Chapter 9

A Tale of Two Brothers

"What did Wooseok say to Jinhyuk anyway?" Asked Xion as he turned to Dongmyeong. "It's nothing I should disclose," said Dongmyeong as he looked up at the ceiling of the gazebo. They had gotten home a couple days ago, and though everyone was happy to see them back the twins had mostly kept to themselves.

"I know you were listening in on their conversation though," said Xion as he blinked. "And I'd like to give them that sense of privacy," said Dongmyeong. "I don't think it's wise to talk about what they said," he said. "It didn't end as badly as you think though," he added. "It's just something they'd work out on their own I'd suppose," he said. "I see," said Xion.



"Did you two not sleep in your room last night?" Asked Sunyoul as he stepped outside and spotted Xion and Dongmyeong in their usual spot. "No," said Xion as he shrugged. "We were comfortable don't worry," said Dongmyeong as he opened his eyes, sitting up and turning to look at Sunyoul.

"You two've been keeping to yourselves," remarked Sunyoul. "I know, it's because you're brothers but at least try and interact with the others?" He asked. "I'm used to being alone," said Dongmyeong as he sighed. "That and I'm not used to being in a pack," he said. "I'll try though," he added. "That's all we ask for," said Sunyoul.

"Xiao need help with breakfast?" Asked Xion. Sunyoul nodded. "It's why I came out to find you," said Sunyoul. "Alright," said Xion as he got up and headed inside.

"How are you doing, really?" Asked Sunyoul as he turned to Dongmyeong. "I'm fine," said Dongmyeong as he got up. "I'm a bit off put by being in a pack again, but I'll get used to it," he said. "Too used to being alone?" Asked Sunyoul. "Just a bit," said Dongmyeong. "There's something about my past that has me rather... Hesitant with being in a pack though," he said. "Maybe I'll talk about it soon, who knows," he said, walking passed Sunyoul and heading back inside.

"How was the trip?" Asked Gunhak as Dongmyeong sat beside him. "It went fine," said Dongmyeong. "No mishaps this time, thank goodness," said Hwanhee as he entered the kitchen to grab his cup of coffee. "That's good," said Xiao as he focused on cooking while Xion helped out.

"Any visits while we were gone?" Asked Hwanhee. "Just Mashiho stopping by to say that Xion was cleared of the murder charges," said Xiao. "They sent Kuhn and Gyujin to make sure that it really was a blood den," he added. "So they came back with Mashiho to report that it was indeed a blood den," he said.

"It's funny, you guys might get sent out again," said Hwanhee. "Or the other werewolves," he added. "We found a blood den in Yohan's territory," he said. "Xion says they were moved, and I had to report that," he said. "Damn, we never get breaks do we?" Asked Gunhak. "Hwanwoong was sent out with Youngjo, Gyujin and Kuhn just last week," he added. "Did he say where?" Asked Xion. "Austria," said Gunhak. "Ironic huh? No wonder Wooseok needed to head to Berlin with us," Dongmyeong said with a chuckle.

"How is Wooseok doing?" Asked Sunyoul. "Fine," said Hwanhee as he nodded. "He seems to finally confessed his not-so-secret crush on his best friend," he said. "Took him long enough," Jinwook said with a snort. "How'd that go?" He asked. "Not so well, at least I assume so," said Hwanhee. "Everyone didn't listen in on the conversation," he added.

"At least, not everyone," said Dongmyeong. "But I'm not going to disclose what they said to each other," he added. "I can safely say that they're working things out though," he said. "The only reason it seemed as bad as it was was because of both their expressions," he said.

"Could you really hear their conversation though?" Asked Xion as he and Xiao put breakfast on the table for everyone. "I'm a tracker, I'm supposed to look out for these kinds of things, my hearing is actually really sharp if I concentrate enough," said Dongmyeong. "Explains why you were only pretending to sleep," said Hwanhee. "I'm surprised you weren't called out on it when we were there," he hummed. "I can put up a good front, sue me," said Dongmyeong as Xion came over with their plates and sat down. Everyone started eating, sitting in silence for most of it.

"You two gonna sleep in your own room tonight?" Asked Sunyoul as he turned to the twins. "Maybe," said Dongmyeong. "If I can will my body to sleep, sure," said Xion. "It would also mean that I'm stuck awake," Dongmyeong said with a sigh. "Hey, at least you can be wide awake for once," said Xion. "Mm," said Dongmyeong. "Outside of missions anyway," he added.

"Have you been outside every night ever since you two got back?" Asked Hwanhee as he blinked in surprise. "We were in our room the first few nights," said Xion. "But yesterday we couldn't really sleep so late night talks," he said. "Well, more like Xion kept tossing and turning and I was tired but my body didn't want to sleep," said Dongmyeong. "Our body clocks are still adjusting, I understand how that is," said Hwanhee.



After breakfast Dongmyeong decided to take a walk, going in a random direction north of the property and into the forest. He took his phone with him in case he was needed, but he was sure they didn't need him unless it was really important. Back when he had been with another pack he was always doing this, just roaming the forests outside their property. He felt wide awake for once, and figured that Xion's body finally gave in and let him sleep.

"It's strange," he hummed to himself as he came upon a pond. "Being in a new pack as trusting as this," he mused, picking up a rock and skipping it across the water. "I'm still used to being a werewolf hunter it seems," he hummed as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe it's due to the fact that I can't do anything even if I wanted, this is my brother's pack after all, I don't want to take that away from him," he mused, tilting his head to the side as he watched the reflections of the occasional cloud go over the water.

His musings were interrupted by footsteps and Dongmyeong turned to them, spotting a lone fox come to the pond for a drink. "I really need to stop being so tense," he breathed out as he looked up at the sky. It was just a normal fox, and Gyujin was over in Europe. No known shapeshifting foxes came to their territory anyway, they were mostly in Europe or up north.

His attention was diverted to the fox again as he watched it leave, though it did stop to look at him before returning to where ever it came from. "Bye little guy," he said, chuckling softly before turning back to the pond and picking up a rock, skipping it across the water.

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Epilogue. And that's all folks~! I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Also, yes. The new fox is Xion!


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