this time," said Hwanhee. "That's true, I guess," said Xion as he nodded. "But how long will it be before we head home?" He asked. "It won't be for a while," said Hwanhee. "There's still some stuff we need to sort out before we head back," he added.

"Does it have to do with what I apparently did?" Asked Xion. "Yeah," Hwanhee said, sighing. "But hopefully nothing will happen," he said. "They can't prove you did it," he said. "At least, not without substantial proof," he added. "From what I saw myself, I think you came upon the aftermath," he said. "Or something similar," he said. "I dunno, there's many theories," he said.

"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble," mumbled Xion. "Hey, it's not your fault," said Hwanhee. "We didn't know this would happen," he said. "Jinwook's not going to be happy, but it's only because we haven't seen each other in months," he said, chuckling slightly to lighten the atmosphere. Xion managed a small chuckle at that.

"Whatever happens tomorrow, just know we're not leaving without you," said Dongmyeong as he turned to look at Xion from his bed. "Well, I'm not," he added. "I'm not either, even if I have to have Jinwook drive up here," said Hwanhee. "I don't think you did it," he said. "There's nothing to go off on," he said. "I guess," said Xion.



The next morning everyone headed down to the bank to turn in their missions, and Xion was taken aside for questioning, and they noticed that Mashiho himself stopped by.

"What's the verdict?" Asked Hwanhee as he looked concerned. "Not guilty, but we would like to know what happened," said Mashiho. "Apparently you stumbled upon a blood den," he said. "We had a team search around the house and found evidence of more humans, it looks like they were moved before you arrived though," he said. "I see," said Xion.

"Would you like to come in for questioning? You're not in trouble," said Mashiho. "I guess," said Xion. "I'd like to learn more about what happened," he said. "It won't take more than an hour," said Mashiho as he looked at Hwanhee and Dongmyeong. "Sure, take your time," said Hwanhee. Dongmyeong nodded. Mashiho nodded and motioned for Xion to follow him to a room before leaving. Xion followed after him.

Once they were somewhere more private Mashiho sat down at a table while Xion sat across from him, resting his hands on the table as he stared at them. "Now, I just want you to tell me what happened that night," said Mashiho. "I don't remember very much," said Xion as he scratched the back of his head. "Just recall what you can," said Mashiho.

Xion let out a deep breath before looking up at Mashiho. "It was like any normal day," he said. "We were on our last missions and Dongmyeong offered to take the last kill with Hwanhee as backup so I can get some sleep," he said. "They went off on their missions and I got probably like an hour of what I call sleep," he said. "But really I just blank out and then come to, usually about an hour later," he added. Mashiho nodded for him to continue when Xion fell silent.

"When I came to I found myself in a random person's house with blood everywhere," Xion said after a minute of gathering his thoughts. "I just saw one body and panicked," he said. "I didn't know if I did it or not, I just called my brother," he said. "They came to me and Hwanhee called for a clean up before we left and headed here," he said. Mashiho hummed, nodding in thought.

"What did you find?" Asked Xion. "It was a blood den," said Mashiho. "And if you had attacked them we would've seen worse carnage than what we saw," he said. "I mean, you would've had to change or something," he added. "No slash marks, but the blood was tainted, so there were marked humans," he said. "If you had managed to scratch them before coming to we would've smelled it coming off the human, as their DNA would've started changing," he said. "But we didn't," he added. "So you didn't do it," he said.

"Thank god," said Xion. "But what it doesn't explain is why I was covered in blood," he said. "We found ashes belonging to vampires, it looked like they were finishing off a feast," said Mashiho. "Probably stayed around there to make sure no one snooped around when you showed up," he added. "So you got the bounty for their kills, their items were recovered," he said. "Okay," said Xion.

"Is there anything else?" Asked Mashiho as he studied Xion. "No," said Xion as he shook his head. "Alright, let's take you back to your group then," said Mashiho as he stood. Xion got up and followed him back to where Dongmyeong and Hwanhee were waiting.

"Well," said Hwanhee. "We'll go and pack up then," he said. "We'll head home after that," he said. "Have a safe trip," said Mashiho. Xion nodded and went to wait outside the bank for them. Dongmyeong and Hwanhee were about to follow after him but were stopped by Mashiho.

"I suggest keeping a closer eye on him," said Mashiho. "Things aren't as they seem," he said before turning and walking away. Dongmyeong and Hwanhee blink before nodding to each other. They needed to keep a closer eye on the youngest of their pack. Something had definitely changed in Xion, and they weren't sure what.

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Epilogue. And that's all folks~! I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Also, yes. The new fox is Xion!


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