Chapter 4

A Tale of Two Brothers

"Xion," said Dongmyeong as they sat outside for a late night talk session. "What's up?" Asked Xion. "Why don't you use your real name anymore?" Asked Dongmyeong. "I dunno," said Xion. "I never really thought of why I changed my name," he said. "But I guess it's to get away from what had happened, I just put it behind me you know?" He asked. Dongmyeong nodded. "That makes sense, yeah," he said.

Hwanwoong stepped outside and closed the back door, immediately going to his recliner and sitting down, sighing as he did so. "Nightmares?" Asked Xion. "I just couldn't sleep," said Hwanwoong. "You comfortable over there Dongmyeong?" He asked. Dongmyeong hummed, nodding in response as he opened his eyes, turning his head to look at Hwanwoong from his position on the loveseat. "I'm fine," he said. "Could use one of the other recliners," said Xion. "Nah, leave them for whenever Jinhyuk or Wooseok come visit again," said Dongmyeong.

"When are they coming for a visit do you know?" Asked Xion. "No," said Hwanwoong. "They haven't given any indication of coming back for a visit, at least, anytime soon," he said. "Xiao says that Wooseok is doing quite well with the new pack though, it certainly took a huge load off his shoulders and let him relax," he said. "I heard that Jinhyuk was looking for a pack," said Xion. "But I dunno if he's going to find one, he doesn't want to leave his brother behind," he said.

"I wonder if we'll be sent to Europe next?" Asked Dongmyeong. "Wasn't that where you were before Byungchan found you?" Asked Xion. Dongmyeong nodded. "It was," he said. "And we went there again, because Hwanhee wanted to check on Wooseok after he left," he said. "Right," said Xion. "I remember that," he said. "That was right after we rejoined wasn't it?" Hummed Hwanwoong.



Their conversation was interrupted by Hwanhee as he stepped outside, sighing as he spotted them. "Okay," was all he said as he shook his head before heading back inside. Xion took that as a sign that Xiao wanted him to help with breakfast so he got up and headed inside. Hwanwoong was left to wake up Dongmyeong who had fallen asleep and helped him inside, bringing him to the kitchen to sit down before going to get ready for the day.

"Rough night?" Asked Xiao as he looked at Dongmyeong before turning back to the stove. "Nah, just Dongmyeong's narcolepsy," said Xion as he sighed, helping Xiao with breakfast. "I can't help it you know that," Dongmyeong grumbled from where he sat, with arms crossed on the kitchen island as he leaned against it. "Have you gotten any sleep since you got back?" Asked Xiao as he turned to Xion with a worried expression. "No, but I'm used to it," said Xion as he sighed again.

"I hate to cut our vacation short," said Hwanhee as he entered the kitchen after getting dressed for the day. "We're needed," he said. "Where?" Asked Dongmyeong as he perked up, sitting up immediately. Xion blinked, shaking his head to stay awake as a sudden drowsiness took over. "God damn it," he said. "Sorry," said Dongmyeong. "Go sit down," said Xiao. "I got breakfast," he said. Xion nodded and went to sit beside his brother. Hwanhee stood across from them, leaning against the counter as he gathered his thoughts.

"So, we're needed in Europe again," he said. "Apparently Wooseok's territory is dealing with some particularly violent vampires," he said. "Yohan himself had contacted us, since Wooseok said we'd be good for the job," he said. "When are we leaving?" Asked Dongmyeong. "As soon as possible," said Hwanhee.

"We can go now," said Xion as he nodded. "Might as well right?" He asked. "After breakfast," said Xiao. "You guys need to book flights and stuff," he said. "I already did, but it won't be for another few hours," said Hwanhee. "So we can eat and pack up before heading to the airport," he said.

Everyone came into the kitchen for breakfast, and everyone took note of Hwanhee's serious expression. "You're being sent out again huh?" Asked Gyujin. "Yes," Hwanhee said, sighing. "I wish we could stay longer but this was important," he said. "Who asked for you?" Asked Gyujin. "Wooseok and his new pack," said Hwanhee. "Ah," said Gyujin.

"Tell them we said hi yeah?" Asked Xiao. "Maybe one day they will come for a visit," he said. "Maybe," said Hwanhee. "That's up to Yohan," he said. "He is their pack leader," hummed Xion.

"Maybe when things calm down for them it'll be the perfect time for them to come visit," said Xiao. "Maybe," said Gyujin. "It won't be everyone though, probably just Wooseok and Seungwoo," he said. "Of course," said Xiao. "I don't think it'd be wise for Yohan to leave his pack to their own devices," he said.



After breakfast Xion was the one to pack for himself and Dongmyeong since Dongmyeong would most likely be awake for the entire plane trip. Dongmyeong was back to being lethargic, but he knew it would pass as soon as they were traveling. Gyujin was going to be the one to drop them off, since he and Kuhn were sent out to find more blood dens so he tried to be quick about it.

"The trackers are being put to work like usual," remarked Xion as Gyujin drove them to the airport. "Are you that surprised though?" Asked Kuhn. "No, not really," said Hwanhee. "Good luck, and stay safe," he said. "Yeah, you too," said Gyujin.

"Good luck then," said Kuhn as they stopped in front of the airport terminal. "Yeah," said Hwanhee as he got out with Xion and Dongmyeong. "Stay safe," he said to them, patting the truck before stepping back. Kuhn waved as Gyujin drove off, heading to wherever they needed to be. Hwanhee, Xion and Dongmyeong headed into the airport terminal and got checked in and through security before heading to their gate to unwind for the next hour or so before their flight.

"I can already feel myself getting tired, are you really that excited for this flight?" Asked Xion as he turned to Dongmyeong. "It's first class, I've never flown first class before," said Dongmyeong. "I always flew economy," he said. "Miles my friend, they help a lot," Hwanhee said with a chuckle. "We could've gone to the lounge but I see no point," he said. "We're stopping at JFK for a layaway anyway, we can go to a lounge there," he said. "Cool," said Dongmyeong.

"We'll take economy up to JFK then we'll take first class to Berlin, where Seungwoo said he'd meet us," said Hwanhee. "Wooseok would come himself but Yohan needs him to keep the pack in line," he said. "Wooseok may be no more than an advisor but Yohan's still new at this," he said.

"Let's hope we can get to the bottom of this problem," said Xion. "Yeah," said Hwanhee as he nodded. "We will," said Dongmyeong. "Even if we have to kill everyone that is a vampire," he said.

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Epilogue. And that's all folks~! I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Also, yes. The new fox is Xion!


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